Gu Yue's successive distress made Zhou Sicheng's emotions tense.

Originally thought that with Liang Chen watching over him and bodyguards guarding him in the hospital, nothing would happen again. Unexpectedly, another nurse wanted to inject Gu Yue with something inexplicable.

At this time, his nerves were tense, and while he was terrified, he also made up his mind to investigate this matter thoroughly.

He can't continue to let people who are dangerous to Gu Yue exist.

I wanted to deal with it myself, but suddenly I couldn't say it.Leaning in his arms, she said softly, "Okay, I will leave everything to you. I believe you will handle everything well."


In the hut next to the hospital mortuary, Zhou Sicheng sat on a chair and looked coldly at the woman kneeling on the ground. There was no emotion in his eyes, and his voice seemed to be frozen, "Speak."

The woman kneeling on the ground was still wearing a nurse's uniform, and her trembling appearance seemed to be extremely terrified.

She looked up at Zhou Sicheng, then immediately lowered her head and said, "I...I don't know what you asked me to say."

"I don't know? Then do you know what's in the injection you gave my wife?"

"I, I don't know, it's the medicine prescribed by the doctor..."

"Really?" Zhou Sicheng smiled instead of anger, picked up the syringe through the plastic bag, "Then I'll give you an injection, and you'll know what it is."

"No, no!"

The nurse screamed sharply, and kept stepping back.But this room was already narrow, and there were many people standing there.She just stepped back a few times, and there was nowhere to go.

Her face was full of tears, and she cried, "I don't even know what's inside, you can't do this to me..."

"Since you don't know what's inside, what are you afraid of?"

"I..." The nurse was trembling and couldn't finish her sentence.

After testing, there is a small amount of cyanide/chloride/potassium in the needle tube.Although it is a small amount, it is enough to kill one person.

Thinking of Gu Yue's life being threatened, Zhou Sicheng's anger could not be contained at all.All the gentlemen's education of the noble son had long been forgotten, and he stood up and wanted to do something to the nurse.

At this time, Liang Chen stopped him, and gave him a calm look.

Then he went to the nurse and squatted down, and said with a smile, "Did you see his attitude? He is irritable and irritable. If you continue like this and don't say anything, there is no guarantee that he will do anything to you."

As he spoke, he lifted the nurse's face with his index finger, and said something more terrifying than force in a smiling voice, "It would be a pity if such a beautiful little face was scratched."

There is no woman who does not love beauty. Hearing this sentence, the nurse immediately changed her face.She cried even harder, and the whole person shrank into a ball.

Liang Chen was still smiling, "We don't make it difficult for you, we know that you are also being used by others. As long as you tell who gave you this needle and let you attack Gu Yue, we will let you go."


"of course."

When the nurse heard this, bright colors appeared in her eyes, and she stammered, "I'm actually a clerk in a pet store. Suddenly a woman came to the store this morning and gave me a needle, asking me to go to the hospital to give it to the patient in that ward." injection."

Speaking of this, she tugged Liang Chen's arm and said, "Other than that, I don't know anything else. I'm also innocent. I don't even know what's inside!"

"Okay, you are innocent, so tell me, is that woman her?" Liang Chen took out his phone, and there was a picture of Chen Fangfang on the screen.

"Yes, that's her, that's what she made me do."

"Okay." Liang Chen nodded, stood up and said to Lu Nan beside him, "Send her to the police station."

"No! You said you would let me go! And I don't know what's in there, I'm not wrong..."

Facing the nurse's hysterical yelling, Liang Chen still had a smile on his face, "I did let you go, don't you see how terrible punishment you will face if you stay here? Let the law punish you, that is Let you go."

"But...but I have no idea what's in it..."

Seeing her tearful eyes, Liang Chen nodded again, "I believe you may not know what's inside, but do you know that there's something wrong with it?

A strange woman who suddenly appeared and offered you a large sum of money to inject an innocent person, couldn't you imagine what would be inside?Tsk, people's hearts are really dirty. "

The woman dragged out by the bodyguards was still crying, but Liang Chen didn't bother to pay attention.

He turned to look at Zhou Sicheng who was sitting on the chair and said, "The matter is very clear, everything was designed by Chen Fangfang, what are you going to do?"

How to do?
Because Chen Fangfang harmed Gu Yue at the wedding, Zhou Sicheng threw Chen Fangfang abroad, but did not expect Chen Fangfang to be brought back by Mi Yuanzheng.

He didn't want Zhou Sicheng to keep looking for opportunities because of the bad relationship between Chen Fangfang and the Mi family, but he didn't want Chen Fangfang's behavior to become more vicious every time.

Squinting his eyes, he said coldly, "Chen Fangfang can't stay, otherwise something big will happen."

"Indeed, but she is Mi Yuanzheng's nominal girlfriend after all. If you target her directly, it may affect the economic relationship between the two families."

"It's not important anymore."

In the past, commercial interests were the most important thing, so Chen Fangfang was let off again and again, and Gu Yue was put in danger again and again.This time, he could not continue to make concessions like this, let alone allow similar things to happen again.

"Actually, I think you can choose to contact Mi Zihong." Liang Chen did not continue to lobby him, but turned around, "It is certain that Mi Zihong does not want Chen Fangfang and Mi Yuan to be together. If Mi Zihong Come forward and drive Chen Fangfang out of Mi's house, and if you act again, things will be much easier."


When Zhou Sicheng returned home, Gu Yue was still sleeping.

During this period of time, she couldn't move around due to a sprained ankle. She basically lay in bed every day and slept soundly. After sleeping for a long time, she became more and more sleepy, and her daily sleep became longer and longer.

The man walked over, pinched her nose, and said softly, "Little lazy pig, it's time to get up."

When someone pinched his nose in his sleep, Gu Yue slapped his hand away dissatisfied, turned over and said in a daze, "Don't make trouble, I still want to sleep."

He looked down at her confused and cute appearance, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, and his belief in protecting her became firmer, "If you sleep any more, you will really become a little chubby pig. At that time, you have to How long will it take to get back to my current good figure?"

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