Yang Yue's voice also softened, "So you came to the show today to expose their true colors?"

"I was on the show because I just wanted to get justice for myself. He Ziyu and Su Xiran ruined my family and even lost my right to be a mother. How can they live with peace of mind!"

It has to be said that after these words were spoken, most of the people on the field were already full of sympathy for Wang Qin, while they were full of disgust for Su Xiran and He Ziyu.

When the whole episode of the program is broadcast, the news caused by Su Xiran will become more fermented.

Just as Su Xiran was about to speak, Yang Yue said unhurriedly, "Miss Wang, but what you said are all your own opinions, without any evidence."

"I lost my child. There are medical records in the hospital, showing that the child was aborted due to external force..."

"You're talking nonsense!" Su Xiran panicked and wanted to interrupt Wang Qin.

But as soon as these three words were uttered, someone in the audience suddenly said, "Xi Ran, that's enough, don't say any more. We have indeed done something to Wang Qin, and we should pay it back now."

Gu Yue, who had been watching with relish, was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously turned his head to look over.

It was found that He Ziyu stood up.

She raised her eyebrows, and bumped Zhou Sicheng with her elbow, "You arranged this too?"

"If he wants me to add more funds to He's, then he will naturally have to do things that are good for me." Zhou Sicheng said lightly.

"Just helping the He family like this is really giving him a cheap price."

"It's just fattening."

No, it is fattening.

Gu Yue frowned, glanced at the man beside him, and realized it instantly.

Zhou Sicheng is known as a genius in business, not for nothing.His helping the He family not only became an important evidence for He Ziyu to identify Su Xiran, but more importantly, he restored the He family to a certain extent.

Afterwards, he made a move to acquire He's, which did no harm to FZ Baili.

Thinking of her, she couldn't help curling her lips, this man is really too shrewd!

When she was thinking, He Ziyu had already walked towards the stage, and facing his sudden attack, the audience was full of astonishment, but the staff did not respond at all.

Especially Yang Yue, with a very indifferent expression on his face, obviously very clear that such a thing will happen.

He Ziyu walked to the stage.

Seeing him, Su Xiran felt a little uneasy, "Ziyu, we are friends, you can't help others to frame me just because I rejected your marriage proposal, because of love and hatred..."

He Ziyu glanced at her, did not speak, but walked in front of Wang Qin, knelt down on one knee, "Wang Qin, I was obsessed with ghosts at the time, and I was attracted by Su Xiran and hurt you, please forgive me, please? "

Wang Qin's anger reached its peak after seeing He Ziyu, she raised her hand and slapped him.

With so much strength, she directly slapped He Ziyu's face away, and at the same time, her tears fell even more violently, "He Ziyu, now you admit that you have an affair with her? Am I talking nonsense?"

"Wang Qin, I'm the one who's sorry for you. I don't want to say more about the reason. It's all my fault. Give me a chance to make it up to you, okay?"

When Wang Qin heard that sentence, her eyes became a little dazed, and then she sneered, "Compensation? What do you give me as compensation? I treated you with all my heart and soul, but you cheated on other women and watched helplessly. Let her kill the child in my womb!"

Su Xiran sat limply on the chair, not knowing what to do.

He Ziyu was heartbroken, "Wang Qin, you are right to hate me, and I also hate myself for betraying you... But if there is something, let's go back and talk about it?"

"You still favor her!"

Wang Qin pointed at Su Xiran, feeling extremely sad and angry, "During the time I fell in love with you, how good I was to you was how cruel you were to me! I broke the adultery between you and Su Xiran , you let Su Xiran ruin the Wang family and me! He Ziyu, are you still human!"

Without waiting for He Ziyu to say anything, Su Xiran said, "Miss Wang, if there is any problem between you, please solve it yourself. Don't bring me along, Ziyu and I are innocent!"

"Innocent?" Wang Qin looked over coldly, but it was He Ziyu who said, "He Ziyu, didn't you say you're sorry for me and want to make up for me? Then you have to produce evidence to prove the adultery between you and Su Xiran !"

Su Xiran's eyes widened, "You..."

"Xi Ran, I'm sorry, this time, I can no longer protect you. I owe Wang Qin too much, and this time I have to make up for it." He Ziyu said as he took out his phone, unlocked it, and opened the photo album. The chat records between Xi Ran and me, and some intimate photos. We have never been ordinary friends, crossed the bottom line, and hurt too many people."

As the phone was lifted up, Yang Yue picked it up naturally, and then some pictures were scrolled on the big screen immediately.Most of them are the chat records of He Ziyu and Su Xiran, as well as some group photos.

The scale is not large, but everyone can see that it is not the scale that ordinary friends would have.Only men and women in love can have this state, and naturally they cannot be called love.

It can only be said that Su Xiran got involved in the relationship between He Ziyu and Wang Qin at that time.

With such a certainty, no matter how eloquent Su Xiran is, she has no way to refute it.

Gu Yue looked at Su Xiran with a stiff face, then looked at Zhou Sicheng again, "It looks so pitiful, does it arouse your sympathy, do you want to help her?"

"If I help her, I'll offend Mrs. Zhou. Why should I be thankless?" He looked down at her with a smile on his face.

The two looked at each other as if no one else was there, and there was a deep love in each other's eyes.As for the chaos around him, he has no interest in paying attention to the scene that is already like a farce.

At this point in the program, the original effect has actually been lost, but the photographer did not stop shooting.

Wang Qin's accusation was originally just a family statement. Although it aroused everyone's sympathy, it was not enough to crucify the matter.But when He Ziyu stood up, the whole thing turned upside down.

Especially when he took out his mobile phone, Su Xiran didn't even have a chance to refute, and everything became obvious.

Just when she was completely at a loss, an indifferent voice sounded, "Enough!"

Mrs. Zhou came out with a gloomy face and cold anger in her eyes.

When Su Xiran saw her, she looked panic-stricken, like a child seeing her mother.Tears fell down even more, full of panic.

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