"Auntie, Chang Hao and I have carefully examined each other's feelings. But..." Su Xiran suddenly interrupted, her eyes drifted towards Gu Yue unconsciously, she seemed a little hesitant to speak.

Mrs. Zhou frowned, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"Xi Ran, we don't know the specific situation yet. It would be inappropriate if there is a misunderstanding between Yue Yue and Si Cheng." Gu Changhao patted Su Xi Ran on the shoulder, "And they are going to get married soon , I believe they are also deliberate, so let's not talk too much."

What I said was not to talk too much, but every word made people want him to talk more.

Not to mention Mrs. Zhou, Gu Yue was curious about what could cause a misunderstanding between her and Zhou Sicheng.

"Xi Ran," Mrs. Zhou's eyes fell directly on Su Xi Ran, "If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't hesitate. Marriage is a big event, and there should be no unclear reasons."

"Auntie..." Su Xiran frowned, then looked at Gu Yue again and said, "I'm just guessing about these things, I'm not sure. When Si Cheng and Chang Hao first met, they didn't get too close.

But after he found out that Chang Hao and I got along well, he suddenly became very close to Miss Gu.I have no other intentions, I'm just worried that Sicheng is with Miss Gu and has other ideas. "

Another idea, another way to be family with you?
Gu Yue said it directly in her heart, but she didn't say it out.With Mrs. Zhou protecting Su Xiran, if she said this, the bad image in Mrs. Zhou's heart would be even lower.

However, Zhou Sicheng expressed in such a fierce way that she would not marry, would Mrs. Zhou still believe such a clumsy lie of Su Xiran?It seems too unwise, right?
"Gu Yue, Xi Ran and I have some things to discuss. We will discuss the details of the wedding at another day." Mrs. Zhou said to Gu Yue.

"Okay." Although Gu Yue really wanted to know what Su Xiran would say to Mrs. Zhou, but singing the opposite tune under such circumstances would definitely arouse Mrs. Zhou's dissatisfaction.

What's more, what Su Xiran said to Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou will probably say it soon, and she doesn't have to rush to confront Mrs. Zhou at this time.

It's just that she didn't expect that just after she stood up, Mrs. Zhou said, "Young Master Gu, Gu Yue came here by taxi, can you give her a ride?"

"Of course, she is my sister." Gu Changhao agreed with a smile.

"That would be troublesome."

Gu Yue raised his eyebrows, said goodbye to Mrs. Zhou without saying anything, then turned and walked out of Zhou's house.

She didn't wait for Gu Changhao's plan, let alone ask Gu Changhao to send her back.

When she walked through the garden, Gu Changhao took a few steps to catch up with her, "Gu Yue."

She looked at the man standing in front of her. Since her back was facing the light source, her face looked gloomy, and the emotion in her eyes could not even be seen clearly.

Suddenly, she felt that she had never really known Gu Changhao.In other words, Gu Changhao just showed his side that he would like to let others know. As for his real appearance, no one knows.

Gu Changhao also looked at her quietly, and suddenly realized that she was no longer the little girl who used to run after him, but had transformed into a mature woman.

He pursed his lips, and said lightly, "It's not easy to take a taxi here, so let me take you back. And there are some things I want to talk to you about."

Seeing the disdain in her eyes, his voice sank, "I know you think I want to stop your wedding, in fact, I don't deny it, and I do have such thoughts. But... Yueyue, you really Do you think I hurt you?

You should be very clear that it is not easy to survive in such a wealthy family as the Zhou family.Don't talk about others, Su Xiran will not let you go, as long as she says something in front of Mrs. Zhou, it will cause you a lot of trouble.

What do you think will happen if you accumulate it day after day?In the beginning, Zhou Sicheng might still protect you. After a long time, do you think he will? "

A wealthy family is as deep as the sea.

It sounds like just a sentence, but it is very realistic.

There are all kinds of entanglements behind every wealthy family. After marrying into the Zhou family, one must maintain a cautious attitude.Being in a wealthy family is like walking on thin ice, not to mention that she is not liked by Mrs. Zhou, so she has to be more careful.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about Su Xiran, whom Mrs. Zhou trusts, will always be the root of disaster.

The indifferent smile on her face seemed to show that she was unmoved.

Gu Yue pulled the corners of his lips, and the smile on his face was very bright, "Gu Changhao, you are really a contradictory body. On the one hand, you are trying your best to fight and act violently, and on the other hand, you have to be a good person to persuade me. Such a contradiction, Don't you feel awkward yourself?"

After finishing speaking, she walked past him and continued walking.

There was no intention of responding to his words.

It was just that she took a step, and Gu Changhao turned around and reached out to hold her wrist, "Gu Yue!"

"Gu Changhao, let go!" Gu Yue turned to look at him with cold eyes.

Looking at each other, Gu Changhao saw the coldness in her eyes, and even saw the gap between them, which was hard to bridge in this life.

At that moment, he knew that there was no point in holding her.No matter how hard they try, there is no possibility of returning to the past between them.

But before letting go, a cold voice sounded, "Let her go!"

At the same time, someone shook his arm hard, causing Gu Changhao to let go of his hand that was about to let go even faster.He looked up and saw Zhou Sicheng's stern look, and he didn't miss Gu Yue's surprised look.

She took his arm directly, and said in surprise, "Why did you come here suddenly?"

Zhou Sicheng looked her up and down, and then said flatly, "I'll take you back."

Hearing this word, she realized that she had sent Zhou Sicheng a wechat message before, and after seeing it, he was probably worried that something would happen, so he rushed over.It was really a coincidence that Gu Changhao came to trouble her.

She smiled at him, "Then you received it, let's go."

Zhou Sicheng glanced at Gu Changhao coldly, and wanted to say something, but was dragged away by Gu Yue.Helpless, had to give up.

Standing in place, Gu Changhao, who watched them leave, had various thoughts in his heart.

Sitting in the car, Gu Yue was still wearing his seat belt when he heard Zhou Sicheng ask, "How did you meet Gu Changhao?"

Gu Yue told Mrs. Zhou that she had asked her to discuss the details of the wedding, and then Su Xiran and Gu Changhao came to visit, and they were hesitant to talk.

Finally, she asked, "What do you think, is this Su Xiran and Gu Changhao acting, or did Su Xiran discuss it with her mother?"

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