Following the message sent by Gu Changhao's Weibo, it was reposted by countless people in a short time, and the number of comments below even reached the effect of a traffic star.

In less than an hour, a word spread throughout City A, "Gu Yue has finally attacked Gu Changhao!"

When Zhou Sicheng saw the message on Fengyu's mobile phone, his eyes narrowed.

Gu Changhao's latest Weibo, [Since the matter has come to this point, I don't blame anyone, I only hope that your future will be happy, after all, we are blood relatives that cannot be severed.I will go abroad to be with Yanran and take good care of her.I hope you will take care of yourself while you are at home. 】

The picture below is a family portrait of Gu Congshan's family in the past.

The Weibo has already been posted, and someone immediately posted a comment asking what happened to Gu Changhao, but he did not respond.

However, some careful people interpreted this Weibo, [The "you" in this Weibo refers to Gu Yue, and she harmed Gu Congshan's family to this point for nothing but Gu's.Gu Changhao has been protecting himself prudently, but unfortunately Gu Yue is still not going to let him go, and finally wants to attack him.So he chose to leave, also wanting to let Gu Yue let him go by shouting from the air. 】

With the emergence of this interpretation, a lot of comments appeared, most of which were accusing Gu Yue of being ruthless, and some even said that Gu Congshan and Sun Xian were framed by Gu Yue. .

This Weibo post by Gu Changhao not only became a hot search, but also made Gu Yue a topical figure again.Countless people went to Gu Yue's Weibo to abuse her, and even told her to get out of China...

Zhou Sicheng's expression turned cold after just a random look in his eyes, "Suppress the news immediately."

"Mr. Zhou, the scope of the news has spread widely. If Gu Changhao's Weibo is deleted at this time, I'm afraid it will cause counterproductive effects." Feng Yu said boldly.

How could Zhou Sicheng not know about such a thing?

It's just that the moment he saw it, he only thought about protecting Gu Yue, but forgot to analyze the actual situation.

A handsome face was so dark that water dripped out, the thin lips were pursed into a straight line, and the jaw line was so tight that it seemed to have been cut by a knife.

After a long silence, he finally ordered, "Anyway, contact the heads of the major media and tell them to be careful, otherwise FZ will not make it easy for them. Also, contact Lu Nan immediately and ask him to send Yueyue home. "

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and said, "Let me contact Yueyue."

When he was in a hurry to let Gu Yue go home to avoid being attacked by rhythmic mindless people, Gu Yue also heard Lu Nan's report in the office.

She squinted at the Weibo on the phone screen, her red lips were drawn up, and her eyes were cold, "I haven't done anything yet, he did it first. Why, do you think I'm a submissive person?"

Originally, she thought that if Gu Changhao could honestly be Gu's deputy manager, she would not touch Gu Changhao.Even the last accident on the construction site was directed at Gu Changhao.

Even the fact that Gu Changhao wanted to take Mrs. Gu back to his old house again and again showed that his motives were impure.

However, she always thought that Gu Changhao was the only grandson of her grandfather after all.

Of course, maybe grandpa didn't care at all, but she knew that grandma still cared very much.That's why she kept forbearing towards Gu Changhao.

Sure enough, she was indeed too much of a virgin to give him the illusion that he could fight her.

Her slender fingers tapped the screen lightly, and she looked up at Lu Nan, "Immediately contact the major media companies and tell them that I am going to hold a press conference. In addition, it is best to have Gu Changhao present."

When she said this, the smile on the corner of her lips deepened, but Lu Nan had a bad feeling.

Before, I just thought that being with Gu Yue would be much better than staying with Zhou Sicheng, at least I don't have to feel the air-conditioning from Zhou Sicheng from time to time.

But now I understand that women are even more terrifying when they are ruthless!
He thought for a few seconds before asking cautiously, "Miss Gu, everyone is reposting this message crazily now, and they believe that you are the one who attacked Gu Changhao. If you hold a press conference, I'm afraid there will be people with ulterior motives." Start with you."

"What are you afraid of? What I'm afraid of is that they won't do anything." Gu Yue looked up at Lu Nan and said.

"Huh? Miss Gu, I don't understand very well."

"If I strike first, then I must be a ruthless person. But if Gu Changhao wants to attack me for his own selfishness, it will be another matter for me to fight back."

Gu Yue said with a smile, as if he didn't take this matter seriously at all, but Lu Nan could feel the cold sweat running down his back, he just felt that someone was going to be in trouble!

However, with so many people reposting Weibo right now, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no troubles for Gu Yue who are not clear-headed.

He still suggested, "Miss Gu, the public opinion is so fierce now, why don't you go home first? This way it won't cause harassment."

Gu Yue raised his eyebrows, got up and walked to the window, and sure enough, he saw countless reporters standing downstairs, obviously waiting to arrest her.She really doesn't understand, don't these reporters know that Gu's has an underground parking lot?
How could she go the right way when something like this happened?

However, is it okay to fight against Gu Changhao?
Thinking of her, she was about to walk towards the door, but she didn't expect that there was a knock on the door at this time. She said something casually and came in, and the phone rang.

Coincidentally, people didn't have any thoughts, after Gu Yue answered, she looked down at her phone, and when she found out that Zhou Sicheng was calling, she slid down the answer button.

But just as the call was connected, before he could speak, a glass of water rushed towards him, causing her to subconsciously shout "Ah".

When Zhou Sicheng heard such a sound suddenly, coupled with the news just now, his mind instantly became chaotic.

But the other party hung up the phone without any explanation, he couldn't sit still for a moment, got up and walked to the door.Just at this time, the door was pushed open, and Mrs. Zhou who walked in almost bumped into her arms!

Mrs. Zhou looked at him with a cold face, "Why are you in such a panic? Where are you going?"

"Something may have happened to Yueyue, I have to go find her." Seeing that Mrs. Zhou was fine, Zhou Sicheng left this sentence and wanted to leave.

But I didn't want Mrs. Zhou's unkind complexion to become even uglier. As soon as she moved her footsteps, she stood in front of him and said sharply, "Don't go! I really haven't seen anyone who can cause more trouble than her! With Gu Congshan's family The matter can’t be overturned, and it only went away for a few days and it’s on the news again!”

Apparently, Mrs. Zhou also knew about Gu Changhao's Weibo post.

He already had a grudge against Gu Yue, but now he couldn't sit still, so he came directly to the company to recruit Zhou Sicheng.

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