Gu Yue looked at Zhou Sicheng's smiling face, but raised his eyebrows, "Are you exchanging with me?"

Facing the sudden change in her mood, Zhou Sicheng was a little surprised, "What?"

"You were willing to do anything for me before, but now I just want to know the answer to a question, but you let me kiss you, isn't this an exchange?"

She looked at him with black and white eyes, which gave him the illusion of bullying a child.

Wei Wei regained his composure, thought about the issues they were discussing, and then asked tentatively, "Don't you think this is very romantic?"

"I don't think so," Gu Yue shook his head firmly, "If a man and a woman need to make such an exchange to achieve their goals, are we still considered boyfriend and girlfriend, or even a prospective unmarried couple?"

Zhou Sicheng, "..." Isn't this a little fun?
Why did it become an extremely important matter of principle in her eyes?
However, he has always been a person who respects other people's principles, so he nodded immediately and said, "Okay, if you think this is inappropriate, then I won't say it, okay?"

"Okay, then you have to answer one more question for me. Otherwise, I feel like I've been hurt and I won't be able to sleep tonight!"


The man raised his eyebrows slightly, stretched his arms around her slender waist, lowered his head and approached her but did not kiss her lips, and said softly, "Yueyue, are you sure you thought I offended you just now, you didn't just want to trick me question?"

Gu Yue smiled and raised his arms around his neck, "Young Master Zhou is wise and powerful, so naturally everything he says is right. But..."

She pursed her lips, "I really don't like you saying that, as if I kissed you in exchange for something, it makes me feel cheap."

"Sorry, you know I didn't mean that." Zhou Sicheng stretched out his hand to embrace her, and patted the back of her head lightly, as if to comfort her.

"Then can you tell me now what Su Xiran said to make Mrs. Zhou still regard her as her prospective daughter-in-law even after you broke up?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Zhou Sicheng said, "I don't know the specific situation. I wasn't there at the time. However, I can tell you my judgment, do you want to listen?"

"it is good!"

"First of all, my mother likes Su Xiran very much. She treats her like a daughter. This is the premise of everything. If my mother didn't like her so much, even if she said she was pregnant with my child, my mother would not treat her like this .” Zhou Sicheng analyzed calmly.

Gu Yue nodded, "I also thought of it. Mrs. Zhou's liking for her is Su Xiran's greatest weapon. But no matter how much she likes her, it can't exceed her love for her son, right? This is unreasonable."

"This..." Zhou Sicheng paused slightly, "Su Xiran should blame herself for all the reasons for our breakup, saying that she liked someone else."

Is this possible?
Faced with Gu Yue's surprise, Zhou Sicheng smiled, "We were young at the time, and Su Xiran said that my mother would easily forgive me for being tempted accidentally.

At the same time, she said that the reason why I broke up was because I was young and unacceptable, but I still loved her in my heart.In this case, we became two people who separated due to misunderstanding. My mother always wanted us to get back together, so it was logical. "

It sounds like a chain of links, which seems to be the closest possibility to the truth.But Gu Yue always felt that things were not that simple, and there must be something else in it that they didn't understand.

Zhou Sicheng didn't intend to continue the discussion, and directly picked her up and put her on the bed, "Go to bed early, I heard that you went to the construction site today, it was very hard, right?"

"It's okay," Gu Yue rolled on the bed and fell asleep in his own position, "Are you going to the hospital recently?"

"Well, go and report every day."

"Do you need me to accompany you?"

"not needed for now."

Thinking about it, Mrs. Zhou made it clear that she didn't like her, and she went with Zhou Sicheng, wouldn't that be a provocation?If Mrs. Zhou is really angry, she will get into trouble.

In view of security, this idea is not good!
After a day of tossing around during the day, Gu Yue quickly fell asleep after turning off the lights.But Zhou Sicheng squinted his eyes in the quiet night, the reality is often more cruel than cognition.

If he didn't take the last step, he didn't want to uncover the fog that covered each other.


After Zhou Sicheng reported to the hospital the next day, he went to the company.

As soon as he entered the company, he entered the conference room, listened to the company's work arrangements for the next quarter, and arranged for various departments to start preparing for the first quarter sprint.

After the meeting, he and Fengyu talked in a low voice, and walked steadily towards the office.

But before reaching the door, Secretary An walked over, "Mr. Zhou..." After she opened her head, she carefully looked at her husband's expression, and then turned her gaze back to Zhou Sicheng, "Do you have any questions?" The guest is in the lounge and came as soon as work, and has been waiting for you for almost two hours."

Looking at Secretary An's appearance, Feng Yu knew that this guest was unusual, and after exchanging glances with Secretary An, he asked directly, "Is it Chen Fangfang?"

"Yes." Secretary An nodded helplessly, "She always comes to the company, and everyone at the front desk knows her. And because of the gossip she released... people don't dare to offend her."

In order to keep a distance from Su Xiran before, Zhou Sicheng didn't care about the smoke bomb-like scandals that Chen Fangfang released.But now with Gu Yue, he became very tired of these things.

"Tell the front desk, don't let her in again." After Zhou Sicheng ordered, he didn't go to the lounge, but returned to the office.

Chen Fangfang didn't know about all this. Sitting in the lounge, she only wanted to see Zhou Sicheng in the best state, and at the same time kept thinking about her lines for a while, thinking that she must unplug Gu Yue's true face and let Zhou Sicheng Know that only she is sincere!
It's a pity that no one understands her sincerity, and she was not allowed to enter Zhou Sicheng's office until 01:30 in the afternoon, when her hungry eyes began to blur.

But she knew in her heart that this was one of her few opportunities, and she had to seize it!
Chen Fangfang had deliberately dressed up before coming here. A long rose red dress was gorgeous and festive, outlining her figure and making people think about it, and the ten centimeter high heels added a lot of color to her.

At least walking on the road will definitely cause a high rate of return.

Even though she was a little dizzy from hunger, she still held her chest up and walked into Zhou Sicheng's office at the pace of a model.

Zhou Sicheng sat behind the large desk, his eyes were on the documents on the desk, and he didn't raise his head when he heard the voice, he just said very calmly, "Sit."

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