The full of joy after seeing the ring yesterday has turned into countless uneasiness after this incident.

Probably because she cared too much, it made her so uneasy.

Even though the names on the ring belonged to the two of them, she still wondered if he was going to propose to another woman, or even thought of proposing to her at all...

Thinking about it this way, she felt that she was doing too much.

The old lady Gu poured her a cup of tea, and said calmly, "Yueyue, grandma is from here. Grandma can see how much he likes you, and you should know it yourself. So, if you want to tell him, why bother?" Guessing each other's thoughts? Some things are not confessed, which makes each other uneasy, and it is easy for others to take advantage of the loopholes."

"I know that too, but I just can't help it. Besides, you can't let me take the initiative in a marriage proposal, right?" Gu Yue pouted.

"As long as two people are happy together, what does it matter who takes the initiative?"

"Forget it, let's wait a few days before talking. If it doesn't work, I'll force him to marry me!" Gu Yue picked up his teacup and took a big sip, as if he wanted to wash away the uncomfortable breath in his heart.

In fact, she also understands that she is a little narrow-minded, but aren't all women in love so easy to care about gains and losses?
Sitting with Mrs. Gu for a day, when she was acting like a baby and asking Mrs. Gu to make egg custard for her, Zhou Sicheng called.

"What are you doing?" the man asked straight to the point.

"At grandma's side, do you want to come over for dinner?" Gu Yue asked casually.

"No, tell grandma, let's go out for dinner tonight." Zhou Sicheng said.

Gu Yue, "..."

Now that she mentions going out to eat, she feels depressed.The mood that had been relieved suddenly became tense again.

Because of this, her tone didn't sound very friendly, "I don't want to go."

"What's the matter? It's Gu Changhao and the others who made you unhappy when they went to see grandma? Do you need me to help you?" Zhou Sicheng asked three times in a row.

"Young Master Zhou has to work on Valentine's Day night, so I won't bother you with such a small matter." Gu Yue is a typical example of being good-looking when he gets cheap.

Since Zhou Sicheng came back in a hurry to catch up with work, it was inevitable that some small details would need to be repaired at night.She also has a project in her hand, so she understands it naturally, but she can't hold back her breath and panics in her heart.

Zhou Sicheng is not stupid, so he naturally understands her displeasure, "Are you unhappy because I didn't accompany you last night?"

"Don't dare, I know Young Master Zhou is busy with work."

"Okay, good boy, I'll wait for you at Dream Sea Manor. If you don't come, I'll wait for you here." Zhou Sicheng hung up the phone immediately after speaking, as if he was worried that she would refuse.

But Gu Yue had an unhappy expression on his face, how dare he hang up on her in this situation?

been waiting?Then wait!
Looking at Gu Yue's appearance, the old lady Gu couldn't help but shook her head and smiled and said, "Didn't you dislike him for not proposing? If you want to blame him and get angry with him, go to him. What's the use of being sullen here? If another woman sneaks in, you won't even have time to cry!"

Although Gu Yue didn't think that Zhou Sicheng would be hooked up so easily, but when he heard Mrs. Gu say that, he got up and left in a hurry, "Grandma, I have something to do, so I won't have dinner with you tonight."

Old Mrs. Gu smiled in the room, thinking that something good is coming soon.

When Gu Yue returned home, he didn't dress up like yesterday, he just changed into a comfortable cotton skirt at random, put on some nude makeup, and drove to the location sent to him on his phone.

Dream Sea Manor seems to be heard a lot recently, but she doesn't pay much attention to it.

But hearing this name is quite romantic, maybe there will be unexpected surprises?
She drove all the way into the manor, and when she heard the car in the parking space, she suddenly found that there were not many parked cars, and the huge manor seemed to be unpopular.

Could it be that this place is just a decoration?
She looked around subconsciously, but felt that it was very beautiful, with a romantic atmosphere.In particular, there is a large area of ​​flower planting not far away, which looks like a sea of ​​flowers in the game from a distance, which makes people yearn for it.

But when she thought about it, something suddenly came to her mind.

Dream Sea Manor? !Isn't it still in the construction period and not open for business?
What Zhou Sicheng asked her to do here, couldn't be playing with her, could it?
Although the anger in my heart has risen, looking at the sea of ​​flowers, I think that the theme design of this manor was to reflect the beauty of the game in three dimensions.

She pursed her lips slightly, but still walked over.

After stepping on the winding stone road, she realized how big and beautiful this sea of ​​flowers is.But being in the middle of it gave her the feeling of walking the rivers and lakes with a sword in a game, and she suddenly wanted to take a set of photos here.

When she was in a trance, she suddenly heard a "bang", which shocked her abruptly.

Gu Yue looked back and found that someone was firing a salute, but this salute was also ingenious, what sprayed out was not colorful shreds of paper, but flower petals of various colors.

Being in the sea of ​​flowers, the rain of petals fluttering around forms a beautiful scene.


While in a daze, her favorite character in the game seemed to be walking towards her alive——

I saw the man in a black and purple robe lined with a particularly graceful appearance, and his black hair was long and straight, showing a somewhat ethereal posture.But what he held in his hand was not a weapon, but a brocade box.

It was the brocade box she saw in Zhou Sicheng's suitcase!
Gu Yue raised his eyes to meet his eyes, and saw Zhou Sicheng slowly walking over, then lifted his robe and knelt on the ground with one knee.

Oh my god, Gu Yue suddenly wanted to scream, it's not just the clothes, but the hearts of the people!
Before she could have any more sighs, the man raised his head and looked at her deeply with a pair of black eyes, making all the thoughts in her mind disappear.

In fact, at that moment, she felt that everything in the world disappeared, and only the man in front of her and herself were real.

She heard his nice voice resounding in the rain of flowers all over the sky, "Yueyue, will you marry me?"

While speaking, he opened the brocade box, and the sparkling diamond ring shone brightly in the sun.

Gu Yue has already seen the ring, she likes the shape very much, and the size is very suitable.

Of course, the most important thing is that the man in front of her is her favorite!

She stretched out her hand with a smile, "Okay, put it on for me."

After she finished speaking, she prepared to put the ring on her ring finger, transforming herself into Mrs. Zhou, but Zhou Sicheng held her hand and didn't put the ring on her.

Gu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, could it be possible that he has already proposed, what else could change?

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