Zhou Sicheng didn't speak, and reached out to hold Gu Yue's hand.

At that moment, she felt that she had the courage to take a step forward and the calmness to take a step back.And all this stems from the hand holding her beside her, because she knew that Zhou Sicheng was silently telling her——

No matter what happens in a while, he will be by her side.

The two entered the hotel holding hands.

The hotel is a six-star hotel in city A, and it is a place to burn money. In addition, it is a wedding, every detail has not been overlooked, and the entire hall is beautifully decorated.

Obviously, the Zhang family also attached great importance to today's wedding.

As his natal family, Gu Yue and Zhou Sicheng sat at a table next to the ceremony stage, and could see all the details on the ceremony stage very clearly.And there is a huge LCD screen on the ceremony stage, scrolling and broadcasting the wedding photos of Zhang Chengzhi and Gu Yanran.

Everything looked beautiful, and the gathered guests all looked at the reception desk expectantly.

Following the master of ceremonies' "Bride and groom enter the venue", romantic roses floated in the whole space, and the wedding march sounded at the right time. Gu Yanran took Zhang Chengzhi's arm and walked step by step across the red carpet to the stage .

When the surrounding media saw the bride and groom appearing, they naturally took out their cameras and kept taking pictures.Especially the reporters under FZ, they can't wait for the stack of photos they take to be directly used as a serial book.

The master of ceremonies was also very excited when he saw this scene, and said passionately to the couple who walked in front of him, "Bride and groom, congratulations on coming to the other side of your happiness, now please stand opposite each other and look at the couple with the most affectionate eyes. each other……"

When he heard the phrase "the other side of happiness", Gu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, and subconsciously looked at Zhou Sicheng, but he didn't want to go directly into his black eyes.

They looked at each other and smiled, naturally full of tacit understanding.

And this scene was clearly seen by Gu Yanran on the stage.

The reason why she wanted to marry Zhang Chengzhi was to rely on the Zhang family to bring Gu Yue down.But seeing the sweet appearance of Zhou Sicheng and Gu Yue under the stage, she felt very uncomfortable, and wished to rush directly to the stage and tear Gu Yue's face to pieces!
But for today, she has endured for so long, how could she show her feet at the last moment?
With a smile on her face, she followed the master of ceremonies' request and cooperated with Zhang Chengzhi's request.

In the eyes of everyone in the audience, they really seemed to be a pair of sweet lovers.

However, the discussion in the audience was more chaotic——

"Yo, it looks very affectionate. Aren't they a business marriage?"

"What are you thinking? The bride heard that she had a big belly and was abandoned. I don't know what happened, but the Zhang family finally agreed to marry her."

"Tsk, I didn't expect this family to be such a bastard. It seems that this bride is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Of course the bride is not easy. She even chased after Young Master Zhou before, and even plotted against her own cousin."


Following the discussions in the audience, some of them reached Zhang Chengzhi's ears.His already unhappy mood became even more dissatisfied.

Originally, relying on his family's power and status and his dog-like appearance, he was very popular outside.But now once they get married, some girls are not easy to get close to!
Now, hearing people say that about Gu Yanran again, not only did he have no intention of speaking for her, he even wanted to throw the bride out!
Zhang Chengzhi is not a person who can hide his thoughts, and when he is unhappy, he shows it on his face.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the master of ceremonies quickly smoothed things over and said, "The newcomers are a little excited and a little nervous, and they can't laugh anymore. Let's look at the big screen together, review their previous sweetness, and let them relax."

Under the guidance of the master of ceremonies, everyone's eyes fell on the big screen.

But when the photos on the screen stopped and the VCR was played, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Why does the young couple recall the sweetness of love, and why is it the old man who released it?And it seems to be the old man from 20 years ago?
When a group of people looked at each other and were at a loss, the video had already started playing, and the sound effect was excellent, so it was easy to hear the conversation inside.

"Here it is, I've taken care of it inside and out, and I promise there won't be any problems."

"I don't mean that there will be no problems, but that there will be problems!"

"You mean to create problems with the car?"


As the video played, Gu Congshan's complexion became extremely pale, and at the same time, sweat oozed from his forehead.He turned his head to look at Gu Yue, only to find that she was also looking at him, with a clear feeling in her eyes.

For a moment, he seemed to see the overlapping shadow of Gu Conghe on Gu Yue.

Once this video is exposed, the events of that year will definitely be revealed!Even if the police have no evidence, it will ruin his reputation!
No, he can't sit still, he must leave here immediately!

But before he got up, there was a deep and majestic voice above his head, "Mr. Gu, we received a report and suspected that you were related to a murder case 20 years ago. Please come with us."

The surrounding media all have very keen sense of smell, and immediately realized that this matter of Gu Congshan would be even more exciting than the wedding.You must know that brothers fighting each other for family property is almost the most eye-catching part of the upper class.

The incident of the police arresting people is going on here, and the video over there has already started to play in a loop.

Everyone looked back at the content of the video with unsatisfied interest. The Gu family is not considered the leading wealthy family in City A, but it is not half of the family either.

In addition, Gu Conghe was also a stunningly talented person back then, so it is easy for everyone to recall that he had a car accident and his family died tragically, and then contacted Gu Yue's recognition of his ancestors, and a line was connected like that .

It seems that this is a "Princess's Revenge" that has been brewing for a long time.

Zhang Chengzhi on the stage was not as complicated as everyone thought. He pushed Gu Yanran away and shouted directly, "You are the daughter of a murderer, stay away from me!"

Gu Yanran never thought that such a video would appear at her wedding, and she was completely fooled on the spot.Pushed by Zhang Chengzhi, she staggered and sat down on the ground.

In an instant, the guests started clamoring. Although Gu Congshan was a bit of an asshole from the video, how much did it have to do with Gu Yanran?Zhang Chengzhi's attitude is simply a standard villain's attitude.

Immediately, someone sneered and said, "Tsk, the police just said that they took Mr. Gu back to ask about the situation, and the wedding here cannot go on. It seems that Zhang Shao married Miss Gu, not for love."

"It turns out that the Zhang family is also a family that clings to the powerful."

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