Knowing that Gu Congshan was going to deal with him in advance, Gu Yue began to think of countermeasures after returning to the room.

She does have a vague plan in her mind, but something needs to be done to actually implement it.

Gu Yue carefully searched for information and worked overtime to write a preliminary proposal.

This proposal is about a big project that Gu's will take down next.

If Gu Yue can win this project, her situation will undoubtedly change from passive to active.

After being busy for a long time, he naturally forgot to eat dinner. Gu Yue pinched his eyebrows and looked up. The stars outside were shining brightly, and it was already dark.

"Gurrrrrr" and her stomach began to protest.

Gu Yue stretched his waist, got up from the chair, left the room and walked downstairs, there was a dim light shining in the study not far away.

It is Zhou Sicheng.

"Zhou Sicheng?" She called hesitantly, and the figure inside raised her head, with a perfect profile.

He put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, adding a touch of bookishness to his cold and lonely temperament.

Timeless and mesmerizing.

However, Gu Yue's eyesight is clear, but he doesn't look confused at all.

The lights in the room were dim, and he tilted his head slightly, and most of his face hidden in the shadow became more and more mysterious, with no expression of joy or anger.


"Well, I'm hungry, I think I haven't eaten dinner yet."

Before Uncle Fu came up and called the two of them to eat, but both of them were working, so they ignored it.

Remembering that his project just now was led by Zhou Sicheng Company, Gu Yue gently opened the door a little, looked around, "Can I come in?"

Zhou Sicheng nodded, with interest in his eyes, "Yes."

Gu Yue just opened the door and walked in. Unexpectedly, she only took two steps when a gust of wind suddenly rushed towards her face, and she immediately opened her eyes wide in shock.

Under the dim light, I can't see clearly what is in front of me. I only know that it is an animal with fangs. The fishy smell is raging in the mouth. The crystal saliva around the mouth and the sharp teeth also reflect the piercing light in the dim space.

It seems that the next moment is the moment when the flesh and blood are separated.

"Ruby." At this critical moment, Zhou Sicheng called out unhurriedly.

The next moment, the bloody scene did not appear, but a group of not-so-light furry objects fell into his arms.

A large area of ​​Gu Yue's back was soaked!

She stiffened and looked at Zhou Sicheng with a weird smile.

"Zhou Sicheng, this is?"

Could it be Zhou Sicheng's little-known hobby?
"Ruby is very obedient, but occasionally willful, you don't have to be afraid of it."

Ruby in his arms snorted and rubbed his head against Gu Yue's chest.

Finally, he let out a sigh of satisfaction.

I didn't see it clearly just now, but now I realized that it was a half-sized black panther.

Just enough to hug myself.

Gu Yue's face was slightly stiff, and he couldn't describe that he was fine.

Black panther, even a small leopard must eat meat, so it's full of threats, okay?

Is Zhou Sicheng really out of his mind to keep this thing by his side?
Zhou Sicheng showed a meaningful smile, "Speaking of which, Ruby likes you a lot."

Gu Yue's face was still pale, and he pursed his lips when he heard the words.

She can thank it for liking it.

"This Ruby..."

How could he fall asleep with his head curled up in her arms!Holding this little black panther, she was about to collapse mentally.

"Where is its nest?" Gu Yue tried to put it down.

Don't be afraid of the sky, don't be afraid of the earth, Gu Yue, who just let go of harsh words during the day, will be cautious sometimes, Zhou Sicheng thinks Gu Yue's reaction is inexplicably cute.

"Come here, its nest is beside me."

Gu Yue took a closer look, and there was indeed a magnified cat lying beside the French windows not far from Zhou Sicheng.

Strange, I didn't find this nest during the day, did I just do it?

But that's all if it's really a kitten.

Gu Yue was still a little scared about the black leopard, even if it looked cute.

Gu Yue held Ruby in his arms, and moved his steps carefully. The nest that was close at hand now felt as if the world was far away.

One can imagine the torment in her heart.

After finally putting it down gently, Gu Yue finally let out a long sigh of relief, and fell down on the cold floor, dripping with cold sweat all over his body.

"Gulu, Gulu." I didn't feel that the fear had taken over my mind just now, but I started to protest when my stomach relaxed.

Seeing Zhou Sicheng's gaze, Gu Yue blushed slightly, and quickly said, "I'll go and see if there's anything to eat downstairs."

"Well, bring me and Ruby one too."

Just as Gu Yue was about to get up, he paused and looked at Zhou Sicheng in astonishment, as if asking if you were joking?
"Await your return."

Zhou Sicheng's eyes were full of interest, and Gu Yue's reaction seemed to please him very much.

Only then did Gu Yue resign himself to his fate and go out.

Zhou's house was very quiet at night, the servants had already fallen asleep, and Gu Yue didn't want to wake others up.

So I had to do it myself, but fortunately, she is not bad at cooking.

Zhou Sicheng ate the same as himself, and as for Ruby, judging by his fierce appearance, he should eat raw meat.

Gu Yue went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to have a look, took out a piece of raw beef that had been cut, and divided it into two.

Give half to Ruby, and the remaining half belongs to Zhou Sicheng and himself.

For Ruby's portion, Gu Yue casually marinated it with spices and sesame oil, then turned on the fire and started frying his and Zhou Sicheng's steaks.

The sound of "Zizizi" oil flower gravy blooming.

Listening to it makes people appetite, even the fear that Ruby brought just now is gone.

Soon, the two steaks were fried. Gu Yue smeared them with different sauces, carried one of the three servings in a basket, and brought it to the study.

The lights in the study room were already turned on, and it was brightly lit. Gu Yue had just entered the room, perhaps lured by the smell of food, Ruby opened his dark green eyes.

It looked at Gu Yue lazily, snorted, and its eyes were indescribably cold.

Gu Yue's hands were still trembling.

"Don't be afraid, Ruby won't hurt you, go and bring him food."

Zhou Sicheng was unexpectedly comforted.

Gu Yue was actually a little scared.

Ruby was lying on the bed, her tail was wagging leisurely up and down, and the faint green light was staring at her steadily, no matter how you looked at it, it was terribly frightening.

Gu Yue first delivered Zhou Sicheng and his own steak to the table, and then he bravely walked towards Ruby.

Carefully placing the bowl not far from Ruby, Ruby snorted unhappily when he saw this, and shook his huge head.

Don't be too cute to be too foul, this time, Gu Yue calmed down a lot, and pushed the bowl inward again, just right to his mouth.

Ruby lowered his head and sniffed the raw beef in the bowl, instead of enjoying it immediately, he stuck out his tongue and rolled it towards Gu Yue's hand.

Its tongue was hot and hot, slightly rough, and the barbs were well hidden by it, so Gu Yue didn't feel any pain.

This time, Gu Yue was not so scared, and looked at Ruby curiously.

After licking Gu Yue's hand a few times, Ruby bowed her head contentedly to eat the beef.

"He's expressing his love for you."

Gu Yue squeezed his palms and got up, still feeling a little magical.

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