Noticing her silence, Zhou Sicheng asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"Zhou Sicheng."


Knowing that she wanted to confide, the man responded in a low voice and didn't say much.

Gu Yue wrapped his arms around his neck, rubbed his face lightly, and said in a low voice, "I went to the Zhang family today, Mrs. Zhang said that falling in love and breaking up is normal... even she doesn't think there is anything wrong with Zhang Chengzhi. It’s not intentional denial, but I really don’t think there is anything.”

The man's voice was light, and he couldn't feel the emotional fluctuations, "Do you think my mother will do the same?"

"I... don't know, but they should all belong to very powerful women."

"I'm different from Zhang Chengzhi."

"Well... I know, at least you won't meet one and love the other."

He smiled faintly, "If you want to get married, we can go to get a marriage certificate at any time."

For a few seconds she thought she had heard wrong, or that he had said it wrong.But he didn't say that he was wrong, and she played it back several times in her brain, and it was always the same sound.

After a long while, she stammered, "You said you got a marriage it true?"

"Of course, if you want."

Gu Yue looked at his side face, a little dazed, but a little uncertain, "But... your mother won't agree. The Zhang family won't marry the Gu family because the Zhang family can have a better choice. And you There will be better choices, Mrs. Zhou will not allow me to enter the door."

Zhou Sicheng's tone was very light, but it gave off a very firm feeling, "I am the one who wants to be with you, not my mother."

"So if I want to get married, you...won't you refuse?"

"of course."

"Then is it because you love me? Because you love me, you don't refuse, and you want to spend your life with me?"

The man carried her on his back, and his steps were not fast, but he walked steadily step by step.

She lay on his back but felt her heart beating like a drum, as if the whole world was clamoring for her heartbeat, and she was so eagerly waiting for his answer.

It was also like a death row prisoner waiting to be sentenced, completely unable to restrain the beating heart in his chest.

Waiting will lengthen the time, maybe only a few seconds, but she feels like a century has passed, then, "I like you, I have never experienced such emotions in other people. I am willing to treat you well, and I am willing to Live this life with you. But... love, I don't know.

I hope your happiness is related to me, and I want you to stay with me all the time, and I will do whatever you want, but I don't know if this is love. "

If this is not love, then what is love?
Gu Yue didn't understand why Zhou Sicheng confessed his love so fiercely, but refused to admit that he loved her.

She lay quietly on his shoulder, thought for a while and said, "Why do you think this might not be love?"

Why do you think this is not love?
Zhou Sicheng also asked himself in his heart.

He has been looking for Gu Yue for too long, and he has missed her for too long.It's been so long that he has no time to pay attention to everything around him, and she is the only one left in his world.

If he gave up on her, it would be tantamount to giving up the world he had always insisted on.Because of this, he was not sure whether he was kind to her from the heart, or a kind of obsession from the heart.

Pursing his lips slightly, he said lightly, "Because I have never loved, nor met anyone who wants me to be good to you more than you."

"..." Stupid straight man!

Gu Yue felt that he could only come to such a conclusion, "Zhou Sicheng, I think God is fair. He gave you a high IQ and good looks, so he will match you with a low IQ!"


"Don't be unhappy, you treat me the best, which means that in your heart, I am the most important."

"is it?"

"Of course!" Gu Yue's low and soft voice was extremely clear in the quiet night, "One day, you, a big idiot, will tell you that you love me!"

Originally, she was not prepared to get an answer, but she heard Zhou Sicheng say, "Okay."

Her red lips curled into a smile, and she lowered her head to kiss his cheek.

Two people are walking on a quiet street, their shadows are stretched infinitely by the street lights, and for a moment they give people the illusion that they are alone.

After walking silently for a while, Gu Yue asked uncertainly, "Speaking of which, why did you agree to my proposal? In fact, I was very nervous. Mr. Zhou has read countless beautiful things. I'm really worried that you won't follow me. I cooperate."

Zhou Sicheng sneered, "I have chosen you since the first time I met you. If I was not willing, do you think you have the opportunity to negotiate an agreement with me?"

Gu Yue felt that he was about to vomit blood, and at the same time, he also felt that this man was not a low EQ, but a standard boring man!

Obviously fell in love with her at first sight, that's why he was a hero to save the beauty, and lured her into the bait, but in the end he pretended that he didn't know how to love!

But think about it, it doesn't matter, anyway, they are already together, so he can be bored if he wants to.Anyway, as long as he only treats himself well, what does it matter if he loves or not?

Actions are always more important than words!
"Zhou Sicheng, why don't you live with your parents? Gu Changhao and Gu Yanran are both adults, and although they have a lot of real estate under their names, they still live with their parents."

The man replied indifferently, "I grew up with my grandparents when I was young, and my parents are not very close."

"What about your grandparents? I haven't seen them."

"They think City A is too noisy, and they live in the countryside. I'll take you there when I have time."

Gu Yue kissed his ear, "Okay, you can't break your promise. Otherwise, it will become a long nose, very ugly."

"...Aren't you grown up yet?"

"This is called childlike fun, do you understand? Stubborn old man!"

Zhou Sicheng, "..."

"We've been walking for a long time, are you tired?"


"Then let me down, I'll go by myself."

It was really a long time walking, they walked to the side of the snack street while eating and playing, and now they are walking back.

"Then let you keep scolding me, saying that you are tired, but I recite half of it and then let it go?"

Gu Yue, "..."

This man really dotes on her.


The Ancient City Costume Competition started in full swing.

As the person in charge, Gu Yue naturally doesn't need to keep an eye on her all the time, but she likes to do everything by herself, so she still follows her every now and then.

In order to reveal the characteristics, not only the competition was held in the ancient city, but also the food and accommodation of the contestants was in a hotel with an ancient city style in the first phase of the project.

When Gu Yue entered the restaurant for dinner, he found that they were all contestants.

All of them are dressed in ancient costumes, with high looks, which really give people a sense of elegance and antiquity, which is quite eye-catching.It's just that the pleasing time was less than three seconds, and she saw someone she didn't want to see.

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