Gu Yanran was wearing a cute princess dress, but she was wearing seven centimeter high heels, which always gave people a nondescript feeling.

Everything on her is very expensive, but wearing it on her always feels like a waste of money.I have to say that no matter how much money is spent on a woman who can't dress up, it's useless.

This is completely different from Gu Yue. Even if she wears a piece of floral cloth, she will give people a very amazing feeling.

Probably when the appearance has reached a high level, the so-called clothing is no longer important.However, Gu Yue is quite good at dressing up. Even on the construction site, he wears a casual suit with white shoes, which looks light and smart but youthful.

"What a coincidence, I came here specifically to find you, sister." Gu Yanran walked over with a smile on her face, as if they were really sisters and family members.

Gu Yue glanced at her, knowing that Gu Yanran's smile at her must mean that disaster is coming!
"I still have something to go to the construction site, what's your business?"

"Today's family dinner, Dad asked me to pick you up for dinner." Gu Yanran smiled happily.

"I still have a lot of things to deal with on the construction site." Gu Yue said as if he kicked the ground unintentionally, and the sand immediately flew onto Gu Yanran's shoes.

She immediately frowned, but soon smiled again.As long as this matter is done, why should Gu Yue be arrogant by her side?
"No matter how many things you have to do, you have to attend the family banquet. Dad will be angry if you don't go." The smile on Gu Yanran's face is very Yin Qin.

However, Gu Yue had goose bumps all over his body, as if a weasel gave a chicken New Year's greeting.Besides, if she didn't go, Gu Congshan might not be angry, but if she did, he might be really mad.

"It's really important work, please help me explain it to my father." Gu Yue didn't bother to make false claims with them.

Besides, that home, where is her home?
After Gu Yanran listened, the smile on her face had become a smirk.She condescended to pick her up in person, but Gu Yue really didn't push back?
"Sister, you know Dad's temper. He said that we are not allowed to be absent, so many jobs like mine, don't you also put them off? You are climbing a high branch now, and you don't listen to Dad's words?"

Gu Yanran's tone was gentle, but there was already a threat in her words.

Gu Yue raised his eyebrows, did he have been educated to speak this way?He didn't even get angry and slapped directly?

Since they insisted on her going, she should go and have a look.Anyway, she was confident, and she must not be the one who was pissed to death in the end.After making up her mind, she calmly got into Gu Yanran's car.

The red Audi drove very smoothly all the way.

Gu Yue sat in the co-pilot's seat, looking sideways out of the window.Then I found that this was not the direction of looking back at home, and the car seemed to be getting more and more remote.

She couldn't help feeling a little flustered, could it be that Gu Yanran still wanted to drag her into the wild so that she could be killed and thrown away?
"Didn't you say family dinner? This is not the way home!"

"Old hat, who said that the family banquet should be eaten at home."

"..." Tsk, I immediately turned my face when I got in the car, just now I was talking about a sister.

Gu Yue took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zhou Sicheng, and took the car with peace of mind.When she got to the place, she found out that it was a garden-style hotel, and... belonged to FZ.

Therefore, she can be confident that she will not be murdered and thrown away.And maybe, she can still play the prestige of a hostess.

It's just that Gu Yue is a little strange.

This place is really beautiful, so the surcharge is also very high. If you eat an ordinary meal here, the price can be used to cook a state banquet at home.So suddenly such a rich man, what do you want to do?
Probably not killing someone and throwing her body away, but trying to sell her?
Could it be that they finally figured it out and found that it would be more beneficial to please her than against her?
After Gu Yanran parked the car, the welcoming lady brought them in respectfully, and walked to the door of a private room. After knocking on the door, the welcoming lady pushed open the door, bowed and raised her hand to invite them in.

The decoration inside the private room is very modern, and outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows is a garden full of flowers, exuding an atmosphere close to nature.

Gu Yanran stepped on her high heels and walked in, and said with a smile, "Sorry, there was a little traffic jam on the road, so I came late."

When she spoke, she also took Gu Yue's arm, like sisters.

Gu Yue ignored her, but glanced at the people sitting around the round table.It was said that it was a family banquet, Gu Congshan, Sun Xian and his wife were there, Gu Yanran was also there, but Gu Changhao was not there.

Is it too late, or afraid of something bad?
And the person sitting opposite the Gu couple is not unfamiliar, or does this scene seem familiar?Sitting opposite them was the He family couple. They sat there with cold faces, with a look of disdain.

Hehe, could it be that He Zicheng blew up his marriage contract with her, but the He family has recognized her as his wife, and they still want to make a match?These two are too big-hearted.

But when he thought about the fate of the Wang family, it seemed that the Gu family had a bigger heart.

"It's not too late, you are all busy with projects, we understand as elders." Sun Xian got up and said with a smile, and kindly pulled Gu Yue to the He family couple.

"Yueyue, you don't need my introduction, do you? You've seen both Uncle He and Aunt He."

Gu Yue couldn't fully understand the other party's thoughts for a while, so he smiled and greeted the Gu couple, showing no discomfort on his face.

Mrs. He was obviously very dissatisfied with her, she just gave her a slanted look, and said with a cold snort, "Gu Yue, speaking of which, your Gu family is rightly related to our He family, but you are just an adopted daughter, you are a high climber after all!"

Gu Yue twitched the corners of his lips, didn't speak, but couldn't help laughing in his heart: If this is the case, then I will definitely not let myself climb high.

Afterwards, Gu Yue and Gu Yanran took their seats.Gu Yue's seat was next to Mrs. He, and Mrs. He kept giving her advice.

The content of the speech was no different from some things like three obediences and four virtues, which made Gu Yue's ears straighten up.And she remembered that the last time she got married with the He family, it didn't seem so complicated?
At that time, Mrs. He regarded her as a treasure, so why did she treat her as a thorn in her side this time?

So disdainful, but still sitting and eating together, and calling it a family feast, what does it mean?
Sun Xian next to her said with a smile, "Although Yueyue is an adopted daughter, she is the best in our family and the favorite daughter of me and her father."

Gu Yanran on the side put down her teacup, curled her lips, "Mom, I'm going to be jealous of you!"

Sun Xian secretly glared at Gu Yanran, and continued to smile at Mrs. He, but Mrs. He just snorted coldly.

Fortunately, Gu Yue did not continue to educate Gu Yue on female morality.

"Why hasn't Master He arrived yet?" Gu Yanran asked suddenly, but just as she finished speaking, the door of the private room was pushed open again.

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