Mrs. Zhou and Zhou Sicheng insisted on their own opinions, and in the end they refused to give in. Naturally, they broke up unhappy.

At the same time, after admiring Su Xiran's stiff face enough, Gu Yue felt very happy.

"Are you in a bad mood? Your mother said you?" On the way back, Gu Yue turned to look at the silent man in the driver's seat.

Zhou Sicheng asked without answering, "You seem to be in a good mood."

After they returned to the ward, Su Xiran said that she was tired and wanted to rest, and Mrs. Zhou drove out Zhou Sicheng and Gu Yue as she should, but she still stayed in the ward to take care of her.

Those who don't know will really think that she is Su Xiran's real mother!
"That's right. It's really nice to see Su Xiran's face change drastically. What's more, I discovered a little secret of her today. I didn't expect her to be so naive." Gu Yue laughed softly.

Zhou Sicheng was not interested in Su Xiran's secrets, but his thin lips curled up slightly, "I'll take you home, you have a good rest."

"how about you?"

"Fengyu called just now, there is an impromptu meeting, I have to go back to the company."


When Gu Yue returned to the villa, Uncle Uncle greeted her immediately and handed her hot tea, "Miss Gu, this is brewed by the young master's call before, and it should be just right to drink now."

Tsk, so careful.

After changing her shoes, she took the cup with a happy face, "Thank you, Uncle Fu."

"Miss Gu, is there anything else you need?"

"Not for the time being, go get busy. If there is anything I need, I will tell you." Gu Yue hummed a ditty, and went upstairs with a happy face.

After taking a shower and changing into comfortable home clothes, I watched another drama before going downstairs to eat.

She walked into the empty restaurant, only to realize that it was already seven o'clock, and Zhou Sicheng hadn't come back yet.

Gu Yue raised his eyebrows, turned to look at Uncle Fu, "What about him?"

There are only a few people in this room. Even though she didn't say her name, Uncle Fu still reacted at the first sight, and said with a smile, "The young master just called back and said that he won't be back until later. He asked you to eat, and I will go to the restaurant first." sleep."


Eating alone will always feel a little lonely, but Gu Yue is not an unreasonable person.Knowing that Zhou Sicheng, as the president of a multinational group, has various affairs every day, it's normal that he can't get away from being so busy.

She ate and went upstairs to watch another movie, and found that he hadn't come back after ten o'clock, so she wanted to sleep.

But after lying down, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. In the end, she got up helplessly, got out of bed, walked out of the bedroom, and entered the innermost room on the second floor.

It was a piano room with a piano, and it was the only room Gu Yue set up according to his own requirements.

Playing the piano always gives people a very elegant feeling. Gu Yue has always had this idea and wanted to learn the piano. After she went to the piano room, she was also considered very talented by the teacher.

I thought that she would finally have a chance to show off her talents, but she didn't expect that Gu Yanran would also go there crying and making noises a few days after she left.

After that, it was obvious that Gu Yue was more talented, but in order to please Sun Xian, the teacher gave Gu Yanran all the opportunities to go out and perform, and even didn't teach Gu Yue well, so that she couldn't continue to grow.

Mrs. Gu once proposed to hire another teacher for her, but she thought it would be the same result, so she had to give up in the end.

But her liking for the piano has never stopped, it's a pity that all she can play are basic pieces.

Even so, whenever Gu Yue couldn't fall asleep, he would play a song on a whim.

The soft moonlight came in through the window, shining on her as if casting a layer of silver light all over her, making her extraordinarily noble and pure.

Her slender and slender fingers wandered over the black and white keys, and the melodious sound of the piano sounded in the silent space.

She played it so hard she didn't notice when the door opened.

Until the end of the song, a man's deep voice sounded in the quiet space, "It sounds good."

Gu Yue was startled, and subconsciously raised his eyes to look.

I saw the man's slender figure leaning against the door panel, his handsome facial features looked extraordinarily alluring in the half-dark light and shadow.It's obviously a careless movement, with a bit of uninhibitedness, but it makes people feel elegant and expensive.

"Why are you walking without a sound? You scared me to death!" Gu Yue complained loudly.

However, Zhou Sicheng walked over with long legs, and naturally sat on the other side of the piano bench, his dark eyes lightly fell on the black and white piano keys.

There was such a silence between each other, which made Gu Yue feel completely inexplicable.I am so dissatisfied, what does it mean that he doesn't apologize and doesn't speak?
"Zhou Sicheng," she broke the silence, "are you in a bad mood?"

"No," the man turned to look at her, "You are in a bad mood."

"……"how is this possible?

Gu Yue smiled, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder, "Young Master Zhou, you didn't count correctly this time. Not only am I not in a bad mood, on the contrary, I am very happy today."

Zhou Sicheng put his arm around her waist and brought her into his arms, his deep voice fell into her eardrums, "You are unhappy, happy people don't play such sad music."

For a few seconds, Gu Yue could barely react to what she played.After she regained her composure, she realized that what she was playing was "Mythology", an old song from many years ago.

Many people have sung it, but she prefers the version sung by the lead actor. It may not have too many skills, but it reveals deep feelings.It gives people an illusion, as if that affection has really passed through thousands of years, but it has never been forgotten.

Every time she is in a bad mood, she will think of this song to calm down her mood slowly.

But seeing Su Xiran's changed face today, she was obviously very happy, how could she be unhappy?
Gu Yue violently pushed the man to stand up, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm in a good mood, I just simply like this song."

Zhou Sicheng tightly embraced her body with his left arm, clasped her chin with his right hand, and forced her to look at him. His dark eyes stared at her tightly, making people fearful, yet mysterious and seductive.

"Yueyue," the hoarse voice was a bit deep, but it seemed to have an imperceptible pampering, "You hate Gu Yanran, but you envy her very much. Because you know that Sun Xian really loves her, No matter how big a mistake she made, Sun Xian will help her unconditionally."

"You nonsense, a vicious mother like Sun Xian, don't even want me to give it away!" Gu Yue's chest seemed to be suddenly burning with anger, which made her blurt out without any consideration.

"Maybe, but when you saw my mother taking care of Xi Ran, you suddenly doubted yourself. Obviously they are all bad in your eyes, but some people love others, which makes you think that maybe the real bad one is yourself .”

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