The most popular daughter: Emperor Shao Duo is addicted to kisses

Chapter 1040 Taking a Mandarin Duck Bath with My Wife

She believed that if Ning Yuqing hadn't been there, with her Zhuo Qingqing's beauty and some tricks, then Li Tiange would definitely belong to her alone.

However, she never expected that that woman Ning Yuqing came back from abroad. What exactly does Ning Yuqing want when she comes back?To compete with her?
No, no matter what Zhuo Qingqing said, she wouldn't let that woman succeed. After much deliberation, she could only ask that mysterious person for help, and she wanted Ning Yuqing to retreat at all costs.

The man hadn't asked for anything so far except money, but she knew that one day...

And that day was today, when she asked him again.

The mysterious man in front of her was actually sitting in a wheelchair, about the same age as her father. Zhuo Qingqing had already put on a lake blue cheongsam according to his request. The light in the man's eyes when he looked at her seemed a bit...perverted .

And a woman's sixth sense is always accurate.

Soon, Zhuo Qingqing really realized what it means to be abnormal.

The man tortured her with all means, which made her miserable. For her screams, this man actually enjoyed it very much, and instead increased the strength in his hand.

Zhuo Qingqing couldn't feel the joy brought by bedtime sex, instead it brought her more endless pain and torment, and she didn't know how she survived until the end.

Seeing that Zhuo Qingqing's snow-white body was covered with scars, and the man had a satisfied smile on his face, which was very charming, Zhuo Qingqing didn't want to take another look at the man, so he picked up his own clothes and put them on slowly.

This perverted man seemed to have some skills in torturing people. The skin that could be covered by the clothes had been turned black and purple, but after putting on the clothes, it was basically invisible from the outside.

But Zhuo Qingqing was strong, she didn't shed a single tear from the beginning to the end.

She knew that the things she requested on the phone would definitely be completed, and even a little bit of imperceptible pleasure crossed her heart, but it passed quickly.

Because when she was going downstairs to leave, she saw a woman—a woman who was very similar to her.

They both wear cheongsams, have the same big waves, and have the same graceful figure, but the visitor is older, but it is difficult to distinguish the two from behind.

Zhuo Qingqing even had a thought, that is, would he be like this in another 20 years?She couldn't figure out why she had such an idea.

When the man saw Zhuo Qingqing, his face was full of surprise, as if he never expected to see her here.

The moment the two passed each other up and down the stairs, they smiled politely and continued on their own. The woman who went upstairs saw a faint scar on the inside of Zhuo Qingqing's arm, and immediately sped up the speed of going upstairs.

Zhuo Qingqing strolled out of the gate.

When the woman went upstairs, she found that the man was not in the wheelchair, but half naked and leaning against the head of the bed.Seeing the mess all over the floor and the clothes thrown all over the floor, the woman's eyes were filled with expressions of disbelief and even more sadness.

As if she had made a lot of determination, the woman unconsciously had tears in her eyes, her voice trembling slightly but she asked firmly: "Sir, didn't you promise me to let Qingqing go?"

I don't know if it was because of fear or too much anger, the woman's body shook like a sieve, and she barely straightened up by holding onto the corner of the table beside her.

Completely different from the woman, the man sat leisurely on the bed, watching the woman's movements as if he was watching a performance that had nothing to do with him, with a very weird smile on his face: "Really? I don't remember saying yes you."

The man's voice was low and cold, and the woman's body trembled even more.

Seemingly remembering the looming scars on Zhuo Qingqing's body just now, the woman suddenly went crazy and ran to the bed: "What do you want?"

The sharp and ear-piercing voice immediately attracted the bodyguards downstairs, and the woman was quickly brought under control.

The woman was still struggling, and kept roaring, "Isn't it enough for you to get me? Why are you hurting Qingqing, she is still a child!" Her hair also became messy due to excitement.

The man on the bed put away his smile at this moment: "I let you see her to save face, do you want to know?!"

The teacup in her hand was slammed onto the ground, and the sound of porcelain shattering brought the woman back to her senses.She shook off the bodyguard's hold on her hand, but her eyes turned scarlet.

Suddenly, the woman picked up an ashtray on the table and threw it at the man. This move was beyond the man's expectation. Due to physical inconvenience, she couldn't dodge in time, and the ashtray rubbed against the man's forehead, which immediately swelled up.

The bodyguard was stunned. He didn't expect that a woman would suddenly have such a violent behavior. This woman has always been well-behaved and obedient, and obeyed her orders. Among the many women, the master favored her more, and she "saw" the most times.

When he came back to his senses, the bodyguard immediately controlled the woman. This time, he couldn't let her go, and he didn't know how the master would punish him.

I saw the man on the bed touching his head, as if he was disappointed that there was no bleeding, and there was a "smile" on his face, but everyone who saw it felt terrible, "Kneel down!" The man suddenly raised his voice.

The bodyguard pressed the woman to the man and made the woman kneel. The man's slap hit the woman's face in an instant, "I gave you a face, didn't I?" Seeing the blood oozing from the corner of the woman's mouth, she became more excited and slapped her a few more times. .

"Tie her up for me!" A more excited smile appeared on the man's face...

Li Tianliang brought Lele here, they had a great time this time, and Ning Yuqing also fully demonstrated her skating skills, which made Lele give up pestering Li Tiange, and turned to Ning Yuqing to learn skating.

During the interaction, Ning Yuqing gradually developed a good impression of Lele. This girl is much cuter than when she was at the playground.

Li Tiange was also very happy, comparing his speed with his younger brother from time to time, the two handsome guys competing on the same stage attracted the attention of many girls.

He didn't come home until late after playing, and the second young master didn't say what the purpose of calling them out was. Ning Yuqing guessed that he was probably bored.

Back at the apartment, Ning Yuqing directly turned on the water to take a bath, watching the water continuously flow into the bathtub, Ning Yuqing seemed to be hypnotized.I was stunned.

Suddenly, she felt that someone was behind her. She turned her head and saw that it was Li Tiange. Although she knew it must be him, Ning Yuqing was still taken aback.

"Why are you here?" There was a forced smile on his face, and his body unconsciously opened a little distance from Li Tiange.

Li Tiange showed a charming smile on his face, and his voice was damn nice, "Can't I come? Of course I came to take a bath with my wife."

But today Ning Yuqing was not bewitched, "It's getting late, hurry up and wash up, it's time to rest."

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