But... But how is it possible?
How could she fall in love with this man who she hated and who also hated herself?

Will not.


"Why are you blushing?"

The man's deep voice, which was about to smile or not, fell.

His thoughts were pulled back abruptly, and Mo Shihuan's body froze suddenly when he felt his and her skin touch again after a while.

"I...I..." She stammered.

With deep eyes, Li Jingyan snorted and said, "You can blush after taking the medicine, so sensitive? Or, Mrs. Li, are you expecting me to do something to you?"

Mu Shihuan's eyes widened instantly.


"The same as yesterday?"

Without any precautions, the man's handsome face magnified in front of his eyes, and almost at the same time, his fingertips began to rub against the back of her hand, sometimes gently, sometimes deliberately hard.

And his deep eyes, which he couldn't see to the end, kept staring at himself.

Breathe, entangle.

Mo Shihuan's heartbeat suddenly missed, followed by an uncontrollable frenzy, as if about to rush out of his chest.

However, he also hooked his lips and smiled.


The ending is rising, and the voice is sultry.

Seeing that he is about to...

"No...no!" Mo Shihuan turned pale with shock, as if scalded by hot water, without thinking about it, he shook his hand away, and retorted loudly but eagerly, "Just... No! Don't talk nonsense... nonsense!"

However, his hand could not be shaken off.

Mu Shihuan felt her heart beating even more frantically, and the temperature on her face seemed to be getting hotter. The more so, the more she wanted to clear it up: "I didn't! I..."

"No?" Smiling, Li Jingyan's voice was low, "Then why are you sensitive? You said you were not looking forward to it? Mrs. Li, if you really want to continue what happened last night, I can't satisfy you."

This person...why is this person so rascal and shameless? !

Mo Shihuan instantly became angry from embarrassment.

"No!" With all her strength, she slammed his hand away, and threw it into his arms angrily, shouting in a trembling voice, "I... I won't rub the medicine for you! Wipe it yourself !"

She tried her best to show a little arrogance, but when she was talking, for some reason, she didn't even dare to look at the man, and her heartbeat was even more frenzied than ever before.

Her mind gradually became confused, and she wanted to leave him.

In no mood……

"You don't need to wipe it, just take off your clothes."

The ironic words in Liangman's ears penetrated into his ears.

Mu Shihuan's body... suddenly froze!
She jerked her head up and glared at him fiercely.



Li Jingyan stared at her lightly, with a faint smile on his lips, with a casual and elegant appearance, but he was very strong.

What does that mean? After getting along for so long, Mo Shihuan is very clear.

She's worthless, she's scared.


Gritting her teeth, she reluctantly reached out to get the ointment in his arms, but she didn't know if it was her own carelessness or something, she obviously wouldn't touch his skin, but her fingertips did.

It felt like an electric shock, and it was strangely numb.

Mu Shihuan...'s cheeks were hot.

Biting her lips hard, she warned herself not to lose her composure and let the man have a chance to laugh at her. After taking a deep breath, she smeared the ointment on his arm with trembling hands.

He wanted to end it as soon as possible, so Mo Shihuan, who lowered his head, didn't notice that the man's gaze had been on her, and he didn't notice that the smile on his lips had long since disappeared.

His eyes... were as dark as splashed ink, too thick to melt.

No one understands, no one sees clearly.

"Okay!" After finally wiping it off, Mo Shihuan threw the ointment back into his arms like a hot potato, and threatened with a vicious voice, "You...you can go out now! I want to change clothes!"


She heard a sound of disdain and dissatisfaction from the man.

Mu Shihuan... angry!
what attitude? !
Anyway, she was the one who applied the medicine for him, okay?
The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, for a moment she forgot the embarrassment and the strange embarrassment in her heart, she raised her head angrily and said back: "Hey! You..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Mu Shihuan was stunned in surprise.

That is……

Her heart trembled inexplicably, and without thinking, she blurted out: "On your back...why, why is there..."

For some reason, the word "scar" came to her lips, but she couldn't say anything. What was even more strange was that an indescribable sense of dullness welled up in her heart.

Like...like his scar is her...

Li Jingyan turned around abruptly.

Four eyes facing each other.

Mo Shihuan's eyelashes kept fluttering, and when the dull feeling hit his deep eyes, it instantly became stronger, so intense that it seemed that she would suffocate to death in the next second.

Unconsciously, she clenched her fingers tightly.


Her mind was in a mess, and suddenly, she thought of what Aunt Xu said yesterday.

"Is...was it the injury you got when you were in the army?" She blurted out in a daze.

Li Jingyan frowned thickly.

"How do you know?" He said in a deep voice, almost pressing.

Startled by his sudden change in aura, his heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, and his fingers clenched even tighter. Mo Shihuan blinked and stammered: "Xu...Aunt Xu said... that you are in the army..."


The word without emotion was dropped suddenly.

Mu Shihuan was taken aback.


Wasn't he in the military, or was he injured then?

When she regained consciousness, the last thing she saw was the back of the man going out, and the long scar on his back was still sharp and clear, and it left a deep mark on her heart.

The door was closed.

Mu Shihuan blinked, and after a while, the dull mood gradually dissipated.

She breathed a long sigh of relief.

Lowering her eyes and spreading her hands, she finally found the marks on the palm of her hand that had been pinched by her nails. It was also at this time that the initial wild thoughts reoccupied her brain and all her senses.


How could she like Li Jingyan, let alone him.

Will not.

She emphasized over and over again, trying to make herself believe in herself, and also trying to make herself sober, no matter what, she shouldn't like him, but, she heard two voices arguing in her heart——

"What shouldn't you like? If you like this feeling, what should you do or not? If you like it, you can boldly like it. You are his wife, a legitimate Mrs. Li. If you love it, say it out loud!"

"Oh! Why do you like it? Li Jingyan hates you so much, has such a bad attitude towards you, and has a vicious mouth. If you like this kind of man, are you blind? Or have you forgotten what he said himself that he hates you and that he doesn't want to divorce because of revenge? Or, do you need to remind him of his relationship with Mu Nuan?"

"What's wrong with this kind of man? Yes, he hated it at first, and he hates it now, but during this period of time, can't you see his every move? If he doesn't like it, why is he like this? "

"You were moved by a small act of pretense? Is it stupid? It's revenge. People are acting. Only ignorant girls and idiots will believe it."


"that is!"


"Ahhh!" The more he listened, the more irritable he became, Mo Shihuan covered his ears with both hands.

Biting her lip, she told herself over and over again——

Don't like him, don't like him, she doesn't like him, let alone like him, he is so annoying!

Over and over again, like a warning, and like self-hypnosis, after a long time, Mo Shihuan let go of his hand and let out a long sigh of relief.

She thought she was back to normal and wouldn't be cranky anymore.

However, when she washed and changed her clothes and went downstairs, when she saw the delicious chicken porridge and soup dumplings on the dining table, there was a "buzz", her mind was messed up again, and all the hard work before going downstairs All in vain.

She immediately remembered what Aunt Xu said yesterday.

She said that when she was sick, Li Jingyan ordered the chicken porridge that night. Before that, Aunt Xu herself didn't know that she liked to drink chicken porridge when she was sick...

Heart trembled violently.

Unconsciously, Mo Shihuan licked the lips that became dry at some point.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? Come here."

Li Jingyan raised her eyes and looked at her.

Mu Shihuan raised his head abruptly.

Four eyes facing each other.

The smile on the corners of the man's lips was inexplicably provocative.

"Bang bang bang-"

She heard her beating heartbeat, and the voice in her heart that said that she liked it should be said out loud was bewitching her again, hypnotically saying that he also liked her.

Otherwise, how to explain chicken porridge?

Swallowing, Mo Shihuan turned his face away, avoiding his sight.

she sits down.

The shredded chicken porridge has a tangy aroma and whets the appetite.

She didn't want to think about it, but in the end, she couldn't hold back.

With his head lowered, Mo Shihuan stirred the porridge with a spoon, pretending to be calm but actually asked nervously in a low voice: "You...do you know that I like shredded chicken porridge? Why?"

The last three words are extremely light, so light that they can hardly be heard.

Li Jingyan heard it.

The emotion in his eyes flashed away, he snorted, his tone was bad and he didn't hide his disgust: "Mrs. Li, you used to pester me every day, repeating your likes like a repeater, I don't know how many times, it's a person who can remember .”

Mu Shihuan: "..."

It was as if a bucket of water was poured down on the head, and the little flame of joy was extinguished, and Mu Shihuan's small face suddenly turned red and white, mixed with embarrassment and anger.


"Mrs. Li, don't be sentimental, huh?"


He choked on the words he wanted to say, and Mu Shihuan felt a sudden chill all over his body.

Yes, isn't it just self-indulgence?
What is she fantasizing about?

How could this man like her, and how could he always sneer at someone when he liked someone, and never loathe and hate her?The real liking should be because he takes care of Mu Nuan so carefully, right?

And those ambiguous actions he made to himself were just...

Mo Shihuan lowered her eyes in unconcealed disappointment, didn't pay attention to it, and didn't refute it, she just drank her porridge in silence, even if the porridge got into her mouth, she couldn't detect any delicious taste.

Seeing the change in her expression, Li Jingyan's eyes darkened, his handsome face sank slightly, and his thin lips quietly pursed into a straight line.

The atmosphere changed suddenly, and the surrounding air pressure seemed to have dropped a lot.

Mu Shihuan felt it keenly.

She couldn't help thinking, that's really the case, it's just that she is passionate about herself, and it's impossible to like anything.

She lost her appetite even more.

She wants to leave.


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