Long-term love becomes sick, ex-husband is too involved in the drama

Chapter 69 She Was Hid in the Curtain by a Man!

He trapped her, and she had nowhere to escape.

Realizing this, Mo Shihuan became inexplicably nervous, and his heart beat faster, as if it would jump out of his chest at any moment.

This feeling……

Very strange.

"you you……"

"What are you doing here?"

The cold words interrupted her suddenly.

Mu Shihuan was taken aback.

It was as if a bucket of cold water was poured on her head, the indescribable heat in her body was instantly extinguished, and her whole body became icy cold. She raised her head in a daze, and bumped into the man's eyes again.

"Speak." His brows were cold, and Li Jingyan was impatient.

Mu Shihuan choked on his words.

Li Jingyan sneered suddenly, without concealing the sarcasm: "Why, Mrs. Li is following me?"

With a jolt, Mo Shihuan sobered up.

"No!" She raised her voice to refute without thinking.

Li Jingyan narrowed her eyes: "No? Then why are you blushing and guilty?"

Hearing this, Mu Shihuan touched her face subconsciously, until she saw the corners of his slightly raised lips stained with sarcasm, she realized that she was deceived by him, he did it on purpose, just to laugh at her.

Hands froze, embarrassment and shame spread.

"No, no!" With her heart beating wildly, she retorted bitterly, raising her hand to push the man away, "You let... ah!"

hand, was strangled.

The next second, with a strong pull, she was forced to hit the man's chest!

"Li Jingyan!" She was angry, her little face began to flush, "What are you doing?! Let me go!"

"Well, if it's not following me, it's because Mrs. Li couldn't bear the loneliness and was unwilling to stay in the empty room alone, so she came out to fool around with wild men?"

A cold sentence was thrown down suddenly, and there was a deep and slow mockery in it.

Mo Shihuan's mind went blank for a few seconds.

When she reacted, she was trembling with anger, and every word she spoke was trembling: "You... What nonsense are you talking about?! You... You bastard! You always slander me! You are sick! You bastard!"

Heh, Li Jingyan sneered.

"I'm talking nonsense?" The grip on her wrist became heavier unconsciously, he suddenly leaned over, his handsome face approaching her, "I didn't show up just now, dare you say, you will break free from him?"

While speaking, his warm breath sprayed on her face.


But, also cold.

Mu Shihuan was wronged to death, sourness rushed to her eyes, and her eye circles turned red. She retorted sadly: "I didn't! I just want to break free from him! You...you shut up!"

Unfortunately, not only did the man not shut up, but he got even closer, so close that there was almost no distance between the two of them, and even touched her face with the fingertip of his other hand.

"Why, have you become angry from embarrassment?" With an ambiguous and intimate posture, Li Jingyan sneered unceremoniously, "What about your three-legged cat kung fu? Isn't it very good at dealing with me? Why, you can't avoid it with another man, and you can't clean it up. You still say no? First He Er, then the wild man, Mrs. Li, you really impress me."

Every word seems to be entwined with strong contempt and ridicule.

Mo Shihuan's eye circles became even redder, and the sourness went all the way down, from the eye sockets to the tip of the nose.

She simply broke the pot and threw it: "Yes!" She raised her foot and kicked him on the leg unceremoniously, she roared, "You are right! Come on! Then why are you holding me?! Let go! I hate it!" You! Song... oh!"

The man's hand that was caressing her face quickly covered her mouth. Almost at the same time, the world spun, her back hit the wall again, and the man's chest covered her and firmly suppressed her!
Mu Shihuan's eyes widened in shock.

She... She was hidden in the curtain by the man!
What does he want to do? !

Is it...

Fearful conjectures rushed into my mind, what smothered my wife and pretended to commit suicide, what I wanted her to suffocate to a pitiful death, what threw the corpse...

One by one, all made her feel uneasy.

Wanting to live, she instinctively struggled.

"Um! Uh..."

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, the man moved close to her ear and bit her earlobe as punishment!

His breathing stopped abruptly, and Mu Shihuan's body stiffened to the extreme in an instant, not only because of his unexpected bite, but also... and his strong aura.

It penetrated into every pore of her in a precise manner.

she is afraid...


"Someone is coming," the low, hoarse, warning voice slipped into her ears in the next second, but every word was provocative and sexy, "Or, Mrs. Li wants everyone to see it, do you want to see it?" How did Shi Huan seduce a man? Huh?"

If there is a faint smile entwined in it, it's not flirting, it's clearly contempt.

Pupils shrunk suddenly, and her chest heaved violently. Mo Shihuan burst into shame and anger. Without even thinking about it, she struggled recklessly and kicked the man hard.

In no mood--

"Is she really Mu Shihuan? Didn't it mean that she has been dead for two years?"

Women's gossip sounds from far to near.

Hearing it suddenly, especially when there was a key word dead in it, Mu Shihuan's body froze uncontrollably for an instant.

what happened?
Eyelashes trembling uncontrollably, unconsciously holding her breath, she looked at the man.

The man is also looking at her.

Four eyes facing each other.

One is confused and overwhelmed, and the other is dark and bottomless.

"Who knows, but who else could it be if it wasn't her? There's nothing wrong with the stamp of the old man of the Li family. And Mu Sinian, I saw him take Mu Shihuan away with my own eyes. If not, why bother?" ?”

"He took Mu Shihuan away? What for? Warn her to stop pestering Li Jingyan and steal her little aunt's man? Show some face?"

"Sure, although not many people have seen Mu Shihuan's face back then, but who hasn't heard of the shameless stalking of Li Jingyan? After she disappeared for two years, Mu Nuan and Li Jingyan walked away again. Come together, seeing that the two families are about to marry, can Mu Shihuan who suddenly appeared destroy it?"

"...Speaking of which, where is Mu Shihuan? Mu Sihuan is still in the banquet hall, but Mu Shihuan is not by his side, and Li Jingyan is gone. Could it be that she is shamelessly pestering him again? By the way, why should I I remember it was rumored that Mu Shihuan's disappearance and..."

Before she could finish her words, the excited and gossiping woman suddenly opened her eyes wide, her face full of shock.

The woman beside her was puzzled, and subconsciously followed her gaze.


The word was stuck in the throat abruptly.

Not far away, the floor-to-ceiling curtains were blown by the wind, and two shadowy and overlapping figures were blown up.

The pose... is ambiguous!
But all mature men and women can clearly see what is going on there, not to mention there is an indistinct sound coming from there, let alone a man, even the two women, listening to that voice feels provocative Very crispy.

Both of their faces turned red.


One of them grabbed the other's hand and said in a low voice, "Go!"

The two looked at each other, forgetting that the purpose of coming out was to go to the bathroom, they turned around quickly in embarrassment.

behind the curtains.

The man's familiar clear breath surrounded him, and the warm breath sprayed on the sensitive areas, causing strange sensations, but there was no distance between the two of them, and Mo Shihuan felt his whole body tense, unable to retreat.

It's hard for her to suddenly come to her senses at such a time to tell that the gossip is far away.

"You go out, they...they're gone, let me go..." She panicked and turned her face away, not wanting to look at him, but her heartbeat accelerated to frenzy due to her helplessness.

She tried to push back, but to no avail.

She panicked even more.

"You... ah!"

The jaw was pinched, and her face was pulled back to meet the man again.

"What are you hiding from? Hmm?" Li Jingyan glanced at her with deep-set eyebrows and eyes, with an impatient and aggressive tone.

Seeing his stern face, Mu Shihuan felt aggrieved and sad.

"I want you to take care of it!" She grabbed his hand violently and tried to pull it away.

But she didn't want her to move, and the man approached again, his body clinging to her without any gaps, and the hot feeling spread to her skin through the thin evening dress, making her hot.

Mu Shihuan froze again.

From the corner of the eye, she caught a glimpse of her grabbing his hand. In this atmosphere, she didn't seem to want to pull him away, but rather refused to let him move. Her face turned red immediately, and she just wanted to shake it off in embarrassment. .

But rather...

Mu Shihuan became more and more at a loss.

"Li Jingyan!" She called his name angrily.

The eyelashes trembled, and she saw his gloomy eyes, his thin lips tightly pursed, and even his cold face seemed to be surrounded by hostility.

"Again?" Li Jingyan sneered.

This person... is inexplicable!
Mu Shihuan was so wronged that he was about to cry.

Not wanting to talk, let alone talk to this person, she glared at him and bit her lips violently, showing obvious resistance.

Li Jingyan pursed her thin lips even tighter.

He didn't make a sound either, he just frowned and caught her in his eyes.

The four eyes met, and the two looked like they were facing each other silently.

For a moment, the surroundings quieted down, except for Mu Shihuan's obviously out of breath rapid breathing.

The corridor is bright, but it is slightly dim behind the curtains.

As the breath intertwined, the atmosphere of the confrontation seemed to have changed in nature, and the ambiguity between men and women gradually circulated in the air.

I don't know if it's Mu Shihuan's illusion, but she actually felt that under this weird silence, the man... the man's handsome face got closer, and there was almost no distance between them.

His eyes were too deep and too dark, like a bottomless darkness, in which there seemed to be some undercurrent flowing.


She instinctively wanted to hide, but for some reason, a blurry white light suddenly flashed in her mind. She didn't know whether she was bewitched by the man's danger, or couldn't help it, but she actually felt...he wanted to kiss her.

And she, unexpectedly also...


Lips, stuck up.

Without warning, brutal and vicious.

Mu Shihuan's eyes were still wide open due to shock, and her heart was beating like a beating, but she also keenly felt that the man's hand that was holding her hand had let go, stroking her cheek all the way up, and finally... Between her head and the wall.

And his other hand... stroked her waist.

Obviously, the palm was only warm, but the touch it brought to her skin was scorching hot, and even... even set off a tingling feeling that she couldn't describe.

It was strange, but she didn't reject it.

"Close your eyes."

While her thoughts drifted away, she heard the man's order, and there seemed to be a little forbearance in her hoarseness.


He actually... bit her again!

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