"What's the matter?" Li Jingyan didn't look up, his eyes still fell on the document he was processing, and his voice was very weak.

Mu Nuan's heart seemed to be grabbed suddenly.


Biting her lip, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it, she just looked at him quietly for a moment.

half an hour.

Li Jingyan finally looked up.

Frowning, he met her gaze.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his tone still very light, as if there was no emotional ups and downs from the beginning to the end.

Mu Nuan only felt a strong sourness rampaging in his chest.

She wants to laugh.

But, she couldn't laugh.

"Recently... How are you?" She looked at him.

Li Jingyan frowned even tighter, and her voice became weaker: "What's the matter?"

What happened?

Eyelashes trembling slightly, Mu Nuan laughed at himself: "Jingyan, when did we become like this? The number of times we met became less and less, and when we met, the first thing I said was that I asked you how you are doing?"

Stretching out her hand, she wiped away the tears in her eyes with her fingertips.

She tried to maintain a smile: "We were not like this before. Even if you are busy with work, you will not be so indifferent to me. We will meet several times a week."

I really wanted to ignore it, but the circles under my eyes quickly turned red.

She sniffed, and said in a soft voice, "When did it change? Probably...after Mu Shihuan reappeared, less than a month after she came back, you and I..."

Some words are blocked, like a stick in the throat.

But she said it anyway.

"Are you still planning to divorce her? Or..." She said softly, the smile on her lips gradually became obvious, "Need me to quit and fulfill you?"

Thinking of something, her self-deprecating arc became more and more obvious.

"No, I can't talk about whether to withdraw or not. After all...you and her are in a legally recognized husband and wife relationship, what about me? I..."

"Mu Nuan, don't lose your temper with me." Li Jingyan interrupted her with a frown, his brows were dark, "You just need to know that she is not comparable to you, as I said, there is no change between us."

She loses her temper?

No comparison?
Is that the case?

The eyelashes trembled even more, and the hand holding the bag was quietly clenched, Mu Nuan asked, "Really?"


"But I still don't feel safe."

The atmosphere is stagnant.

The man's gaze became more and more gloomy, and his thin lips seemed to be pursed into a straight line.

Wiping away her tears, Mu Nuan turned her face away and looked out the window. Although she tried her best to restrain herself, her voice still trembled slightly: "Last night... I called you, it was... Mu Shihuan answered, do you know?"

Silence spreads.

half an hour.

"Sorry." Li Jingyan said in a deep voice.

My heart trembled even more.

"Sorry for what?" Mu Nuan couldn't help mocking and jealousy, "Sorry for not answering my phone? Or sorry for Mu Shihuan being with you so late? Even... in the same bed? Do you know how I felt at that time? You know ...how long have I been waiting for you expecting your call back?"

She turned her head again.

"Jingyan," she tried to raise the corners of her mouth, "I know your feelings and I know I should trust you. But Jingyan, I am a woman, when I know that my boyfriend is with...with someone else , I will also be jealous, I am not so free and easy."

Before he could answer, she quickly said again: "I know, it must be something grandpa told you when you came to pick me up tonight. He forced you to come, right? It's okay, I don't like to force you, wait a minute... ... I'll be with my brother later."

Pretending to be strong, she stared at him quietly.

"Do you have to get angry with me?"

The atmosphere is gradually suppressed.

Her lips trembled slightly, Mu Nuan laughed, her gentle voice was filled with heartbreak and grievance: "Jingyan, you know very well that I am not throwing a temper tantrum."


When they arrived at the villa, neither of them said a word, and an unpleasant atmosphere enveloped the whole way.

Just as he got out of the car, it happened that Mu Sinian's car was also approaching from a distance.

Mu Nuan just pretended not to see Li Jingyan's eyes and his hands, and walked straight towards Mu Sinian.

"Brother..." She lowered her eyes, held his arm with a smile, suppressed the vibrato and said in a low voice, "Let's go in, I'll be with you tonight, okay?"

Mu Sinian raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes to look at Li Jingyan.

The eyes of the two meet in the air.

Mu Sinian smiled: "Okay."

When passing by Li Jingyan, Mu Nuan didn't look up at him, but Mu Sinian nodded to him as a greeting.

Li Jingyan twitched her lips imperceptibly.

Not in a hurry to go in, he lazily leaned on the car body, twisted out a cigarette and lit it, smoking casually.

As the smoke gradually faded away, his eyes were as dark as splashed ink, and his face became more and more blurred. No one could see what he was thinking.


He sneered, his eyes filled with sarcasm.


The first birthday party of the great-grandson of the Wu family was held in a banquet hall in the villa, and the villa belongs to a well-known resort in Jiangcheng, so even if it is just a banquet hall, it is full of luxury.

When Li Jingyan entered, the banquet hall was extremely lively with people coming and going.

At the very center, Mr. Wu was holding his great-grandson and happily chatting with people. They teased the baby from time to time. The atmosphere was very good.

Li Jingyan walked over to say hello.

"Grandpa Wu."

When Mr. Wu saw Li Jingyan, his smile deepened a little, and he didn't hide his appreciation in his eyes: "Jingyan is here? Haven't seen you for a long time? Are you busy recently?"

Li Jingyan smiled: "It's okay."

Mr. Wu said with emotion: "That's why I'm very busy, Mrs. Li, thanks to you, I often tell your old man that it would be great if you were my grandson." He smiled, showing the pride of an old child , "But I know why he didn't come tonight, he is just jealous that I have a great-grandson before him."

Li Jingyan smiled and said nothing.

Someone else came over to say hello and see the baby.

Seeing this, Li Jingyan said, "Grandpa Wu, please do your work first."

"Okay." Mr. Wu nodded with a smile.

Thinking of something, he suddenly stopped him.

"Jing Yan."


Mr. Wu looked at the great-grandson in his arms as if showing off: "Do you want to hug the baby? You are also thirty, and it is time to start a family and have a child. When will you have good news with the girl from the Mu family?"

Li Jingyan lowered her eyes following his gaze.

As if in response, the child was looking at him with his round eyes, looking curiously at him, while his mouth was babbling and biting his fleshy fingers, looking really cute.

"Hug?" Mr. Wu said with a smile.

Li Jingyan regained consciousness.

"Not for the time being." Concentrating his eyes calmly to cover the deepest darkness, he smiled lightly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to hug her well."

Mr. Wu didn't force himself when he heard the words.

After saying a few more words, Li Jingyan left.


The child's soft appearance seemed to be engraved in his mind.

Although the birthday party was low-key this time, many relatives and friends were invited, including some business partners, so there were many familiar faces.

But Li Jingyan just finds it boring.

With one hand in his pocket and the other holding the wine, he walked to the garden outside the banquet hall and drank carelessly.

"Isn't it boring to drink alone?" Mu Sinian approached with a wine glass.

"It's okay." Li Jingyan didn't look at him.

Mousse smiled young, walked to his side and stood still, looking forward together.

"Did you quarrel with Nuannuan?" He asked after taking a sip of his wine.

Li Jingyan's expression did not change, it was always very calm.

"No." He replied.

Mu Sinian smiled: "Really? Then why is she unhappy? Why didn't you come with you on such an occasion tonight? Forced a smile...don't say I saw it, the others are coming soon too."

Li Jingyan drank the rest of the wine in one gulp: "What do you want to say?"

Mu Sinian didn't respond immediately, but took a sip of the wine in a leisurely manner, and after letting the mellow aroma permeate his taste buds, he casually said, "Because of Mu Shihuan, right? I know she's back."

The cool breeze blows, and the two are tall and straight.

When he spoke again, Mu Sinian's faint voice was filled with a bit of chill: "If I hadn't forced Nuan Nuan to ask about Mu Shihuan's return, how long would you have kept it a secret? Lao Li, what are you thinking?"

"It's not time." Li Jingyan didn't have any ups and downs, and didn't have any explanation.

Mu Sinian took out a cigarette and lit it leisurely.

"No matter what you say, I admire her family," he said lazily, "Since you're back, there's no reason to hide it, when will you bring her home and meet her grandfather? "

Li Jingyan looked sideways indifferently.

Mu Si smiled young: "No matter what, Mu Hangyuan is her grandfather. This relationship will never be erased, isn't it? What's more, the doctor once said that Mu Hangyuan has the possibility of recovery. See you later Relatives have only advantages, no disadvantages."

After a pause, he smiled half-smile and reminded: "In name, don't you have to call him Grandpa?"

Four eyes facing each other.

The pupils of both of them are as deep as an abyss, and they can't forget the bottom no matter what.

"You said it too, just in name." Li Jingyan pulled his lips carelessly, his voice was light, but a hint of sarcasm passed between his brows, "Is he worthy of me calling him grandpa?"

"Then what about you and Nuan Nuan?"

Li Jingyan remained silent.

The hand holding the cigarette patted him on the shoulder, and the smile on the corners of Mu Sinian's lips deepened: "Forget it, this is between you and Nuan Nuan. Although I am her brother, I am still an outsider when it comes to feelings." , I will not interfere in the affairs between you, and you can make trouble as you like."

He was about to turn around.

"By the way," he stood still as if he suddenly thought of something, "I saw your third uncle some time ago, and I gave him a favor by the way. Let me tell you, don't misunderstand that it has affected our brotherhood."

"It's fine." Li Jingyan answered calmly, not caring at all.

Mu Sinian nodded, said nothing more, and walked slowly into the banquet hall with a smile on his lips.

The night is cold as water.

Li Jingyan lit a cigarette, smoked it one after another, and did not return until it was finished.

As soon as he entered, someone who often played together in the game waved at him.

"Old Li! Here!"

Li Jingyan rolled her eyes and walked over without haste.

As soon as he got closer, the person who called him winked at him with a gossip look: "Old Li, tell us, is Rong Xiuhan really married? I heard that at the last meeting in the circle, his wife Appearing together with Tang Yu, everyone who has seen her says she is beautiful, even better than Mo Shihuan, who was always pestering you back then?"

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