Mu Shihuan turned to look at him, but didn't move.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Li Jingyan squatted down beside her calmly, grabbed her hand and kissed it, with a half-smile in his voice: "Afraid what I will do to you?"


"No." Mo Shihuan glared at him, knowing that he did it on purpose, but still fell into his aggressive method, "Close your eyes and close your eyes."

After all, she closed her eyes as if angry.

A gentle kiss was on her lips in the next second.

"Good." His voice was close at hand, without any warning, it made her heart beat out of rhythm, and her breathing was about to become disordered in an instant.

She tried to hold back.

Li Jingyan smiled lowly, and the smile in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Close your eyes and wait for me." He coaxed her.

Mo Shihuan pouted and ignored him.

Seeing this, Li Jingyan didn't say anything more, he stood up.

No one spoke anymore, and the bedroom became quiet. Mo Shihuan could feel that he hadn't left, but she didn't know what he was doing. She wanted to open her eyes to peek, but another expectation in her heart overwhelmed her. Impulse suppressed.

He said he wanted to coax her, probably to surprise her, okay, then close your eyes.

The corner of her mouth ticked, and she waited obediently.

After a while, she felt that his fingers had completely untied her ball head, and his hands were still holding her hair, doing something clumsily and slowly.

He only seems to be touching her hair.


What does he want to do?Comb her hair?
Mo Shihuan's curiosity was aroused at once, and his anticipation became stronger and stronger. He wished he could open his eyes to see the so-called surprise in the next second.

But his speed is so slow.

For the first time, she felt impatient and blurted out, "Hurry up, why are you so slow?"

Li Jingyan lowered his head and glanced at her, smiling unabated: "Is it urgent?"

"..." Mu Shihuan bit his lip suddenly, and it took several seconds before he could say, "No!"

Li Jingyan hummed, with a smile in his eyes: "Then I will slow down."



Mu Shihuan gritted her teeth, wishing she could bite him, she simply stopped talking, and became quiet again, another warmth quietly filled the air.

Although she was complaining about his intentions in her heart, the corners of her lips couldn't help but twitched again, and the sweetness took over her body.

After waiting for a while, she became ill-intentioned, tentatively and slowly poked his clothes with her fingers, and then suddenly retracted when he was about to find out.

He didn't respond.

Satisfied, Mo Shihuan poked him again, even slowly moving up his thigh.

Suddenly, her hand was caught.

"Don't make trouble." She heard his hoarse voice with a little tension.

The smile spread, but Mu Shihuan was serious: "I didn't make trouble, what's wrong with you?"

Li Jingyan's forehead twitched and his throat rolled. He stared at her for a while before saying, "You will know later."

Mo Shihuan snorted: "In the future..."

Before she finished speaking, she realized what he meant after belatedly, and immediately choked, but she didn't want to admit defeat, she provoked: "I don't want to know."

"It's up to you." Li Jingyan said lightly.

Mu Shihuan: "..."

After waiting patiently and impatiently for an unknown amount of time, she finally heard his voice again: "Okay."

Inexplicably, Mu Shihuan's eyelids twitched. Was it her illusion? How could she feel that he was nervous?
Eyelashes fluttering, she slowly opened her eyes, and the moment she finally saw clearly what happened in the mirror, her breathing seemed to stop, and she stared intently at the mirror.

——He braided her hair, pink-blue braided hair.

Mu Shihuan was stunned, he didn't know what to say for a while, his head seemed to be blank.

She remembered that she originally wanted to braid her hair before going out, but after trying twice without success, she gave up and changed it into a ball head. Why...

At this time, out of the corner of her eye, she finally found his mobile phone beside him. There seemed to be a video. She picked it up and found that it was indeed a video. It was a video teaching people how to make up and send it.

No sound.

She blinked, and immediately, an indescribably sweet feeling burst out, occupying her body recklessly, never letting go of every corner.

Putting down the phone, she turned around, raised her head and looked at him, trying to pretend to be aloof, but the corners of her mouth raised uncontrollably, and a smile spread.

"Did you see it this morning?" She asked, there might be nothing else besides this.

Li Jingyan squatted down naturally, held her hand and asked, "Is it okay? Do you like it?"

Mu Shihuan raised his eyebrows, deliberately duplicity: "It's so-so, I don't like it."

Li Jingyan couldn't tell that she was acting.

"Really?" He asked calmly, thought for a while and said, "Since you don't like it, then tear it down."

He gestured to reach out.

"Pa—" she slapped the back of his hand.

Li Jingyan laughed, knowingly asked: "Is it because you don't like it?"

Mu Shihuan was ashamed, glared at him, gritted his teeth and finally snorted, gritted his teeth and said, "I like it, I like it, I like it! Are you satisfied?"

"You don't have to force it."


She wanted to stare at him, but looking at him, Mu Shihuan couldn't help but laugh for some reason.

So did Li Jingyan.

Holding her hand close to his side face, he looked at her: "I'll learn from it later, okay?"

Mu Shihuan was not polite at all: "Okay."

The smile increased little by little, and there was a different kind of affection in her heart, she also touched his face with the other hand, kissed his lips shyly and happily, and said proudly: "I'll give you a chance. "

His lips touched, and he instantly took the initiative.

Her head was fixed by him, and he turned to hold her face, tossing and turning affectionately, giving her the ultimate tenderness.

The sunlight outside falls on the ground through the glass, everything is so beautiful and warm.


After spending a few days leisurely in country D, the two went to the next stop, a small town under the Alps for vacation, and found a house to live in.

They are like the most ordinary couples in a small town. They go out for a walk together every day, go to the supermarket together to buy ingredients for cooking, and go to fun places to play.

They will also take pictures, and when they encounter beautiful scenery, they will take pictures and prepare to show them to Xiao Chen when they go home. Li Jingyan will also take pictures secretly, when Mu Shihuan is not paying attention.

When he heard the sound of the shutter, Mo Shi glared at him happily, but he had to admit that the photos he took were very good-looking, as if they were a big picture, but he couldn't compare himself with him.

She pouted, and finally he came to coax her to teach her to take pictures before she laughed, and after a while she volunteered to take pictures for him.

Naturally, the results were mediocre, but he was very happy.

Seeing it in Mo Shihuan's eyes, his heart throbbed intermittently.

The air in the town is fresh, the scenery is pleasant, and the relationship between people is simple. It is very suitable for vacation, especially for two people.

After living here for two days, Mo Shihuan felt that he didn't want to leave. It seemed like a good choice if he could stay here forever.

But she knows that the scenery at the next stop will be even better, just like life, one must always look forward, and there are still many unknown wonderful things ahead.

After leaving the town, they flew to another country to see the aurora.

It was a bit tiring to turn the plane, but at the moment of seeing the shocking aurora, all the exhaustion disappeared, leaving only surprise and happiness.

Under the aurora, she was held in his arms and looked up at the beauty of the sky. The feeling at that moment is indescribable.

Her heartbeat seemed to be fast, and she couldn't help it. She looked sideways at the man beside her. His profile was very close at hand. When she turned her head, he lowered his head and looked at her.

"What's wrong?" Li Jingyan pinched her face and smiled lowly.

Mu Shihuan didn't speak, just looked at him straightly, for a while, when he approached again, she bumped into his chest, and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Li Jingyan."


Mo Shihuan curled up her lips, with a smile all over her face, coquettishly: "You hug me."

The two are embracing each other.

Upon hearing this, Li Jingyan tightened her arms around her: "Okay."

Mo Shihuan rubbed his head, and asked provocatively and bewitchingly: "Do you want to do something?"

Li Jingyan was slightly suffocated for breathing.

Mu Shihuan raised his head, blinked at him, raised one hand, brushed his fingers deliberately and slowly over his face, and said slowly, "Do you want to?"

Her throat rolled, Li Jingyan's eyes darkened a lot, and her voice was also very hoarse: "Wait to go home, huh?"

Mu Shihuan knew he would say that.

"Why do you have to wait to go home, can't you stay here?" She asked innocently, her eyes were extremely innocent, "Don't you want to?"

Li Jingyan's eyes became dim, but she was still looking at him, unknowingly seductive, he stretched out his hand to cover her eyes, he was afraid that he would lose control.


Before she finished speaking, she and his fingers interlocked to stop him from moving. Her face moved closer and closer, and she was about to touch his lips.

Li Jingyan's heart beat violently: "Shi Huan..."

"Pfft..." Mu Shihuan couldn't help laughing anymore.

She leaned on his shoulder and laughed happily. When she had finished laughing, she deliberately bit his lips: "Where are you going? I asked you if you want to kiss me. What do you think?"

Li Jingyan: "..."

Mo Shihuan became interested, raised his eyebrows, and teased in a long voice: "Do you want to be here...or do you think I want to be here with you...what are you thinking in your head?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, his face seemed to be gloomy, which made her even more proud.

"Tell me, what are you thinking?" She approached again, hooking his neck with one hand and biting his lips, "Tell me quickly, what are you thinking..."

"Hmm." There was a sudden slight pain on his lips.

He bit her lip back as if punishing her, and before she could react, she suddenly turned around and she was pinned down by him.

The fiery kiss fell, not as gentle as the previous two times, this time with the aggressiveness of a man, as if he wanted to eat her fiercely.

Mu Shihuan couldn't breathe at all.

She blinked, and a thought suddenly popped up in her heart, she seemed to have played too far.

"I'm thinking about you." His hoarse voice penetrated into his ears as his chest heaved uncontrollably.

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