Pingcheng Airport.

Half an hour before boarding, Li Jingyan was handling work in the VIP waiting room with a cup of coffee in hand.

Suddenly, there was an unfamiliar scent of light perfume in his nostrils, the seat next to him was occupied, he ignored it, and was still busy with his own business.

Until the announcement sounded to remind boarding.

One minute later, when the work was over, he put away his laptop and got up straight, with eyes falling on him from the moment he was seated to the present.

He ignored it and walked forward on his own. He didn't expect that person to get up too, and followed him leisurely, only one step away.

Frowning slightly, he stood still and turned around.

In an instant, the originally indifferent and calm face fluctuated, and a rare unbelievable joy crept into his brows and eyes, and he froze in place for a moment.

One step away, standing... Mu Shihuan.

Mo Shi cheered up his lips, tilted his head to the side and smiled slightly: "I thought you couldn't see me all this time."

Li Jingyan seemed to have just woken up, and rushed to her in a stride, holding her hand tightly, his breathing was so short that it was rare: "Why are you here?"

Mu Shihuan didn't answer, but said, "Boarding the plane."

Li Jingyan didn't move, but stared at her with scorching eyes.

The corners of his lips could not help but rise again, Mo Shihuan simply held his hand instead, led him to the boarding gate, and reminded again: "The plane is boarding."

The smile gradually became stronger, and her eyebrows were extremely vivid.

Li Jingyan's breathing was slightly stagnant, and he vaguely guessed something, until seeing her also took out the ticket, the guess finally came true.

He was motionless.

Mu Shihuan couldn't help but glared at him: "Why don't you leave?"

Rubbing her fingertips on her hand, a heart beat extremely fast, Li Jingyan's eyes were hot, knowingly asking, she just wanted her to answer: "Where are you going?"

Mo Shi laughed and wanted to tease him, but he didn't know what to say: "Where you go, I will go."

The four eyes met, his eyes clearly flashed with excitement, she saw it clearly, suddenly felt a little embarrassed, her cheeks were slightly hot, and when she spoke again, her voice was much lower: "Let's go."

She turned to continue walking.

The hand was pulled suddenly, and she was forced to turn around. In the next moment, a passionate but restrained kiss covered her lips, and he conveyed warmth and affection.

Be caught off guard.

Behind her was the blue sky, and through the glass, the sunlight shrouded the two of them together.

The heartbeat stopped suddenly, and then an indescribable sweetness poured out quietly, filling her chest bit by bit, and she didn't open her eyes.

From a close distance, she watched him kiss her, see her reflection in his eyes, and see the smile in his eyes.

Mu Shihuan also laughed, uncontrollably.

"Let's go." There were other people passing by, and she shoved him shyly.

Reluctantly pecking her lips lightly, Li Jingyan smiled and took her hand tightly and led her into the airplane cabin, where they took their seats.

He couldn't bear to take his eyes off her.

Mu Shihuan was rarely seen by him ashamed, and couldn't help reaching out to cover his eyes, as if threatening: "Don't look."

The vacant place in her heart was filled little by little and became soft, Li Jingyan took her hand and kissed it, smiled like a kid who just fell in love, and whispered: "I want to see it."

A very simple word, but it is extremely seductive.

Mo Shihuan's heartbeat missed another shot, her cheeks seemed to be a little hot again, she wanted to turn her head.

Li Jingyan squeezed her hand, restraining the indescribable joy, her voice became even hoarse: "How many days can you stay?"

Mo Shihuan pursed her lower lip, and she looked at him: "Xiao Chen and uncle and aunt are traveling." After a pause, suppressing her frantic heartbeat, she finally said, "They will be away for half a month."

Holding her hand tightly, Li Jingyan still stared at her: "Can you accompany me for half a month?"

this person...

Mu Shihuan was about to withdraw his hand as a gesture, and said half ashamed and half annoyed: "I don't know, maybe I'll be back tomorrow, depending on my mood."

After saying that, both of them were slightly taken aback, but the man beside him was obviously more happy and excited, while Mo Shihuan didn't expect that he hadn't acted like a baby to him for a long, long time.

Although not as good as before.

Her ears were hot, and she made a gesture to change the subject: "I mean..."

"Then how can we stay for a few more days?" The man's words interrupted her.

Mu Shihuan bit her lower lip.

Li Jingyan was not in a hurry, just waiting for her.

After a while, Mo Shihuan glared at him, and said in a low voice arrogantly: "It depends on your performance."

"Okay," before the words came out, his thin lips covered her forehead, and a light kiss unexpectedly caused a tingling sensation, "I must perform well to make you happy."

After kissing, he didn't leave immediately, but his forehead touched hers.

At a very close distance, their breaths were intertwined.

Mo Shihuan's heart beat faster, and his face turned red obviously little by little, as if he had returned to the time when he fell in love with him at the beginning, whether it was the beginning or the reunion later.

Faster and faster, as if about to jump out of the chest.

Fortunately he left in time.

For some reason, Mu Shihuan suddenly felt reluctant.

"Li Jingyan..." she blurted out.

Li Jingyan took her hand and kissed it, with a smile in his eyes all the time: "I am here."

But Mu Shihuan suddenly wanted to speak and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Li Jingyan asked.

Biting his lips again and again, Mo Shihuan was full of entanglement, but his eyes became more and more hot, as if he was looking forward to it.

After a while, she finally plucked up the courage to speak: "I think..." She swallowed, "Can you... let's go on a trip, shall we?"

She never knew she could stutter like this.


"it is good."

Mo Shihuan's eyelids twitched and fell into the man's eyes, and there was a lot of joy in them.

Li Jingyan stared at her, and subconsciously softened his voice and coaxed: "The morning after tomorrow, is that okay? I'll make arrangements for work and travel, okay?"

He paused, and added: "We can go wherever you want."

The corners of her lips couldn't stop rising, Mo Shihuan was full of sweetness, and nodded: "Okay."

The two looked at each other, and their smiles gradually grew stronger.

Half an hour later, the plane took off.

Li Jingyan still had other work to do, and Mu Shihuan didn't disturb her. She looked out the window for a long time but couldn't help turning her head to glance at him quickly.

He is serious and serious when he works.

Looking at it, a thought arose in her heart. After a while, she approached, her head slowly resting on his shoulder, and at the same time, her hand was held by him.

She looked down, and the corners of her lips curled up.

No one spoke, but the warmth surrounding the two of them remained undiminished, and the sweetness quietly intensified.

More than two hours later, the plane landed at Jiangcheng Airport.

The driver and Mo Yuan were already waiting in the parking lot. Mo Yuan was a little surprised when he saw Mu Shihuan came back together, but soon became more happy for the two of them.

"Boss Li, the meeting is in one hour." He reminded.

Although today is the weekend, there is still an important meeting. He originally thought that President Li would be in Pingcheng for a video conference, but he came back suddenly.

Li Jingyan nodded: "Okay, free up my time for the next half month."

Mo Yuan was surprised: "Half a month? Li..."

The rest of the words were swallowed when they touched the man's eyes, he suddenly understood, and immediately nodded solemnly: "Okay, Mr. Li."

Mo Yuan didn't look at her, but he didn't know what Wei was doing. After he said this, Mu Shihuan blushed a little, and she belatedly recalled her impulse.

he is so busy...

But now I have to temporarily spare half a month for myself.


"There are other people in the company." Knowing what she wanted to say, Li Jingyan smiled, "And Nianhuai can help me share, he can."

Mu Shihuan still hesitated: "But..."

"You are the most important." The sudden sentence made her heart skip a beat, and her breathing stopped even more.

Smoothing her hair with fingers, Li Jingyan looked at her and said in a deep voice: "We haven't traveled together yet, nor have we had a honeymoon, I want to be with you."

With just this sentence, Mu Shihuan could no longer say anything against him, not to mention that she couldn't deny that deep down in her heart she hoped that he would be with her this time.

She wanted to go with him where no one knew, wanted to be with him.

"Hmm..." she finally said, a smile all over her face.

Bentley moved forward at a fast speed. Outside the car window was a familiar and somewhat unfamiliar scenery, but the person in front of him was him.

After arriving at the company, Mu Shihuan didn't disturb his meeting and rested in the office by herself. She first called her grandmother to report that she was safe, and then sent Li Yan a WeChat message, telling her that she was back in Jiangcheng, and asked her if she wanted to have dinner together tonight .

Li Yan replied yes.

Then the two girlfriends chatted, and inevitably they talked about the reason for coming back this time. Mo Shihuan was telling the truth, and Li Yan was happy for her.

After chatting for a while, when Li Yan had something to do, Mu Shihuan was alone in the office, and simply wrote down all the places he wanted to go, and finally decided by drawing lots.

When Li Jingyan's meeting ended in the evening, because they had an appointment with Li Yan, the two went to the place to eat again. Mu Shihuan knew that Tang Yu would also be there, so he didn't refuse Li Jingyan's request to go together.

Several people ate together, played for a while and went home separately.

"Go to another place to play for a while?" Before getting into the car, Li Jingyan looked at her and said.

At the end of the meeting, Mo Yuan has already arranged his next itinerary, and he will have half a month to spare, so he will be very busy until he leaves.

Mo Shihuan shook his head: "No."

They still have half a month to travel together.

Li Jingyan smiled, today was the day he laughed the most, even though it wasn't very obvious, the smile was always in his eyes.

"Then, go home?" He looked at her.

Go his and hers, theirs.

Mu Shihuan understood his surprise at once, her heart beat a little faster, her face was a little hot under the moonlight, she looked back at him, and said, "Okay."

The car drove to Nanshan Villa.

After returning home, Li Jingyan continued to deal with the matters to be dealt with, and asked her to take a bath and rest first, Mo Shihuan did not refuse.

It's just that after taking a shower and tidying up and lying on the bed, she couldn't fall asleep. Finally, she sat up and looked towards the door. After a while, she got out of bed.

She wanted to be with him, to be with him, not to be separated.

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