Shi Tingzhou naturally heard it too.

"Mom's phone is out of battery, how about using uncle's to make a video call with your dad?" He took the lead and said to Xiaochen.

Mu Shihuan looked up at him.

Shi Tingzhou smiled and took out his mobile phone, unlocked it and handed it to Xiaochen: "Do you remember your father's mobile phone number?"

The minister didn't think much about it.

"I remember, uncle." He took the phone and pressed a series of numbers.

Shi Ting Zhoufu took over again.



Across the ocean.

Li Jingyan had just finished an early morning meeting when his phone vibrated.

There is no signed number, but the place of attribution is Heijo.

Breathing uncontrollably, a kind of anticipation gushed out, without any waste of time, he touched the phone to connect: "Hello."

"Shiting Zhou." It wasn't Mu Shihuan.

In fact, he was mentally prepared, but at this moment, he was still disappointed.

"What's wrong?" He asked calmly.

But the other side didn't give him an answer, but cut off the phone directly.

Li Jingyan frowned.

Before he could call back, Shi Tingzhou found a text message saying that the minister wanted to make a video call with him and asked him to use his WeChat.

Thin lips pursed slightly, he realized something, and clicked on WeChat.

Sure enough, Shi Tingzhou's friend request came.

He clicks through.

Soon, the video invitation came.

Li Jingyan half closed her eyes and accepted.

"Father." Xiaochen's face appeared on the screen with a pleasant smile.

Other than that, all he could see was Shi Ting Zhou.

without her.

Li Jingyan had adjusted her mood long ago, and did not show it at all.

"Miss Dad?" he asked in a low voice.

Xiao Chen nodded: "I didn't see Dad today, I miss Dad." He paused and asked, "Dad, did Xiao Chen bother you? Are you busy with work?"

He knew that his father was very busy and worked very hard.

Li Jingyan felt warm in his heart.

"I'm not busy," he paid attention to the environment, and couldn't help asking, "Is the minister eating out?"

In fact, he wanted to ask if he was with his mother. Although he knew that Mu Shihuan would definitely take Xiao Chen by his side, he still couldn't help asking, couldn't help wanting to know.

"Well," Xiaochen Yang laughed, "Mom and uncle took me out to play today, and now we are eating outside."

Li Jingyan saw his happiness, and a smile appeared in his eyes.



"Mom promised Xiaochen that when I am older, father and mother will accompany Xiaochen to play again."

The sudden sentence made Li Jingyan startled slightly, as did the three people around Xiaochen.

No one expected that Xiaochen would say this suddenly, although Mu Shihuan had indeed promised him this.

Xiaochen didn't know what adults were thinking, he just wanted to tell his father what he expected, and after saying this, he said: "Dad, Xiaochen is doing well here, and you should also pay attention to your health."

Li Jingyan regained consciousness.

"it is good."

What else did he want to say.

Suddenly, he heard Shi Tingzhou's voice again, to be precise, he heard Shi Tingzhou's voice called Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen...

He is there too.

As if to confirm his guess, Jiang Wen and Shi Tingzhou quickly disappeared from the camera.

Except Mu Shihuan never showed up.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of a waiter knocking on the door and coming in to serve food.

"Xiao Chen eat well, we will talk next time." He took the initiative to end the video.

The minister is reluctant.

"Okay, listen to Dad." He said, and finally added, "Dad, I miss you."

"Father misses me too."

The video ends.

Li Jingyan held the phone in his hand and didn't put it down for a long time.

He was in a trance for a moment, and then he lit a cigarette.

Tang Yu came in.

Seeing his appearance and the mobile phone in his hand, Tang Yu guessed something, and asked directly, "Did you talk to Xiaochen?"

Li Jingyan was silent, and spit out two words: "Video."

Tang Yu looked at her.

"Old Li," he got straight to the point, "To Mu Shihuan, what are your plans now?"

Li Jingyan stopped smoking for two seconds.

Tang Yu caught it.

"Xiaochen has been separated from you since birth, and he finally found it." He also lit a cigarette, "You are sending him to Mu Shihuan now, because you want Xiaochen to be with her?"


He blew out smoke rings: "Being with you or Mu Shihuan, it's not the best choice to tell a child who lacks love since childhood. He needs a complete family. Xiaochen relies on you as a father."

Speaking of dependence does not mean that Xiaochen is the same as a little girl, but because of Xiaochen's living environment since he was a child, he has been separated from his biological parents for a long time, and it will naturally be like this after reunion.

He always remembered that after Lao Li brought Xiao Chen back, Lao Li fell ill again because he went to country C. Xiao Chen was so small, so anxious and worried, he guarded Lao Li every day.

He also knew that for Lao Li, Xiaochen was not just his and Mu Shihuan's children.

Or place guilt.

"Have you thought about it?" He looked at Li Jingyan and asked.

Li Jingyan smoked silently, and did not make a sound for a long time.

"Old Li."

"It's very powerless between me and her, facing her."

The tone of voice sounded normal, but Tang Yu heard helplessness in it.

He was silent.

Li Jingyan's voice was hoarse: "She said it in the past and said that she had let go. Even though I knew that it was not the case to a large extent, but with her, every time I faced it, I could only feel powerless."

"I don't know what to do, I don't know how to face her, how to untie her knot in her heart." Surrounded by smoke, his face became blurred, but the color of his eyes became darker and darker.

That kind of powerlessness is indescribable.

"I always feel that it can't be saved."

Tang Yu listened quietly, and said, "How do you know if you don't keep trying? You are not someone who gives up so easily. To Mu Shihuan, you shouldn't be like this."

Li Jingyan smiled: "Then what should I do? Continue to stalk me, make her hate me even more?"

The smile was full of bitterness.

Tang Yu was silent.

"Even if one day the knot in my heart can really be untied," Li Jingyan lowered her eyes and her voice became hoarse, "but the damage will always exist, no matter how long it takes, it won't be smoothed over."

What's more, Mu Shihuan's current attitude made it clear that he didn't want to face it.

He can't force her anymore.

She hates him pushing her.

Tang Yu was smoking a cigarette, and suddenly said: "Li Yan and I waste no less time than you and Mu Shihuan. I didn't want to mention her in the past, but I couldn't get over it, but those days alone, especially at night, I would think of her. dream about her."

"I can't lie to myself. I just want her by my side, but I can't see that the person by her side is not me, let alone watch her marry another man one day. I can't be disappointed with her."

"Li Yan is to me, just like Mo Shihuan is to you." He approached and patted Li Jingyan on the shoulder, "Old Li, think carefully, don't let yourself regret it."

When it comes to emotional matters, no one else can intervene.

The authorities are confused by the onlookers, but there are some things, some knots, and only the parties involved can solve them.

Others can't do it.

Tang Yu still vividly remembered what Lao Li was like when Mu Shihuan disappeared in an accident, but he felt that Lao Li in those days was different from what he is now.

Now he...

Tang Yu felt that he couldn't describe it.

Sighing in his heart, he said: "I believe that the only person who can untie Mo Shi's happy knot is you."


At the end of the video, no one mentioned Li Jingyan, and Xiaochen just said to Mu Shihuan that he wanted to make a video with his father before going to bed, but Shi Tingzhou changed the subject afterwards.

The waiter has already delivered the order.

Shi Tingzhou is the one who will liven up the atmosphere the most. With him around, there will be no cold moments.

Only now it's a little different.

The difference is that Mo Shihuan seems to only have the little minister in his eyes, as if he can't see anyone else anymore.

Although Shi Tingzhou talks to her, she will respond.

After coming down several times, Shi Tingzhou couldn't help feeling a little more disliked and disgusted with Li Jingyan.

He simply continued to chat with Jiang Wen, but he caught Jiang Wen's eyes moving away from Shi Huan imperceptibly.

He sighed again.

During the meal, apart from Mu Shihuan and Xiaochen, Shi Tingzhou and Jiang Wen felt something else in their hearts.

Especially Jiang Wen, who doesn't know the taste of food.

After dinner, Shi Tingzhou didn't ask the driver to bring the car, but walked back to the shopping mall slowly, which was regarded as digestion.

When he arrived at the mall, he didn't go directly to the parking lot. Instead, he went to the mobile phone counter, saying that he was buying a mobile phone.

Mu Shihuan was suspicious, did his phone break down?

Before she could ask, Shi Tingzhou leaned over and hugged Xiaochen, touched his head and smiled a little irritably: "Uncle will take you to buy a mobile phone, so that you and your father can make videos whenever you want, go, How about choosing what you like?"

Mu Shihuan was startled when he heard the words, and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Shi Ting Zhou raised his chin to signal: "The desserts and drinks over there are good, suitable for children to eat, do you want to take some back for Xiaochen?"

After a pause, he said directly: "Brother Wen, you go with Shi Huan, and I will take Xiaochen to pick up the phone."

Mu Shihuan understood immediately.

He wanted to create opportunities for himself and Jiang Wen.

He had already carried Xiao Chen to the counter, Xiao Chen turned around and waved to her, his eyes were bright, as if he was looking forward to dessert.

What Mu Shihuan originally wanted to say was blocked in his throat.

"Are you going?" Jiang Wen walked to her side and asked in a low voice.

The breath enveloped quietly.

Mo Shihuan was silent for two seconds, then nodded: "Okay."

She thought of the string of bracelets and handkerchief last night, and her thoughts were confused, but she thought, maybe she could explain something.

However, Jiang Wen was one step ahead of her and brought up what happened last night while she was still thinking about it.

He asked first, "Are you okay?"

Naturally, the question was about the minister after last night, and now.

Mu Shihuan nodded: "It's okay."

She looked at him, and Jiang Wen happened to look at him too.

"Thank you," she whispered, "Brother Jiang Wen, I..."

"Shi Huan, don't rush to give me an answer." Just one glance at Jiang Wen knew what she wanted to say, interrupted her directly, and reminded, "I'm not in a hurry to wait for your answer."

Maybe anxious when traveling, but after last night, not anymore.

He stopped.

"I think, before you give me the answer, I need to fight for myself again," he said calmly and sincerely, "These days, my heart for you has not changed, whether it was last night or this moment."

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