Mo Shihuan paused slightly when he was about to pick up the chopsticks.

Li Yan beside him also did the same.


A face appeared in the minds of both of them by coincidence, although it was not the same face.

Mu Shihuan's first reaction was Li Jingyan, while Li Yan thought of Tang Yu.

"He said his surname was Mu, he was from the Mu family, and from the young lady's family." Steward Yang's next sentence came to an end.


That is the year of Mu Si.

Mo Shihuan's eyelashes trembled, and he lowered his eyes.

Shi Tingzhou caught it immediately, and he asked with a smile, "Sister, do you want to see me?"

Mu Shihuan almost reflexively wanted to say no.

But when the word comes...

She still nodded.

When Shi Tingzhou saw this, he raised his head and told the housekeeper, "Uncle Yang, please invite Mr. Mu to the living room at the back."

Butler Yang subconsciously looked at Shi Zongping.

Shi Zongping nodded.

"Okay." Butler Yang took the order, nodded and turned around.

Shi Tingzhou thoughtfully pushed a bowl of porridge in front of Mu Shihuan. Although he was still coaxing with a smile, he had an undeniable force: "Eat something before meeting people, otherwise you won't be allowed to meet."

Mu Shihuan looked at him.

"Be obedient, my sister must obey my brother." Shi Tingzhou winked at her carelessly.

Mu Shihuan relaxed again, and even bent his lips slightly without realizing it.

"Okay." She obeyed obediently.

Shi Tingzhou smiled: "Good boy."

Mu Shihuan didn't say anything, but obediently ate the food in front of him.

Because someone came to see her, Shi Zongping originally wanted to take advantage of everyone having breakfast together to get closer to cultivate their relationship, but after all, there were guests, so he temporarily suppressed those words.

Anyway, Shi Huan will always live in Shi's house in the future, and everyone spends more time together. Besides, the relationship between her and Ting Zhou seems to be okay.

Thinking of this, Shi Zongping was a little relieved, seeing Shi Tingzhou was immediately pleasing to the eye.

When Shi Tingzhou noticed the change in his eyes, he couldn't imagine what he was thinking, so he laughed in a faint low voice, and the tip of his tongue casually touched the back molars.

More and more cynical and foolish.

When Shi Zongping saw it, he glared at him again angrily.

Shi Tingzhou laughed even more wickedly.

Seeing the situation of the father and son, Mrs. Shi couldn't help but laugh.

Half an hour later, the warm family breakfast gradually came to an end. Mo Shihuan thought about Mu Si Nian, so he got up and went to the living room at the back.

Li Yan wanted to follow, but Mo Shihuan shook his head slightly at her, signaling her to go by herself.

Li Yan understood what she meant, and immediately realized that she should trust Shi Huan, not to mention that she said last night that she would not treat her like a patient.

She can.

So she didn't follow.


living room.

Sitting on the sofa, Mu Sinian looked as calm as usual, but only he knew how nervous and anticipating he was.

For more than six months, he had no news of Mu Shihuan, nor had he seen her.

Now it's hard to find out, but she left everything in Jiangcheng and came to Pingcheng, and maybe, she won't return to Jiangcheng again.

With thin lips pursed slightly, Mu Sinian waited, but gradually, his patience gradually lost, and he even wanted to smoke a little.

When he inserted his hand into his trouser pocket and unconsciously wanted to take out the cigarette case, footsteps sounded.

There was a pause, and the next second, Mu Sinian suddenly raised his head.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, even with his breathing.

He watched her approach, saw her all-too-familiar face appear in sight, and watched her sit down on the sofa beside her, the faint smell of perfume seemed to linger at the tip of her nose instantly.

He stared at her for a moment, the enthusiasm in his eyes was almost uncontrollable.

No one spoke.

It took him a while before he spoke, his voice tense and hoarse: "Shi Huan."

It seems that there is a faint trembling.

Maybe it's excitement, maybe it's the joy of regaining something lost, or maybe...

A lot of emotions came out and got tangled together.

Mu Shihuan didn't dodge, she met his gaze generously, her tone was very calm: "What can you do with me?"

Mu Sinian was slightly stunned, but seemed to wake up instantly.

The person in front of him still had that face, but he felt that there was a gap between them, and he couldn't see her more clearly.

This feeling, seeing her again in the hospital a year after her accident, is almost the same.

But it's different.

It's just that where the difference is, he couldn't tell for a while.

The turbulent emotions were suppressed, Mu Sinian looked at her, and finally said again: "Where have you been for the past six months? No matter what, I can't find you, and I don't have any news about you."

He paused, and tried: "Did Jingyan hide you?"

Mu Shihuan looked at him.

Many images flashed through her mind, she was in a daze, and instead of answering, she asked, "So what if you find me, tell Yu Linshang?"

When Yu Linshang's name was mentioned suddenly, the light in Mu Sinian's eyes changed imperceptibly.

After looking at each other for a second, he understood——

She knows everything.

Maybe it was Li Jingyan who told her about it in the past six months, or maybe...she had guessed it as early as that time in the hospital.

Therefore, she has been acting with herself.

Mu Sinian is clearly aware of this.

He didn't take his eyes off her face, he saw it clearly, and he knew what would happen if he denied it.

"You know? When?" He simply admitted, throwing the question back to her by the way.

Mu Shihuan was not surprised that he did not deny it.

"It doesn't matter when you know it," she asked lightly, looking directly at him, "acting is very tiring, I'm tired, and you are too."

Sure enough, she was acting.

Mu Sinian stared at her, delighted in her truthfulness, and even more bitter in her acting.

Mu Shihuan caught his emotional changes, even if he didn't pay attention, he couldn't find it.

"You like me." She said directly.

This time, Mu Sinian didn't respond, but just looked at her.

There is no denial, it means that his feeling is right all along, and it is his acquiescence.

At this moment, Mo Shihuan's mood was unprecedentedly calm, without any ups and downs.

She pointed out: "Yu Linshang's purpose, I guess, is to let Li Jingyan and I torture each other, and then... Li Jingyan dies at my hands, or let Li Jingyan watch me die."

Even though she had figured it out and made a decision, when she mentioned the name again, she still felt fluctuating, and even the fingers that were clenched together trembled.

Mu Shihuan looked away and looked into the distance, his eyes were a little dull.

"As for you, you guessed the existence of Yu Linshang about a long time ago. I guess, everything Mu Nuan did before was provoked by Yu Linshang, and then you got in touch with Yu Linshang."

"How early, in fact, I don't want to know now, what kind of business cooperation you and Yu Linshang have, it doesn't matter to me."

What happened to Yu Linshang, neither Yanyan nor Tang Yu told her, nor did she ask.

Then, don't ask.

Mu Shihuan lowered his eyes, then raised them again, and looked at Mu Sinian.

"You asked me when I knew, it was very early. At least when I came back to the hospital, I was acting with you. You participated in every case with Yu Linshang. You calculated Mu Nuan and deliberately leaked through her words that I was not About the Mu family's children..."

She paused.

"The purpose is to get close to me in the future, right?" she asked.

"Yes." Mu Sinian admitted.

One word, Mo Shihuan was in a trance for a short second or two.

Seeing her silence, Mu Sinian simply confessed: "It's not liking, it's love."

The deep love that has been hidden in my heart for many years is finally announced at this moment. Mu Sinian is no longer nervous, and some are relieved.

Finally, it was time to tell her.

No matter whether she is afraid or repulsed, wants to refuse or whatever, at least, she knows his intentions, and he no longer needs to hide, and he can appear by her side in a fair manner.

"I love you more than you can imagine." Staring into her eyes for a moment, he spoke clearly, with his intention engraved on her heart, "I want you to be by my side, I want you to only see me by my side."

"I don't deny that I have cooperated with Yu Linshang, let alone deny that everything I did was to get you."

Mu Shihuan looked at him, and shattered his fantasy without mercy: "Do you think it's possible? Do you think I will like you?"

Not talking about love, just liking.

It's impossible to even like, how come love?
How could Mu Sinian not know.

"You will have me in your heart and fall in love with me." He vowed.

Knowing what she wanted to say, he interrupted her directly: "There is no possibility for you and Li Jingyan, the decision you made will not go back, it is really possible, you will not come to Pingcheng with Shi's family on the day they found you."

"It's not so much that you believe in them and that you want this family relationship, but rather that you are using this to escape from everything in Jiangcheng, or to be precise, it is just to avoid Li Jingyan and not give yourself a chance to turn back."

He easily pointed out what was in her heart, regardless of her embarrassment.

But at this moment, Mu Shihuan is no longer embarrassed, maybe he was still there before this morning.

"Now that you know it, you should understand that it is even more impossible for me and you," she said bluntly, "even if you have no deal with Yu Linshang, even if you are innocent, it is impossible for me and you, let alone, you Not innocent."

"You love me, so what?" She asked lightly, "Or do you think I look so stupid that a word of loving me can erase what you have done?"

Mu Shihuan's back was very straight.

She looked at Mu Sinian and even smiled: "It's impossible for me and Li Jingyan, is it possible for me to be with you? Do you think that I agreed to see you because I wanted to hear your confession, be moved by you, and be with you?" ?”

Mu Sinian's expression didn't change at first when he heard her words.

He still looked at her, not for a moment, focused as if she was the only thing he cared about in this world, but in fact, it was true, he cared about the power of the Mu family, but he cared more about her.

"A long time ago, I was thinking that if I could be with you," he looked at her and said, "I don't want anything, I can give up everything, just like Jingyan became the majority shareholder of Mu's and forced me."

"No one knows how important you are to me." He stood up, lowered his head, his deep voice seemed to be bewitching, "Shi Huan, I will chase you."

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