Mo Shihuan paused.

Her eyes were still a little dazed, and after a few seconds, she said, "Don't tell him, I don't want him to know, understand?"

Her voice was low and weak.

Gao Yi heard it in his ears and couldn't help sighing in his heart.


Mr. Li had expected it, he had expected that his wife would not allow them to tell Mr. Li about her situation.

He couldn't help thinking that Mr. Li and his wife actually knew each other.

Otherwise how could...


Return to God in the first year of high school.

"Yes." He nodded, agreed, hesitated to speak, but finally swallowed the matter about President Li.

Mu Shihuan was still looking at him, and continued: "Similarly, I don't want to know about his situation."

The first year of high school looked complicated.

"Understood." Sure enough, Mr. Li had expected it again.

Mu Shihuan lowered his eyes.


Gao Yi waited and asked, "Ma'am, is there anything else you want to order?"

Mo Shihuan's eyes moved slightly.


"We're already divorced." She said with a twitch of her bloodless lips.

It was clear in the first year of high school.

"Sorry, Miss Mu." He said cautiously, "I'm just used to it."

Mu Shihuan didn't respond.

After a while, she raised her head again: "I want to contact Yanyan, is that okay?"

She didn't bring her mobile phone with her, and there was no other means of contact in this villa.

Gao Yi frowned: "Miss Mu..."

Mo Shihuan pursed his lips, closed his eyes to compromise, and his voice became hoarse a lot: "Okay, I understand, I can't contact you, and you can't let people know that I'm here, and that phone doesn't work either."

That mobile phone was the one that Li Jingyan asked to give her. It is absolutely impossible for someone to install a monitoring device.

But these days, the phone isn't there either.

She seemed to be isolated.

Looking at her expression, Gao Yi couldn't bear it, and said: "Miss Mu, bear with it and pass."

As long as things work out.

This is the unspoken words in the first year of high school. If he doesn't say it, Mo Shihuan will understand it.

"Yeah." She agreed.

Seeing that she looked tired and lifeless, Gao Yi thought for a while and said, "Boss Tang will definitely guarantee Miss Li's safety and will not put her in any danger, don't worry."

"I know." It was only this sentence that responded to him.

Gao Yi was silent.

"Miss Mu," he spoke again after a while, "I know there are some things I shouldn't say, but I'm sorry, you just pretend to be me..."

His expression became more and more complicated.

"Your body is your own. No matter what, you should get better soon, relax, and don't make things difficult for yourself." Thinking of the heart disease the doctor said, he couldn't help persuading him.

There was a pause of two seconds.

"I remember when I first met you. Although you were cold-tempered and wanted to hide things in your heart, at least you had energy and hope. You could laugh and appear in front of President Li."

Mu Shihuan curled his fingers.

"About your initial influence, in fact, my impression is the same as other people's. I think you are beautiful and arrogant. Although others say you have a deep heart, I don't think so, especially the way you look at President Li."

Mu Shihuan's closed eyes trembled uncontrollably, as if his breathing changed quietly after hearing Li Jingyan's name.

At that time she...

The first year of high school did not notice any subtle changes in her.

"Later you married Mr. Li," he continued, "and then you disappeared and reappeared. Although your temperament changed drastically after you appeared, we all think that you were happy at that time, but now..."

His voice dropped.

"Miss Mu, I think that no matter what happens, you may think about the past, why push yourself too hard and lock yourself in your own world. Miss Mu, President Li is actually very worried about you."

He said the last sentence tentatively.

However, Mo Shihuan didn't change much until he finished speaking for a long time.

She still has her eyes closed.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Mu, I was the one to talk too much." Gao Yi didn't continue, but said, "Senior Gao and I are outside, Gao Jia stays to take care of you, you can call us if you have anything to do."

He said he was going out.

"Thank you." When his hand was on the doorknob, he heard Mu Shihuan's weak voice.

The bedroom was quiet again.

Gao Jia stood by, always paying attention to Mu Shihuan.

Mu Shihuan closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, and finally moved, wanting to lie down.

"Miss Mu, I'll help you." Gao Jia quickly helped.

Mu Shihuan did not refuse.

"Thank you," she said.

Gao Jia shook her head: "Miss Mu, you're welcome," she asked, "Do you want to sleep for a while? I'll adjust the temperature. Do you need to close the curtains?"

This place is different from Jiangcheng in China, it is still summer.

"En." Mu Shihuan replied.

Seeing that she was tired, Gao Jia didn't speak any more, just quietly stood aside.

Not long after, Mu Shihuan's low, shallow and long breathing came out.

Gao Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Miss Mu can fall asleep, it's fine. Although she has been sleeping since returning from the hospital, she can clearly see that Miss Mu is not sleeping peacefully at all.

She even felt an indescribable feeling emanating from Miss Mu's body.

Makes one feel a little... pathetic.

Looking down, Gao Jia couldn't help looking at her injured knee.


She couldn't help but sigh.


Mu Shihuan still didn't sleep well.

At first she could barely fall asleep, but when she fell asleep, she seemed to be trapped in a nightmare. She couldn't break free and couldn't hide, but those nightmares couldn't be seen clearly.

She could only watch helplessly as she was surrounded by darkness.

No one came to rescue her.

Only her, from beginning to end.

And mixed with those nightmares, there are some vague pasts.

Initially, now...

Frame by frame, scene by scene.

She can only see herself in those pasts, and nothing else.

very tired.

Over and over again, she had only one thought.

At a loss, she walked in a daze.


"Shi Huan..." She heard someone calling her.

"Happy from time to time..."

One sound after another, all too familiar.

It was Li Jingyan.

It's him.

Mu Shihuan froze in place, but as the sound entered her ears, her body became more and more stiff, her feet seemed to be stuck by something, and she couldn't move.

His voice seemed to be getting closer.

The closer she got, the more obvious the pain in her heart became.

Finally, the heart curled up heavily.

As if pushing through the clouds, she saw him.

He stood in front of her, wanting to get closer to her.


A shot went off.

He fell before himself.

"Ah!" Mu Shihuan suddenly opened his eyes, panting heavily.

"Miss Mu, what's wrong with you?" Gao Jia arrived immediately, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Mu Shihuan didn't respond, as if he had lost his mind.

Gao Jia worried: "Miss Mu?"


It was Mu Shihuan who suddenly leaned over and vomited beside the bed.

But nothing comes out, just retching.

"Miss Mu!" Gao Jia said anxiously, "I'll call the doctor."

hand, caught.

"Miss Mu?"

Mo Shihuan grabbed her hand and slowly shook his head: "No need."


"Help me up."

"it is good."

Gao Jia helped her up, and put a pillow behind her to make her lean comfortably.

Mu Shihuan's face was pale, her breathing was still a little short, and her eyes were dull.

Gao Jia handed her a glass of boiled water: "Miss Mu, drink some water."

Mu Shihuan wanted to say thank you, but was too tired to make a sound.

She took the cup and wanted to drink water, but her lips just touched the cup. It was obviously colorless and odorless water, but for some reason, she felt the smell of blood from the tip of her nose.


The smell of blood in the dream gradually became stronger.

In the last scene of the dream, he fell down and bled a lot.

Unconsciously, Mo Shihuan's grip on the cup became heavier and heavier, and his face gradually turned pale again.

Gao Jia immediately felt that something was wrong.


Before the words fell, Mu Shihuan retched again.

This time, Gao Jia didn't care about anything anymore, and quickly called the family doctor over.

Mu Shihuan was holding on all the time, shaking his head to indicate that he had no problem.

I don't know if it was because of her psychological suggestion, or something else. After a while, she really stopped retching, but her face was still ugly.

Then slowly, she fell into a deep sleep again.

Gao Jia is not a doctor, but she also knows that there must be something wrong with this sleeping condition, but the problem lies with Mo Shihuan herself, neither she nor the first and second graders can do anything about it, even if it is a female doctor.

The female doctor suggested asking a psychiatrist.

It was already late at night when she said this, even if she wanted to find a psychiatrist, it was impossible, so she could only wait until the next morning.

Unexpectedly, Mo Shihuan's condition improved the next day, and the high fever no longer persisted, everyone was relieved.

On the third day, Mo Shihuan's fever completely subsided.

Everything seems to be turning around.

For example, she no longer has a fever, no more retching, and eats three meals a day, even if she has a bad appetite.

Her knee injury is also improving.

However, Mu Shihuan became silent. Even though Gao Jia tried her best to talk to her to make her happy, she said very little, but luckily she would respond.

In the first year of high school, I offered to see a psychiatrist.

At that time, when Mu Shihuan heard the word "psychiatrist", he felt rejection in his heart.

She declined, saying she was fine and just didn't want to talk.

No one can force her.

So it had to be done.

In this way, time passed day by day, and it will be a month since Mu Shihuan came here.

One day on the weekend, the weather was sunny and the wind was warm and not dry.

Gao Jia repeatedly suggested going out for a walk.

This month, apart from going to the hospital to change his dressing, Mu Shihuan hardly ever left the villa.

She knew that Gao Jia and the others were worried, and although she was repelled in her heart, she didn't want to make them nervous, so she agreed to let Gao Jia push her around.

Senior one and senior two naturally follow behind.

The four of them walked slowly, only Gao Jia was chattering all the way, and she was quite popular.

Just in the evening, when I passed by a restaurant, dinner was being prepared inside.

Mu Shihuan didn't care, or she was a little confused from the beginning to the end.

Until, there was a smell of grilled fish in the restaurant.

Almost the next second after smelling the smell, Mo Shihuan couldn't help retching while leaning on the wheelchair.

In a trance, for some reason, she suddenly thought of a question——

She has been here for so long, and she has never had her menstrual period.

In an instant, Mu Shihuan's face turned pale.

Is she... pregnant?

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