The atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

Li Jingyan rolled his Adam's apple up and down, looked at her, and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay."

Mu Shihuan didn't speak immediately.

Little Xingxing is the knot between them, talking to him, Mo Shihuan thinks it takes courage.

She adjusted her breathing, and couldn't help pinching her nails into her palms, and the marks were printed.

After a long time, she spoke again and said, "If what you said is true, when should I give birth?"

She couldn't remember, but he did.

That day was too special.

Li Jingyan naturally remembered.

"It should have been born around December." He said bitterly.


Mu Shihuan was in a daze.

"Little Xingxing's birthday just passed, she was born in February, later than that child," she tried to calm down, but there was an emotional surge in her heart, "Could she be?"

After a pause, she blinked her eyes and added, "If the child survives after being born."

In fact, this question is redundant, she knows the answer.

If Yu Linshang wanted to do something, a mere date of birth could naturally be changed, not to mention that he was a doctor himself.

She didn't know why she asked this question.

Little Xingxing's cute face flashed in her mind, and she continued on her own: "Before I went to Hong Kong City with Yanyan, Yanyan said... that Little Xingxing's eyes are very similar to mine."

Even if she didn't raise her head, she could still feel Li Jingyan's gaze was always on her.

She never responded.

"At that time, I replied to her that it was probably a coincidence. Mu Nuan and I have very similar eyes, but it turns out that I am not a child of Mu's family, and I have nothing to do with Mu Nuan."

That face also appeared in Li Jingyan's mind.

"It's really similar." He commented objectively and calmly.

Mu Shihuan's heart trembled.

"She is very attached to me," she pulled her lips, "likes me very much. Before returning to Jiangcheng, I was almost accompanied by her. It seemed that I accompanied her. She even wanted me to be her mother." .”

Li Jingyan's throat suddenly became dull.

Of course he knew what this mother meant.

But he was not qualified to ask, nor did he urge.

Mu Shihuan suddenly smiled: "She seems to like you very much too. It was the first time you met at the airport, but she kept looking at you, and she was very attached to you even in the hospital. Why?"

After a pause, she finally raised her face and met Li Jingyan's dark eyes.

"I've been thinking, if that child is still alive, she will be at the age of Xiao Xingxing. If Yu Linshang wants to do something, it's so simple, will it be her? I don't want to do a paternity test at my waist?"

The clenched fingers became tighter and tighter, a little painful.

However, Mu Shihuan didn't feel anything.

"But my mind is very confused, and I thought, if it is, isn't Yu Linshang afraid that I will recover my memory? Or is he just waiting for me to recover my memory? Or is she not at all?"

"Then if not, where did that child go? Even...he is gone, there shouldn't be any trace, right?"

She spoke calmly, but the eyes she looked at Li Jingyan were covered with a little hatred uncontrollably.

If it wasn't for him, why did she do this?
Her lips were pressed tightly, and Mu Shihuan's chest gradually rose and fell.

She is extremely restrained.

But in the end, hatred still welled up.

"Li Jingyan, is that right?" She threw the question to him, and after so long, she called his name and looked at him without blinking.

The atmosphere changed quietly.

It was very depressing, and I was a little out of breath.

Li Jingyan really wanted to hold her hand, but he restrained himself, and finally calmly told her the conversation he had with Rong Xiuhan after leaving the hospital that day.

Then, there was a long silence.

Mu Shihuan was in a daze for a moment, but she didn't say anything.

"Probably not." She lowered her head again and said in a low voice, "Yu Linshang is not that stupid, just put that child in front of our eyes and let us investigate."

She didn't know what she meant by that.

In the past two days, she has thought a lot and hesitated a lot, but she has actually persuaded herself to let go, even if little Xingxing is really her child, she thought, then she should be more cruel.

But, for some reason, she still said it when she saw Li Jingyan today.

"You and I didn't..."

The child was interrupted before the words were spoken.

"I'm looking it up and I'll give you an answer."

Mo Shihuan's eyelashes trembled.

"Is it?"


"Li Jingyan."


Her eyes were sour, and her emotions seemed to be on the verge of losing control. Mo Shihuan didn't understand why she couldn't control her emotions when she saw him now.

"I don't believe you," she said, trying to convince herself, "I still don't believe a word you said."

Li Jingyan felt the change in her.

"I know." He said hoarsely.

"Is he just waiting for us to do a paternity test?" Mu Shihuan obviously didn't want to ask any more questions, but Mo Shihuan still said it out of control.

"He didn't know that I had recovered my memory."

"What if he already knew?"

It seems that there are a lot of things to say, which are blocked in her throat and confused in her mind. More importantly, they are entangled in Mu Shi's heart, torturing her day and night.

She felt that she couldn't take it anymore.

Her mind suddenly became chaotic, and she didn't even think about pouring herself a glass of water. Unexpectedly, she didn't know whether her hands were shaking or she didn't hold it, the kettle slipped from her hand and fell on the table.

In the next second, hot water splashed on her hands.

"Hiss..." She couldn't hold back, gasping in pain.

It was too late for Li Jingyan to stop it.

The forehead twitched suddenly, he grabbed her hand without saying a word, and put his arms around her and got up: "Let's go to the bathroom and take a shower."

He took her away directly.

There was no contact for a long time, almost the moment he bumped into her, Mu Shihuan's body tensed up, repulsion and disgust poured out, she wanted to push him away.

However, he held on tightly.

She couldn't break free.

Li Jingyan felt it, but he didn't say anything, he just quickly ordered when he opened the door and saw Gao Yi: "Go and buy scald medicine and come back."

Gao Yi responded repeatedly and left quickly.

Li Jingyan frowned, noticing that the body of the person in his arms was stiff, he directly hugged her up.

"Sorry." He said in a low voice, and he hugged her and hurried towards the bathroom.

Mu Shihuan didn't move, his body froze.

But being so close, she couldn't ignore the familiar scorching breath that enveloped her.

I don't know what happened, but at this moment, many images flashed in my mind, all of which were those two months with him but forgotten by her.

Soon, too fast to catch.

Then, it was the four days before the divorce, especially on rainy days, he grabbed her hand and ran to the pavilion to hide from the rain, and finally it was all the sweet things in the past.

Frame by frame, scene by scene.

too clear.

Li Jingyan walked quickly to the bathroom with her in his arms, and was about to put her down...

A tear fell on the back of his hand.

Soon, the second drop, the third drop...

She cried silently.

Li Jingyan's body froze, her thin lips were tightly pursed.

The Adam's apple rolled heavily, and the chest was extremely dull. He put her down, turned on the faucet, grabbed her burned hand and put it under the water to rinse.

The water is cold.

For her, but also for him.

The two held hands together.

She was still crying without making a sound, but this made Li Jingyan even more emotional.

He knew she was in a bad mood, but he didn't expect it to be.

"Don't cry," he finally touched her cheek with his fingertips, gently wiped her tears gently, coaxing in a low voice.

However, her tears fell more and more, and she couldn't stop it.

For just a moment, her eyes were clouded with tears, and her cheeks were wet with tears.

The throat was extremely difficult, at this moment, Li Jingyan was speechless.

Finally, he held her in his arms with one hand.

"It'll be fine, everything will be over soon." Carefully, he kissed her hair with thin lips, his voice deep and tense, "Mu Shihuan, I promise."

Apart from these, he didn't know what to say to comfort him.

But she was still crying, and every drop seemed to fall on his heart.

very hot.

It hurts.

"Mu Shihuan..."

"Sometimes I really hate you." The muffled voice with a crying voice suddenly sounded.

Li Jingyan's body froze suddenly.

Mo Shihuan's eyes were clouded with tears, and she couldn't help crying at all, she couldn't tell what was wrong with her at all.

Did you cry in pain?

But she has experienced even more painful moments.

Is it because I met him?
Mu Shihuan couldn't say it out, the hand that wasn't burned unconsciously clutched his clothes tightly, her tears quickly wet his clothes, and fainted a deep spot.

She couldn't control it: "Why did you tell me this, why did you make me suffer day and night, why did you lie to me, use me..."

Every word trembled.

She was not someone who would say such words, and she also thought that after going through those dark days where life and death were impossible, her heart should have been as hard as iron, and she would never be affected by him again.

But at this moment, not only did he not have it, he couldn't even control his emotions.

She seems to be a different person.

It seemed that she was walking alone on a very dark road, unable to see the front, nor the light, not even the way she came from.

"If it wasn't for you," she clutched his clothes tightly, wishing to vent all her hatred, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be like this. You deliberately made it difficult for me, right?"

She seemed completely unaware of what she was talking about, and just wanted to vent all the emotions that were weighing on her.

"You hate me, so you don't want to divorce, you want to torture me, you told me that, you also want to torture me... Li Jingyan, how could you do this?" The hand holding his clothes suddenly became weak and fell down.

She seemed to have lost her support, if not for him holding her.

"Li Jingyan..."

She finally cried aloud, but even the crying was restrained.

The bottom of the eyes was dark and thick, and Li Jingyan's Adam's apple was rolling up and down with difficulty, the hand holding her turned to hold her side face, and the fingertips stroked the skin delicately.

Gentle, but also pious.

"I'm sorry." He said hoarsely.

Emotionally clashing, he looked at her red eyes from crying, and finally couldn't hold back and kissed her.

Kiss her tears.

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