"Miss Mu, long time no see." Jiang Wu got up from the sofa and greeted with a smile on her lips.

Just like when we first saw each other.

Mu Shihuan was in a trance for a short two seconds.

"Long time no see, Dr. Jiang."

Sitting on the other side of the sofa was Tang Yu.

From the moment Mu Shihuan and Li Yan came in, his gaze fell on Li Yan all the time, and he never moved away.

Li Yan could feel it clearly, even if she didn't look at her.

"Go to my office." There was no response, she just whispered to Mu Shihuan, "I'll wait for you outside."

Mu Shihuan pursed her lips: "Okay."

She tried her best to smile at Li Yan, trying to tell her not to worry about herself.

Li Yan reached out and hugged her.



Li Yan looked at Jiang Wu again: "Doctor Jiang, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome." Jiang Wu didn't say much, and followed Mu Shihuan into Li Yan's office.

There are only four of them in the huge studio.

At this moment, only Li Yan and Tang Yu were outside.

Can no longer escape.

Li Yan quietly shook the hand hanging by her side, and was the first to break the silence: "Tang Yu, let's talk."

She was very calm, both in tone and in expression.

Tang Yu suddenly had a bad premonition, but she was willing to talk to herself, but it was a great temptation.

"Okay." He said hoarsely.

Li Yan withdrew her gaze, and walked to a reception room not far away.

Tang Yu raised his heel.

The reception room is not big, and the decoration and furnishings inside are all Li Yan likes.

She wants to close the door.

"I'll do it." Tang Yu took a step ahead of her.

Seeing this, Li Yan did not stop.

The door closed gently, the space was sealed, only she and him.

She poured herself a glass of water.

"Drink water?" She lowered her head slightly and asked calmly.

Tang Yu wanted to say no, but his eyes fell on her fair and delicate side face, so he changed his words.

"it is good."

"En." Li Yan responded in a low voice.

Then, she handed him a glass of water.

Tang Yu took it, but he held her wrist together with her hand.

Li Yan looked down, then raised her eyes to meet Tang Yu's.

She didn't say a word, and her expression seemed to be the same as that of the No.1 Miss Yuanli's family back then, gentle and soft.

Look at each other for a few seconds.

Tang Yu finally let her go.

Li Yan lowered her hand, turned around, returned to the sofa, took a few sips from her glass of water.

Some of the sensations seemed to dissipate as the warm water poured into his throat.

She didn't turn around again.

"I've thought about it," she said.

Tang Yu's eyes darkened suddenly.

When the two had a relationship that time, he let go of his self-esteem and conceded defeat, wanting to start over with her, and spoke first when she was about to refuse, saying that he would let her think about it for two days before replying properly.

But until today, she didn't give him an answer.

Tang Yu was happy, but also nervous.

Fortunately, there is no answer, at least he is not sentenced to death immediately, as long as he does not refuse for a day, he still has a chance, but he is also nervous, afraid that the rejection will be silent.

Until now.

Whether it was rejoicing or nervousness, everything dissipated at this moment and was replaced by coldness.

He guessed her answer.

as predicted--

"It's impossible for us." He heard her very low voice, without any emotional ups and downs, let alone affection.

There seemed to be, perhaps, relief.

In the past, what Tang Yu disdained the most was seeing a man have emotions that he shouldn't have because of a woman, but now it was his turn, and he realized that, in fact, he had already tasted that kind of sadness and worrying about gains and losses one by one.

During the three years when she was hiding from him, the feeling of rejection that he despised had permeated every night.

He has been tormented for so long in love and hate.

"Really?" He heard his hoarse voice leaking from the depths of his throat.

He looked at her: "Li Yan, look at me and say."

Eyelashes drooping, covering all the emotions in his eyes, Li Yan finally turned around and looked at him for a long time.

"Tang Yu, it's impossible for us to be together." Meeting his gaze, she paused and enunciated clearly, "I'm to you..."

I want to say that I don't love anymore.

But suddenly, when Li Yan caught the emotion in his eyes, at this second, she suddenly couldn't speak.

Although she wants to try hard.

"What to me?" Tang Yu took her words and spit out every word. He wanted to force her, but he was also torturing himself.

He approached and stood in front of her.

Reaching out his hand to caress her face, and finally holding her sideways, he stared into her eyes and asked in a low voice: "I don't have any love for me anymore, Li Yan, is that so?"

He was no longer as strong and cold as before, and seemed to have no emotional ups and downs, but this kind of tone was the most unbearable.


He was trying his best to restrain himself.

Li Yan looked at him, as if his heart softened.


"Yes, I don't love you anymore." She finally said it out.

She didn't move, and didn't get rid of his shackles, but said calmly: "If you still love, after what you said that day, how could I still reject you?"

Four eyes facing each other.

There was no emotion in her eyes.

Tang Yu stared at her for a long time, and his thin lips tugged lightly. Finally, his hand holding her face slowly dropped.

The atmosphere is depressing.

There is no longer any words for each other.



Mu Shihuan and Jiang Wu sat face to face.

very quiet.

Jiang Wu is a psychiatrist, but for some reason, at this moment, she felt that she couldn't see clearly what Mo Shihuan was thinking and how she viewed herself.

After all, at the beginning...

"Miss Mu." She took the initiative to break the silence.

Mo Shihuan's eyelashes fluttered, and he also said, "Doctor Jiang, can you tell me about the situation back then?"

Jiang Wu was slightly taken aback.

Mo Shihuan smiled casually: "It's surprising that I would be so direct?"

"A little bit." Jiang Wu didn't deny it either.

Mu Shihuan nodded, calm and generous, with a stable mood: "Then I'll be more direct. At the beginning, when Li Jingyan first came to you, he really wanted to hypnotize me, and wanted me to remember the two years of disappearance, right?"

Before Jiang Wu could answer, she continued: "I know that you have your professional ethics and cannot disclose them, but I am the client and the patient, so I have the right to know."

She paused.

"Of course, I don't want Dr. Jiang to violate your ethics. I just want to know something about the past. I just hope that Dr. Jiang can help me if he can."

While saying this, she kept looking at Jiang Wu.

Jiang Wu didn't look away either.

Her mood remained the same, and her expression didn't change much. If she was stunned before, it wasn't because of Mu Shihuan's directness.

Rather, Li Jingyan understood.

Li Jingyan approached her and said that if there were no accidents, Mu Shihuan would probably ask her about the past, and he said that there is no need to hide it from her, and he hoped that she would cooperate in whatever she wanted to do.

Jiang Wu thought, Li Jingyan knew Mu Shihuan too well.

He guessed everything and counted.

"En." According to the agreement with Li Jingyan, Jiang Wu nodded.

Mu Shihuan's fingertips trembled imperceptibly.

But she tried to ignore it.

"Later," she still asked calmly as before, but there was a hint of astringency in her voice that she didn't notice, "Is it because he didn't want me to remember, because he wanted to hypnotize me to forget what he wanted me to forget, is it You want to hide it, don't you?"

Jiang Wu did not hesitate, and answered frankly: "Yes."

This time, Mu Shihuan was silent.

I guessed it a long time ago, and I was mentally prepared, but it turned out that when I really knew it, I still had different emotions in my heart, and after all, I didn't achieve complete peace of mind.

still will...

Biting her lips with fine teeth, Mo Shihuan turned her face away.

Not far away is the bright floor-to-ceiling window, the sunlight outside is just right, and the mottled gold falls when it shines in.

very beautiful.

"Thank you," she said.

Jiang Wu didn't respond.

She thought, if Li Jingyan guessed correctly, Mu Shihuan had something to say.

as predicted.

"Doctor Jiang, I want to urge you."

A very calm sentence came out of Mo Shihuan's mouth without any emotional ups and downs.

...Exactly the same as what Li Jingyan guessed.

For the first time, Jiang Wu sighed slightly in her heart.

She could tell that Li Jingyan knew Mu Shihuan the best, and loved her deeply. Mu Shihuan probably had Li Jingyan's place in his heart, but the two of them...

"Yes." Without letting herself continue to think, Jiang Wu nodded.

Mu Shihuan turned his face away, and looked at her again: "I need to think of the past. For a long time, I have been dreaming of some scenes, which are very real. I think they are my past memories. I need to think stand up."

She expressed her inner thoughts seriously: "I remember that I mentioned it to you, Dr. Jiang, that I always easily forgot some things during that time, and it might be memory impairment. You also agreed with my guess at that time, right? ?”

She was talking about that time at the hotel.

Even though a year has passed, Jiang Wu's memory is still fresh.


Mu Shihuan took a deep breath: "He told some things, and he also said that he also lost the memory of that time, just like me. If what he said is true, Doctor Jiang, is it possible that I, or My amnesia with him is not due to injury, but man-made?"

He, needless to say, knew it was Li Jingyan.

Jiang Wu took her words and spoke for her: "Miss Mu, do you suspect that someone gave you, or hypnotized you and President Li, making you forget something?"


It's just one word, inexplicably, Mo Shihuan felt that he couldn't hear it.

"It's just a guess." Trying to suppress some emotions, she forced herself to say calmly.

Her chest was inexplicably congested, and she took another deep breath.

After calming down, she continued: "Doctor Jiang, to tell you the truth, when I came back this time, I remembered some things I had forgotten at the beginning, but to my surprise, it was about the time I spent with...with him memories, and some I can't recall, no matter how hard I try."

"It's weird, isn't it?"

Two books of water were poured on the table, and after speaking, Mo Shihuan took one of the cups and drank more than half of it.

Putting it down, she looked at Jiang Wu, her heart beating a little fast: "Doctor Jiang, I want you to help me hypnotize me, right now, can I?"

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