Long-term love becomes sick, ex-husband is too involved in the drama

Chapter 343 She Smells of Another Woman's Perfume

Inexplicably, Mo Shihuan felt that his brain was becoming chaotic again uncontrollably.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath.


What Li Jingyan said was false.

So what is the purpose?
Thinking back to all the things after the reunion, even the scene before the accident a year ago, even though he was repulsed in his heart, Mo Shihuan still tried his best to put aside hatred and make a fair analysis.

If he lied to her, it was probably because of the man's possessiveness.

Men and women are different, even if they don't love, they will have possessive desires, just because they used to be their own women, vile, selfish, possessive desires that have nothing to do with love.

He couldn't see that he was good, and he couldn't see that she had someone else.

But, no.

The truth between her and Li Jingyan was made very clear last night, he knew all kinds of lies between himself and Yu Linshang in order to force him to divorce.

Therefore, under this premise, there is no need for him to say these things to deceive her again.

What's more, even if she doesn't want to admit it, she has to admit that Li Jingyan understands her after all, and after going through those things, it is impossible for her to re-enter a relationship so quickly.

Mu Shihuan's fingers trembled.

There seemed to be a voice in her heart agreeing, saying it over and over again, Li Jingyan did not lie to her.

But she couldn't believe it.

After all, what if... Li Jingyan did the opposite?

What if it's just him and Yu Linshang having a grudge?

Mu Shihuan bit her lip, suppressing that emotion, she told herself to be calm, and then analyzed.

If what Li Jingyan said is true——

So, what role did Yu Linshang play in this?
What is he trying to do?
To kill her and Li Jingyan?

His head seemed to be hurting a little, and the force of biting his lip became heavier, Mo Shihuan told himself to take it step by step and analyze it slowly.

Assuming that the story Li Jingyan told is true, he was really an undercover agent back then, and his identity is unknown, so it is very likely that he was also an undercover agent...

Then, something must have happened to the Second Brother Qin he was talking about, not only the person, but also the drug business he controlled.

Because of the fatal blow, Second Brother Qin's subordinates must hate the person who betrayed them.

So they found out about Li Jingyan, and they happened to be his woman back then, so they would definitely deal with them.

If this is the case, it can explain all the strange things before the accident, and maybe it can also explain her strange and strange nightmares that reveal familiarity,

Gunshots, blood...

If so, Yu Linshang may have a close relationship with Brother Qin.

Father and son?

But with regard to the story Li Jingyan told, according to various investigations, the second elder brother Qin has no children and no family, and it is also possible that he has concealed it so well that very few people know about it.

But if this is the case, since Li Jingyan has recovered his memory and remembered Brother Qin, then he also met Yu Linshang, so he should be able to see the similarity between them.

There are only two possibilities, the appearance has changed, or this assumption is not valid.

Apart from father and son, most likely they are the most trusted subordinates.

However, Li Jingyan had never seen it either.

What is going on?

as well as……

How did they determine that Li Jingyan was an undercover agent and that they also betrayed Second Brother Qin?

If he was an undercover agent, didn't he arrange a way out?

if not……

Suddenly, Mo Shihuan stopped breathing suddenly, and a voice in his mind was exceptionally clear——

"Do you still remember the feeling that you can't live but can't die?"

That mysterious call...

His face turned pale, and a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Mu Shihuan unconsciously clenched the quilt tightly with his fingers.

In a trance, this voice seemed to have appeared before.

Mu Shihuan bit her lip desperately.

In an instant, she had a very strong feeling——

Li Jingyan didn't lie to her.

That story is true.

However, she dared not believe it.

In the quiet bedroom, the only sound was her gradually disordered breathing.

She realizes that, perhaps, the key to unraveling all the mysteries is her lost memory.

Why is it such a coincidence?
She and Li Jingyan lost the memory of that time at the same time?
What kind of injury is it?

And why, she regained the memory of her father taking her back to Jiangcheng to the first time she disappeared, but she forgot some details about getting along with Li Jingyan, and so coincidentally, what she forgot was related to the undercover story Li Jingyan told.

Mu Shihuan's breathing was faintly short of breath.

It was in this situation that something seemed to come out of my mind.

It's some vague fragments and memories.

It seems... She had doubts like this before, and realized that as long as she recovered her memory, she could solve the mystery.


Mo Shihuan pursed his lower lip.

The key, she determined, was her memory.

As long as the true and correct memory is restored, all the mysteries can be easily solved, and who is lying can be clearly known.

Yu Linshang...

If it is true, was his confession tonight intentional?

What is he trying to do?
It should be easy to kill her, it's okay not to save her at the beginning.


Frowning tightly, Mo Shihuan suddenly realized a possibility——

What if the so-called revenge is not just to kill her and Li Jingyan, but... to kill each other, or let Li Jingyan die in her hands?
To die at the hands of those who trusted and loved...

When this idea came out suddenly, Mo Shihuan could only feel his body trembling uncontrollably.

Immediately, she quickly forced herself to shake off those thoughts.

A certain "truth" must not be easily identified, let alone believed.

If it continues according to the thought just now, it is clear that she absolutely trusts Li Jingyan and arranges Yu Linshang to be the opposite of her.

Mu Shihuan clenched his fingers even tighter.

She can only remain neutral until there is no more evidence to support it.

And she is also very clear that she can never stay out of it.

Whether it was Li Jingyan's words, Yu Linshang's sudden confession tonight, or the things she wanted to investigate, they couldn't get around it.

The current problem is how to restore her memory, and ensure that the restored memory is real and not hypnotized by others.


Mu Shihuan's breathing suddenly stopped.

She was stunned, her eyelashes kept fluttering, why did she think of the word hypnosis?

Is it...

My heart beat a little faster, and I was a little flustered.

Mu Shihuan restrained himself.

She told herself over and over again to calm down and temporarily block out what she shouldn't have.

At present, she is not sure when and under what circumstances she will be able to restore her memory without being disturbed, so if she wants to go as soon as possible, she has to take the initiative——

Get someone... hypnotized.

However, she has no one she trusts, and if she looks for it, she may be noticed.


Mu Shihuan felt that her mind was getting more confused, but at this moment, she thought of two people——

Rong Xiuhan, and his junior sister, psychiatrist Jiang Wu.


Long night.

At this time, on the other side of Hong Kong City, the huge villa was brightly lit.

The man got out of the car and walked in at a leisurely pace.

The servant said in a low voice: "Sir, Miss Chi is still dancing and won't stop. She seems to be in a bad mood. You said that Miss Chi will notify you of anything."

The man raised his hand to signal her not to say any more.

He went straight up to the third floor.

There is a dance room specially arranged for Chihua on the third floor.

A place that belongs only to her.

The man walked to the door, which was closed.

He pushed away, and at a glance, he saw that graceful figure dancing, which was the jazz dance when he first met.

After standing for a moment, he walked in.

Chi Hua heard the footsteps and felt the man's breath, but she was not affected at all, and kept dancing her dance, over and over again, as if she was tireless.

The man could appreciate it at first, but after a few times, his brows finally frowned.

"Chi Hua." Stepping forward, he grabbed her wrist.

Chi Hua was forced to stop and bumped into the man's dark eyes.

"What's the matter?" She asked coldly as always.

There was no struggle, no rejection, even if a man hugged her and sniffed her breath lightly.

She didn't move.

However, the man suddenly became ruthless and bit her neck.

Her body froze suddenly, and she was about to lift her foot...

The man's long legs trapped her.

"Chi Hua, baby," the man kissed her snow-white and slender neck, his tone was obviously intimate, but it was mixed with coldness, "Is your heart not warm? Hmm?"

"How do I treat you, can't you feel it?"

He asked in a low voice, as if he had been wronged a lot, but he couldn't bear it, because the woman in his arms was his favorite woman, and he couldn't bear it.

But Chi Hua listened, unmoved at all.

"How do you treat me?" Looking ahead, she said very calmly, "In Beicheng, at my wedding with Su Hao, my sister was sabotaged, and the lives of the Su family, and even Mo Shi, who I just met not long ago, were destroyed. Huan's life, forcing me to go with you."

"Prison me here, without freedom, give me a little love once in a while, agree to my request to hire a dance teacher for me, agree to let me dance, you want to tell me that this is how you treat me, your sincerity to me ?”

"Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

After finishing speaking calmly, there was no more words behind him.

Chi Hua didn't care, and her mood never fluctuated.

She just said again: "I'm tired, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, I don't want to do it tonight, you can do it yourself."

The meaning is already very clear——

Let go.

But not only did the man not let go, but he hugged her horizontally.

When the four eyes met, the dark color in the man's eyes was distinct, and there was a smile mixed in.

"Wash together." He said, blatantly ignoring her last sentence.

The face changed so quickly that even the tone of questioning just now was gone.

Chi Hua looked at him steadfastly, and suddenly, she pulled her lips into a smile that was extremely rare: "I still want to do it?"

The man didn't respond positively.

But his eyes, his movements, all express his attitude.

Tonight, must do.

He couldn't let her go.

After looking at him for a moment, for the first time, Chi Hua reached out and touched the man's handsome side face.

Then...the lips touched.

But when he wanted to turn passive into active, he left in time, spoke coldly, and made no secret of his ridicule——

"I smell of other women's perfume, are you using me as a garbage dump?"


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