I don't know if it was a coincidence, a sports car passed by at the right time, and the piercing and loud voice drowned out Shi Huan's words.

"What did you say?" Lu Ye asked.

Shi Huan suddenly came back to his senses.

"It's nothing," she denied without thinking, and changed the subject calmly, "I just want to say that your eyes are not good, and mine are so beautiful!"

She glared at him: "Come on, I'm very hungry."

She said and pulled him to pick up the pace.

Shi Huan looked ahead, with a smile still on his face.

Her heart is happy.

Fortunately, a sports car passed by suddenly at the moment of asking the exit, and fortunately he didn't hear her words, her heart was beating very fast.

But at the same time, there was another voice in her heart, she thought, they will have a future.

Most definitely.

After all, she still has a chance to ask that sentence again, but not now, it's not appropriate now.

There are cars passing by from time to time.

What Shi Huan didn't know was that Lu Ye... actually heard it.

Holding her hand quietly and vigorously, he stared ahead, his expression seemingly unchanged, but there was a rare turmoil in his heart.

They will be together, there will be a future.

As long as the mission is successfully completed, as long as they are still alive at that time.

There must be a future, there must be a future.

In the future between him and her, he will never let her down.

The two people who had their own thoughts hid it very well. For the first time, neither of them noticed the strangeness of the other.

In this way, the two arrived at a busy street and a restaurant that Shi Huan liked very much.

I asked for the position of the window, so I could clearly see the night view of country A.

On the first date, the atmosphere was good, although at the beginning it was a little uncomfortable to change from a partner to a couple.

After the pleasant dinner, the two left.

Shi Huan looked down at the man, his hand was still holding hers, his palm was hot and warm.

With a slight movement in her mind, a cunning flashed in her eyes, and her fingertips lightly brushed his palm lightly on purpose.

Lu Ye stood still, lowered his eyes, and did not speak.

Shi Huan inexplicably felt that he understood what he meant.

So, she tickled him, and at the same time, kept staring at him without moving away.

Lu Ye smiled.

He didn't know her little thoughts, as she wished, he let go of her hand a little.

It's just that this action was full of tacit understanding, and the corners of Shi Huan's lips raised involuntarily. She looked at him and smiled, and then clasped fingers with him in front of him.

"Let's go." Her earlobe was a little hot, she said, her tone was a little coquettish without knowing it.

Lu Ye's eyes dimmed.

"Okay." He agreed.

Holding her hand tightly, he led her back the same way, deliberately slowing down, as if the two of them were pressing the road aimlessly.

"Sir, buy a flower for your girlfriend!" Suddenly, a little flower seller appeared.

When Shi Huan saw it, he was stunned for two seconds, and then couldn't help laughing.

Lu Ye glanced at her.

"Okay." Knowing that she was thinking about that night, a smile overflowed from the corner of his lips, and he paid for a flower.

"What color rose do you want, sir?" the little girl asked eagerly, trying to sell red roses.

"This one." Lu Ye took one seemingly casually.

It is a pink rose.

The little girl wanted to say something, but Lu Ye had already left with Shi Huan.

He handed the pink rose to Shi Huan.

"Bang bang bang-"

Shi Huan felt as if he could hear his own beating heartbeat, even though the surroundings were so noisy.

Last time I bought a bouquet of flowers by myself, but now he gave it to me.

It was the first time she received flowers, and it was also the first time a man gave her flowers, and it was still the man she liked.

An indescribable sweet feeling welled up in my heart.

"Oh, then I'll accept it!" The smile on the corner of her lips could no longer be concealed, but she still tried her best to say something reserved.

She accepted it, and the smile in Lu Ye's eyes deepened.

It seems that she doesn't know the flower language of a pink rose - first love, love at first sight.

fair enough.

"Let's go." Suppressing those fluctuating emotions, Lu Ye whispered.

As soon as Shi Huan raised her eyes, she bumped into the man's deep eyes, and there was her in them.

The yellow light on the side of the road poured down, and a kind of gentleness quietly spread.

She felt that her heartbeat seemed to be faster.

"Okay." She smiled, and the sweetness seemed to spread to every corner of her body.

The two held hands and continued walking slowly.

No one spoke anymore, but there was a tacit understanding and warmth that outsiders could not understand shrouded the two of them.


Half an hour later, the two slowly returned to the villa.

"It's getting late, take a shower and sleep." Lu Ye let go of her hand and motioned her to go upstairs.

Shi Huan didn't move.

"Lu Ye."


Biting his lower lip with fine teeth, Shi Huan suddenly stretched out a hand to hook his neck.

Lu Ye lowered his head cooperatively.

"What do you want to say?" He asked, his deep eyes never moved away from her face.

Shi Huan is also fleeting.

"I want to ask," eyelashes fluttered lightly, and the corners of her lips could not stop rising, neither reserved nor shy, "When did you fall in love with me? Tell me quickly? Love at first sight, or love over time?"

Lu Ye suddenly curled his lips into a smile.

Holding her waist with one hand and letting her close to him, he raised the corners of his lips: "The essence of love at first sight is to fall in love with each other, and fall in love with each other for a long time... I haven't tried it."

There were only the two of them in the huge villa at the moment.

He was close, and his voice was deliberately lowered. It was already low, but at this moment, it sounded provocative and bewitching. What he said didn't sound very serious, but his expression was so serious.

Seriously... teasing and teasing her.

Shi Huan: "..."

Although she had never liked or had contact with anyone before him, it didn't mean she didn't understand.

Especially when he said the last sentence...

His breathing seemed to be a little short, his chest gradually rose and fell, he didn't know how to refute for a moment, unconsciously, Shi Huan bit his lips again with his white teeth, and looked at him with black and white eyes without blinking.

Something seemed to have changed in the air.

Lu Ye looked into her eyes, watched her movements, and when he spoke again, his voice suddenly became hoarse: "Don't look at me like that."

Shi Huan didn't react for a while, and blurted out: "What?"

While speaking, breathing intertwined.

Lu Ye clasped her side face with the other hand, and gently rubbed the skin with his fingertips. He said, "Don't bite your lip, and look at me with the eyes just now. I'm a normal man, I won't be able to bear it." live."

Very low sentence.

However, the atmosphere changed easily, and the temperature suddenly rose.

Is there anything Shi Huan can't understand?

Some words almost blurted out, but thinking of his words, she swallowed them again, subconsciously bit her lips again, and when she realized this action, she wanted to let go in annoyance.

The man's kiss fell at this moment.

Strong, but also gentle, hot and turbulent.

Shi Huan was startled at first.

A tingling sensation spread from the kissed place, invaded into her pores along the most sensitive place, and finally reached the nerve endings.

Heart trembled violently.

The throbbing mixed with other indescribable feelings surrounded her tightly.

For a moment, my mind went blank, as if there was only one thought——

respond to him.

want him.

And she did exactly that, obeying the throbbing deep in her heart, actively responded to his kiss, and hugged him tighter.

The rose in his hand fell to the ground.

No one noticed.

Quietly, another feeling overflowed from the depths of their hearts at the same time.

It's not long since they expressed their feelings to each other, and they have only been together for a few hours officially, but the affection is extremely strong, as if they have been in love for a long time, as if it is impossible to fall in love with anyone else in this life except the other party.

In the dark, identify the other party.

Thus, the kiss became more and more lingering.

Lips and teeth intertwined, ambiguity breeds.

At some point, the two of them fell on the sofa behind them.

And their clothes...

Shi Huan only felt distracted, until the man suddenly stopped.

His kisses, his hands...

Everything stops.

Opening his blurred eyes, Shi Huan was puzzled for a moment, and the voice he spoke was a charming and seductive voice that he didn't realize: "Lu Ye..."

Those two words, which couldn't be simpler, instantly caused Lu Ye's longing that had been suppressed so hard to suppress to surge again.

His eyes were extremely dark.

But he knew it couldn't.

"Go upstairs." In the end, he just kissed her restrainedly, and said before she opened his mouth, "I will see Brother Qin tomorrow to report on the affairs of country H. The doctor said you should rest well."

He got up, helped her up by the way, and straightened her clothes.

Shi Huan slowly came back to his senses.

Her face was very red.

I wanted to say something, but my throat seemed to be blocked by something, and I couldn't make a sound.

"Oh..." she responded.

"I'll take you up." Afraid that he would lose control if he stayed any longer, Lu Ye couldn't help but pull her up and send her upstairs.

No one speaks anymore.

"Go to bed early." Opening the door for her and sending her in, Lu Ye finished speaking in a low voice and closed the door for her.

The door separated the two of them.

Shi Huan leaned against the door, his face was still hot, especially the images of the loss of control were still so clear.

Finally, she couldn't help biting her lower lip hard.


Lu Ye took a cold shower for half an hour before suppressing those longings.

His thin lips were pursed, and he showed no expression.

Recalling Shi Huan's last look in his mind, he understands what that means, but he can't, and he also understands what he is enduring.


That night, Shi Huan slept soundly, but Lu Ye was the one who couldn't sleep.

The next day, the two of them went to Second Brother Qin to report about country H. Second Brother Qin was very satisfied and praised him a lot. He was very happy when he learned that the two were together, so he asked them to have lunch together.

After that, everything seemed to be going in a better and better direction.

Second brother Qin's trust and respect for them is increasing day by day, and it is true from the heart, and the relationship between the two is getting sweeter and sweeter. Although Lu Ye didn't talk much when they were together, and the sofa got out of control that night. Pass.

But Shi Huan has already identified Lu Ye, and she also knows that Lu Ye feels the same way about her.

Although occasionally she would have the illusion that she couldn't walk into the depths of Lu Ye's heart, but she would think that maybe it was really an illusion.

They will still complete the task hand in hand, with a tacit understanding that no one can resist, and what they can get in touch with is also the core secret of Second Brother Qin.

Time passed day by day, as if it was the same as before.


It was Lu Ye's birthday.

Everything changed qualitatively on that day.

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