
Shi Huan's heart trembled suddenly.

She treats Lu this the feeling of liking?

If not, how to answer all the strange feelings after meeting him, and how to answer all the things tonight.

But if it is...

How could she like it.


she is doomed...

Unconsciously, Shi Huan bit her lip tightly.

Very heavy.

The pain spread, but she couldn't feel it. The only thing she could clearly feel was a burst of indescribable sadness.

Yes, sad.

She believed that she just fell in love with Lu Ye.

This was the first time she had liked someone, someone she found annoying and never thought possible.

And this person...

Shi Huan felt very annoyed, with thousands of emotions surging, but she couldn't say a word.

"Can't sleep?"

Suddenly, a low voice that only the two of them could hear clearly penetrated into her ears, carrying the clear breath and hot breath that only belonged to him.

Shi Huan was embarrassed and uncomfortable.

She subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but when she thought of the environment they were in now, and the task entrusted by Brother Qin this time...

Stiff, she didn't move.

Lu Ye noticed it.

"Sorry." He whispered in her ear again.

In fact, it was not only her who was suffering.

So is he.

"Sleep." That's all he could say.

Shi Huan nodded, realizing that he couldn't see clearly, so he hummed again in a very low voice.

She didn't look like she should have on weekdays at all.

Lu Ye felt it, but he only thought it was what happened tonight that made her like this, so he didn't say much, because he was afraid that if he said one more sentence, it would add embarrassment to her.

So, he kept silent, closed his eyes, and deliberately let his breathing be slow, steady and long.

Shi Huan was still tense and her body was tense, but when she gradually realized that he fell asleep, she breathed a sigh of relief without noticing it.

She also closed her eyes, and although she still couldn't fall asleep, she thought, maybe she could fall asleep with her eyes closed, as long as she stopped thinking wildly and got rid of those thoughts she shouldn't have.

Can't think any more.

There are certain thoughts that she must never have, nor should she have.

It can't be like that.


That night, Shi Huan suffered from insomnia.

There is a man's chest behind her, she can't move, she can only maintain this posture.

All night, she felt awake and not awake enough.

What she didn't know was that Lu Ye also didn't sleep all night, but Lu Ye knew that she had insomnia.

There had never been a time when it was more difficult for the two of them than tonight.


The next day.

The two who could finally "wake up" and leave the room secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But Shi Huan was silent for a long time.

Lu Ye noticed it.

When heading to the casino hall, he put his arms around Shi Huan and whispered in her ear: "I'm sorry last night, the situation was special, but don't worry, the seller should take the initiative to contact you in the evening at the latest, so that our task Even if it's more than half done."

Shi Huan was actually distracted.

Hearing his voice suddenly, the familiar breath sprayed on her skin again, and then invaded her pores, she felt that uncomfortable feeling from last night emerged again.

Obviously...Obviously she has suppressed and convinced herself.

Shi Huan, you can't do that.

She told herself coldly in her heart.

Then, Shi Huan closed his eyes.

"I understand, no need to explain." She responded, showing a look of indifference.

Lu Ye glanced at her.

"Hmm." So he didn't say anything more.

Shi Huan would not take the initiative to say anything, she forced herself to think carefully about this task.

After calming down, she felt that what Lu Ye said was right, the seller should be contacting them, after all, they had tried so much last night, and she believed that their tricks could hide the truth.

Now all she and Lu Ye have to do is wait.

But she didn't expect the contact to come so quickly, they just stepped out of the elevator, and the call... came.

When the call ended, the two looked at each other.

The unspoken tacit understanding surrounded the two.

Soon, someone walked up to the two of them and made a gesture of invitation, and the two followed them into a box.


That night.

"Protect yourself." Before leaving, Lu Ye rarely said a word.

Shi Huan paused slightly.

"You too." She looked at him.

Lu Ye nodded.

"Let's go."


The task of the two of them tonight is to trade on behalf of Second Brother Qin, but in fact, this is not the real purpose of their trip, or rather, it is not what Second Brother Qin wants.

Everyone knows that there are many dangers tonight.

If it goes well, they will be able to return to City A tomorrow morning and complete the second brother Qin's confession, but if it doesn't go well, the two of them will be in a particularly dangerous situation.

They have no one else but each other.

It must go well.

This is the idea in the minds of the two of them.

After all, Shi Huan couldn't hold back, and took a look at his back before getting into the car, she thought, they can complete the task, they will be safe, and no one will be injured.

for sure.

After all, they are so compatible.

She believed in herself, and she believed in him.

It must be possible to get out of the whole body.

With this in mind, she got into the car.

Maybe God is helping them, or maybe their tacit understanding is unmatched, and the countermeasures they thought of before coming here are also right. They are indeed going well, at least before they leave.


They met another group.

Opponents of the sellers with whom they trade.

Two tigers are fighting each other, and there are many traps.

"Go!" Lu Ye grabbed Shi Huan's hand and pushed her into the car!
He then followed the car, the speed is extremely fast.

But the bullets in the back kept coming.

Just when they were about to throw off those who were chasing them, the car... had a flat tire!

"Get out of the car!" The two abandoned the car and left without any hesitation.

In this way, the danger is near.

The people behind chased after him.

And these four weeks...

"There is a river!" Lu Ye keenly heard the sound of water flowing, "Can you swim?"

Under the bright moonlight, his expression was resolute, with a strength that reassured her.

And his hand has been holding her tightly.

Shi Huan nodded heavily.


"it is good."



Drowsy, Shi Huan felt that a towel was placed on his forehead, which felt cool and comfortable.

She couldn't help but want to get closer.

"Hmm..." Unconsciously, she snorted.

Reaching out, she wants to grab something.

Can touch...

It's not cold, it's not a towel, it's warm.



It looks like a man's hand.


With a jolt, Shi Huan woke up from the chaos, and she opened her eyes with difficulty.

Lu Ye looked at the hand tightly held by Shi Huan, frowned slightly, and met her gaze when he wanted to take it away.

She woke up.

"Awake?" he asked.

Shi Huan was not fully awake yet, and her thoughts were still a little confused. For the first time, she looked at him stupidly.

Lu Ye realized something, and said, "After jumping into the river, you had a fever. Before that, you were hit by a bullet in the arm and fell into a coma for a day."

After a pause, he put his hand over her forehead.

"Fortunately, the fever subsided a little."

Shi Huan was in a daze, until his hand was removed from her forehead, and she later realized that she was still holding his other hand.

As if touching an extremely hot flame, she let go abruptly.

Lu Ye didn't notice it, and didn't think deeply about it, he just asked, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Shi Huan didn't hear it for a while.

"Shi Huan."

There was a sudden sound.

Shi Huan raised her head and looked at him.

The man frowned slightly, looking at her.

The moment the four eyes met, Shi Huan clearly felt the temperature rise on his face, and his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

It shouldn't be.

It can't be like this.

She forced herself to wake up, telling herself over and over in her heart.

"What?" She forced herself to calm down and asked calmly.

"Is there any discomfort?" Lu Ye repeated.

Shi Huan didn't know when his clenched hands gradually loosened.

"It's fine," she said, avoiding his eyes.

Lu Ye stared at her for two seconds: "I'll call the doctor to examine you."

He was about to ring the bell.

"Lu Ye!" Shi Huan blurted out.

Lu Ye stopped moving.


It was obviously just a normal sentence, but an indescribable feeling arose in Shi Huan's heart.

She swallowed.

"I want to ask..." She calmed down after all, "How is the matter? Did it go well?"

The seller thought that they were the ones who were unlucky, but they didn't know that they were the real yellow mantis catching cicada and the oriole behind.

What they want is no deal at all.

"Very well, our mission has been completed. Brother Qin asked when we would go back, and I said wait until you wake up." Lu Ye replied.

Shi Huan nodded: "That's good." After a pause, "Let's go back after the inspection."

Lu Ye frowned, and wanted to talk about her current situation, but seeing her appearance and thinking of what Brother Qin said, he finally agreed.

"it is good."

Soon, the doctor came to check on Shi Huan, and said that the fever had subsided, but it was best to rest and change the dressing in time.

He said these words to Lu Ye, and finally the doctor added: "Take good care of your girlfriend."

When Shi Huan heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

She subconsciously wanted to explain that she was not his girlfriend, and she was on the verge of speaking, but she heard Lu Ye nod and said, "Okay, thank you doctor."

Shi Huan's unspoken words were all blocked in his throat.

Not up or down.

Lu Ye turned his head just in time to see Shi Huan's slightly red face.

Realizing something, after the doctor left, he explained without teasing her: "Don't get me wrong, it's convenient to go out."

However, he was keenly aware that her face seemed to change after he said this.

Become... I don't know how to describe it.

Very strange.


"Get out of the hospital!" Shi Huan interrupted him with a loud voice, and then turned his face away.

And her hands under the quilt were clenched into fists again.

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, I'll arrange it." He glanced at her and said.

He walked out of the ward.

Confirming that he really left, Shi Huan bit her lips tightly as if venting.

Anxiety surged.

She knew it couldn't be like this, and she didn't have the right to think about that.

But... I can't control it.

What is she going to do?

In the afternoon, Shi Huan and Lu Ye got on the plane back to country A, and Second Brother Qin was still waiting for them.

After coming out of the hospital, Shi Huan never took the initiative to say a word to Lu Ye again. He thought that he would land in such a safe and sound way, but he never thought...

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