The lights in the operating room were always on.

Shi Huan stood outside, his eyes were always looking at the closed door uncontrollably, and the scene of Lu Ye falling down kept echoing in his mind.

He was shot and bled a lot.

But he rushed all the way without saying a word, he just didn't show it, until just now he couldn't hold it anymore.

She couldn't help thinking about the whole thing, and then suddenly realized——

In fact, that shot was originally going to hit her, but Lu Ye blocked it for her, and he saved her.

If it wasn't him, then the person who is lying in the operation now is himself, or the person who will never wake up is her. If the gun really shot her in the original position, then she will definitely be in danger.

But doesn't he hate her?
Although the man looked indifferent, and occasionally teased her, she could vaguely feel that he was the same as herself, repulsed and guarded against the other party, and even disliked and disliked him.

Why do you want to save her?
Doesn't he know that if she dies today, he can replace her?

Shi Huan felt that he didn't understand, and couldn't figure it out.

Those scenes slowly disappeared in my mind, but what followed was Lu Ye's voice——


The deep and tense voice was extremely clear.

Unconsciously, Shi Huan bit her lower lip lightly.

She leaned against the wall.

At this moment, the lights in the operating room went out, and the door finally opened.

Shi Huan didn't even realize that he rushed forward: "How is the doctor?!"

"The operation went well. The bullet has been taken out. It is not life-threatening. We just need to wait for him to wake up and check again."

Shi Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"But it's also luck. If it deviates by a little bit, I'm afraid it's hard to say." The doctor said something when he saw the situation, and then ordered two things to pay attention to.

Shi Huan felt as if he had heard it, but also as if he hadn't heard anything.

At this moment, she felt that her mood was more complicated than ever before, but she couldn't tell why it was complicated and where it was complicated.

Frowning, she raised her head and looked at the extinguished lights in the operating room.

In the end, instead of going to Lu Ye's ward, she went to Brother Qin's.


Lu Ye woke up after having a vague dream.

As soon as he opened his eyes, two figures from behind came into view.

Brother Qin and Shi Huan.

Calmly closing his eyes, he sat up.

Shi Huan keenly heard the sound for the first time, and turned his head, sure enough.

"Second brother, he's awake." She whispered to Qin's second brother.

Second Brother Qin turned around upon hearing this.

Four eyes facing each other.

Brother Qin's second brother still looked like a gentle scholar, but he was more obviously worried than before. After seeing Lu Ye, he was obviously relieved and smiled.

"How is it? Do you feel any discomfort? Let the doctor check it first?" He asked with concern.

Lu Ye did not refuse: "Okay."

His expression was as pale as ever, making it impossible for anyone to spy on him.

Soon, the top medical team came in one after another, and carefully and carefully conducted a comprehensive examination for Lu Ye.

"Mr. Qin, don't worry, you'll be fine, just rest for a while." The leading doctor said respectfully to Brother Qin.

Brother Qin nodded: "Thanks for your hard work."

"This is what we should do, then let's go out first, and you can call us again if you have something to do."

"it is good."

So the medical team left again, and the three of them were left in the high-end VIP ward.

Second brother Qin is still gentle: "Do you have something to say?"

Lu Ye and him looked at each other, neither avoiding nor evading, and their expression did not change at all: "It was not an accident, it was a plan, but the plan you deliberately arranged was to test me, right?"

Hearing this suddenly, Shi Huan was surprised, but didn't react for a moment, but suddenly looked up at him.

Lu Ye didn't look at her, his eyes were always looking at Second Brother Qin calmly.

"It wasn't you who was in the car, you were not injured," he said his guess again, "right?"

Shi Huan was even more surprised.

It's not Brother Qin, then...

She subconsciously looked at Second Brother Qin again.

Second Brother Qin smiled but said nothing, but this appearance clearly meant to admit it.

Shi Huan knew it clearly, and Lu Ye knew it even more.

"Second brother Qin," he said with the same attitude as before, without being overly respectful or wanting to cling to him or anything, he just uttered a sentence lightly, "You don't doubt the person you employ, and you don't use the person you suspect."

"I don't need you, you do too," he said.

Brother Qin looked at him: "You want to go?"


"Feel sorry."

Suddenly, the air was slightly stagnant.

Second Brother Qin sighed helplessly, and he took a few steps forward, closing the distance with Lu Ye, with bitterness on his face: "Sorry, Lu Ye, it is indeed you who I arranged for the test."

Lu Ye's face remained unchanged.

Brother Qin smiled bitterly: "You should know that sitting in my seat, there are too many people who want to kill me, and not all of them are trusted people around me. I actually know how many are undercover agents sent by other gangs."

He paused.

"Once upon a time," he said in a low voice, both emotional and reminiscent, "I was betrayed by my trusted brother, which caused heavy losses and almost lost my life. In fact, it doesn't matter whether I die or not, but there are so many people who follow me My subordinates, they trust me, and I can't let them be helpless in the future."

Lu Ye remained silent.

The bitterness on the corner of Brother Qin's mouth became more and more obvious, and the apology was very sincere: "Sorry, I didn't think carefully, and you have saved me twice. The first time you saved me without knowing you , I'm so... sorry."

Four sorry, from his mouth.

something that never happened before.

At least Shi Huan has been with him for so long, and he has never seen him lower his posture so much.

This Lu Ye can actually...

She couldn't help but have some calculations in her heart.

"Shi Huan."

Suddenly being named, Shi Huan quickly regained consciousness.

"Second brother."

Brother Qin stroked her hair affectionately, with sincere eyes: "I also want to say sorry to you, even you are hiding it."

"Second brother..."

Brother Qin waved his hand and stopped her with a smile.

"Lu Ye," he looked at the man on the bed again, and said sincerely, "If you insist on leaving, I will not stop you. I will arrange everything for you. You saved me. No matter what you need in the future, as long as you ask , I will be satisfied."

"However," the subject changed, and he smiled again as if in the eyes of outsiders, "I still hope you can stay and help me, and be with Shi Huan."

When mentioning Shi Huan, he seemed to be thinking of something, and his smile deepened a bit: "You and Shi Huan cooperate very well, I believe you will become the best partners and my inseparable left and right hands."


Second brother Qin left, but Shi Huan stayed. In the words of second brother Qin, he hoped that she could take care of him.

Shi Huan has no objection.

But Lu Ye refused.

"I don't need anyone to take care of me. You can leave whenever you want." He said with no expression and emotional ups and downs.

Still the same obnoxious tone as always.

When Shi Huan heard this, he wanted to go back, but when he thought of him lying on the hospital bed, he thought of...

She swallowed the words anyway.

The rebellious factor in his bones was about to move, Shi Huan did something he shouldn't have done, walked to the bedside, looked at him fixedly, and sneered: "You want me to go? Sorry, I just won't go, the more you If you don’t want to see me, the more I won’t leave.”

Lu Ye didn't even lift his eyelids.


"of course."

Lu Ye raised his head and looked at her.

After a while, he hooked his lips and smiled.

It's not that I haven't seen him smirking at me, but I don't know why, the moment the eyes meet, Shi Huan's heart skipped a beat, and even gave birth to a strange feeling.

"You laugh... ah!"

Before the words fell, the man's wrist was tightly strangled.

Shi Huan reflexively wanted to throw it away, but the man pulled him very tightly, and she thought he was injured and couldn't move around, so she didn't struggle and let him pull.

Unexpectedly, this is not the point.

The thought of not being fussy with a patient just crossed my mind, the man suddenly pulled hard, Shi Huan didn't realize it, and fell directly on the man!


A low cry.

In the end, there was no collision, but she touched the tip of his nose.

Close at hand.

Each other's breath seems to be sprayed on the opposite face.

Shi Huan actually felt... a little itchy.

It's still hot.

The strange feeling from before crept out again.

too weird.

And at such a close distance, the man's face magnified, even if she didn't admit it, she had to admit that this man had a very handsome and attractive face.

Suddenly, the man's other hand was about to caress her face.

Shi Huan suddenly came back to his senses, and shouted loudly: "What do you want to do?!"

Lu Ye snorted and laughed.

"What do you think I want to do to you?" he asked casually. "You deserve what I can do to you?"

Shi Huan choked.

this man...

so bad!


"Let go!" She began to struggle, and her little face turned cold, "Otherwise..."

"You're welcome to me?" Lu Ye took her words.


Embarrassment welled up, uncontrollably, Shi Huan's chest kept rising and falling.

Lu Ye caught a glimpse.

Smiling, he didn't let her go immediately, but reminded slowly: "Second Brother Qin asked you to stay and take care of me. No matter whether I go or stay in the end, you will take care of me until I leave the hospital."

"Beautiful thinking! Dreaming!" Shi Huan blurted out without even thinking about it.

Lu Ye smiled again, and the arc evoked was very obvious.

But when Shi Huan saw it, he hated it.

She has never hated a person so much, even Mei, who has been competing with her, she feels that the two kinds of hate are incomparable. What she hates even more is that this man always seems to be able to easily affect her emotions.

It shouldn't be like this.

just can not.

This person is really annoying.

Angry and embarrassing for a while, Shi Huan bit her lip, suddenly threw him away forcefully, ignored him, then turned around and was about to leave.

The door of the ward was opened at this moment, and Ah Guang walked in from the outside.

The two collide.

Ah Guang gasped, and blurted out: "Sister Huan, why is your face so red? Are you sick?"

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