In the huge villa, soon there were only Mu Shihuan and Li Jingyan left.

His hand still held hers.

Mu Shihuan glanced at him, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled casually: "Leave me here alone, what do you want to say? Explain the ignorance of the kidnapping, or deny that the kidnapping has anything to do with you?"

Li Jingyan looked at her with dark eyes like a bottomless sea.

"Didn't you think it was my plan for a long time, and it was my new trick. If that's the case, why ask again?" After a while, he asked in a deep voice.

Mu Shihuan tried to break free from his shackles, thinking that he would not let go, but unexpectedly broke free with a single movement.

She raised an eyebrow.

She walked back to the sofa and sat down at a leisurely pace. She looked at him with a smile and said, "Criminal suspects have the right to defend themselves, and President Li can naturally explain."

"Explain or not, what is the difference in your eyes, what you believe will not change." Li Jingyan's expression did not change.

Mo Shihuan was slightly surprised, and then seemed to sigh with emotion: "I didn't expect President Li to know me so well."

She pauses.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and neither of them moved away first, as if it had become a confrontation, more like a game.

But no one wants to admit defeat.

Mu Shihuan said casually: "Since that's the case, what else is there to talk about? I'll see you at the police station or the court." She kindly reminded, "I'm not joking."

Li Jingyan looked at her seriously.

He didn't speak, but raised his legs and walked to the sofa on the other side to sit down, took out the cigarette case and twisted a cigarette.


With a slight sound, the faint blue flame jumped.

The bluish-white mist gradually covered his handsome face, adding a mature and deep breath to his whole body, and making his expression blurred and unclear.

No one can see through.

"Mu Shihuan." He called her.

Mo Shihuan smiled lightly: "Does Mr. Li have any advice?"

"I don't dare to teach you," Li Jingyan slowly exhaled smoke rings, his expression was indifferent, and his voice was extremely calm, "When will we learn to speak well, and when will we talk about divorce."

Air, stillness.

Mo Shi looked at him happily for a few seconds, as if he had just realized it, and asked with a half-smile: "Is Mr. Li telling the truth?"

It's rare for Li Jingyan not to be angry with her: "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

"Who knows," Mu Shihuan shrugged, "after all, Mr. Li is different from what I know now. Besides, Mr. Li is not willing to let me go no matter what?"

Hearing the mockery in her words, Li Jingyan's expression remained unchanged.

"I said, speak well, and convince me," he said, his eyes darkened, "Mu Shihuan, I want a reason to give up."

He never took his eyes off her face.

Peaceful and serious.

It doesn't seem to be fake.

Mu Shihuan stared at him for a long time.

Gradually, the fake smile on her face faded little by little, and finally her face was expressionless, but if you look closely, you can find some forbearance remaining in her eyes.

"Okay, talk carefully." She said, and she finally stopped playing tricks and succumbing to him, "Li Jingyan, I'm tired of it."

The faint tone of voice made people's chest suddenly become silent, which could not be shaken off.

Li Jingyan took a deep breath.


"Aren't you tired?" Mu Shihuan turned his face away and looked away, "From the moment I reappeared until today, you have been forcing and persecuting me, repeatedly saying that divorce is impossible and that you will not let me leave. "

"Li Jingyan, you're not tired. I'm already very tired. I'm so bored, tired of your entanglement, tired of you, tired of the so-called feelings and explanations in your mouth."

His face was raised slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, as if recalling: "I remember the moment I saw you from the auction, I only hated and rejected you, and then fell in love like a fool... But now, look, going around Turn, the feelings for you are still back to the original point, the disgust will only be deeper than then, you know it very well, don't you?"

"Every meeting is just hurting each other, how boring."

Through the faint smoke, Li Jingyan stared at her deeply, until the ash fell, he dusted it off, and calmly took a breath again: "Not enough."

Not enough to convince him to give up willingly.

Mu Shihuan's fingers trembled.

She closed it, then took a deep breath, and finally turned her face to meet his gaze again.

Entangled, as always.

"It's impossible for us to be together," she said, "I know better than anyone else, since that incident happened a year ago, I can never love you again, there are too many things between you and me, forever Impossible to cross."

When she said this, her eyes did not dodge, and she looked at him without avoiding or retreating. There was no hypocrisy, but every word was her true thoughts.

It is what I want to say most in my heart.

Li Jingyan still didn't respond, and continued smoking calmly.

Mu Shihuan didn't care about it: "Actually, I've said that I'm alive a long time ago, but you don't believe me, you think I'm just losing my temper, you think I always love you and will come back to you, that's not true."

She paused.

"Li Jingyan, we can't go back."

I can never go back to the past, can no longer pick up that girlish throbbing, and can no longer fall in love wholeheartedly.

Li Jingyan's smoking action paused slightly, although it was only a second.

"Actually," the red lips were pursed, and Mo Shi laughed sadly, "I think, maybe... at some point you did like me, even loved me, otherwise you wouldn't pamper me and pamper me .”

The smile couldn't last for too long, and gradually dissipated.

When she spoke again, her voice was much lower, as if every word required great courage and strength: "I lay in the hospital for a long time after waking up, you know what I was thinking about those days, and relying on What woke up?"

She looked at the man again.

Li Jingyan also looked at her.

Mo Shihuan pulled his lips, and said lightly: "The reason why I wake up is my resentment towards you. I've been thinking that I want to come back, divorce you, and have nothing to do with you, otherwise I will I can’t pass the test in my heart, and I can’t forgive myself.”

She smiled miserably.

"Maybe you really liked me, but this liking is too light and unimportant. It can't compare with your ambition, the plan you have planned for a long time, and the Meng family who owes favors."

Li Jingyan exerted force unconsciously with the hand holding the cigarette.

But he still took a puff of cigarette calmly, under her gaze.

"Believe me, why don't you believe it to the end?" He asked, his face indifferent, showing no signs of dew, as if he was asking about something that had nothing to do with him.

But in fact, what he wanted to ask, she had already given the answer.

For a moment, he didn't know why he had to ask again.

Mo Shihuan looked at him calmly: "Because you died once, because you don't love me anymore, you can't force yourself, because you have no heart, people can't see through you."

"A relationship is full of deceit and hurt. Li Jingyan, why don't you tell me how to continue? How to fall in love with you again?"

The nicotine stimulation spreads silently to the rest of the body.

Looking into her eyes, Li Jingyan was in a trance for a short time.

In my mind, the memory of that undercover time quickly emerged, and finally fixed on the day of the operation.

She said about the same thing.

"From the very beginning, you've been pushing me."

A faint voice pulled him back from his thoughts.

What met her was her eyes with no emotion and warmth.

Mu Shihuan said: "It's like last night, you knew that my master and little brother were the ones I cared most about, but you still used their whereabouts to force me to take the initiative to find you and come back to you."

"You clearly know who the person who put something in my wine last night was, or what happened, but you still don't tell me, and you still want to use this to force me."

"I asked Du Shao to investigate the real cause of my father's death early tomorrow, but you kept it from me from the beginning to the end, just like you kept your plans from me."

As she spoke, she paused, as if thinking of something, she pulled the corner of her lower lip helplessly.

"Look, after all, it's just the same as what I said before. The difference is that you think I'm acting on the spot, but I'm sincere in every word."

She looked at him: "Li Jingyan, I've talked too much, I'm tired, I don't want to entangle with you anymore, I hate to contact you again from the bottom of my heart."

"Sometimes I think, before my accident, you never said you loved me, and you never even said you liked me. How deep can your feelings for me be? It's just a man's possessiveness."

She stood up.

Her eyes fell on the scarlet between his fingers, and she said calmly: "You want me to talk about it, I said it, I hope I will never see you again after tonight, goodbye unless you sign a divorce agreement."

"I'm leaving," she said finally.

Li Jingyan took a puff of cigarette, still maintained the posture of sitting on the sofa, and asked deeply: "You can't fall in love with me, but you can be with Yu Linshang? Are you afraid of being confused again?"

Mu Shihuan's footsteps stopped.

"He..." She seemed to be feeling emotional, and her tone was obviously different when she spoke again, "It's very easy to be with Dr. Yu, and the most important thing is, he won't lie to me."

She turned around and walked in front of him: "All you want is the former Mu Shihuan who liked you wholeheartedly, but I am not anymore, I am no longer the former Mu Shihuan, and I will never love you again. "

She leans over.

The man's handsome face magnified in front of his eyes, very close, as if he could count his eyelashes clearly, and seemed to be able to see into his deep eyes.

Their breaths tangled.

"Li Jingyan..."


outside the villa.

The cold wind is wanton.

Du Shao was sitting in the car, wanting to smoke, but thinking that Liu Xiangxiang didn't like the smell of cigarettes, he finally endured it, but he was worried, so he got out of the car.

"Shi Huan!"

After a while, he heard Li Yan shout.

He subconsciously turned around and looked up, and saw Mu Shihuan walking slowly under the moonlight, and there was no Lao Li behind him.

He frowned.

He wanted to ask something, but found that all the words were blocked in his throat and he couldn't come out, especially when he met Mo Shihuan's eyes.


"Mu Shihuan..." He finally opened his mouth.

"Officer Du," Mu Shihuan interrupted him with a smile, and said, "I surrender myself."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned in shock.

Du Shao blurted out: "What are you talking about?!"

Mo Shi's laughter continued undiminished, and he said slowly: "I surrender myself to hurt others on purpose."

Intentionally hurting someone...

Almost at the same time as she spoke, Du Shao's eyelids twitched violently, and he suddenly looked into the villa.

Lao Li...

What's up with him? !

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