Li Yan was pushed out, but Mu Shihuan heaved a sigh of relief.

This proves that Li Yan is not their kidnapping target, that's enough, Yanyan is safe.

Mu Shihuan thought so.

The car was speeding down the road, and Mo Shihuan didn't think about running away, not to mention the doors and windows were locked, even if they weren't, she wouldn't be able to open the door and jump out of the car.

Her body has not allowed it for a long time.

After she calmed down, she relaxed a lot and her body was no longer tense. She even asked indifferently, "Where are you taking me?"

The three burly men in black were all wearing masks, she didn't know what they looked like.

When she asked, none of the three looked at her. One was driving the car intently, while the other two were also looking ahead and ignored her, turning a deaf ear to her words.

Mu Shihuan raised his eyebrows.

Kind of interesting.

After thinking about it, she asked again: "Did the person who asked you to kidnap me tell me where to take me?"

Still ignore.

Mo Shi laughed happily, adding a bit of obvious sarcasm: "Your boss didn't let you blindfold me and tie my hands and feet? Are you not afraid that I will escape?"

I don't know if she reminded them, or because her repeated questioning made them feel bored, the man sitting in the co-pilot turned his head and said angrily, "Stop talking!"

The man sitting next to her took the words and said coldly: "Miss Mu is a smart person, and she knows what to do is best for herself. Miss Mu, you'd better stop talking."

"What nonsense? Blindfolded her!" said the man in the co-pilot.

As he said that, he took out something from the center console and threw it on Mu Shihuan.

"Cover!" he ordered.

Mu Shihuan looked at him: "You tied me up and made me blindfold myself? Hey, are you being too irresponsible? Can you get money this way?"

The men did not answer her again.

Because soon, Mu Shihuan's hands were tied up, and his eyes were also covered.

Then silence spread and no one spoke.

Mu Shihuan was sitting, but she was not afraid. For some reason, she felt that this kidnapping was very strange, and the three kidnappers were the first to bear the brunt.

It looks fierce, but in fact...

Mu Shihuan thought calmly, it was more likely who he was thinking about in his mind.

It's just that she couldn't think calmly for long, because soon, her thoughts were replaced by the memory of her being kidnapped by Li Kezhou a year ago, which was very clear.

The same is true, with their hands tied and their eyes blindfolded.

The difference may be that the feet are free, and this time the kidnapper did not treat her roughly, did not point a gun at her head, and it seems that her life will not be hurt, at least for now.

Thinking of the past that she didn't want to recall, no matter how calm Mu Shihuan was, she was still affected a little after all, and the familiar rejection surged over and overwhelmed her.

She closed her eyes and simply stopped thinking about anything.

Go with the flow.

She thought that if she didn't guess wrong, she would soon meet the person who wanted to kidnap her.


Mu Shihuan guessed right.

The car didn't know which direction to drive for how long, and when she was almost drowsy, the car stopped.

"Miss Mu, get out of the car." The man in the co-pilot said angrily.

Mu Shihuan smiled: "I can't see, how do I get out of the car? What should I do if I fall?"


"There's so much shit!"

She heard him curse, and although she was impatient, she still stretched out a hand to grab her.

"get off!"

Mu Shihuan felt that her guess should be right, so she cooperated and got out of the car.

Not long after she left, she was seated on a chair with a hand on her shoulder.

She didn't resist, and she didn't speak.

She waited quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, she keenly heard footsteps, not just one person.

She knew that the person she was waiting for had arrived.

She still didn't speak until the other party couldn't hold back and called her first.

"Mu Shihuan."

It was a very strange voice, and there was a faint rustling sound.


"Using a voice changer?" Mo Shihuan curled his lips and smiled, "It seems like someone I know, at least you know me."

The visitor choked.

"You think you're smart?" The visitor sneered, "Then guess who I am?"

Although it was a mockery, it was more like chatting with her with great interest.

Mu Shihuan thought about it for a moment, and then slowly said a name: "Mu Nuan?"

The visitor was choked again.

"No!" The visitor said angrily.

Mu Shihuan raised his eyebrows, amused: "Of course you are not Mu Nuan, you are a man, and Mu Nuan is a woman, no matter what, I will not discriminate between men and women."

Visitor: "..."

"However," Mu Shihuan said deliberately when the subject changed, "It's not impossible that it's Mu Nuan. She ordered the kidnapping, and you are responsible for carrying it out. Maybe the silent person standing next to you is Mu Nuan. Want to see me with your own eyes."

Almost at the same time as she said this, the visitor subconsciously turned his head to look at the person beside him, and he didn't realize anything until the person beside him glanced at him.

"No!" He denied again.

I don't know whether to deny that the kidnapper is Mu Nuan, or the woman standing beside him is Mu Nuan.

Mu Shihuan said, pretending that he didn't understand what he said, and after thinking about it, he said another name: "Qiao Shuang?" She explained, "Mu Nuan then she hates me, and Qiao Shuang is her good sister. He also hates me, it should be Qiao Shuang."


Again denied.

Mo Shi laughed happily, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all: "Could it be Meng Liang, the eldest lady of the Meng family? Is that so?"


Mo Shihuan was silent.

"Perhaps," she said, "after all, Miss Meng's methods and methods sometimes make me unable to see through."

Before anyone came to speak, she spit out several names as if guessing casually: "Li Kezhou? The Li family? People who don't like me, Mu Shihuan?"

She talks a lot.

The visitor stared at her with a complicated expression, and finally sneered: "So many people, it seems that you have offended many people, there are so many enemies, do they all want to kill you?"

Mo Shi laughed frankly: "Yes, there is no way, too many people have been offended."

The visitor's expression became more complicated, but what never disappeared in his eyes was the disgust, the disgust towards Mu Shihuan.

"You don't seem to be scared at all, very calm?" he asked.

"Is it useful to be afraid?" Mu Shihuan asked back, "If I say that I am afraid, will it make you let me go, or satisfy your desire to see me afraid? It has nothing to do with me, so why should I be afraid?"

After the words fell, silence suddenly spread.

No one spoke anymore, except for the sound of breathing to recognize that others were still there.

They didn't speak, and Mu Shihuan naturally didn't bother to waste time and energy.

Yet the loss of sight has sharpened her other senses, especially... hearing.

She heard someone drinking water.

"Gudong Gudong..."

It was very obvious that the sound penetrated into her ears, but to Mu Shihuan, the most obvious thing was the word water.


In an instant, a feeling of suffocation as if her head was being submerged in water surged strongly, enveloping her airtightly.

At the same time, a vague sentence suddenly appeared in her mind——

"...a man with a scar on his face."

There is no beginning and no end.

However, no matter what the speaker's voice was, she would never remember it wrong.

Li Jingyan.

This is what he said to her.

But... when exactly?
In fact, she knew very well that although she recovered the memories from when she was brought back to Mu's house by her father to before she disappeared for the first time, in the short two months when she reappeared and got along with Li Jingyan, she forgot some memories.

I don't know if it's a memory disorder or something else, but it's very strange.

She can't remember.

Thinking about it now, she suddenly felt that what she had forgotten was very important.

Thinking of this, Mo Shihuan felt his heart beat faster uncontrollably, and somehow, his breathing was a little fast.

She wanted to hold back.


"Call Li Jingyan and ask him to prepare the money!"

Suddenly, the man with the voice changer ordered viciously.

Mu Shihuan's thoughts were suddenly pulled back.

Li Jingyan...


Did they target Li Jingyan?

Before she could say anything else, the man proudly said to her, "I know you are Li Jingyan's wife."

From being kidnapped to now, Mo Shihuan has never mentioned Li Jingyan or thought of him, but to be precise, she forgot on purpose.

But now, it seems that he still can't get around him.

"You think too much," she heard her extremely calm voice, "Although I am still Li Jingyan's wife in name, we have no relationship from the beginning, we are going to divorce soon, he will not do this for me The ex-wife spent money."

"Who are you lying to!"

The man seemed very angry, he snorted heavily, making no effort to hide his sarcasm.

"Go and ask, who doesn't know that during the year Mrs. Li was away, Mr. Li Jingyan lived an abnormal life, and he was so abnormal that he could be sent to a research center for research!"

"Really?" Mu Shihuan wanted to smile, but his tone was very light.

"Of course!" The man stared at her, "Except for work, he is work, he doesn't participate in any games, and even wants to sacrifice all his rest time to work! If it wasn't for you, how could he become like this?"

His voice was getting higher and higher, and he seemed to be complaining: "Do you know how long he has been insomnia for how long you disappeared? And do you know how he dealt with Li Kezhou?"

"Also, Li Yan is your best friend, isn't he? If it wasn't for you, how could a person like him pay more attention to a woman, and ask his confidants to protect her until you come back?"

After the man finished speaking bitterly, his breathing became short and heavy.

And Mo Shihuan listened calmly, and didn't speak the whole time, until he finished speaking, he quietly uttered a sentence: "It has nothing to do with me."


The atmosphere changed slightly.

The man wanted to say something, but the person beside him suddenly grabbed his clothes and motioned him to shut up.



It seemed to be the sound of a mineral water bottle being smashed on the ground.

"Let's go! Let her stay here!"


The footsteps gradually faded away.

The five of them really left, and Mo Shihuan was left alone sitting on a chair with his hands and feet bound.

She didn't make a sound, let alone beg for mercy, she just curled her lips in a subtle way.


It was very cold in Jiangcheng in January, and the cold wind was blowing. Mo Shihuan didn't know how long it had passed, but he only knew that he was very cold.

She guessed it was night now.


When the footsteps sounded again and her blindfold was pulled off, she found that there were lights around her, but it was dark outside.

As for the location, she didn't even have time to take a closer look.


A bomb was strapped to her body.

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