Uncle Ming's eyes were full of anxiety: "I can't find Miss Shi Huan..."

Mr. Mu's expression turned serious.

Just as he was about to say something, another servant came running quickly, panting and said, "Master, Housekeeper Ming, I saw Missy! President Li... President Li is about to leave with Missy in his arms!"



The person in his arms was weak and boneless, as if he would disappear at any moment, Li Jingyan hugged her and walked out directly.

Almost the moment the two appeared, most of the eyes focused on them, and there were all kinds of things.

Li Jingyan turned a blind eye.

"What's wrong with her?" Seeing it, Rong Xiuhan quickly approached and asked in a low voice.

Someone else is listening.

Li Jingyan and Rong Xiuhan looked at each other, and said lightly: "It's okay, it's just a little uncomfortable, I'll take her home to rest."

The sound is not too loud, just enough to be heard by those who want to hear it.

Rong Xiuhan instantly understood what he meant.

"Yeah." He just nodded and didn't say anything.

Li Jingyan didn't waste any time and left straight away, even if a servant said something at the door.

Soon, the figure of him holding Mu Shihuan disappeared.

When Mu Sinian came in from the side door of the garden, he only had time to see his back and Mu Shihuan's white feet.

It was blindingly white.

He narrowed his eyes.

Although his complexion remained unchanged, a ball of flames burst out of his chest uncontrollably, unable to vent, but he couldn't show it, let alone catch up.

Shi Huan...

As he silently recited this name in his heart, the darkness deeply buried in his bones and blood was ready to move again.


Mu Sinian sneered.

It happened that a servant passed by with a tray, and he took a glass of wine casually. When someone came over to greet him, the corners of his lips immediately raised slightly, forming a warm smile.


The atmosphere of the birthday banquet didn't seem to change because of Li Jingyan Mu Shihuan's departure, but it seemed more lively. To be precise, it was the "secret gossip" that was once hidden and now made public.

It's just that Li Jingyan hugged Mu Shihuan and left in public. Mu Shihuan obediently cuddled in his arms without struggling, and there was a little more excitement in an instant.

Where there are people, there is never a shortage of gossip, especially the secrets of the rich.

"No, Li Jingyan and Mu Shihuan...I see that there is no problem with the two of them," someone raised doubts, "If you really want to divorce, will you leave together? Or should Li Jingyan hold Mu Shihuan?"

There were also people who disagreed: "Have you forgotten Mu Shihuan's method? She did not keep it all on purpose. Firstly, it can catch Li Jingyan's heart, and secondly, it can avoid the embarrassment of being exposed. It kills two birds with one stone, I think, She's just pretending, it's not like she hasn't played this kind of trick before."

After such an analysis, many people around nodded in agreement.

Someone else gestured in the direction of Mu Sinian: "Hey, do you think that those people gathered around are going to inquire about Mu Shihuan's life experience? The old man of the Mu family should know too, right? Tsk, this is a good birthday party." With this, is it going well?"

The others laughed at her.

However, the fact is that the following birthday banquet was the same as the beginning and was not affected at all. Even after Mu Shihuan left, Mr. Mu also went downstairs, chatting happily with his friends with a smile.

The atmosphere is so lively.

No matter which process you look at, or from the expressions of the Mu family, it's all normal.

Everyone seemed to come to this birthday banquet sincerely, and it seemed that they hadn't heard any secrets.

In this way, the birthday banquet went smoothly to the end.

With Uncle Ming's support, Mr. Mu walked to the front. Along with him was a lawyer who was not as famous as Han Ting, but had enough qualifications.

When the lawyer appeared, many people's hearts were boiling, and they felt that the good show that they had been waiting for all night had finally come.

"Thank you to everyone present for coming to my old man's birthday. I am very happy," Mr. Mu said kindly, without the hostility that he had when he was fighting in the shopping malls. witness."

Who is not human here?

Bringing a lawyer to appear at such a time, and the relationship between Mu Sinian and him has long been a secret, is a well-known secret in the upper class. When these words came out, many people subconsciously looked at Mu Sinian.

Mu Sinian was still the same in the eyes of outsiders, with a slight smile on his lips, gentle and polite.

He was looking at Mr. Mu, seemingly unaware of everyone's inquiry.

So is Mr. Mu.

He smiled and nodded at the lawyer.

The lawyer understood and stepped forward: "Actually, this is a gift from Mr. Mu to Miss Mu's family. It's just that Ms. Mu left first because she was not feeling well. But even so, I still hope to share it with everyone and witness together."

He paused, nodded, and got straight to the point: "Here tonight, I will announce on behalf of Mr. Mu Hangyuan that all properties under Mu Hangyuan's name, including movable and immovable properties, will be divided into two shares, and one will belong to Mr. Mu Hangyuan. The eldest granddaughter Miss Mu Shihuan owns, and the other belongs to the daughter-in-law Gao Zhiman and eldest grandson Mushen who live abroad."

Briefly, the lawyer said a few more words.

And almost at the same time that he spoke, many people's eyes once again focused on Mu Sinian.

The atmosphere changed slightly.

Kind of weird.

Until Uncle Ming said apologetically: "I'm sorry, our master needs to rest. Please forgive me for the poor hospitality tonight."

He said a few words, every word was sincere, and after he finished speaking, he helped Mr. Mu upstairs, neither of them looked at Mu Sinian the whole time.

On the other hand, Mu Sinian still had a smile on his lips, as if nothing had changed.

It was already coming to an end, and the birthday banquet tonight came to an end in a short while.

Guests began to leave in twos and threes.

However, the excitement spread outside and was successfully taken away.

"This is tantamount to announcing the inheritance in public. It is divided into two... There are no Mu Sinian and Mu Nuan, but there is Mu Shihuan. What does this mean? I think it is false that Mu Shihuan is not the Mu family. Otherwise, can it be like this?" Someone questioned.

"I agree, don't look at Mu Hangyuan's age now, who was his opponent when he was managing the Mu family? He started from scratch! If it wasn't true, would he give so much property to an outsider?"

"But don't forget how fierce Mu Sinian and Mu Hangyuan were fighting. If it was intentional, everyone now knows that his property is not as much as Mu Sinian's. What does this mean? It's not just To slap him in the face in public is to find everyone to restrain him!"

"Oh, I see, ginger is still old and hot."


The people who were hung up by curiosity did not leave immediately, but gathered together in the name of greeting and chatting with each other.

Although there is no definite conclusion at the end of the chat, there is only one point that everyone has no objection to, that is, Mu Hangyuan slapped Mu Sinian in the face in public. As for whether Mu Shihuan is from the Mu family, it has become Mystery tonight.

Everyone wants to know, but there is no definite evidence, even if the person who first leaked the secret repeatedly assured that he had indeed heard what Mu Nuan and Mu Sinian said, after all, there is no more "direct" evidence.

It's just that this doesn't prevent what happened to Mu tonight from quickly spreading throughout the upper class circle.


When Yu Linshang was about to leave, Uncle Ming walked up to him and stopped him, seemingly respectful but forcefully expressing that Mr. Mu wanted to see him.

"Okay, please lead the way." Yu Linshang smiled slightly.

Uncle Ming glanced at him indistinctly, but he still felt that he couldn't see through this man. Even though he had been smiling since he appeared, and was obviously more sincere than Mu Sinian's gentleness, he just couldn't see through.

Yu Linshang seemed unaware of Uncle Ming's scrutiny.

After entering the study, he saw Mr. Mu.

"Master Mu." He nodded and greeted.

Mr. Mu had adjusted his emotions a long time ago, and the fragments of the teacup that he had broken on the ground had already been cleaned up.

He glanced at Yu Linshang, and didn't intend to be devious, but chose to get straight to the point: "Mr. Yu, I always like to speak straight, so I won't go around in circles with you."

Yu Linshang was polite: "Say it."

"I know that you and Shi Huan are good friends. It should be a friend she has known since she disappeared for a year. Maybe you have helped her. I don't object to you being friends." His eyes seemed a little cloudy, and he continued, "But Shi Huan was married a long time ago, she is a married woman."

"Shi Huan is more self-willed. She loves her husband Li Jingyan very much. It was love at first sight for him. At the beginning, she wanted to marry him no matter what. Once she made up her mind, she would never change. But now, she just got angry with Li Jingyan .”

He knew that Yu Linshang was a smart person, so he clicked on it.

Yu Linshang also nodded as he wished, but did not answer directly: "Mr. Mu, I understand what you mean."

He just said so.

Mr. Mu narrowed his eyes slightly.

After a while, he smiled: "Just understand."

"Does Mr. Mu have any other orders?" Yu Linshang asked.

Mr. Mu waved his hands and smiled gently, like an old man who couldn't be more kind: "I don't dare to say, I heard that Mr. Yu is from Hong Kong City. Our Jiangcheng is a very beautiful city. If necessary, I can find Someone took Mr. Yu around to play around."

Yu Linshang readily agreed: "That's fine, then please trouble Mr. Mu."

"You're welcome, since you are Shi Huan's friend, you are also a guest of our Mu family."

The two chatted a few more words, as if it was the first time they met but had a good time with each other. It was not until Uncle Ming reminded him that it was time to take medicine, and Yu Linshang stood up apologetically and said goodbye.

Mr. Mu didn't keep him, he just let him come and play when he was free.

Yu Linshang smiled, but still complied.

Uncle Ming sent him to the door, and Yu Linshang said that he could just go downstairs.

He walked slowly.

On a certain flight of stairs, he rubbed shoulders with Mu Si Nian Mu Nuan who was coming up.

Yu Linshang nodded slightly as a greeting.

The same is true for Mousse Nian.

Just passing by, Mu Sinian thought of the information found by his subordinates, which showed that Yu Lin Shangsheng was only a doctor in Hong Kong City.

But is it really just a doctor?
He thought so in his heart, but Mu Sinian didn't show it in the slightest.

It was Mu Nuan who took a look at Yu Linshang's back, but soon, that curiosity was replaced by anxiety.

"Brother," she called to stop Mu Sinian, frowned and bit her lower lip, "You said... what did he ask me to go to the study?"

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