The atmosphere in the living room of the villa was joyous, with people coming and going, and it was indescribably lively, but Mu Nuan couldn't stand it and walked out.

She always felt that other people looked at her strangely, as if they were laughing or pitying.

But she thought, it was more about watching a good show, laughing at how she was treated by Li Jingyan, thrown into a mental nursing home, deported from the country and unable to come back until now.

Every look seemed to remind her that she was ugly.

Even though the crowd wouldn't show it so obviously, she could feel it, especially, she overheard someone whispering that she and Mu Shihuan were laughing at her that she was not as good as Mu Shihuan tonight.

Mu Nuan couldn't stand it, so she escaped.

The moment she breathed in the fresh air, she felt like she was alive, her frantically beating heart improved a little, and the sweat in her palms was no longer so much.

But she never expected that she would bump into someone making fun of Li Jingyan——

"It's a good thing that Li Jingyan didn't come tonight, otherwise such a big green hat would be put on his head in public, what kind of face would there be?"

Mu Nuan's body stiffened slightly.

Before she could react, the next second, she heard her name being mentioned——

"If you want me to say, it's just like that when you come here. Mu Shihuan gave Li Jingyan a cuckold, and why didn't Li Jingyan embarrass Mu Shihuan in public? Have you seen that? Mu Nuan is also back, if these four people meet... "

The atmosphere changed suddenly, and the voice stopped abruptly.

A strong and hard to ignore aura hit, as if sensing something, Mu Nuan suddenly raised his eyes and looked in a certain direction.

... Li Jingyan.

That face was so familiar that she could draw it even with her eyes closed.

He didn't know when he stood there.

The two people who were teasing found that they were very embarrassed and tried to say something, but they couldn't make any sound under Li Jing's pervasive aura, and finally the two left quickly in desperation.

The speed is very fast, as if he is afraid that if he is slow for a second, he will be cleaned up by Li Jingyan.

run away.

Mu Nuan froze in place and did not move for a long time.

Until, Li Jingyan wanted to pass her by with a blank face.

"Li Jingyan!" She blurted out without thinking.

The hands hanging by her side had already been clenched into fists, and the nails dug into the palms to print traces of Taoism. Under the slight pain, she felt that her heartbeat was a bit more frantic than in the living room.

However, the man did not stop.

Seeing to be...

"Mu Shihuan is with someone else!" Impulsively, she shouted at him.

Finally, the figure stopped.

A familiar breath, a familiar face...

In an instant, a strong sourness rushed straight to Mu Nuan's nose. She was not happy at all, nor did she feel relieved, but felt even more embarrassed.

Look, even if he stopped, it was only for Mu Shihuan.

But in the past... In the past, when he saw Mu Shihuan, he was unabashedly disgusted, and Mu Shihuan couldn't intervene between her and him at all.

Nothing has changed.

The eye sockets became acidic, and tears seemed to be falling down, but Mu Nuan held back abruptly.

"Why?" Looking up, she stared at him for a moment and asked, swearing for an answer, "At that time...why did you treat me like that."

Li Jingyan's face was expressionless, and there was no emotion at all when he heard the words.

Afraid that he would leave, afraid that he would not be able to untie this knot and would be tortured, Mu Nuan asked: "I have been here for more than a year, and I have been thinking about it for a long time. In fact... you were not drunk at all that night. Are you drunk?" On purpose, you pretended to be drunk in order to lure me into the bait and finally humiliate me, right?"

She spoke to herself, but soon became suspicious again.

"No... If you did it on purpose, then why did you let Mu Shihuan see it? Mu Shihuan obviously knew it after seeing it. She believed that we had a relationship, but you didn't explain it. Why?"

After meeting again for more than a year, Mu Nuan found that as long as he stood in front of him, his emotions and thinking ability would be affected and chaos would inevitably arise.

But obviously it shouldn't be like this...

"Why..." Heartbroken, she repeated in a low voice.

"You're not worth my trouble."

Suddenly, an extremely cold and heartless sentence fell from the top of his head, and it caught Mu Nuan's ears unexpectedly.

Mu Nuan's breathing suddenly stopped, and even her heart seemed to stop beating.

Why didn't she understand what he meant?
In his eyes, in his heart, she is an insignificant person, he doesn't bother to use tricks on her, let alone deliberately pretend to be drunk in order to humiliate her and let her think she has succeeded.

He did nothing.

He was indeed drunk that night, but even so, he wouldn't even glance at a woman who wasn't Mu Shihuan, even if someone stood naked in front of him.

He did it on purpose.

He intentionally made her feel that the plan had succeeded, deliberately let her spread rumors to force him to take responsibility, he watched coldly, and finally gave her a merciless blow when she was most proud and had the highest expectations.

Embarrass her from being full of joy, let her fall from heaven, and finally be forced into a mental nursing home.

He was so obvious, so bad, so unfeeling on purpose.

But she couldn't see clearly, and she couldn't fight him.

But she wanted to get him like crazy, and separated him from Mu Shihuan.

But from the beginning to the end, he only had Mu Shihuan in his eyes.

Only Mu Shihuan.

The increasingly intense embarrassment surrounded Mu Nuan, and her face, which had been put on exquisite makeup, turned red and white, and finally became bloodless.

She was the one who brought shame upon herself.

But Mu Nuan looked at him, unwilling after all.

Maybe it was out of revenge, or maybe it was impulsive, she said: "You love Shi Huan very much, right? But she still wants to divorce you? It's not that she doesn't believe you, she decided to believe that I had a relationship with you , when she was most sad!"

As long as she meets him and Mo Shihuan, no matter how well she recuperates abroad this year, when she comes back, she becomes impulsive again, becomes restless, and doesn't look like herself at all.

"She doesn't love you, she doesn't want you anymore, she..."

The words were blocked in the throat abruptly.

The man looked at her so coldly, there was no warmth at all, only a deep coldness.

so cold.

Her heart skipped a beat suddenly, and Mu Nuan held her breath.

The palm was pinched by nails and seemed to bleed, but there was still a rushing emotion deep in her heart, and Mu Nuan knew that that emotion was unwillingness and jealousy.

"I'm not wrong, Mo Shihuan doesn't love you anymore," she said, poking her neck, forcing herself to look into his eyes, "otherwise she wouldn't divorce you, let alone do that on an occasion like tonight! "

Once the door of jealousy is opened, it can no longer be closed.

Mu Nuan thought, at this moment, I am about the same as a wife who sees her husband and boyfriend cheating but is helpless. She has no reason and no thinking ability, and just wants to make everything worse and make everyone feel bad.

She is crazy.

But then she thought, go crazy, she's had enough for so long.

She can't let herself go.

When she met the man's gaze again, she smiled, and her voice was intentionally softer: "She has a new boyfriend now, and she insists on divorcing you. Everyone in the circle knows that she just doesn't love you anymore." .”

Laughing and laughing, she seemed to want to cry.

"When she loved you, she wanted you desperately, and wanted to become Mrs. Li, but now she doesn't love you anymore, she dumps you if she says she doesn't want you, and she doesn't want you if she doesn't want you. Nothing."

The corners of her eyes were wet, and her voice lowered a lot, deeply entangled in self-mockery: "But you still love her, right? I think you fell in love with Mu Shihuan the first time you saw her, even though you hate her She, it's clear that your emotions are so light, and you never show your emotions, but ever since Mu Shihuan appeared..."

"She is the exception, she is different to you."

There were tears falling down, but Mu Nuan didn't wipe them away.

"You have never liked me, let alone love. At the beginning, everyone said that you loved me for many years. It was all fake. What do you love me, what is a good boyfriend, what do they know? Even the so-called being together is you The wind released by grandpa, you never admitted that I was your girlfriend."

Her teary eyes were hazy, not afraid of the man's increasingly fierce eyes, but Mu Nuan smiled.

"You know, I'm very happy now. I'm happy that Mu Shihuan doesn't want you anymore. I'm happy that Mu Shihuan fell in love with someone else. You didn't see how tender Mo Shihuan's eyes were when he saw that person, full of love. It's like... like I was stalking you back then."

The surrounding chill was deep, especially the man's aura was even more penetrating.

But Mu Nuan wasn't afraid at all when his mind was chaotic and out of control.

She continued: "Did you know? Mu Shihuan is not a child of the Mu family. She has no blood relationship with us. My brother...he also likes Mu Shihuan. No, you must have known it a long time ago, right?"

Talking to herself, she didn't care whether Li Jingyan would respond to her words at all.

"But I also know that even if she doesn't love you anymore, it's impossible for you to love me and be with me again, and I don't expect to have thoughts about you that I shouldn't have," she laughed self-deprecatingly. I have endured the embarrassment before, your methods, your ruthlessness... I know better than anyone else."

The meaning of self-deprecation is getting stronger and stronger, which makes her more and more pitiful.

Mu Nuan looked at him, actually with resentment: "You can rest assured, I won't do anything to Mu Shihuan anymore, how could I do anything to her, how could I be successful, she has you, she has you My brother, and... and that new boyfriend."

Her lips trembled, and some emotions were about to move, which made her very uncomfortable.

However, there was nothing more uncomfortable than a sentence that was dropped suddenly, without any emotion——


The low and gloomy voice overflowed from his thin lips, it was obvious that he was indifferent, but it was so ironic.

He looked at himself blankly.

Mu Nuan felt a deep chill instantly.

The pupils shrank heavily, and she moved her lips, trying to say something but couldn't say anything.

And at this moment, the sound of footsteps from far to near came clearly to Mu Nuan's ears.

A servant's face quickly appeared in sight, followed by the servant's stammering embarrassing words——

"Li...Mr. Li, the eldest lady asked, do you you need to provide a room for the two of you...back...aftertaste..."

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