Long-term love becomes sick, ex-husband is too involved in the drama

Chapter 241 Look at what the man you love is doing before you die

Mu Shihuan regained consciousness from the upheaval.

She frowned, trying to open her eyes to see where she was, but there was darkness in front of her, and she couldn't see anything.

Breathing slightly stagnant, she froze for a few seconds.

Immediately, she moved.


She was bound, her hands were tied behind her back, and her eyes... were blindfolded!

His mind went blank, and Mu Shihuan just missed the beat.


In a trance, Qingming gradually returned and memory recovered.

She remembered.

After answering Tang Yu's phone call, she was extremely heartbroken, and was threatened by Li Yan again by Tang Yu. In a daze, she agreed to leave Li Jingyan. She was forced, but also voluntary, and even more evasive.

Then, Tang Yu photographed someone, disguised her for her, and finally took her out of the apartment smoothly, hiding it from the sky, and the first and second graders and other subordinates who were guarding around the apartment didn't notice.


Throughout the whole process, Mo Shihuan was in a daze, his brain was confused, he had nothing, and seemed to be filled with many cruel truths that he did not want to face.

Subconsciously, she was escaping, escaping from everything with Li Jingyan, and everything in the city of Jiangcheng.


She only heard the sound of sharp brakes, the car slammed into something, and her inertia caused her body to lean forward suddenly, and her head hit the door, and within two seconds, the door was opened. After a fight, she Still got dragged down.

Then, she lost consciousness.

And now...

She was sure that the car she was staying in was not arranged by Tang Yu, and the surrounding environment made her feel dangerous.

Breathing became short of breath, Mu Shihuan tried to struggle.


Something was pressed against the head.

It's... a gun.

"Don't move, be honest!" The cold and dangerous voice drilled into his ears.

Mu Shihuan bit his lip suddenly.

It was definitely not Tang Yu's person.

In an instant, a guess popped up in my mind——

With the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind, Tang Yu wanted to send her away, but he didn't expect that there would be someone behind him who was planning everything, that's why she had an "accident" in the previous car and has been held hostage ever since.

"Who are you?" Forced to calm down, she asked.

Yet no one responded.


"Shut up!" The gun was pressed against her head again, "One more word, so that you will never be able to speak!"

Guns are tough and dangerous.

Mu Shihuan's body was slightly stiff, and almost at the same time, the dream he had when he first returned to Jiangcheng appeared clearly in his mind——

The yellow sand was rolling, and she confronted a man with a gun drawn. Finally, the gun rang out, followed by the cry of a baby.

And then, the screen changed, and it became...became...

But her memory got stuck at this most important moment, and she couldn't remember what happened next, and instead, there were quite a few unfamiliar yet familiar fragments, many of which were related to guns and bloodshed.

Some things seem to be unstoppable and rush out.

Mu Shihuan gritted her teeth suddenly, but in the next second, she started to have a headache, sometimes turbulent and sometimes gentle, tortured in every way.

Just as her face gradually turned pale, the car stopped.

Before she could react, a strong hand roughly grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the car!
Be caught off guard.

She staggered, and almost fell down in embarrassment. She tried to stand still, but the blindfold was suddenly ripped off.

The sun was dazzling, and she subconsciously closed her eyes.


A somewhat familiar voice sounded eeriely.

Mu Shihuan's body froze slightly, and then opened his eyes.

An all-too-familiar face came into view, Li Kezhou, the third uncle of the Li family.


A slap hit the side of her face so hard that Mu Shihuan's face was directly turned to one side.

The burning pain spread instantly.

Her shoulders were firmly pressed by the man in black, she couldn't move at all, and her body was weak, as if she had been injected with something.

"Didn't expect that one day you would fall into my hands." The man's voice sounded again.

Mu Shihuan struggled to raise his head.

Li Kezhou's eyes were scarlet, and madness flickered in his eyes: "No matter how powerful that bastard Li Jingyan is, he let me catch you, haha... When you two planned on me like that last time, did you think about today? ?”

He looms.


There was undisguised complacency and madness in the questioning voices.

Her lips twitched, and Mo Shihuan wanted to say something, but suddenly found that she had lost her voice, she couldn't speak at all, except for the sound of murmuring.

Li Kezhou watched, feeling a perverted sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Stretching out his hand, he grabbed Mu Shihuan's chin, pressed and pressed it vigorously, until he saw red marks printed on her skin, which really made my heart excited.

Mu Shihuan struggled hard, but it was useless.

And the more she struggled, the more excited Li Kezhou became, obviously taking her fight with trapped beasts as a kind of fun.

"Nephew and daughter-in-law," Li Kezhou patted her face lightly with his palm a few times and said with raised eyebrows, "If you want to blame, blame Li Jingyan, whoever asks him to do things is too late for me As for Lu, who he thought he was, he was just an abandoned son of the Li family, he remembered him, and brought him back to let him manage the company."

As soon as the subject changed, he showed a ruthless look: "But the Li family is not his! Absolutely not! He wants to take it all by himself, how shameless is he? I am his third uncle! Don't let me take power, let alone speak, dare to cut my rights , Take me out a little bit! Make me look ugly, drive me out of Li’s house, and call the police... Heh, I will never forget everything, every single thing!"

He scolded angrily: "Bah!"

His eyes were too crazy, completely different from usual, Mo Shihuan didn't know whether he was actually like this at all, or if he was stimulated to suddenly become like this, but no matter what it was, it was the same for her. Adverse.

She must find a way to escape.

But, sadly, there is nothing she can do at the moment.

"Want to escape?" Li Kezhou sneered, his madness intensified, and he even took out a dagger and stuck it to Mu Shihuan's face, "You are Li Jingyan's wife, of course you have to pay for the sins he committed, how can I May let you escape? Mo Shihuan, give up, no one can save you, today you will only fall in my hands!"

"If you can't kill Li Jingyan, it's good if you can kill his wife." He smiled triumphantly.

The dagger was cold, and Li Kezhou's body was shaking all the time while laughing, and if he was not careful, he could cut her face, and the gun was always on her head.

Mu Shihuan's heart beat faster and faster, but she couldn't make a sound.

Breathing becomes more and more rapid and even disordered.

When Li Kezhou saw it, he smiled even more happily: "My niece, are you afraid?" He patted her face lightly with a dagger, and he clicked his tongue, as if suddenly thinking of something, and asked, "Do you know where Li Jingyan is? Think, if he knows that you are in my hands, will he come to save you?"


Mu Shihuan couldn't speak.

Suddenly, the hair was grabbed.

Li Kezhou is already crazy.

"I'll show you what that bastard Li Jingyan is doing now. How about it? When you need him the most, where is your beloved husband? Will he show up?"

"Nephew, niece, niece, how do you want to die? Guaranteed to be invisible, and no one will be able to find out that I did it." The words were clear and sarcasm, "But before I die, let's take a look at you." What is the man you love doing?"

Mo Shihuan's heart was beating wildly, and an indescribably strong feeling of unease gushed out from the bottom of his heart in the next second.

Subconsciously, a voice told her to escape.

She doesn't want to look.

But obviously, Li Kezhou did it on purpose, as if he could guess the rejection in her heart at the moment, the more she didn't want to watch it, the more he wanted to force her to watch it.

A man in black handed over a tablet.

He nodded in front of her...

With just one glance, Mo Shihuan's pupils shrank heavily, all the color on his face disappeared, his breathing stagnated, and even his heart seemed to have stopped beating.

Li Jingyan...


It was cold.

With a heavy "squeak", Meng Liang opened his eyes in a daze. In his sight, a tall and handsome figure slowly approached, and he came with the light behind his back.

It was Li Jingyan.

He really came, even though his face was expressionless and his whole body was shrouded in cold, but he came.

Her heart missed a beat for an instant. At this moment, Meng Liang suddenly realized that what Song Xincheng said was right. Before she knew it, she really had thoughts about Li Jingyan that she shouldn't have besides being a friend.

Knowing that he is married, knowing that he is a man who has no heart, knowing that... He helped the Meng family to help her just because of the love of the Meng family for saving his mother back then, and the love has been exhausted.

But she still couldn't help being moved, but she deceived herself again and again.

Something was about to move in her heart, she opened her mouth, looked at him, and shouted in a low voice: "Jingyan..."

Li Jingyan didn't look at her, not since she came in.

Out of the corner of his eye, men in black appeared and surrounded him and his subordinates from all directions. It was Lian Jiazi at first glance.

A fierce battle seemed inevitable.

"President Li is here, tsk, the hero is saddened by the beauty pass, and for the sake of the beauty, he still came." An unfamiliar voice came from the front with a low smile, but no one was seen.

Li Jingyan's face remained unchanged.

"You are not Lu Ye." Thin lips uttered a sentence, the corners of his eyes and brows were covered with haze, just one glance was enough to make people shudder.

"I am." The strange man's voice continued.

Li Jingyan didn't want to waste time entangled in these meaningless words: "I'm already here, so I can say what I want to say."

The man smiled.

"Miss Meng," he clicked softly, "It seems that Mr. Li didn't come here for you as you thought in your heart. His purpose of coming was just to know something about the past. Miss Meng, are you disappointed? ?”

Meng Liang's face changed slightly. Although the man didn't say it clearly, she could hear what he meant——

Li Jingyan came here for Mu Shihuan, and what happened back then was related to Mu Shihuan.

She subconsciously looked at Li Jingyan.

However, Li Jingyan never gave her a look, even just a look.

She wanted to say something, but the man suddenly gave an order, and the men he brought rushed straight towards Li Jingyan and his people!

【Tomorrow the abuse part should be over】

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