Long-term love becomes sick, ex-husband is too involved in the drama

Chapter 236 Even if he dies, he won't leave traces on his heart


The room was covered in darkness, Mo Shihuan didn't turn on the light, he sat on the ground weakly, his shoulders trembled, and he cried silently, unable to control himself.

Knowing that tears can't solve the problem, it will only increase the sadness, but she can't control it, her emotions have long been out of control, and she is gradually wandering on the verge of collapse.

One drop after another, the tears seemed endless.

Unconsciously, she clutched the clothes on her chest tightly, tighter and tighter.

She is so sad.

It was as if the heart was gripped and torn by an invisible hand, it was so painful and dripping with blood.

In my mind, for a while, there was the truth about being cheated, for a while, it was the repeated pressure from Gao Zhiman and Uncle Ming, and after a while, it turned into the picture of Li Jingyan questioning her indifferently last night.

His distrust, his indifferent attitude, and his expressionless words of agreeing to separate, saying that he would not go back to live in Nanshan Villa, and his signal for senior one and senior two to let her go...

Frame by frame, scene by scene, each stabbed her in the apex of the heart.

So clear, so painful.

Gradually, Mo Shihuan was out of breath from crying, and it became difficult to breathe. Even so, she still couldn't help thinking wildly, wondering why everyone wanted to lie to her.

Why didn't Li Jingyan trust her, and why did he marry her in the first place? Is what he didn't deny was his acquiescence, the so-called truth?

Did he love her?
No, or, did he really like her and take her to heart?
If so, why did you lie to her, why did you defend Meng Liang several times, why...

Every time he thought about it, Mu Shihuan's heart ached a little.

Riddled with holes.

There seemed to be a voice in my heart laughing at her——

"I told you a long time ago that Li Jingyan doesn't like you at all. You insisted on being so stupid, lost your heart, and lost completely. Now you still cry and feel sorry for him, so you can't bear it?"

"Li Jingyan doesn't love you."

"He doesn't like you at all. His sweetheart, Bai Yueguang, is someone else. It was never you. It used to be, it is now, and it will be in the future. Even if you die, there will be no trace left in his heart."

"He was forced to marry you. He was forced to marry a woman he doesn't love. No matter what happens in the future, he will never fall in love with you. Mu Shihuan, give up completely, he doesn't love you."

A sentence, over and over again, seems to be engraved on Mo Shi's heart, so that she will never forget it.


It was so uncomfortable that she finally cried aloud. At first she was holding back, but in the end, she burst into tears and her eyes were red and swollen.

She is so thin and small, shrunk into a ball, and only by hugging herself can she give a little warmth.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the tears can no longer flow out.

She was sobbing, looking ahead with tears in her eyes, but she didn't have any focus.

After a while, she tried to stand up, but because her legs were bent for too long, her legs were too numb, and she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Mu Shihuan closed his eyes, and then stood up again with difficulty leaning on the wall.

Turning on all the lights in the apartment, she started cleaning.

Tidy up the room, wash the bedding, tidy up the bathroom...

She didn't miss every corner.

But even so, the sadness in her heart still didn't decrease, on the contrary, it increased, like a vast ocean completely submerged her.

Mu Shihuan suddenly hated himself like this.

It was at this moment that the cell phone rang.

At first, she didn't realize that, after all, she hadn't touched a mobile phone for a while, and she almost forgot the function of having a mobile phone until the ringtone ended and rang again.

Looking up in a daze, for a moment, Li Jingyan's name came into mind, as well as his face.

Is that him?
Knowing that it would not be, but at this moment, she still had some expectations deep in her heart, or in other words, extravagant hopes.

Her heart beating faster, she hurriedly stood up and ran to the phone.


The greater the expectation, the deeper the disappointment.

not him.

Just a string of unfamiliar numbers.

A heart sank in a trance, Mo Shihuan felt that tears were about to flow out again, she hurriedly raised her hand to try to wipe them away, but the tears still didn't live up to expectations.

The ringing is still going on, and there is a tendency to not stop until you answer it.

Mu Shihuan picked it up in a daze.

"Hello..." His voice trembled uncontrollably.

"Miss Mu, here is your takeaway. I'm downstairs in your apartment. Can you come down and get it?"

An unfamiliar and polite voice.

Mu Shihuan shook his head, opened his mouth several times and spoke with difficulty, and after a while he managed to say: "...I'm sorry, I didn't order takeaway, you made a mistake, I... didn't..."

Intermittent, unbearable to listen to.

"Then are you Miss Mu Shihuan? If so, then you are right, a lady surnamed Li ordered it for you." Just when Mu Shihuan was about to hang up, the voice sounded again.

Miss Li...


Mu Shihuan's body froze suddenly.

Is it... Li Yan?

Is that her?
10 minute later.

Mo Shihuan went downstairs to get the takeaway, but she was still dazed and distraught, even if she tried to pull herself together.

The takeaway boy carefully glanced at her, thought for a while, and softened his voice to comfort her: "Miss Mu, if you feel uncomfortable, cry a little, then take a bath and sleep well, tomorrow will be a different day when you wake up. Miss Mu, there is nothing you can't get through, don't be too sad."

Mu Shihuan looked up.

"Miss Mu, come on." The delivery guy smiled and encouraged.

For a moment, Mo Shihuan felt sourness rushing straight to the tip of his nose and eye sockets.

"Thank you..." Resisting it, she tried to be strong.

"You're welcome, Miss Mu, I wish you a pleasant meal."

Mu Shihuan watched the delivery boy leave, and she turned around stiffly and went upstairs until the figure could no longer be seen.

Back at the apartment, she opened the takeout bag.

With just one glance, the tears seemed to be surging again.

It's desserts and ice cream, all of her favorite flavors.


Phone vibrates.

Mo Shihuan hurriedly took it out almost as soon as she heard it, it was still a string of unfamiliar numbers, but she had a strong premonition that it was Li Yan.

"Hello..." The moment she opened her mouth, her trembling sound was obvious, and she subconsciously covered her lips.

There was no sound over there.

Filled with grievances and sadness at this moment, Mu Shihuan couldn't help it anymore, almost crying and asked: "Is it you? Yanyan...it's you, right?"

She remembered that the note she had given Li Yan in WeChat was Yanyan, and she had contacted her before, but she never got a reply.

But today...

"Smoke smoke..."

"It's me, Shi Huan, I'm sorry, I haven't shown up after hiding for so long, I can't be by your side, I'm sorry..."

With a gentle and gentle sentence, Mo Shihuan lost control of his emotions and cried uncontrollably again.

She shook her head violently: "No...no..."

It seems that there is a lot to say, but it seems that nothing can be said for a while, needless to say, even if this is the first time she has contacted with her only best friend after losing her memory, to her, Li Yan's name is only in Tang Dynasty. In Yu and Li Jingyan's mouth, in her address book, but at this moment, she understands very well, they understand each other.

Needless to say, her sadness, Li Yan's helplessness, their girlfriends are connected with each other, without words, she understands her, and she also understands her.

As if he finally had someone he could completely rely on, Mo Shihuan cried until tears streamed down his face.

It took a long time before she stopped.

What she didn't know was that on the other end of the phone, Li Yan's heart ached, and she was surrounded by pain that she had never felt before, even when she was with Tang Yu... It was nothing more than that, the former Mu Shihuan never cried.

"Shi Huan..."

"I'm fine, I'm fine." As if knowing what she was thinking, Mu Shihuan comforted her in turn, and as if suddenly thinking of something, she hurriedly reminded, "Tang Yu...he has been looking for you, be careful .he……"

"I know." The eyes were dark and hard to distinguish, and the beautiful eyes seemed to be stained with other emotions. Li Yan restrained and restrained before throwing Tang Yu's face out of his mind.

She knows it all, but she still wants to gamble.

As far as she is concerned, Shi Huan is her only and best best friend. They have long been relatives regardless of each other, but now Shi Huan is still in a state of amnesia, and she can no longer let her face those discomforts alone.

She had to stay with her, even if she was in danger of being found by Tang Yu.

"Shi Huan, when I make arrangements, I'll come to you." Finally made up her mind, she said.

Mu Shihuan was stunned, and after realizing it, she shook her head: "No, Tang Yuhe..."

"I won't let him find it," Li Yan interrupted her, and said, "Actually, I followed you before, near the shopping mall, I know Li...he sent bodyguards to follow you, are you still following me now?"

Although he only said a surname, Mu Shihuan was hit hard by the dull pain.

Li Jingyan...

"I don't know..." She shook her head, trying not to cry anymore.

Feeling her emotional changes, Li Yan felt distressed and comforted softly: "Shi Huan, wait for my call, don't worry about me, I know how to hide. It's you... Shi Huan, he doesn't deserve your pain."

Mu Shihuan was suddenly in a trance.

Isn't it worth it?

The night is getting deeper and deeper.


Xu came to the booth, leaned over and whispered in Tang Yu's ear, "Mr. Tang, Ms. Mu's cell phone was turned on. Half an hour ago, she received a call. The call lasted about 10 minutes. It was very interesting. It might be Miss Li."

Tang Yu stopped drinking.

"Maybe?" Under the dim light, his handsome face was covered with dark shadows, and no one could see what he was thinking.

Xu bowed his head: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tang, our people didn't find Ms. Li when they searched for it."

Tang Yu raised his head abruptly, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"She will show up," he sneered, his lips full of sarcasm, "I have been hiding for so long without any news, and when I heard that something happened to Mu Shihuan, I finally couldn't bear it, did I underestimate the two of them?" Feelings. Heh."

"President Tang..."

Tang Yu didn't speak anymore, but the fingers holding the high wine glass became more and more forceful, so strong that he almost crushed the wine glass, and the veins on the back of his hand were faintly jumping.

The first floor is very lively, there is a dance fight in Nanzhuang tonight.

Tang Yu narrowed his eyes.

A few seconds later, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and made a call.


Apartment downstairs.

The black Bentley stopped quietly for a long time, the windows were lowered, and a strong smell of smoke wafted out. With a cigarette between Li Jingyan's slender fingers, a smear of scarlet flickered on and off.

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