The car moved smoothly on the road.

A strange silence spread in the car, Mu Shihuan hugged her with her knees bent, her head buried in her knees, her figure alone was already showing a layer of pitifulness and helplessness.

For a long time, she raised her head in a daze, staring at her blurred face on the car window with a dazed expression.

She knew that she was not in the right mood, as if she had returned to the situation before Li Jingyan returned to China.


Perhaps, even more serious.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that she should be sick. Whether it was the memory impairment or the loss of emotional control, it was because she was sick.

She also knew it couldn't be like this, so she wanted to see Jiang Wu.

When you are sick, you need to see a doctor for treatment.

However, she knew better that Li Jingyan was the one she wanted to see, Li Jingyan was the one she wanted to be by her side, as long as she was with him, she could feel at ease, just like every time before.

But now, that's a luxury.

He is still angry.

He didn't believe her, and he didn't want to see her, otherwise he would accompany her when he went to see Jiang Wu, instead of just letting her be with her in the first and second grades, let alone knowing that she wanted to see Jiang Wu in advance and didn't have a word of concern after that.

Even if they had a cold war before, he would not ignore her.


In a trance, Mo Shihuan felt more and more uncomfortable, especially the nausea brought about by the lingering fever kept rampaging in her body, as if it was going to rush out of her throat.

Finally, when she arrived at the hotel, she couldn't bear it anymore, and went straight to the nearest bathroom on the first floor after getting out of the car.

High school and high school followed closely behind.

"Madam, we will stay here, call us if you need something." The two said quickly when she pushed the door.

Mu Shihuan nodded casually, and rushed inside at a trot.


I vomited up everything I could barely eat this morning.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and Mo Shihuan felt her chest was very dry and uncomfortable, and she didn't feel any better until she couldn't vomit anymore.

Holding the door, she slowly walked to the sink to get water to rinse her mouth, and then simply washed her face to wake up.

At this time, there were cheerful footsteps of "tat-tat-tat", she didn't care, nor was she in the mood or energy to care, let alone take a look.


"Beautiful sister, someone asked me to give this to you, and said that you will understand after reading it."

The crisp and innocent child's voice drilled into the ears.

Mu Shihuan paused.

Turning his head, a beautiful face came into view, with cute big eyes, cute and easy to see fouls.

It's a little girl.

Her eyebrows and eyes are a little...familiar.

"Here, my sister will give it to you."

Something was put on the sink with difficulty by the little girl.

Mu Shihuan's eyes were suddenly attracted, all nerves tensed up in the next second, and her mind went blank for several seconds. When she realized that she wanted to ask clearly, the little girl had disappeared.

After suffocating for breath, Mo Shihuan's heart beat uncontrollably and became frantic.

Bang bang bang, as if about to rush out of the chest.

Her strong intuition told her that there was nothing good in it, and once she opened it, many things might completely get out of control and become a situation she didn't want to face and accept.

She doesn't want to look.

However, like a ghost, she stretched out her hand and opened the kraft paper bag.


a pen.

Her fingers trembled a little, and her eyes seemed to be blank, so she took it out.

It's a voice recorder.

She recognized it immediately.


The word began to echo in her mind over and over again, and the resistance factors in her body were also accumulating, and there was a voice saying not to open it.

However, her action was one step faster than thought.

Mechanically, and as if being bewitched, she pressed the button——

"She's not from the Mu family."

A low, indifferent, all-too-familiar voice.

... Li Jingyan.

Mo Shihuan's pupils shrank heavily!
who is it?

Who is not the Mu family?

Her brain became extremely chaotic and buzzing, she tried hard to think clearly, and the next sentence came out in time.

The voice was equally familiar to her.


"Since both of us are acting, since you have other women in your heart, why bother to look at each other and hate her and our Mu family? It's really because you knew she was not the daughter of the Mu family, so you agreed to marry her at the beginning. She, because you can get the benefits you want from her, and the real Mu are reluctant."

Mo Shihuan's brain exploded in an instant, and the blood on his face disappeared completely at the same time.

Her breathing became chaotic and her whole body was as stiff as a rock. She stared at the recorder in disbelief.

and so……

So it's not the one from the Mu it her?
Stepping back suddenly, Mo Shihuan felt like being shocked by an electric shock.

She couldn't believe it, there was a voice in her heart that was always repelling, saying that it must be fake, impossible, and the next second, she stared at the recorder again, frantically wanting to hear Li Jingyan's denial .

They must be lying to her.

for sure.


The voice that once reassured her never sounded.

The silence of the recording made her heart plummet, as if falling into a bottomless abyss, or as if being thrown into a thousand-year-old deep cold pool, the coldness suddenly burst out and spread to her. Limbs and bones.

Finally, when she was shivering with cold, the voice came out again——

"Please give her a message for me, and ask her if she still remembers what she promised me at her father's grave."


There was a small sound.


The recording ends here.

As if suddenly realizing something, Mo Shihuan played it back with trembling fingers, she kept thinking that she must have missed something, Li's impossible for Li Jingyan to be silent.

However, when she listened to it again...


He really just said something at the beginning, and then he was silent when Mom said those words, but he just didn't make a sound.

His whole body was cold, and Mo Shihuan's eyes completely lost focus.

and so……

She is not from the Mu family.

Mom knows, Li Jingyan... also knows?

In a daze, she thought, since she knew it, why did she hide it from her, since she was not from the Mu family, why did she have to bear the responsibility of the Mu family, why...


Maybe, maybe they said that on purpose.

How could she not be from the Mu family?

A faint flame of hope rose from the bottom of his heart, and Mu Shihuan swallowed hard, forcing himself to regain his composure and calm down, telling himself over and over again that it was just a lie, that she was a child of the Mu family.

But at this second, she belatedly looked at the kraft paper bag.


What she touched just now still has something.

The repulsion and resistance in her heart became more and more intense, Mo Shihuan was refusing to touch the paper bag with her whole body, but her hand, even though it was trembling, stretched it out uncontrollably.

Unable to tell whether it was a hard heart, or the accumulation of resistance factors that exploded, or venting, she almost rudely but weakly poured out all the remaining things in the paper bag.

There was a "wow", and in the next second, things were scattered all over the ground.

Mu Shihuan didn't move.

Her complexion can no longer be described as pale, as if a huge boulder fell heavily, directly blocking her chest, heavy and heavy.



It lasts forever and lasts forever.

She saw several photos, photos of Li Jingyan and...Meng Liang.

Picking it up tremblingly, she realized that it was a photo of the two of them alone. Looking at the background, it looked like a hotel. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the time displayed in the lower right corner of the photo.

There was a blur in front of her eyes, but she seemed to remember.

Isn't that the most recent day the night he took her to the playground?In addition, the time in the photo is probably the day Meng Liang said she returned to Tongcheng and Li Jingyan followed her.

But that time he said that he was on a business trip, and after Meng Liang said it before, she didn't ask Li Jingyan for confirmation.

Mu Shihuan shook his body.

It seemed to be more blurred in front of her eyes, and she saw another picture.

At the gate of the police station, the picture of him waiting for Meng Liang, and the picture of Song Xincheng getting out of the car and leaving them alone...

The eyelashes trembled, Mo Shihuan wanted to breathe, but found that he couldn't breathe, tried hard to restrain his hands from trembling, but he couldn't.

She felt as if the whole person was out of her control.

Her brain became more and more confused, and suddenly, she belatedly grasped another key sentence——

"Since you have other women in your heart..."

Almost at the same time, the gossip he saw on the Internet that night also resurfaced, but he said that the one he found was not about him...

Seeming to be unable to stand anymore, she had no choice but to lean on the table to support her body, but at this moment her hand caught something.

It took her a while to realize that what she grabbed was paper.


She lowered her eyes.

The heart curled up heavily, and the dull pain spread again.

Yes... it's a paternity test.

In an instant, Mu Shihuan's breath became rough.

She guessed who it belonged to, but she didn't want to admit it. Until now, she still couldn't figure out why she wasn't a child of the Mu family. If not, what was the pressure for so long?

It's a scam.

She wanted to rely on the deception, but she couldn't convince herself anymore.

The luxurious and low-key bathroom was very quiet, and the quiet Mu Shihuan could clearly hear his own heartbeat.

She wanted to close her eyes, but found that there seemed to be some mysterious force stopping her.

In the end, she could only struggle with the extreme resistance in her body, then tremblingly picked up the paternity test with an indescribable mood, and directly...turned to the end of the last page.

In just a few seconds, Mo Shihuan seemed to have lost his soul.

Water mist floated in front of her eyes, and she became more and more hazy. In a trance, she saw that there was a note at the end.

It says……


With great difficulty, He Jiahuan finally found out about Mu Shihuan. He learned that he had come to this hotel yesterday, and that he was here today.

The action was too hasty, and when he got out of the car, he almost fell down in embarrassment, secretly swearing in his heart, he quickly stabilized his figure and ran into the hotel.

Just as he was thinking about how to get the hotel staff to swipe his floor card for him, he glanced casually, and by such a coincidence, he found Mu Shihuan.

He Jiahuan's eyes suddenly brightened.

Then the next second, his pupils shrank heavily, and his face changed suddenly.

"Shi Xiaohuan!"

[Development along the way, this is the most abused part, don't be afraid, after the abuse, you will be a big favorite, this part of the plot must go, and it was set at the very beginning.Momo's book is like this, there are pets and abuses, but the tone is still big pets, so don't be afraid~]

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