This morning, Mu's stock price plummeted at the opening of the market. The same fate was shared by Meng's far away in Tongcheng. Not only that, there was also news that the Securities Regulatory Commission was eyeing these two companies at the same time, saying that someone had reported it.

What caused this situation was that some people revealed that there were young female directors of the Mu family who took bribes, which caused the stock prices of the two companies of Mu Meng to plummet, and at the same time caused temporarily incalculable economic losses, more or less.

Many financial columns are reporting on this matter.

These are the things that Song Ge told her when Mu Shihuan was on the way to the Mu family.

Song Ge also told her that the project lost by the two companies this time, together with their respective stock market losses, hundreds of millions is the minimum amount. If other related matters are included, it is probably impossible to estimate.

When Mu Shihuan heard this, he understood the significance of Mu Sinian's call to inform her to hold an extraordinary shareholders meeting——

Those so-called shareholders and members of the board of directors want to push all the responsibilities on her.

The fever recurred, and Mu Shihuan felt dizzy, and she closed her eyes.

It was at this time that Uncle Ming's call came.

With just one glance, Mo Shihuan's eyelids twitched, and that feeling of oppression and rejection suddenly surged out and surrounded her.

She took a deep breath.

However, even though she was mentally prepared, she guessed what Uncle Ming was going to say, but when those sighing and accusing words fell into her ears, she still couldn't help but feel sad and strongly rejected.

"Miss Shi Huan, how could you...Young Madam and I have repeatedly told you that you must win this project. Why did rumors of taking bribes come out at a critical moment? What's wrong with you?"

Mu Shihuan turned her face away, and her face appeared vaguely on the car window.

She saw her expressionless face.

"I didn't, Uncle Ming, I was framed." She explained indifferently, only this sentence, and she didn't want to say any more words.

But it was obvious that Uncle Ming was more anxious than her, and his disappointment was transmitted strongly even from a distance.

"Miss Shi Huan..."

"Uncle Ming," interrupting his words abruptly, Mo Shihuan moved his lips, and then said, "I'm about to arrive at the company, the company holds a temporary shareholders' meeting, let's talk about it after it's over."

After all, she didn't wait for Uncle Ming to say anything, and cut off the phone directly.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Lying back, leaning against the back of the chair, she stretched out her hand to cover her eyes.

The eyelashes fluttered across her palm, and in an instant, she suddenly thought of a possibility.

As early as when the bribery incident happened, she felt that it was full of loopholes. At that time, she only felt that there were some strange things that she couldn't figure out, but she couldn't tell what was so strange for a while, and unfortunately, she and Li Jingyan didn't have time to talk about it yesterday, so Delayed again and again.

But now, she thought, maybe she figured it out.

Li Jingyan said that the news about this matter has been blocked and no one will spread it, and she also cleared the scene before being taken away by the police, so it stands to reason that the only ones who knew about the bribery, except for her, Li Jingyan, Song Ge Han Ting, and the first and second graders Mu Sinian, the two police officers, and Meng Liang and Song Xincheng.

If she had to choose one of them to reveal the news, then she suspected that it was Meng Liang, who was clearly hostile to her.

Not possible for others.

And Song Ge called her last night, saying that Li Jingyan had resolved the matter, but this morning, it happened that the stock prices of the two companies plummeted, and an extraordinary shareholders meeting was held...

Therefore, the so-called bribery incident was full of loopholes on purpose. The person who actually planned it didn't care at all. That person just wanted her to fall into crisis, thereby forcing her to quit the board of directors, or even give up her shares.


Mu Nuan's name popped up in his mind.

She took away Mu Nuan's shares, and Mu Nuan must be dissatisfied.

Will it be her?

Thinking of this, Mu Shihuan lowered his hand and asked Gao Yi: "Gao Yi, I asked you to find someone to pay attention to Mu Nuan's every move. What happened to her after the share transfer?"

Gao Yi, the co-pilot, turned his head when he heard the sound, and said respectfully: "Ma'am, my subordinates have been following me. Mu Nuan is fine. She went back to her apartment the night she started to check her, and then left the country the next day. Our people I followed her all the time, she seemed to be just shopping and relaxing, there was no one else, and there was nothing abnormal, and she rarely used her mobile phone."

"Then she is now..."

"Still abroad, have not returned."

Mu Shihuan frowned slightly.

Could it really have nothing to do with Mu Nuan this time?
Who would that be?

Suddenly, she thought of the mysterious man who had been secretly plotting against her and Li Jingyan.

It's him?

For a moment, Mo Shihuan's mind was a little confused.

But no matter how chaotic it was, she also knew that it would not be an exaggeration to say that this shareholders meeting would be a tough battle.


as predicted.

When she stepped into the conference room, many pairs of eyes shot at her fiercely.

Or contempt, or anger, everyone looked different.

Mu Shihuan's expression remained unchanged, and he sat down in the only vacant seat in the audience, which was under Mu Sinian's left hand.

"Have you recovered from your illness?" Just as she was seated, she heard Mu Sinian's low voice.

As soon as she raised her eyes, she bumped into his concerned and worried eyes.

The body is still unwell, this time the fever is always repeated, just like the low-grade fever before going to Beicheng, it will never get better, but Mu Shihuan will not show it, let alone let others see it.

"Thank you, all right." She nodded and smiled at him.

Mousse raised her lips slightly.

"There is me." Two words, the voice is extremely low, but the tone is firm.

Mu Shihuan subconsciously took another look at him.


A heavy sound suddenly entered the ears.

When the cold gaze came, Mo Shihuan came back to his senses, and raised his eyes to look at the person who came.

She recognized it.

On the other side, staring at her with eyes that wished to kill her was one of the board members who took the lead in strongly opposing her when she joined the board of directors.

It seems... surnamed Wang?
"Director Wang, the conference room is not a place where you can slap the table. If you can't control your emotions, you can go out now." Mu Sinian, who was beside her, took a step ahead of her and spit out the words coldly.

Director Wang snorted coldly, showing contempt on his face: "Mr. Mu, I think the one who should go out and leave the board of directors voluntarily is your niece, Ms. Mu, Director Mu! What right does she have to sit here?!"

Once someone started the conversation, the rest came out like a flood.

"That's right!" A potbellied director echoed, the contempt in his eyes seemed to overflow, "I said it a long time ago, how can such a little girl who doesn't understand anything get into the board of directors! I thought she played with her Every family?!"

Hearing the sound, Mo Shihuan raised his eyes and looked.

What is the name of this person?

She can't seem to remember, and doesn't remember.

Blinking her eyes, feeling uncomfortable, she lazily allowed him to express her "high opinion". From the corner of her eye, she saw that Mu Sinian's face was getting more and more unkind. She seemed to want to stop him, and she also signaled to leave it alone for the time being.

Mu Sinian frowned, seemingly puzzled.

Mu Shihuan didn't explain.

The other director, who was about to launch an attack, saw that Mo Shihuan didn't seem to be thinking about it at all, as if he didn't care about anything, he suddenly became furious, and even raised his voice a lot.

"I shouldn't have allowed her to come in at the beginning! Look, she didn't create profits for the company when she came in. Instead, she caused heavy losses to the company, and even took bribes to make the whole company ridiculed by outsiders!"

"Come in to stir up trouble?! The board of directors can come in and play with anyone! Where do you put the interests of our shareholders? Don't you care about the interests of the company and so many employees?!"

"Mr. Mu's reputation will be ruined by her! We reluctantly agreed to let her join the board of directors for the sake of Mr. Mu and Mr. Mu, and we didn't ask her to do anything. What happened? In the end, she ate inside and outside! This Who can bear it?! Anyway, I can't!"

"The Mu family must not be destroyed by her hands!"

"Now that the China Securities Regulatory Commission is eyeing our company, and the stock price has dropped so much, what should we do about this?"


Every time you say something, the conference room is full of voices of blame and questioning from the directors, one by one, awe-inspiring, it's all her fault that she is right, and she must bear all the responsibilities.

Mu Shihuan listened to his left ear and his right ear, very calm, and even showed great interest in what they said.

When the directors saw that she showed no remorse at all, they became even more angry, directly ignoring Mu Sinian's infiltrating aura, and questioned her sharply again, as if they would not stop until they scolded her or something.

Mu Shihuan still didn't refute, but just casually took the mobile phone he was playing with in his hand to the table, and placed it generously in everyone's sight.

The screen was originally on, but she turned it off.

This action made many people on the opposite side look ugly, and some of them were even so angry that their chests heaved continuously.

With a glance, he felt that it was almost done, and Mo Shihuan was about to speak.

In no mood……

"A girl who doesn't even have hair, why come here to act as a director? You are a criminal, and you have the nerve to play with your mobile phone after such a big incident?! I think you should get out early and play with Li Jingyan! Aren't you just A company that you only joined because of your relationship with Li Jingyan?"

A female director wearing black framed eyes and a waist-pinch OL outfit glanced at her contemptuously, and couldn't help sneering: "Shameless! Li Jingyan is just playing with you, who doesn't know that he plays with many women! Just you This kind of person, sooner or later... ah!"



There were terrified screams and the sound of teacups falling on the conference table at the same time.

The female director was terrified, her eyes widened, and it took several seconds to react, and then she yelled, regardless of her image: "You...what are you doing?! Want to murder! I want to call the police! Sue you for personal injury! Wait for me Go!"

The tea made her into a mess, and the forehead that was hit turned red instantly.

"I'm going to call the police!"

As she screamed again, the meeting room finally exploded, and everyone glared and asked Mo Shihuan what his attitude was.

Mo Shihuan pursed his lips, grabbed the paper cup in front of Mu Sinian and threw it at her again.

"Report," she snapped, half-smiling, "shall I call for you?"

"Whatever your attitude is, I will have the attitude." Looking around, she said, "I committed a crime? I took bribes? What about the evidence? Show it, don't just talk about it. I think everyone here is of the same age. Not small, why don’t you even know how to respect people, and talk nonsense with low quality?”

Her eyes were cold and sharp, and she asked every sentence, and the deterrent effect was extremely strong in an instant.

When Director Wang, who was the first to attack, heard her arrogant words, he was so angry that he slammed his palm on the table and scolded angrily: "How did you talk! How dare you argue?!"

Mo Shihuan sneered, ignored him, and once again looked back at the embarrassed female director who was glaring at her.

"And you, can you talk? Get out if you can't talk, so as not to lower the grade of the company with bad words. Play? Have an affair? Heh, I don't know that my husband and I have an upright husband and wife relationship, and it's in your mouth It sounds so ugly, do you want to call the police? Let's wait and see."

The female director originally wanted to curse, but when she heard the words "husband" and "husband and wife relationship", she was shocked and stuck in her throat.

Others, too.

Only some people who heard the rumors of her relationship with Li Jingyan were not so surprised, but in the mall or in the entire Jiangcheng, they were afraid of Li Jingyan and dared not offend them. The relationship, for a while, actually started to regret it.

Only Director Wang is an exception.

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and scolded: "So what if it's your husband, do you think..."

"Director Wang!" Mu Sinian stood up expressionlessly, and some dark emotions were about to stir in his heart.

He couldn't hear others mention the relationship between Mu Shihuan and Li Jingyan.

They are ok!
With hostility in his brows, he stared at him: "You..."

Before the words were finished, the door of the conference room was pushed open at this moment.

Li Jingyan suddenly appeared.

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