Long-term love becomes sick, ex-husband is too involved in the drama

Chapter 21 Do You Believe In Men's Chapters?

"Think you can get a divorce by imprinting my fingerprints? Mrs. Li, should you say you are naive or stupid? Huh?"

The man spoke unabashedly and mockingly, every word was cool.

She didn't expect to be exposed naked, and she didn't expect that the man would wake up at a critical moment. In a panic, Mo Shihuan's breathing stopped suddenly, and then, shame welled up, and a blush quickly stained her entire face.

Her mind went blank for a moment.


"Tell me, next, how do you plan to get me to sign? Huh?"

Another contemptuous sentence.

Mu Shihuan's face turned even redder with embarrassment, and she subconsciously wanted to say something, but suddenly realized the moment the words came to her lips.

She looked up suddenly.

In the next second, she crashed into a pair of eyes that were darker and deeper than usual. From a close distance, she could clearly see the shrewdness and sharpness in them, as well as... the deep sarcasm!

"You... you pretended to be drunk?!" Her eyes widened, and her breathing became short unconsciously.

The man didn't respond, but just stared at her casually.

Mo Shihuan suddenly became furious.

He was just laughing at her!

Thanks to her working so hard, she pulled him up and helped him onto the sofa regardless of past suspicions.

The results of it?
People are just playing with themselves!

Burning anger mixed with other unknown emotions welled up in his heart, and he gritted his teeth heavily. Without even thinking about it, Mo Shihuan pushed him hard, and scolded while pushing: "You...you bastard! Despicable!"

But in vain.

The man still pressed on her, and even sneered coldly, and threw another mocking sentence——

"Finally there are new words for swearing?"

He was very close, and while he was talking, all his warm breath sprayed on her face, and the faint smell of tobacco and alcohol emanating from his body also took the opportunity to invade into every pore of hers, and finally slapped her with impunity. Laugh at her stupidity.

Mo Shihuan became angry from embarrassment, his face flushed red.

"Get up! Get up! Bastard! You...you go away!" She struggled, using her arms and legs, "You...ah!"

Hands were grabbed without warning, and before she could react, both hands were already lifted above her head by the man, followed by her chest being forced to lift up, what's more, her softness touched his... hard chest !
Caught off guard, Mo Shihuan suddenly lost her voice, her eyes widened, her mind went blank, and in just a second, her face turned red beyond description, and her temperature was ridiculously high!
What made her even more ashamed was that her chest rose and fell even more violently, uncontrollable at all, and it was impossible to avoid friction with the man during the ups and downs.


The man's eyes moved slowly from top to bottom, apparently carelessly, but as if warm, and finally landed scorchingly on...

With a "buzz", Mo Shihuan's head completely exploded.

"You...you let me go! Get up! Get out! Bastard!" The circles of her eyes quickly turned red due to grievance and fright, she struggled, kicked her feet indiscriminately, and only one thought was in her mind, let this perverted bastard man go away!

"Mrs. Li, what does it mean for a woman to struggle under a man? What are the consequences? Huh?"

A word of whether to laugh or not fell quietly, his legs were pressed down, and Mu Shihuan's body froze suddenly.

In an instant, the blush on his face faded, replaced by paleness.

She...of course she knew.

Even if she didn't know, the man reminded meaningfully that as long as she wasn't stupid, she would naturally be able to hear it.

Eyelashes trembling uncontrollably, she instinctively wanted to say something.

"Mrs. Li."

Wei Liang caressed her cheek with her fingertips, and the man's face, which was already very close to her, approached again.

Breathe... entangle!
A fearful heart suddenly rose to the throat, and Mo Shihuan's body tensed up to the extreme in an instant!
"you you……"

Capturing the flickering fear and anxiety in her eyes, Li Jingyan hooked her lips, and Liangliang spit out the rest of the words: "Unfortunately, even if you stand in front of me naked, I have no interest in you, let alone..."

"Can't get hard."

Accompanied by the last four words falling in her ears, he rubbed his fingertips tenderly, like the intimacy of a lover.

If, without his words.


After uttering this sentence, the man finally let go of his shackles and left her body.

Four eyes facing each other.

There was a cold smile in his eyes.

From beginning to end, he was laughing at her.

With a jolt, Mo Shihuan sobered up.

Her face flushed again from embarrassment, she suddenly got up and stared at him unconsciously: "You...you..."

"What about me?" Li Jingyan casually sat down on the sofa at the side, lit a cigarette and lit it.

That look, that look...

No matter how you look at it, it's annoying!


Shame and anger rampantly ridiculed her chest, and after a while, she angrily choked out a sentence that she thought could win the round——

"You... where do you think you are?! I... I am not interested in a sick man like you who can't be hard! If you are sick...if you are sick, you have to see a doctor!"

Li Jingyan paused when he was playing with the lighter.

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and he raised them to look at her.

Even though his heart was beating so fast that it seemed as if he was about to jump out, Mu Shihuan still pretended to be fearless, even disgusted, and stared back.


Li Jingyan sneered.

That look...

Even though she straightened her back, clenched her fists, and told herself over and over again that it was okay, in the end, Mo Shihuan was still a little scared. She didn't want to continue this threatening topic, so she raised her neck and shouted condescendingly: " You... Now that you're awake, hurry up and talk about the divorce!"

After a pause, she added another reminder: "It's agreed, we'll talk about divorce when we come back!"

In no mood……

"Who told you that?"

Whether it's the cool voice, the careless movement of swallowing clouds and mist, or the half-smile look, they all turn into two words——

fling in teeth.


Mo Shihuan was so angry that his chest heaved violently.

"you you……"

"Do you believe a man's words?" Li Jingyan slowly exhaled the smoke, under the blue-white smoke, his face was a bit blurred.

A sourness rushed straight to the tip of the nose, and soon, Mo Shihuan's eye circles turned red.

Writhing with grievances, she clenched her fists tightly, and her nails inadvertently dug into her palms, leaving traces.

It's just that she can't feel pain, the only thing she can feel is sadness.

She felt stupid, and maybe she was stupid.

When she was in the box, she actually believed his words. He said that he would not talk outside, but she compromised. He said that if she did not go back with him, he would make Aunt Xu and the bodyguard who let her out completely unemployed, and they would not be able to survive in Jiangcheng. .

Knowing that he was a threat, she still agreed.

But now?

It was because she was so stupid that she was tricked by him again and again!
In an instant, all kinds of emotions surged and merged together and finally exploded out of control. Mo Shihuan wiped away the mist from his eyes indiscriminately. Mo Shihuan suppressed the sourness and said every word: "I just want a divorce! Li, longing, Yan! Did you hear that! I want to divorce you! I don't want to see you again! I want to divorce!"

Her current voice is always soft and waxy, but at this moment, those words uttered by her are a little more inexplicable.

Four eyes facing each other.

Li Jingyan's expression was extremely indifferent. He took a shallow breath of the cigarette, as if thinking of something, he slowly exhaled, and finally he uttered two words with an ambiguous smile: "Reason."

"I don't like you!" Mo Shihuan blurted out almost at the same time as his words fell.

Li Jingyan smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all.

When he spoke again, his voice became obviously colder and harsher, and he mocked brightly: "Don't you like how the stalker went to great lengths to force the marriage back then?"

Mo Shihuan's mind went blank for two seconds.

"I've said it a long time ago, the past is the past! I don't like you now!" She clenched her fingers tighter and tighter, her brain buzzing and becoming confused, she emphasized, "You always talk about how I was, and I don't like you anymore!" How do you know if what you say is true?!"

The emotional gap is opened again, and it can never be closed again.

"I won't believe a single word of what you said! No!" The feeling of helplessness and confusion that was felt a while ago came back again, and Mo Shihuan couldn't hold back her tears after all.

She wipes it off.

"Taoist... I don't believe in Taoist affairs! You are all lying to me, lying to me..." Her voice trembled slightly, and her strong grievances swallowed her up, "I'm fine... It was you who ruined my life with malicious intentions, If it weren't for you..."


Something that was taken out from nowhere was thrown on the coffee table.

The words were interrupted.

Mu Shihuan looked subconsciously, and the next second, her pupils shrank suddenly.

That is……

marriage certificate.

Dazzling red.

"Look." Li Jingyan uttered a word after dusting off the cigarette ash.

Intense resistance instantly filled Mu Shihuan's eyes, his throat was astringent, his breathing was short of breath, and Mu Shihuan's body froze and remained motionless.

Li Jingyan sneered: "Need me to ask someone from the Civil Affairs Bureau to retrieve the file and let you see it clearly?" As if thinking of something, the sarcasm in his eyes deepened, "That's right, you lost your memory, and you forgot that you were the only one who lied to others."

"I didn't!" Mo Shihuan didn't even think to refute.

It's just that when the rest of the words touched the man's secretive eyes, they were blocked in his throat and could not be said.


Something is trying to break through the ground.

"Speak, why not?" Smoking, Li Jingyan stared at her sternly.

Mo Shihuan bit her lips tightly.

She stared at him blankly.

Through the smoke, the man's eyes seemed to be even colder.

After a while, Mu Shihuan finally said, "You hate me, don't you?" Before he could answer, she clenched her hands and said anxiously and aggrieved, "Since you said I forced the marriage, since you are unwilling, since... ...Since we hate each other, we should divorce! Why can't we let each other go?"

After the words fell, the air was momentarily stagnant.

The atmosphere changed slightly.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Mo Shihuan felt that the grievance became more intense, and there were even some other indescribable things mixed in that grievance, which made her... unable to resist.

"now that……"

"I, Li Jingyan, have always had revenge."

The faint voice fell.

As far as he could see, the man's eyes were cold and sharp, and the corners of his slightly raised lips outlined a casual smile, slow and personable.

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