Clearly a threat.

But other than the threat, there seemed to be other restrained emotions surging quietly.

Mu Shihuan was stunned for a moment.

"I..." She breathed a little short of breath.

However, the strong persecution of men has not decreased, and even intensified.

He is serious.


Another cold word.

Her heart trembled violently, Mo Shihuan came back to her senses, and an indescribable emotion suddenly flooded out and overwhelmed her.

"I don't know..." She shook her head aggrievedly, her voice was extremely small, "I really don't know..."

She really doesn't know.

She couldn't tell whether it was the man's indifference that was too strong, or the inexplicable emotion that made her panic, Mo Shihuan just wanted to step back and put distance away from him.

Unfortunately, she couldn't move.

Li Jingyan sneered, but his fingertips were still gently rubbing against her skin, with indescribable affection: "I don't know? Mu Shihuan, there must be a limit to lying. Tell me no to the person who appears in your dream." Know? Who will believe it? Huh?"


"He appeared in your dreams and what happened. Tell me everything." He interrupted her with a cold look on his face, "Tell a lie once, and I'll punish you once."

Obviously his posture is so ambiguous, and his actions are so affectionate, but his tone is so cold, and his threats are not concealed.

Mo Shihuan suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable, and his chest was extremely tight.

"I really don't know..." her lips were bitten unconsciously, and the sourness surged, she was about to cry, "I...I asked the doctor about many things...that auction I can't easily remember what happened afterwards, the doctor said I was under too much pressure, I..."


What responded to her was the man's low chirp, which seemed to be disdainful.

Without even thinking about it, Mu Shihuan gave him a hard look.

Her temper grew under his connivance again and again, and she couldn't hear him say something harsh to her, just like now, she broke his hand in anger and aggrieved: "I told you and you don't believe me! Then let me go!" ……open……"

Jiaochen doesn't know it.

The dark tide surged in the bottom of the eyes, and the color of the eyes became dark and thick. Li Jingyan looked at her, snorted coldly, and let go as she wished.

"Now think about it slowly, think about it carefully, and don't go anywhere if you don't remember it." His tone didn't change at all.

His warm breath suddenly stopped spraying on his face, and Mu Shihuan was startled, but when he met his indifferent eyes, this kind of blankness instantly turned into sadness and grievance.

The tip of her nose became more and more sour, and she remained awkwardly silent.

Li Jingyan's face seemed calm in the early morning, but his voice was extremely cold: "I'll ask, you answer. In the dream, did you tie him?"

The momentum is instantly cautious.

In the cramped space, the air pressure seemed to drop to the bottom because of his pressing.


Biting her lower lip hard, the pain made her wake up a little bit, Mu Shihuan avoided his sight, instinctively wanted to deny it, but finally nodded her head, and said softly: ""

"Who takes the initiative?"

"Lu...Lu Ye..."

"What's in the dream?"

The fingers clenched unconsciously, and even the nails were silently dug into the palm. Mo Shihuan suddenly became uncontrollably nervous, and it was at this second that the picture became clear again.

She felt inexplicably guilty.

There was a surge of anger in his chest, and when he spoke again, Li Jingyan's voice became a little colder: "Say."

Mu Shihuan was very sad.

There seemed to be mist in front of her eyes, and she knocked and said in a low voice: "Just... I heard a voice in the dream... Asking me to tie him. I can't see clearly. I can't see clearly in my dream." The situation, sometimes feels very strange, and sometimes... familiar..."

There are street lights next to the car, but even with the dizzy warm light shrouding it, Li Jingyan's face is still in the shadow, making it difficult to see clearly and even more incomprehensible.

"What did you dream about before you woke up? Why did you call out his name?" He asked again, there seemed to be no waves on his face, but his brows were deeply enraged.

Mo Shihuan tightened his grip on his fingers.

"On horseback..." Her voice gradually became hoarse, and what was entangled in it was vague and unreal fear and confusion, "I saw someone... wounded and bleeding, it was... me, and there were people behind, and I didn't Knowing why that name was called out, I think it should be him..."

In the dark, Li Jingyan's pupils shrank heavily.

No one noticed.

"What injury?" He asked expressionlessly, but he had already guessed the answer in his mind.

gunshot wound.

"...Gun...Gunshot wound."

The answer came out at the same time as her answer.

There was a few seconds of dead silence in the car.

Insignificant, Li Jingyan's Adam's apple rolled with difficulty.

"Where is the injury?"

"In the dream... it was the calf..."


But the night she appeared, the doctor clearly stated that the gunshot wounds on her body were on her left shoulder and right waist, and her left shoulder was still injured within two years.

Li Jingyan tugged on his tie calmly but irritably, and asked again: "What other dreams are related to him?"

His eyes were very deep and dark, as if he was trying his best to restrain something, if Mu Shihuan raised his eyes, he would definitely find it.

But she didn't.

She tried hard to think back, but she didn't know whether it was affected by her emotions, or his tone seemed to push her away, and she seemed a little incoherent when she spoke again: "No... that person... no..."

For a while, Li Jingyan felt inexplicably difficult to breathe, a feeling she had never felt before.

"Have you ever had such a dream in a Taoist temple?" He stared at her.

Mu Shihuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with certainty and helplessness: "No...I'm sure, these dreams only appeared after the auction, it's was in the hospital on the night of the auction, I..."

She suddenly stopped.

"What did you think of?" Li Jingyan's voice darkened silently, "Did you also dream that time?"

Mo Shihuan moved her lips, thinking desperately.


"I can't remember..." She looked at the man pitifully like a child, as if she was losing her temper, but also seemed annoyed, "I forgot, just... I remember that there seemed to be gunshots."

At this moment, she really couldn't remember it, and it was the first time that she really hated this feeling. It made her very irritable, and even gave her the illusion of falling into a trap in the mist.


Mu Shihuan's breathing stopped suddenly, and almost at the same time, her face turned pale.

"What did you think of?"

Mu Shihuan raised his head abruptly.

Taking a full view of her panic and fear, in the end, Li Jingyan restrained his emotions a little.

"Tell me, what came to mind." No longer aggressive, he slowed down his tone slightly.

Mu Shihuan clenched her fists tightly, her recovered breathing was uncontrollably rapid, it took her a while to calm down, but her mind was still a little confused, so she blurted out almost unconsciously: "Husband..."

An unprecedented fragility emanated from her body, and this fragility was completely different from when she first came back, it was an indescribable feeling.

Li Jingyan's eyes dimmed and dimmed.

"Well," he stared at her for a moment, coaxing in a deep voice, "Did you think of something?"

Mu Shihuan nodded blankly.

"What is it?"

The man's breath enveloped her, silently giving her a sense of stability, Mo Shihuan finally came back to his senses, but the circles of his eyes turned red uncontrollably: "I'm afraid of water..."

Li Jingyan's pupils shrank slightly.

In the end, he saved Mu Nuan first and ignored her that night, and it became a knot in his heart. Even though some time has passed, even if the relationship between the two has changed during this time, the deep resentment is still there.

She almost said it, but for some reason, maybe because of her stubbornness, she forcibly held back.

She just forced herself to say calmly: "The day I was taken away by the police, I asked Aunt Xu to put water in the bath for me, but I... suddenly found that I was extremely afraid of water, which would make me feel like I was suffocating. ..."

"I fell into the bathtub that day." After all, she was afraid, even though she tried her best to restrain herself, so she closed her eyes, "I felt that someone held my head and pushed it straight into the water. That person...that person also said... ..."

Her teeth were chattering, and an inexplicable coldness suddenly hit her whole body.

Just like...

It was like being pushed into the pool that night.

too cold.

Unable to hold back, her body trembled.

Suddenly, warm and dry palms grasped her wrist.

"Mu Shihuan."

She heard the man's voice and raised her eyes in a daze.

"Don't be afraid."

She was startled.

Immediately, the grievance and disappointment that had been buried deep in my heart since that night erupted instantly.

"What's the use of saying this now?!" Losing control of her emotions, she yelled at him in a hoarse voice and kicked him, "You didn't save me! Li Jingyan, you didn't save me, do you know what I thought I will bastard!"

She was venting to cover her fear.

Li Jingyan saw it.

A violent emotion seemed to be rampaging in his chest, and he reached out and held her tightly in his arms.

In the end, he stroked her back lightly, pressed her against his chest and asked in a low voice, "What did that person say? Mu Shihuan, tell me."

Her body was still shaking, even though it was hard to notice, even though she had been trying her best to restrain herself.

"Mu Shihuan, in fact, you know very well that you are afraid that you won't be able to solve the problem. Now that you know what to do, then tell me." With a firm heart, Li Jingyan said in a cool tone.


The pain spread suddenly from his shoulders.

She was biting him, and with great force.

Li Jingyan pursed her thin lips into a straight line, and after a while, Bao Liang said, "Have you bitten enough?"

Mu Shihuan didn't say a word, and bit again.

"Mu Shihuan."

The man's voice was cold and tense, as if he had no other emotions except indifference.

Mu Shihuan let go of him.

She was silent.

The fingernails dug into the palm and printed traces, which was very painful.

After a long time, she raised her face, paused every word, and her voice was hoarse: "That person said...'Dare to betray the boss? This is what will happen to you!" I didn't see that face, but I'm afraid I remember that voice ...I can recognize..."

The chest cavity seemed to be tightly stuffed with a huge ball of cotton, Li Jingyan's eyes darkened suddenly, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"Mu Shihuan..."

"I once doubted Tang Yu."

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