Long-term love becomes sick, ex-husband is too involved in the drama

Chapter 11 Mu Shihuan, who did all kinds of bad things

When he heard footsteps, Mo Shihuan thought it was that annoying man who left and returned.

Her heart twitched inexplicably, without even thinking about it, she took the pillow beside her and threw it at the man forcefully, saying bitterly, "What the hell are you..."

The words stopped abruptly.

A pair of eyes that seemed to be soaked in ice picks looked at him coldly, filled with disgust.

It was a handsome face no less than Li Jingyan's, but in comparison, the man's brows and eyes were darker.

She remembers him.

Mu Shihuan woke up in shock, uncontrollably, her body trembled: "You...you..."


Biting the cigarette between his lips and teeth, Tang Yu lit it in front of her, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke ring.

"How long are you going to pretend to have amnesia?" He looked at Mu Shihuan, trying to smile, "Why, do you want to provoke Lao Li to pity Xiangxiang and cherish jade? Didn't you, Mo Shihuan, always look down on such bitter tricks?"

His disdain was unabashed, just like it was outside the villa last night.

Mo Shihuan was ashamed and annoyed, without even thinking about rebutting: "I didn't!"

"Heh..." Tang Yu sneered, under the looming smoke, his brows became more and more gloomy, "So deep into the drama? Mu Shihuan deserves to be Mu Shihuan, a natural actor, before and now."

Mu Shihuan's face turned red with anger.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Looking at Tang Yu's eyes, the grievance burst again, and when he spoke again, Mu Shihuan's voice trembled slightly, "I didn't! I said I didn't! Who wants to provoke that pervert?! It's you guys Hold on to me!"

Once the emotional gap erupts, it can no longer be stopped.

"It's not you, I'm still meditating in the Taoist temple, and my life won't be turned upside down..." Eye sockets suddenly became sore to the extreme, tears were about to fall, tortured by all kinds of emotions, Mo Shihuan felt that he was about to collapse, "I said divorced..."

"Divorce..." Tang Yu sneered, "Then take away all his shares and let him leave the house... Do you still feel that you have done something good? Huh?"

Mo Shihuan choked, and his mind went blank.

Go out clean?
What... what do you mean?
After reacting, she said hastily, almost reflexively: "No! As long as he agrees to divorce, I... I can leave the house without leaving the house! I just want to get a divorce! Just leave!"

She looked eager, and in her black and white eyes, there were only four words——



Tang Yu looked at it, only feeling mocked.

Mo Shihuan is clean and pure?


Tang Yu was indifferent, with a half-sarcasm: "Do you know what is the prerequisite for you to go out of the house?"

Mu Shihuan was stunned.

"What?!" She asked without thinking.

Is there a condition for her to leave the house completely?
Does that mean that as long as she does it, she can get rid of that perverted man and leave here to find her master, senior brother and the truth?
Overjoyed, she desperately wanted to know.


The man just gave her a meaningful look, and then started smoking.


"Where did you hide Li Yan?"

Suddenly became cold, and even smashed down the words mixed with hostility.

And the way the man looked at him...

Mo Shihuan moved her lips, feeling inexplicably scared, always feeling... as if he would kill herself.

"Li...Who is Li Yan? I don't know..." She explained, her eyes blank.

Tang Yu stared at her for a moment, his thin lips curved suddenly, it was a smile, but extremely cold.

"Mu Shihuan," he took a deep breath on his cigarette, and paused every word, every word was wrapped in a strong disgust, "Don't think that you can push away everything in the past if you lose your memory, you, Mo Shihuan Huan... not worthy! There is no such good thing!"

Mu Shihuan's small face turned pale.

"You...you what..."

"I don't care if you really have amnesia or pretend to be amnesia, tell Li Yan, either take the initiative to show up obediently, or see how her best friend, Mu Shihuan, you pay the price for the past. Lao Li may be soft-hearted, but I won't .”

After finishing speaking with a sneer, he lost interest in staying any longer, ignored her suspicion, and turned a blind eye to the sudden change in her face due to her own words, and put out the cigarette butt expressionlessly, Tang Yu turned and left.

Thinking of something, he stood still and turned around again, looking at the stunned person on the bed, he curled his lips and taunted with a smile: "Mu Shihuan, who has done all kinds of bad things in the past, and has blood on his hands...why, seeing the blood now About to throw up?"


The door was slammed shut.

Mu Shihuan's eyes were dull, and he stared blankly ahead.

In his mind, the words Tang Yu said were repeated over and over again, especially the last sentence, over and over again, as if deliberately torturing her, including the look in his eyes before he left.

The ward was very quiet, so quiet that Mu Shihuan could clearly hear his flustered heartbeat.

For a long time, she lowered her head mechanically, stretched out her hands and looked again and again.

Do all the bad things, stained with blood...

how can that be possible?
Will not.

She wouldn't do that, she's not that kind of person, she...

Suddenly layers of mist floated in front of his eyes, and for a moment, Mo Shihuan suddenly felt more confused and uncomfortable than being kicked out of the car and crying bitterly.

What happened in the past...?


Tang Yu left the ward, but the anger in his chest was always on the rampage, and there was nowhere to vent it, and it couldn't dissipate.

As he smoked one cigarette after another, his complexion became darker and his mood became worse and worse.

After a long time, he sneered and put out the cigarette butt, and then the car sped out!

not far away.

Mu Nuan sat in the car and didn't say a word the whole time.

Even though she knew she shouldn't, she still couldn't help thinking about the scene she saw.

When she heard Li Jingyan's words, she also heard Mo Shihuan's name called by the person on the other end of the phone. He said that it had nothing to do with her, and then he ate with her as if nothing had happened. At that time, she was still secretly happy.

So what if Mu Shihuan occupies the identity of Mrs. Li?
The person on the tip of Li Jingyan's heart is her. Sooner or later, Mo Shihuan will have nothing and make way for her.

But what about later?

He said he was going back to the company to deal with business, so he called a car to take her back to Mu's house.

Can turn around...

Mu Nuan closed her eyes, thousands of emotions flowed through her heart for a moment.


I don't know if it was Tang Yu's words that irritated me, or because there were too many unacceptable changes, or because of the nausea. That night, Mu Shihuan developed a high fever.

While feeling drowsy, she seemed to... saw someone standing in front of the bed.

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