"Did you take the medicine?" Cai Qing'er asked, waving a thick wad of banknotes in her hand.

"Come down, then Ye Zhe fell asleep inside." The nanny saw that Qian's eyes were wide open, and she and Cai Qing'er each got what they needed.

"Here, seal your mouth tightly." Cai Qing'er threw the banknote on the ground.

Cai Qing'er stepped on her high heels and entered Ye Zhe's door tick-tock. When she entered the bedroom, she really saw the sleeping Ye Zhe.

Cai Qing'er turned on the camera she carried with her, and began to take off her clothes and lay on the bed to pose with Ye Zhe.

After taking the photo, he clicked to send the MMS, and the person who sent it was Tian Xiaoxiao.

"I don't have any idea. I just like to steal things from you, Tian Xiaoxiao. I can't see that you are better than me." Cai Qing'er put on her clothes and left immediately.

But Cai Qinger was curious, who is Ye Zhe?How could he be calculated so easily?But it doesn't matter, Tian Xiaoxiao and Ye Zhe just can't be together anyway.

Realizing that the visitor had left, Ye Zhe got up and put on his clothes. All of this was planned by him.

"I'm sorry Xiaoxiao, I'm not good enough for you." Ye Zhe said while holding the necklace Tian Xiaoxiao gave him.

Ye Zhe has been diagnosed with liver cancer. Why should he give her happiness when he knows he will die soon?His hands were covered with blood, and even Tian Xiaoxiao's important Yang Yang was killed by him. If Tian Xiaoxiao recovered all his memories, he would naturally not forgive him.

Ye Zhe didn't know what would happen to Tian Xiaoxiao, would he cry bitterly?Will be sad?Will drink?It doesn't matter, there are so many people around her.

A heavy rain poured down, soaking Tian Xiaoxiao's whole body, she felt so cold
Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't tell whether she was cold-hearted or cold-hearted, she would rather be Ye Zhe's pawn than Ye Zhe betray her.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, have you made enough trouble! Do you know how much I worry about you?" Bai He pulled Tian Xiaoxiao back from the middle of the road, and slapped Tian Xiaoxiao several times.

"Bai He, Ye Zhe doesn't love me." Tian Xiaoxiao cried like a tearful man.

"Fool, he doesn't cherish you but I love you." Bai He hugged Tian Xiaoxiao, even if the whole world doesn't love Tian Xiaoxiao, but she will definitely love Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Bai He, I want to go home." Tian Xiaoxiao realized that Ye Zhe's love was not as good as Bai He's, so she still had Bai He.

"Okay, big cat, let's go home." Bai He took Tian Xiaoxiao and walked, she will always protect Tian Xiaoxiao, because Tian Xiaoxiao is a big cat.

Bai He took a bath with Tian Xiaoxiao for the first time in his life, and Bai He vaguely saw the stretch marks on Tian Xiaoxiao's stomach
Tian Xiaoxiao, has she ever given birth to a child?This thought gave Bai He a blow in the head.

Bai He was very preoccupied, she didn't ask Tian Xiaoxiao, and she didn't dare to ask, even if she asked Tian Xiaoxiao, she didn't know anything.

"It's okay, what I like is her and not her past." Bai He said in his heart, although she was a little bit sad, but Tian Xiaoxiao is the big cat she has always liked.

Bai He gave Tian Xiaoxiao a bowl of Yangchun noodles, and Tian Xiaoxiao ate them all in one go.

"Big cat, go to bed." Bai He felt sorry for Tian Xiaoxiao, and it was rare for her to take the initiative to take the bowl away.

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't know that Mu Yixuan and Ye Zhe fought for her.

"I think Second Cousin, you and Tian Xiaoxiao are very suitable to be together, and I will give him to you." Ye Zhe's face that deserves to be beaten makes one can't help but want to hit him.

"Do you think Tian Xiaoxiao is an object? She is a human being, an independent person! You can't just throw it away." Mu Yixuan went up and gave Ye Zhe a fist.

"What? I gave it to you with good intentions. If you don't want it, you still want to hit me?" Ye Zhe was not to be outdone.

The two wrestled and fought, and Mu Yixuan pulled Ye Zhe up after both were hurt.

"Don't say this kind of thing again in the future, just smile at Tian, ​​she deserves your kindness to her." Mu Yixuan turned and left, but Ye Zhe's next words made him stop.

"I also want to treat her well, but how can I treat her well if I am a criminal? Didn't you Mu Yixuan persuade me to surrender all day long? Why do you let me treat her with a smile now? My life is not long. , what can I give her happiness?" Ye Zhe smiled wryly.

Mu Yixuan turned to look at Ye Zhe, just as he was about to ask Ye Zhe what's wrong, Ye Zhe threw a copy of his medical records on Mu Yixuan.

"This..." Mu Yixuan's hands were trembling, he couldn't believe that his younger brother, who was alive and well in front of him, had liver cancer and died soon.

"Second Cousin, don't be sad, I, Ye Zhe, have committed a crime of my own accord." Ye Zhe still wanted to comfort Mu Yixuan, who told Mu Yixuan to always love his younger brother?

"Go to the hospital." Mu Yixuan couldn't help but watch his only brother die.

"I won't go. If I go, what about our group QTQ? Although I know you three don't consider me a teammate at all, but after all, I, Ye Zhe, am a public figure. I went to the hospital and told everyone that I was dying. ?" Ye Zhe had given up any hope for his illness, and he hated people's pity.

"Ye Zhe, it was my brother who was bad before. My brother apologized to you. It's all my fault that my brother didn't take good care of you. I don't deserve to be your brother at all." Mu Yixuan put all the responsibility on himself.

"Brother, don't feel bad, I only blame myself for this matter." Ye Zhe was so sensible that he wiped away all the tears for Mu Yixuan.

"Brother, let me ask you, if I really die, can you bury me in the sea? When you look at the sea in the future, you will think of me, Ye Zhe, who is not very up-to-date." Ye Zhe has already made up his mind to die. future home.

Ye Zhe sometimes feels that being an idol is something to be happy about. Ye Zhe wants to write a song for the QTQ boy group.

Mu Yixuan named the song "After I left this world"

Lin Muxing and Mijia were full of praise after reading the lyrics.

"The song written by Ye Zhe is really impressive." Lin Muxing couldn't help but praise Ye Zhe.

"It's well written, I didn't expect the song written by the sick and charming killer to be so warm." Although Mi Jia hated Ye Zhe, the song was not wrong.

At a singing activity, QTQ sang this song "After I left this world".

"I have seen many people by my side, back and forth but never stayed. After I leave, will anyone miss me and remember every bit of love and hatred about me?"

Ye Zhe's magnetic voice brought the story back to the beginning.

"After I left this world, please bury me in the sea and return me to the sea of ​​people, as if I had never been by your side." Mu Yixuan continued to answer, how much he felt sorry for Ye Zhe, his brother.

"After you leave, will you still hate me? Is the memory of me a little bit blurred? Can your dislike make you not forget me?" This passage is sung by Mijia. If Ye Zhe really leaves, Mijia Will not forgive but will not forget.

"The moonlight tonight is so beautiful, it's like I'm looking at your eyebrows, I want to hear your laughter in the sky." Lin Muxing can't say he likes Ye Zhe, but Ye Zhe is indeed a person worthy of admiration, Lin Muxing admires Ye Zhe is free and easy and thoughtful.

The performance was very successful, and even won No.1. When the acceptance speech was delivered, the four people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Mu Yixuan: No one loves QTQ more than us.

Lin Muxing: To meet is to be destined, and we will accompany us all the way to the top.

Mijia: Actually idols are just superficial!Our goal is to become a heavenly group!

Ye Zhe: I hope everyone will always remember QTQ, don't let it down.

All QTQ fans are very happy, except Tian Xiaoxiao is not happy.

"Is the big cat up?" Bai He's voice came, and Tian Xiaoxiao was still changing clothes.

So Tian Xiaoxiao just responded: "Get up."

"Big cat, then I'll come in!" After she finished speaking, she rushed in, just in time to meet me who was getting dressed.

"Bai He, you go out and I need to change clothes."

"Well, change quickly! You have a good figure." Bai He rarely praised Tian and smiled, but she still wanted to see more.
In an instant, several black lines appeared on Tian Xiaoxiao's face, and Bai He went out wisely.

"Hey! Why do you still want to peek?" Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't help sighing, she was quite speechless to Bai He, and even peeped at her changing clothes.

Ye Zhe should be his first love, right?Tian Xiaoxiao stared blankly at him with a bright smile in the photo, as if he had returned to the past, his fingertips lightly touched his smile that once made Tian Xiaoxiao obsessed...

Suddenly I feel so stupid.Since she misses but can't be her former self, Ye Zhe will be happy, but where is Tian Xiaoxiao's happiness?
"I remember the you I loved that year, but I still forgot the me you loved that year" This is read in a book. Tian Xiaoxiao and Ye Zhe have ended, but they will more or less feel in their hearts. It was hard to let go and let go of him.

Maybe Tian Xiaoxiao still loves that Ye Zhe, but Ye Zhe may not be the same Ye Zhe she loved back then.Thinking of Ye Zhe actually thought of Mu Yixuan.

Really, they are very similar, not because of their appearance and personality, but for Tian Xiaoxiao, they all feel alike.

"Bai He, you can come in!" Tian Xiaoxiao said after changing her clothes.

Hearing Tian Xiaoxiao's call, Bai He came in, as if he wanted to talk to Tian Xiaoxiao about something.

"Big cat, it's my birthday recently." Bai He was suddenly shy.

"Isn't this a good thing? When, I'll give it to you." Tian Xiaoxiao was quite happy.

"You bring your friend named Micah over here, and I want to see your little brother Mu Xing." Listening to Bai He's words, Tian Xiaoxiao finally noticed something, Bai He wanted to check?
"Alright then." Tian Xiaoxiao thought that since it was Bai He's birthday, it was natural to do what Bai He wished.

Tian Xiaoxiao called Lin Muxing and Mijia, but no one answered, so he had to go to their respective homes to find someone, but Lin Muxing asked Tian Xiaoxiao to go to the practice room to find someone.

Tian Xiaoxiao coldly gave Ye Zhe who was in the corner a knife.

"My friend Bai He wants to invite you to her birthday party." Tian Xiaoxiao's tone was cold and stern, "Brother Mu Xing and Micah, remember to come." The tone is hard to say because Ye Zhe is also there.

"Ha...ha...ha..." Mu Yixuan smiled awkwardly, he already knew that Tian Xiaoxiao had seen through everything, so he changed the subject dryly. "When? Are you missing me?"

"The day after tomorrow." Tian Xiaoxiao naturally went down the slope.

"Well! I will go." Micah Little Sun will naturally go, as long as it is Tian Xiaoxiao's resignation, he will not hesitate.

"Then don't forget." Tian Xiaoxiao looked at the date on the phone display and reminded Lin Muxing and Micah.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, did you buy your gift?" Lin Muxing asked.

Tian Xiaoxiao shook his head helplessly at Lin Muxing, Tian Xiaoxiao still didn't know what to buy for Bai He.

Why, now Tian Xiaoxiao feels that she is about to be fucked?Is Tian Xiaoxiao too sensitive?
"I bought it for you, or?" Micah said.

"Yes!" Tian Xiaoxiao said without hesitation that I would 'yes', and suddenly the bad feeling became stronger and stronger, and it is estimated that Tian Xiaoxiao's fate of being raped is coming soon.

"Then let Mu Yixuan go together." Mijia couldn't bear to leave Mu Yixuan behind.

As Tian Xiaoxiao expected, she will still be slandered, helpless!He thought that she, Tian Xiaoxiao, was his good friend and must have a high status in his heart, but I was wrong, Micah really only had his CP Mu Yixuan in his heart.

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