The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 486 Heart Origin

The doctor said that now his heart can no longer be used and he needs a heart transplant.

But where is he going to find a suitable heart? Perhaps the only thing before him is death, there is no other way to speak of.

"Oh my God, isn't this Ye Zhe, who was the number one in our killer organization back then? Why are you so timid now? I heard that you don't kill people anymore, and you don't do any bad things. I heard that you are sick. I'll come and see you." The former opponent came here, he was the second on the killer list.

"You came here just to laugh at me. You have nothing to laugh at me. Don't you have half a catty? Don't you still have leukemia? You are laughing at fifty steps and laughing at one hundred steps. Even if I die Soon you will die too." Ye Zhe hasn't seen this opponent for a long time, and everyone in Jianghu knows that the second-ranked killer is now suffering from leukemia.

"I'm not going to die. I've already found someone suitable for bone marrow transplantation, but you're bound to die. If you want a regular heart, you must donate your body, but there are very few people donating your body. Where can you find a healthy heart?" Where is the heart intact?" The opponent looked at Ye Zhe, who was number one in the killer rankings, without much scruples or admiration, if the person in front of him died, then his number two would be number one.

"Hmm." Ye Zhe lowered his head, lost in thought.

"I know you value friendship. The cold-blooded killer in the past is long gone. Now you are a little idol, but for the sake of so-called morality, squandering your own life, is this a killer capable of doing it?" The opponent I used to regard Ye Zhe as the person I wanted to surpass, but Ye Zhe's performance was really unpleasant. The killer is timid. It's a joke for a killer to be tied up by emotions.

"Even if I die, you will not be the number one killer. I just confirmed that you will only be number two forever. Even if I die, who will replace you? I remember when I was not a killer, You are number two on the killer list, it seems like you have been number two in many times." Ye Zhe's tone was neither salty nor light, but also revealed some arrogance and some sarcasm.

"You are a person who can't live, so don't laugh at me anymore. Anyway, at least I am living well here. I will be the second in the killer list for a few more years. One day I will become the first, and As for you, you will die after finishing the first place in this year." The opponent was not stimulated by Ye Zhe's words, because at least Ye Zhe didn't have much time left.

"Hehe." Ye Zhe sneered, yes, he didn't have much time to live.

"I think I envied you very much back then. Since your debut, you have been No. [-] in the killer rankings. I haven't shaken your position for so many years. How about I think of a way for you? I will use our exclusive search system for hackers. Go find a suitable source of heart for you, and kill me to change your heart." The opponent probably couldn't bear to part with this one in front of him, after all, they have been fighting for so many years, falling in love and killing each other.

"Thank you for your kindness. Let me think about these things." Ye Zhe knew that this matter was illegal, but he had killed few people before. What he lacks now is a heart, he can't even survive, how can he be a new man, how can he change his appearance?

"It's not like what you think. Anyway, if you want me to say it, I will definitely kill and save lives. We are all killers. Why would we lose our lives for the life of one of them?" The opponent didn't know the rank of the killer in front of him. What is number one thinking?

"The mobile system helped me find the source of my heart. This is my case." Ye Zhe was persuaded in the end. Only by going down can we complete things, live on more things, and only then can everything be changed and everything can go in a good direction.

"That's right. This is Ye Zhe, the killer I know. I will help you with this matter soon. As for whether you should do it or I will do it, you should think about it slowly. Anyway, you treat me well." It is a very special existence, we have been here for so many years, I still can't bear to see my old opponent die like this." The opponent picked up Ye Zhe's medical records and inspection reports, these killers are actually very serious Reasonably, sincerity is the priority, so Ye Zhe will also believe him.

Soon, the opponent told him the chosen heart source target.

"Go and see for yourself. This is the information I found. Anyway, there are only these two people in the whole country whose hearts match yours. You know when we talk about the truth, I will never lie to you , I’m talking about the facts and the truth.” The opponent gave Ye Zhe all the materials he had concluded.

"How could it be the two of them?" Ye Zhe opened the information, and there were two people in his third year of high school, one was his brother Mu Yixuan, and the other was his best friend Lin Muxing.

Originally, he thought that he had to live, even if he was stepping on other people's corpses, but now he didn't want to do that, because he didn't want to lose these people who loved him.

At the end of his life, he asked his best friend Lin Muxing to design a car-mounted system that would allow the racing car to follow his instructions to do the same.

"Lin Muxing, I want you to help me design a system or a device that can make me do the same action next time, for example, if I do something, the other racing car will follow me." Ye Zhe found his genius friend Lin Muxing, because Lin Muxing knows a lot of things, has a certain talent for invention, and is a computer genius.

"Why do you want this kind of thing all of a sudden? But I don't know if it can be successfully developed. I'll see in a few days. Also, why have you been frowning recently? What happened?" Lin Muxing wondered what happened to Ye Zhe. Suddenly asked him to invent something, he is a very transparent person, and seeing the emotions in people's eyes clearly, he felt Ye Zhe's sadness.

"What can happen to me? I have nothing to do. Don't think too much about it. It's not that I lost a fight before." Ye Zhe just found an excuse to explain that he felt that he needed to learn how to cover up his emotions.

"It's okay, next time you fight, bring me with you, I'll fight for you, don't frown, the more you frown, I feel sad when I look at me, and I'm not happy." Lin Muxing thought it was a fight, so he patted Ye Zhe said over his shoulder.

"Why am I willing to let you fight with me? When you fight with me, what will I do if something happens to you?" Ye Zhe looked at Lin Muxing's face and began to observe from top to bottom. He wanted to put this People engrave it into their memory, into their bones, and don't forget it even at the moment of death.

"Fighting skills are still very good, don't think so wrongly, I'm really good, you have to trust me." Lin Muxing is indeed that kind of all-rounder, really that kind of person, anyway, learning ability It is very, very strong.

"Haha, I know you're good. I want your friend to go to a place. Do you have time to accompany me there?" Ye Zhechang said goodbye to these people he loved at the end of his life.

"Okay, anyway, I'm very free, what are we going to do?" Lin Muxing became interested, and he didn't think it would be a big deal for the two of them to hang out together.

"I want to go bungee jumping. This is something I really wanted to try but couldn't do it." Ye Zhe told where he planned to go.

"Didn't you tell me before that you are afraid of heights? We are both afraid of heights, and you actually want us to go bungee jumping together?" Lin Muxing's face became ugly. There is still fear. He really bungee jumped himself, and then fainted directly.

"I'm really afraid of heights, and I know you're afraid of heights, but life always has to make some challenges, and we always have to try something we haven't tried before, so I want to go bungee jumping with you." Ye Zhejing was ready, if Lin Muxing refused again, he would directly call out the hunk acting like a baby.

"I can go anywhere, but I can't go to the bungee jumping platform. I'm afraid. I really don't want to die there. I'm afraid of heights, and you are also afraid of heights. Let's not go, okay?" Lin Muxing hasn't jumped yet. Already soft, whenever he thinks about bungee jumping, he is particularly afraid.

"I know you're scared, so I'll tell you I'm scared too. If I wasn't scared, why would I take you to go bungee jumping with me, but I really want to go, maybe I won't have the chance in the future. You bungee jumping together." Ye Zhe began to shake Lin Muxing's hand, and said with a sticky mouth.

"You know, I can't stand your acting like a baby. Let's go bungee jumping together." Lin Muxing is the first person who can't stand the macho acting like a baby. Oh, let's play with each other if it's a big deal, it's the best anyway friend.

But when they got to the bungee jumping platform, the legs of the two people who were originally aggressive and energetic turned out to be weak.

"Didn't you say you want to challenge something that you haven't challenged? Why are your legs so weak? Why are you afraid now? Didn't you say that you are not afraid? Look at your current appearance." Lin Muxing laughed at Ye Zhe while his legs were weak.

"Aren't your legs weak, aren't you shaking a lot, aren't you also scared, why do you say me, you're also afraid that you're not the same as me, okay?" Ye Zhe calmed down, no doubt telling himself not to be so afraid, Because he just wanted to challenge something he hadn't challenged before.

Ye Zhe was the first to jump down, and all the fears of Nike seemed to have dissipated, the fear of death, the attachment to life, and the fear of heights.

Lin Muxing was the second one. He didn't know that it was such a happy thing to face the fear.

"I think I have overcome my fear of heights now. I can even jump bungee jumping now." Lin Muxing was talking while drinking water.

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