The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 322 Meeting Your Future Self

An unprecedented astronomical phenomenon of five-star tandem appeared in Chengdu, which is said to be a rare phenomenon in a hundred years.

"Brother Mu Xing, can we really see the Five Stars Lianzhu?" Tian Xiaoxiao was curious and worried, always feeling a little unreliable, but Tian Xiaoxiao still came.

"That's what the news station said. It should be possible, right?" Lin Muxing actually didn't know much about it, but he still had to try it out. After all, Tian Xiaoxiao was an astronomy enthusiast, and this was an open space that Lin Muxing specially found. .

"I heard that five-star lianzhu can cause time-space distortion. Do you think it is true? If it can cause time-space distortion, maybe we can travel back to the past!" Mijia got a time-traveling novel in his hand. I have seen too much.

"Then where do you plan to go if you really time-travel?" Mu Yixuan didn't refute, after all, Mijia's temper is not a daily thing, sometimes it's fun to be childish with him.

"I want to see my future self. I believe that I will become a famous actor in the future. I must be a movie king! And I hope we will become a very good boy group, how about you?" Mijia always believes in himself , he is working so hard now, maybe he will be even stronger in the future.

"You actually think like this. If I travel to the past, I definitely want to become a great entrepreneur and business overlord, the kind of person who is the same as the old godmother Tao Huabi, and I will become the number one in the world with you. Men's team!" Mu Yixuan was originally a mature and stable boy, but after getting along with Mijia and the others, he became a middle school sophomore. People always have dreams.

"I hope that I can become a very good racing driver, and I also hope that our men's team can be recognized by everyone, and I also hope that I can become a very good rap!" Ye Zhe also began to talk about the goal, which is the goal now is hope achievable in the future.

"For me, I hope to become a very powerful hacker. Although I am very powerful now, I still hope to be even more powerful. I also hope that I can become a very powerful chef who is even more powerful than now. In the end, I hope that our boy group QTQ will get better and better!" Lin Muxing has always dreamed of these things, and he is actually not a particularly good person, but he just hopes that he will not regret it.

But when Tian Xiaoxiao arrived, Tian Xiaoxiao was at a loss.

What kind of person will she become in the future?No one can give her the answer, even she herself has no answer to tell herself.

"Wow, there are really five stars!" Mijia looked at the sky with great joy.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and there were indeed five stars together, although there were gaps between them, it was indeed a line.

However, time and space are suddenly warped, sucking them all away.

Are you curious about what kind of person you will be in the future? If one day you can go to the future, you must see if the person in the future will become the person you want to become directly.

Everything in front of me has become familiar yet unfamiliar. There are all kinds of people here, but they wear advanced clothes. They seem a little old-fashioned here.

Mijia asked a passerby, "Hello, is it 2020?"

Passers-by were surprised and couldn't help cursing, "Crazy, it's 2030 now, and ten years have passed since 2020, don't you know how to look at your phone? Can't you look at the calendar?"

No one thought that what Mijia said was actually true, there was a time-space distortion here, and it turned out that it was really possible to travel to the future.

It's 2030, so they haven't become who they want to be?However, these answers need to be found by themselves.

Came to a park that I used to come to often.

"We will gather in this garden at that time." Mu Yixuan said to everyone, he was curious about what he looked like now.

"Then are we going to find the future now?" Mijia was still a little confused, he didn't expect that what was said in the time-traveling novel was true, so it could really be time-traveling.

"Otherwise, after finally coming to 2030, I don't want to see if I have become the person I directly want to be?" Ye Zhe touched Mijia's furry head, like a big brother caressing a little brother, Ye Zhe has given a little bit of tenderness to your little brother, Mi Jia.

"Of course I want to, then let's see each other later!" Mijia must also want to see if he can become the film king that he directly wants to become. For a person who works so hard like him, how can he not become the film king!
The five walked in opposite directions.

Tian Xiaoxiao came to her former home, but found that the layout hadn't changed at all. She couldn't find her future self, and it seemed that no one lived in the house. What happened in the past ten years?

Tian Xiaoxiao lay on the bed and found that many of the equipment here were bought in 2020 and 2019. Could it be that she has left this world in the future?Or did my future self go somewhere else?Huge doubts enveloped Tian Xiaoxiao.

Tian Xiaoxiao discovered that Bai He's picture album was actually well preserved, and Bai He's signature was added on it.

"Could it be that Bai He came back to my side later?" Although Tian Xiaoxiao still didn't know what kind of person he would be in the future, he was still a little happy because at least the future told her that she could meet Bai He again.

Tian Xiaoxiao found that in the cabinet, there were still photos of Bai He and Tang Tang that she had kept at the beginning.

"It seems that the future me has not forgotten them." Tian Xiaoxiao stroked the smiling faces on the two photos, and tears fell on the photos.

Tian Xiaoxiao searched for a long time but didn't have any information about her future self. She was thinking about what kind of person she would be in the future?

Have you ever married someone you like? Is it lonely forever?Could it be that she has been a strong woman all her life, whether she has become a very good singer, what is the future, and the future has no answer for Tian Xiaoxiao.

Tian Xiaoxiao was thinking about something, she seemed to have thought of something, and after searching again, she actually found a diary. Tian Xiaoxiao remembered that she had the habit of keeping a diary, and she might be able to find the answer from the diary.

However, Tian Xiaoxiao discovered that she has never written a diary since 2020. What happened in the past ten years?

How did the good habits change? Why didn’t I even write a diary?

Tian Xiaoxiao rummaged through the box and found a wedding photo of himself and a man, but Tian Xiaoxiao didn't know who the man was, because the face had been blacked out with a black paintbrush.

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