The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 314 The Reality of One Feather

Back to reality, came to that antique shop.

"We're back." Tian Xiaoxiao hugged Mu Yixuan.

"Yeah, I thought we were really going to die." Mu Yixuan was also very happy, because they had finally returned to normal after going through so many ordeals.

"Ancestor, you are back, has history changed?" The old man tremblingly walked in front of Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan.

"No change, history is irreversible." Tian Xiaoxiao shook her head, she had more respect for history than before.

Day by day.

Tian Xiaoxiao’s mobile phone memo has one item: Be ready to smile at any time, embrace the sun and become the sun, cherish everything that exists, fall down on a spring day, and meet the hero’s death.

But Tian Xiaoxiao didn't know whether she was a hero or not, but she thought Xiang Yu was a great hero, a person worthy of admiration.

Eight years have passed, but in reality, only eight hours have passed.

Life went on as usual, but Tian Xiaoxiao received a call from Ye Zhe this day.

"Ye Zhe's skateboard is so pretty, I really like it." Tian Xiaoxiao played with the skateboard Ye Zhe gave him.

"Of course, I picked it just for you." Ye Zhe was very happy to see that she liked it.

They skateboard.

After sweating, they sat on the bench together and stared at the dark sky in a daze.

"Ye Zhe, do you know the Overlord of Western Chu?" Tian Xiaoxiao turned his head and looked directly into Ye Zhe's eyes.

"I know." How could Ye Zhe not know Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu? Almost everyone in China knows this.

"Do you think it's stupid for him to kill himself in Wujiang?" Tian Xiaoxiao actually didn't think it was stupid, but he still couldn't help asking Ye Zhe.

"Not stupid, he is so proud that he would rather die than fail. Although I don't know how to do it like this, but what he did is worthy of admiration from others." Ye Zhe had admiration for Xiang Yu in his eyes.

Success or failure seems to be of no great importance, everything will disappear on the stage of history, and the present where we are now will be history soon.

Ye Zhe sent Tian Xiaoxiao home, Ye Zhe habitually protected Tian Xiaoxiao, but his hands were not hanging on Tian Xiaoxiao's waist, but suspended.

"Ye Zhe, good night." Tian Xiaoxiao turned around and stood at the door of the house, waving to Ye Zhe.

"Good night, sweet dreams." Ye Zhe also said good night, he likes the word good night, because it means wanna, I love you.

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't have a good night's sleep in the years when he was Xiang Yu, and now he can finally have a good night's sleep, Tian Xiaoxiao closed his eyes and went to sleep, tomorrow is still a new day.

After Tian Xiaoxiao got up, she went to wash and dress up, and went out because Xiaoyang asked her to meet.

"Q, which song do you like?"

"I like this." Tian Xiaoxiao chose the most bland song among them. In fact, most of the time, the bland song is the one that requires the most strength. emotion.

After choosing the song, it's time to fill in the lyrics.

Song name: "To my ordinary life"

Tian Xiaoxiao wrote the lyrics with heart:
How many times I feel that I am a human being, I am sorry, I am mediocre day after day, year after year, there is no goddess of luck, no enthusiasm for tomorrow, only today's depression, how many times I hate the ordinary self, I am sorry, not good enough Brave, time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, but I am still standing still.

Music has a soul, and music is a key that connects ordinary or perfect us.

After almost filling in the lyrics, it's time to practice singing.

When I was free, I met Lin Muxing. Lin Muxing said that he would make her her favorite dessert.

"Brother Muxing, your dessert today is not very tasty. Are you unhappy? What happened to make you unhappy." Tian Xiaoxiao took a bite of Lin Muxing's dessert, but he always felt that something was wrong, the taste was not good It was fine before.

Food can also feel the heart of the chef. If the chef cooks it with heart, it will naturally be delicious.

"Something happened to my family recently. My mother has Alzheimer's disease, but I don't know what to do." Lin Muxing lowered his head to reveal his fragile side, his flawless moon in the sky, but sensitive on the ground fairy.

What makes Lin Muxing sad is not that his mother has dementia, even if his mother has dementia, Lin Muxing will not dislike it, it is just because his mother has forgotten who Lin Muxing is now.

"Q, let's go to my mother together? The aunt who was with my mother said that my mother went crazy and ran away. If you have something to do, I will go alone." Lin Muxing was in a state of anxiety, because his mother now has dementia , how could he not be worried, how could he not be worried?

"It's okay, I don't want to eat anymore, I'll go with you to find my aunt." Tian Xiaoxiao threw the dessert aside and picked up the bag, then went around looking for her aunt with Lin Muxing.

Lin Muxing and Tian Xiaoxiao searched for a long time, finding all the nearby places from the places Lin Muxing's mother loved to go on weekdays, but they still couldn't find Lin Muxing's mother.

Tian Xiaoxiao and Lin Muxing were exhausted, but they still couldn't find Lin Muxing's mother.

"Brother Mu Xing, why don't we call the police, there is no way to find it now." Tian Xiaoxiao suggested, after all, we really can't find it now.

"This is the only way at present." Lin Muxing has searched for all possible places, but he still can't find it. Now he doesn't know what to do.

Lin Muxing and Tian Xiaoxiao went to the police station to call the police, and finally found Lin Muxing's mother.

"Mom, where have you been?" Lin Muxing held back his mother who was about to run away again.

"Who are you? I'm not your mother. My son is only in elementary school!" Lin Muxing's mother threw Lin Muxing away with fear and strangeness in her eyes.

"Mom, let's stop making trouble, let's go home? I'm worried about you, do you know how long I've been looking for you?" Lin Muxing's tears fell, he can no longer lose his family, he only has his mother up.

"Don't cry, son, it's all mother's fault." Lin Muxing's mother recognized Lin Muxing when she saw Lin Muxing's tears falling. Sure enough, the mother loves her son very much, and she can't bear to see her son cry.

"Mom, don't run around in the future. I'm really worried that something will happen to you. I only have you as a family member. Please don't have an accident." Lin Muxing was really afraid of his mother running away, but that time he couldn't find her. Now that his mother is here, he hopes so much that his mother can recover, but even if his mother does not recover, Lin Muxing only needs his mother to stay by his side.

"This is your favorite shrimp dumpling, eat it quickly." Lin Muxing's mother took out two shrimp dumpling from her pocket.

"It's delicious, it's really made by my mother!" Lin Muxing started to eat it without saying a word, without the slightest disgust, but thought it was delicious.

"I didn't make it, I bought it from another restaurant, hehe!" Lin Muxing's mother laughed, she seemed to have never changed, even though she was sick, she still loved her son deeply.

Lin Muxing looked at his mother, intending to let her receive the best treatment.

Looking at the two of them, Tian Xiaoxiao always sighed that it is good to have relatives, but unfortunately Tian Xiaoxiao now has no relatives, she lives alone in this world, but she must live on.

Because all those who love her want her to live, to live happily.

Tian Xiaoxiao looked at the moon in the sky, it was so beautiful.

It's just that there is no one to accompany her to enjoy the beautiful scenery like this.

Tian Xiaoxiao left alone, because she shouldn't stay there to disturb other people's mother and child.

When I got home and turned on the TV, I found that Ah Wu had become a big girl, from the young girl she used to be to looking at the flash of the camera without blinking her eyes.

Sometimes Tian Xiaoxiao thinks about whether this is really what Ah Wu and she want?In fact, Tian Xiaoxiao hoped that Ah Wu would be happy, but she didn't know whether Ah Wu was going to be happy now. Although Ah Wu said that she didn't like acting or flashing lights, she worked hard to stand by Tian Xiaoxiao's side.

Since when have we become people we don't want to be?

Tian Xiaoxiao is not a very fierce person, but for work she often has to yell at employees and hold meetings for employees, causing many employees to suffer.

But these are jobs, and this is something that must be done.

Many things have to be done even if you don't want to do it, because it is for life.

Tian Xiaoxiao visits Micah from time to time, and will give Micah favorite fruits, lemons and milk tea.

"Micah, why do you like lemons so much? Don't you think it's very sour?" Tian Xiaoxiao cut up lemons for Micah. In fact, Tian Xiaoxiao can't eat many lemons, and she doesn't like lemons very much. people.

"Actually, I didn't like lemons at first, but when I ate too many sour ones, I realized that sweet ones are good, so I cherished them." Micah smiled and swallowed the lemons.

Tian Xiaoxiao watched Micah fall off the horse, and Tian Xiaoxiao helped Micah go to the hospital.

"It's okay, I'll go to the hospital after filming the show." After Micah did a simple bandage to stop the bleeding, he continued filming.

Tian Xiaoxiao could only watch silently from the side, watching her little sun work so hard and be so strong.

After Micah finished filming, he went to the hospital with Tian Xiaoxiao.

There was a scar on Micah's back, and Tian Xiaoxiao was heartbroken, but Micah said it was okay.

"It's okay, I'm a boy and it doesn't matter if I suffer a little bit and get a little scar." Micah said with a smile.

However, Tian Xiaoxiao felt that the more Tian Xiaoxiao smiled, the more she felt distressed. This young man warmed the world in his way.

Micah smelled the thorn flower at the scar on his back, which means overcoming thorns and thorns.

But others didn't show him any love, they didn't care about Micah's efforts, they used all kinds of language to be weird or curse.

"A guy with tattoos on his back? You're so sissy, so disgusting!" Keyboard Man scolded on the Internet.

Tian Xiaoxiao was furious, but Micah kept saying, it's okay.

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