The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 304 Chip Destruction

In the past, people nailed Jesus to the cross, and later people nailed their heroes to the cross.

People refuse to admit their mistakes, they insist on going their own way, they are content with the status quo.

Tian Xiaoxiao looked coldly at the noise of the people below.

"Burn them—"

Suddenly feel very numb.

"They're monsters—"

Mu Yixuan regretted coming here.

"When the RSR stars come, they will definitely blame us."

People would rather believe that the RSR stars will come back than Hetian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan to answer the reality.

Micah in front of the screen couldn't sit still anymore, "Brother Mu Xing, is there any way I can go in and save them?"

Lin Muxing thought for a while, "Yes, but it is very dangerous."

Micah pursed her lips and insisted on going, "It's okay, I'm willing to go no matter how dangerous it is, and I want to rescue them."

Lin Muxing handed the brain wave chip on the table to Micah, "Using this chip, you can reach this dream."

Micah stuck the chip on his arm, and the chip immediately absorbed into a QR code, and gradually his consciousness began to disappear.

"Brother Micah, you must bring the two of them back." Ye Zhe supported Micah who fell to the ground, and found an empty bed to help him up.

The fire under the cross had already been lit, but at this moment Micah descended like a god descending from the earth.

"Meet the last RSR starman, the god of the RSR planet from Mars!"

I don't know who said something, but the group of people continued to mutter and knelt on the ground.

"You put out the fire, these two are warriors." Micah looked down and saw that he had become a potbellied, hairy RSR star with blood-sucking fangs.

Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan looked at it coldly, the people on earth who obeyed Micah's words, these people are really ridiculous.

People used precious water sources to extinguish the fire they set by themselves, but this time they did not complain, because they obeyed the orders of the people at the top of the pyramid.

"Let's go to the new world outside together! It's small and big, but it's not the Mars we first stayed in. We should go back to the earth. There is our light, and that is where we should go! Don't you Don't you yearn for the sun? Don't you yearn for the fragrance of flowers?" Micah persuaded these compatriots forcefully and passionately.

But Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan walked aside and squatted in the corner. This place is not suitable for them to stay.

People were infected by Micah's words.

"Is what the god of RSR star said true? I really want to bask in the sun!"

"I want to eat so many delicious things, I haven't smelled the fragrance of flowers for a long time!"

"I don't know if the wind in the outside world is refreshing enough!"

All returned to reality together.

It seemed like a happy ending for everyone, but Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan couldn't help being lonely.

"Mu Yixuan, Q, don't think too much, they didn't do it on purpose." Mi Jia noticed Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan's loss, and he seemed to say the wrong thing again when he wanted to comfort him.

"I know they didn't do it on purpose, they did it on purpose." Mu Yixuan glanced at the awakened person, maybe it really shouldn't be rescued.

"Mu Yixuan, you..." Micah looked at Mu Yixuan's lonely back, and stretched out his hand to pull it, but it seemed that he couldn't pull it.

"Thanks to you, Micah, they were able to come out this time. Thank you for saving me and Mu Yixuan, otherwise we would have died in their hands." Tian Xiaoxiao tried his best not to feel so sad, but his tone remained the same. low.

"No, you and Mu Yixuan are the real warriors, and I didn't do anything." Micah looked at Tian Xiaoxiao's back, which was also fading away, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Tian Xiaoxiao went to the top floor of the hospital, leaning against the wall and looking at the blue sky, she was thinking about some things that she had never thought about before, wondering whether the justice she thought was not needed by others?

Why does happiness disappear, why is there no trust? Does everyone not believe that someone will save his life even for him? Does everyone think saving the world is funny?

However, I still haven't figured out what to do.

A physical examination was done for everyone, and it turned out that the chip was still there. That is to say, if the person who developed the chip used some special methods, then these people would still fall into a coma.

A group of patients lined up to the top floor, and they bowed and apologized in turn.

"Thank you for saving us, we remember what happened in the dream, I'm sorry, we were all confused for a while, thank you, our warrior!"

Tian Xiaoxiao was stunned, is she really a warrior?

"You are such a brave and powerful person!"

Is she really powerful and brave?
Mu Yixuan on the other side also thought about it, after all, he was also thanked.

"Thank you, you are such a warrior, thank you for saving us, I am really grateful!"

Did someone really regard Mu Yixuan as a warrior?

Even Lin Muxing, Micah, Ye Zhe and even the psychologist were thanked.

However, the darkness is not over yet. The patient fell into the darkness again, including Micah who used the chip to save Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan, but this time he had no clue.

Ye Zhe glanced at the dream tester. This kind of special instrument is usually very rare, right?This kind of machine is already incredible, will there be some problems?

"Could it be a problem with this machine? Generally, the things invented by two scientists can't be connected often. They are all related to brain waves and dreams. Could it be that the two developers are the same?" Ye Zhe turned his head The radio wave chip and the dream tester are linked together, and there may be some unknown relationship between the two.

"I saw this dream tester in a psychology magazine. You have the mentality of a dead horse doctor as a living horse doctor. I can find the address on that magazine. It should be helpful." The director of the psychology department began to rummage through, Look for clues you can use.

Lin Muxing followed the clues to find the location, which was a mental hospital, and the developer of this machine was actually a psychopath with antisocial personality.

Tian Xiaoxiao drove to the psychiatric hospital. This time she took Lin Muxing with her. Lin Muxing planned to go together to obtain some information to distinguish, decrypt and destroy the brainwave chip.

This time the police also went with them, because the police saw the video of Micah falling asleep after wearing the chip, and the patients had all bought Blue Technology's chips, so there was evidence.

Tian Xiaoxiao told the dean of the mental hospital, and met the developer of the dream tester. He was a lunatic, and he could be said to be a genius.

The lunatic is on the left and the genius is on the right. Mentally, he is a person with serious anti-social personality, but in terms of IQ, he is a scientist.

"Are you the developer of the dream tester?" Lin Muxing narrowed his eyes and looked at the disheveled middle-aged man with a mustache.

"Did you come to me for advice on how to use it? Didn't I say that, don't come to me to ask how to use the machine, if you are smarter, you will use it." The developer stroked his mustache, from It can be seen from the words that his machine is very well bought, but not many people know how to use it.

"I can use your machine." Not surprisingly, Lin Muxing is what the developer calls a smart person.

"It's rare. You are the first one who knows how to use my dream tester. I would like to call you a genius." The developer's gaze was a little more curious, and there was also some other kind of sympathy.

"We came here just to ask you what is the relationship with the brain wave chip." Tian Xiaoxiao said straight to the point, there was nothing to greet.

"I am the developer of the brain wave chip, are you satisfied?" The developer did not quibble, and directly admitted.

"How to destroy the brainwave chip?" Lin Muxing looked at the developer seriously and asked.

"Why destroy it? I didn't force them to buy my brainwave chip. They wanted to buy my brain wave chip. It was written on the cigarette pack that smoking is harmful to health. So many people still bought it. It was they who wanted to die, not me." R&D The author does not intend to tell Lin Muxing how to destroy the brain wave chip. In his eyes, if a person chooses to give up his life, there is no way out.

"But you obviously have a way to prevent them from dying, so why can't you let them return to reality? They woke up once, and they really wanted to live on at that time. You have no right to take the lives of others." Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't help strangling the developer's neck, her eyes were red, if she couldn't change everything this time, Micah would leave them.

"I gave you a chance, but you have nothing to do with them. They brought them back. They don't need you people to save them. Why are you so persistent?" The developer had an extra remote control in his hand, "When I When you press this button, your friends and those people will all be brain-dead, hahaha—"

Just when the developer was about to press it, Tian Xiaoxiao bounced off the developer with a whirlwind leg. Lin Muxing took the opportunity to open the remote control, directly opened the computer in the bag and began to decrypt the remote control, copying the data with a USB cable.

The developer ran away, while Tian Xiaoxiao and the police were chasing him.

The developer drove his car to the edge of the cliff. He looked at his pursuers, Tian Xiaoxiao and the police.

"Do you people think that you can save those people for a lifetime? You can save them for a while. These people who choose to give up their lives don't need you to pay for them. These people should die—" Those who give up their lives are not worthy of living in this world.

The developer jumped off the cliff, but the police did not find his body.

After the police investigation, it was found that when the developer was very young, his parents committed suicide by burning charcoal because of the failure of stock trading.

Lin Muxing decrypted the chip and destroyed all the chips.

However, brain wave bracelets appeared on the market again, and no one knew whether it was the genius developer with anti-social personality or the person who came to bluff.

But Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't change it anymore, because some things still had to be handed over to the police.

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