The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 290 Extreme Mourn

Tian Xiaoxiao, I don't know why he always fell into moodiness.

Is this a matter of personality itself, or a problem of the environment experienced.

Stress is an invisible mountain.

The words of the people around are like noisy flies.

They say that you never know the hard work, that you never understand their misery.

Employees who leave the company will always complain.

"You are pampered and very squeamish. You are the big boss, how can you understand the hard work of us low-level employees!"

"Why do you think you are so powerful? Your achievements today are all due to our low-level employees. You are a vampire!"

Would the world be a better place if this person didn't exist.

Will anyone remember her existence?

Why is she always not understood, why does she often feel lonely, is she really that annoying?
When the tears fell, the nose was sore, as if smelling a rotten grape, and the eyes were swollen, as if they had been exposed to the sun to shed their skin.

How many times I thought it was okay to slander, but it still seems to have something to do with it.

In the empty room, there was only one person leaning against the wall, thinking about the future.

The distant dream seems to be shattered if it is not realized.

Youth is like a dove, gone forever, unable to catch its flying track.

If he was young and successful, everything would be different. Today Tian Xiaoxiao saw the person Ye Zhe liked in the past, who he liked after he lost his memory abroad. The girl looks exactly the same as the photo Ye Zhe showed.

With medium-sized eyes, he looks like SpongeBob SquarePants when he smiles.

Tian Xiaoxiao took one more look, and the girl also took one more look at Tian Xiaoxiao, maybe that girl looks a bit like Tian Xiaoxiao for some reason.

"If I was young and successful, then maybe everything would change. If you miss it, you will miss it." At that time, Ye Zhe flicked the photo on the phone screen, and met the girl's smile.

How many people missed the person they liked in adolescence because they were not young enough and fell in love with their favorite girl when they were the poorest.

But there was no way to be with her.

Tian Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and began to think, is the kindness and justice she insists on right now?

Should I be alone and go with the flow, just like most people.

When people are mourning, they can’t help but think about death, but no one can face death. It is an accidental death, which means the end of everything. Everyone is thinking about how it will end, but not many people can really face it. Face the end.

I don't know why it's always unlikable, and all the goodwill seems to some people to be hypocritical.

"Auntie, these are your favorite fruits." Mu Yixuan specially sent fruits to Auntie Ren Sianian, and these were carefully selected by him.

"Don't cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful. If you take your things away, I will never have anything to do with you." Ren Missian didn't appreciate it.

Why are you always being questioned? Is it because you are young, because you are good-looking, you think you are born?
Every time Ye Zhe participated in a rap competition, he would be ridiculed by the crowd.

"Idol actually came to participate in the competition!"

"It must be because the idol circle can't get along, come over to our rap circle, believe it or not, we will help you blow it up!"

Some people even questioned that Ye Zhe's words were written by gunmen, because no one can believe that an idol can write such good words.

People prefer to watch idols make a fool of themselves.

It turns out that no matter how good you are, you will still be questioned. We are all growing little by little in our own hearts.

Sometimes I'm hesitant and wondering if I'm really that bad?Why do they hate me so much?
Micah is often blackmailed by the whole network, because he is a top-tier star, a real top-tier star.

As long as Micah releases a movie or film and television work, people will laugh at them, thinking that these movies must not be popular, and the reputation must be bad. No one will watch those movies without prejudice, and no one will feel Micah. As soon as they heard the name Micah, they thought it was a big bad movie.

"Isn't that just a vase? Why do so many people like him, isn't it just a good-looking face?"

"I also learned that everyone in our family is better than him. Is he worthy of the position of top class? I always feel that he is not worthy of this position!"

"What a good show with his face, but with his voice, he doesn't have any masculinity at all. Why should he play those soldiers? Police officer, is he worthy? What a bitch."

Micah couldn't figure out why so many people hated him, why so many people didn't believe his efforts, why so many people followed suit to black him, many people never really understood him, and no one could not Accept him with prejudice, as if it was a mistake for him to hang out in this circle.

In the eyes of those people, he is not worthy of being liked by so many fans, because he seems to have nothing but that face, and no one would be willing to watch those movies. What good show can a vase have?
Lin Muxing always receives prejudice, what's wrong with being a cook?Besides, he didn't abandon his main business and acting career for the sake of cooking.

"My God, you big man likes to cook. Do you have a little bit of skill to know what else you can do besides cooking?"

"You learn to cook here, just to teach those girls to find a boyfriend in the future, you must find someone who can cook, you are called a fan."

"Real men never do housework or cook. Aren't these jobs done by women? What kind of cook are you, a man?"

Sometimes I feel inexplicable that these prejudices are really annoying. Why are men and women different when they are interested in this matter? Housework and cooking should be done by both men and women. Why do you bring these things that should be beautiful? bias?

Ah Wu didn't understand why she couldn't have freckles?Why can't there be flaws as a female artist.

"Look at this female star who has freckles. How does she take care of them? Other female stars have very good skin. This person doesn't even know how to take care of it."

"Not professional at all, skin management itself is an artist's job, showing freckles is really passive and sabotage, really a good-looking passer-by."

Ah Wu is also human, why can't she have the characteristics that a human being should have? Could it be that a female star can't have a little bit of her own flaws.

Why do you always have to be harsh on her?Why don't you look at the work, look at the acting, and keep staring at her face?

Xiao Yang didn't know why he was playing on stage, the costumes were too short, and when he pulled his skirt a little on the stage, he was criticized for being sorry for the stage, and the effect on the stage was not good.

"I don't have the professional ethics of being an artist at all. The dance moves are just like that! Wearing such sexy clothes and pulling them, what are we looking at?"

"I don't have any respect for the stage. Even if it's just a little detail that doesn't affect the stage and dance, it shouldn't be pulling the skirt!"

Xiaoyang wondered why everyone was staring at her skirt, not at her stage effect, not at her singing and dancing, and why is the singing and dancing stage so superficial?
And there was no accident on that stage, and it didn't affect the performance of the singing stage. The skirt was pulled because the skirt given by the organizer was too short.

Why do so many people not understand the principle of not doing to others what you do not want to be done to yourself?
If your relatives and friends are singing and dancing on the stage wearing very short and short skirts, can you stand and talk without back pain, and criticize her for disrespecting the stage?

Mu Yixuan couldn't figure it out, why did everyone think that he relied on money to become the leading actor of a great director?

"Rich people are like this, and they don't have much acting skills anyway, so we can only watch him. He's not very handsome, but just average. There are so many handsome guys in the entertainment industry, why should he be the only one?" , it must be because of the money!"

"Anyway, I don't disrespect his face. I think Mu Yixuan is the ugliest in their group. He must have bought the captain with money, and he must have bought the male lead with money. You said he put his The teammate's top class named Micah squeezed away!"

Mu Yixuan has always been a handsome guy praised by others since he was a child. He belongs to the experienced type and is very attractive. People all over the Internet are scolding him.

Why being ugly is also a point of being scolded by others, and he is a very good-looking, handsome guy!
The host even asked teammates who they think is the most handsome in the team.

Except for Mu Yixuan who chose Micah, everyone else chose Mu Yixuan.

"I think the captain's appearance belongs to the kind of handsome guy who you think he is very cold at first glance, he is very delicate, but when he smiles, you feel very comfortable and clean, it is that kind of very contradictory mixture Body." Lin Muxing blew a rainbow fart, and everyone else echoed.

Even the recognized appearance, Micah also thinks that Mu Yixuan is the most handsome in the group. In fact, the four of them are all top-notch handsome guys, but they are of different types.

Micah focuses on pure and cute young boys, Lin Muxing focuses on gentle and clean temperament juniors, Mu Yixuan is a cold, refined and domineering president, and Ye Zhe is a sick and charming hip-hop guy.

However, such a group of people, including Tian Xiaoxiao, A Wu and Xiao Yang, have all experienced very sad things, and they were overwhelmed by various pressures.

Surrounded by all kinds of doubts and abuse, they didn't know what to do in the future. However, life must go on. After all, a man must live vigorously in this world, and youth is boundless. regret.

It seems that we are full of shortcomings, we seem to be naive ghosts hated by others, but naive ghosts also have the joy of naive ghosts.

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