The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 287 Justice Police

Tian Xiaoxiao drove to work busily, at eight o'clock in the morning, and went to work at nine o'clock, because he was the boss of the company, so he shouldn't be late.

After all, adults no matter how powerful they are.No matter how good your career is, you still can't escape the life of nine to five, two and one line. This is a social animal.

As a result, in a traffic jam, he was regarded as a Didi driver.

"Hello, are you the driver of Didi?" A woman with a big belly patted Tian Xiaoxiao's car window outside.

"I'm not, what's the situation?" Tian Xiaoxiao opened the car window and saw that the woman was pregnant.

"Don't talk so much now, please take me to the hospital, I'm going to give birth." The woman had a painful look on her face, and she also looked a few years younger than Tian Xiaoxiao.

"OK." Tian Xiaoxiao didn't even go to work now, and decided to send the pregnant woman to the hospital.

However, Tian Xiaoxiao sent a group message in the company, I will not come today, you put the documents that I need to deal with in my office, and I will sign them myself when the time comes.

"Thank you, good people have a safe life!" The pregnant woman was helped into the back seat by Tian Xiaoxiao, the pregnant woman was full of gratitude to Tian Xiaoxiao, and asked how few people in this world could drop everything to help others up.

Meeting Tian Xiaoxiao is also a kind of luck.

"Sister, don't talk so much, take a deep breath now, don't be afraid that I will take you to the hospital safely." Tian Xiaoxiao encouraged the pregnant woman, but at this time she was helpless, because she was stuck in a traffic jam
Suddenly a memory came to mind.

"Hello, are you the traffic police brigade? There is a pregnant woman in my car. It is urgent. Can you turn the red light? There is a traffic jam, but the pregnant woman is about to give birth." Tian Xiaoxiao called the traffic police brigade and asked Can you please help me.

The answer from the traffic police brigade is yes.

"Thank you, Comrade Traffic Police." Tian Xiaoxiao's affection for the traffic police brigade in this city suddenly rose sharply.

When they arrived at the hospital, Tian Xiaoxiao sat at the door, walking around anxiously as if her wife had given birth.

The pregnant woman gave birth and gave birth to a son.

"Mother and baby are safe, congratulations." The nurse congratulated the pregnant woman.

Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't help but look at the child, he looked pretty, cute and cute.

"Are you the child's father?" The nurse noticed Tian Xiaoxiao, but she always felt that something was wrong.

"No, no, I was just passing by." Tian Xiaoxiao hastily denied it, in case the entertainment reporter saw it, he would twist it again.

"Sister, what's the name of the child?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked the pregnant woman, after all, naming a child is a big deal.

"You can choose it. You rescued this child. You can choose a name." The pregnant woman planned to ask Tian Xiaoxiao to help her choose the name.

"Let the child's father pick it up, big sister, where's your husband?" Tian Xiaoxiao thinks it's okay, she's not a relative, she's just a passer-by, if the child's father finds out, he might misunderstand again.

"I'm a single mother." The pregnant woman's clean and bright eyes dimmed.

The speaker has no heart, but the listener has heart.

"Wow, it's so embarrassing. Now that you don't even have a husband, you still dare to have a baby, and you've completely embarrassed us women!" The family member of the pregnant woman next door, an aunt who was out of shape, began to talk.

"Auntie, what happened to the single mother? Did you provoke you? Why is your mouth so stinky? Just because your family buys durians?" Tian Xiaoxiao's good mood was directly spoiled by this aunt.

"You young people's private lives are not clean. If we were in that era, you would be dragged into a pig cage and thrown to death!" the aunt chattered endlessly.

"What's wrong with single mothers? Mothers are also great. Auntie, don't impose your old feudal superstitions on others. We don't know people of the same age as you!" The pregnant woman's innocence was snatched back.

"Do you know what courtesy, righteousness and shame are? You don't even know that? If you talk to these shameless girls, it's like she's a whore and erecting an archway!" The aunt yelled and spit.

"Auntie, who are you calling a whore? I'm really angry. Do you know others? Just talking nonsense, are you happy making up nonsense?" Tian Xiaoxiao was completely angry. If it was called feudal thinking at the beginning, then Now it's downright insulting.

"You bully me, an old man!" The aunt began to rely on the old to sell the old.

Just when Tian Xiaoxiao and Aunt were planning to continue scolding each other, someone came, the people from the news TV station came.

"Hi, I'm a reporter from Chengdu News Station. We want to interview you. How did you save this pregnant woman?" After introducing himself, the reporter began to ask questions.

"When I went to work today, I received this elder sister who sent her to the hospital. I am also very grateful to the traffic police brigade for helping to turn on the red light." Tian Xiaoxiao began to report the whole story, and thanked the traffic police brigade by the way, because this time It's really a force from the traffic police brigade.

"Your voice and eyes look very similar to a star, but you look like a star named Q." The reporter suddenly noticed something.

"I am Q." After Tian Xiaoxiao finished speaking, the atmosphere was once awkward.

"What a surprise, now we are here to interview a pregnant woman, what's your situation?" The reporter even pretended to be calm, and handed the microphone to the pregnant woman again.

"It was just after [-]:[-] this morning. I was at home alone and was about to give birth. I called Didi and mistook this younger brother for a Didi driver. This younger brother was very good at taking me to the hospital, thanks to the traffic police. Comrade." The pregnant woman started to report how she was doing today, and it is customary to praise the traffic police brigade, but it is indeed worthy of praise.

"What about your husband?" The reporter discovered this blind spot, because logically the father of the child should be there.

"I am a single mother. My husband was an anti-narcotics police officer. He passed away during a mission, but my baby and I will always be proud of him." The pregnant woman said with red eyes, she seemed to be about to cry, but because In front of the news station, so you still have to maintain your demeanor.

"I didn't expect it to be such a touching story. Our news station wishes you and your baby good health and pays high respects to your husband." After the reporter finished speaking, he began to salute the pregnant woman.

After the people from the news station left, the aunt ran over to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I'm so confused today, I have no right to scold you at all." The aunt scratched her head, obviously embarrassed.

"Yeah." The pregnant woman didn't say anything, and outside voices might not be that important to her.

"What's Eldest Sister going to do in the future?" Tian Xiaoxiao was already in awe of the pregnant woman.

"I have already given birth to the child. I will work hard to bring up our child. I believe he will be as good as his father in the future." The pregnant woman looked at the child and smiled. This may be the hope given by her husband.

"Sister, I thought of a name that I think can be used for the baby." Tian Xiaoxiao had an idea.

"Say, what's your name?" The pregnant woman was a little curious.

"It's called Lin Tianhui."

"It's such a nice name. It's a pity that the child's father is not here. If he were here, he would definitely praise you in a different way, because his father is a pistachio who likes to praise people very much." Looking at the child, the pregnant woman thought of her husband, and remembered The wedding that was supposed to begin.

"So it's like this? No wonder you are so good-looking, sister, and you will marry your brother!" Tian Xiaoxiao seemed to have imagined from the description of the pregnant woman, that lively and cheerful anti-narcotics policeman who likes to praise others.

"Yeah, I still remember that we met on a blind date for the first time. I never thought that I would see him so pleasingly. He got a certificate with me but he couldn't give me a wedding. He said that he would wait for him to execute it. We will have a wedding after finishing the task, but I didn't wait for him to come back." The pregnant woman said, tears finally couldn't help falling down, she still remembered their past, but now she is left alone .

The greatest sorrow of a person is parting from life and death. Everything that was agreed before was canceled because of an accident. You feel that he is still alive, but he is no longer in this world. You miss him urgently, but time will still erase it. Get rid of the traces of his existence.

The TV in the hospital is suddenly playing a star's new movie, but it's in Taiwan.

Pregnant women cry more and more when they watch their dreams on TV.

"Here, what's wrong with you, big sister?" Tian Xiaoxiao was flustered, and picked up a tissue to wipe her tears.

"Because this celebrity was caught by my husband before, look how good he is now, he can come back after taking drugs, but my husband can't come back." Pregnant women hate drug addicts and drug dealers. People, those people should die.

Tian Xiaoxiao Baidu checked the celebrity.

I found that the star's Weibo was full of insults from fans and passers-by.

Fan: "Our elder brother has become a new man, so you can't let him go anyway? Why are you only arresting him?"

Passer-by: "After taking drugs, he is not worthy of coming back to be a big star to make money. He can be a good man again, but he is not worthy of being a public figure!"

Fan: "But our fans pay him, not what he wants to pay. Even if the money is collected, it is our fans who are not in the circle. You know why, and he is so good at acting, so handsome, and so Young, his acting career can't be ruined like this!"

Passer-by: "Are you sorry for those jealous policemen? You are a drug-addicted entertainer. You think there is nothing wrong. I ask you that drug-addicted entertainers can come back. Can the jealous police be revived? If the anti-narcotics police can come back, your brother will not come back, and will you make money? None of our business!"

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say for a moment, there seemed to be no medicine for regret in this world, looking at the tearful eyes of the pregnant woman, Tian Xiaoxiao had nothing but distress and helplessness.

Take ten thousand steps back.

What would you do if you were a relative of a narcotics cop?
How do you feel.

Can the dead drug police come back?

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