The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 279 Little Idol

Continue to set out to become a little idol!

Tian Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyang's duo is called "love", and they are going to hold a fan meeting again.

Before the start, Xiaoyang and Tian Xiaoxiao went to change their dresses together.

"Q, are you hungry?" Xiaoyang looked at the time and it was already 12 o'clock in the morning, but Tian Xiaoxiao hadn't eaten.

"I'm hungry." Tian Xiaoxiao said aggrievedly holding his stomach.

"I brought the chocolate bar you like!" Xiaoyang took out the chocolate bar from the bag he carried, which was Tian Xiaoxiao's favorite.

"Thank you, Xiaoyang!" Tian Xiaoxiao started to eat without being polite. Tian Xiaoxiao was like a fool when he ate.

"It's fine if you like it, wait a minute and don't quarrel with fans, and don't quarrel with fans who are extreme!" Xiaoyang said with a good voice and Tian Xiaoxiao, because Xiaoyang knows that his boss sometimes likes to quarrel with others Pao, many times next time I will go off in person and tear up with the fans.

"Don't worry, I'm a gentle person, how could I break up with them." Tian Xiaoxiao assured.

The fan meeting started, Tian Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyang were extremely nervous.

"Hello, I'm your fan. I like yours so much. This is what I chose. I hope you two will like it!" The fan took out two necklaces from the gift bag.

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't expect to receive gifts from fans, so he froze in place.

Fans personally put bracelets on Xiaoyang and Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Thank you Ao, nice to meet you, this is for you, but wait until our Q is signed." Xiaoyang took the postcard to sign, handed it to Tian Xiaoxiao, and asked Tian Xiaoxiao to sign.

"Okay, thank you for coming, this is for you, I hope you like it!" Tian Xiaoxiao signed and handed it to the fans.

"Xiaoyang looks really good, we two are girlfriend bracelets!" Tian Xiaoxiao raised his hand, showing off the bracelet on his hand.

"Yeah, that was our group dinner just now, I'm really happy!" Xiao Yang also waved her hand, showing off the bracelet. She was in a good mood today. After all, it must be very nice to be able to meet fans and need gifts. Happy thing.

"Hello, my daughter is a fan of yours. She has been ill recently, so she can't come to your fan meeting." A middle-aged woman who didn't fit in came with a few dolls in her pocket.

Tian Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyang looked at each other, and finally decided to respond politely.

"Auntie, we are really happy that you can come. Please help me tell your daughter that we will always wait for her to come!" Tian Xiaoxiao signed a poster and wrote another sentence: Come on, persist is victory.

Tian Xiaoxiao handed it to Xiaoyang to sign again.

"Thank you and your daughter for supporting us, we are really touched, and hope that next time we have a fan meeting, you and your daughter will come together!" Xiaoyang wrote another sentence after signing, we are waiting for you, Everything will be okay.

Xiaoyang and Tian Xiaoxiao accepted the dolls given by their aunt. One was Doraemon and the other was Pikachu. Pikachu belonged to Xiaoyang, and Doraemon returned to Tian Xiaoxiao.

After the fan meeting was over, Tian Xiaoxiao and Xiao Yang were about to leave, only to find that there were still a group of late fans.

Obviously got on the car outside the door and was about to go to the next stop, but Tian Xiaoxiao got off the car anyway, and Xiao Yang followed.

The fan meeting continues.

After an hour's delay, it was over.

"Q, why do you insist on getting out of the car?" the executive assistant asked Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Because those fans come all the way and I don't want to disappoint them." Tian Xiaoxiao knew that many fans traveled thousands of miles to meet their idols by plane.

After the fan meeting is over, it's time to hit the singing stage.

The host read, "I have invited our idol duo "love" to bring their new song "love". Let us look forward to their performance."

Tian Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyang stood on the dimly lit stage, wearing fancy singing costumes.

Xiaoyang was wearing a sexy yet cute lace little black dress, while Tian Xiaoxiao was wearing a white suit with plaid shorts.

Xiaoyang painted exquisite stage makeup, which made her more and more stunning to the point of anger, while Tian Xiaoxiao wore Japanese-style makeup, just like a deer.

First there was a dance move, Tian Xiaoxiao put his arms around Xiaoyang's waist, and Xiaoyang put his arms around Tian Xiaoxiao's neck, an excuse kiss.

"This world is weird. The two of us are weird and weird. We crossed north and south, crossed sorrow, met you, and stayed with me. Our name is "love"!" Tian Xiaoxiao opened with a rap and sang the whole song field.

"How many times my eyes have been covered by confusion, I have never been sad, because I have you by my side." Xiaoyang picked up a high-pitched voice, like an elf's high-pitched voice.

"The first time I met you, you were super reserved. At that time, I wanted to realize my dream with you. At that time, you were super powerful, just like the super champion in my dream." Tian Xiaoxiao continued to sing, singing and dancing. Kaimai, during this period of time, I also took time to practice dancing with Xiaoyang.

"I love you..." Tian Xiaoxiao began to sing with Xiaoyang.

Tian Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyang's singing stage unexpectedly won the first place in the group for so long.

Tian Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyang got on the podium together.

"I'm very happy to receive this award, more because of the fans' support and love, and Q's constant company. I hope you don't forget us!" Xiaoyang smiled happily after finishing speaking, and handed the microphone to Give Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoyang and I really never thought that the two of us could win the first place. Wen felt that it would be good not to embarrass everyone and not make everyone hate our singing and dancing, but I am still very happy to receive this award. It feels like we are one step closer to our dream!" Tian Xiaoxiao now has another dream, to make Xiao Yang popular all over the country and become a super, super powerful idol.

After winning the trophy, Tian Xiaoxiao drove Xiaoyang home.

"Good sister, thank you!" If Xiaoyang used to call Tian Xiaoxiao good boss, now she called Tian Xiaoxiao good sister because she already knew Tian Xiaoxiao was a girl, but Tian Xiaoxiao asked her to keep it a secret.

"What are you thinking? We won this award not because of me alone, but also because of your hard work, so we can get this award." Tian Xiaoxiao thinks that the best little idol is Xiaoyang.

"Little sister, there is actually something I want to tell you." Xiaoyang hesitated to speak, which made Tian Xiaoxiao at a loss.

"What's wrong?" Tian Xiaoxiao thought maybe something happened.

"Actually, Cao Wen and I are together, but he wants to break up with me recently, because we got too close, and he misunderstood." Xiaoyang didn't have time to tell Tian Xiaoxiao about it during this time, and it was hard Now that you are free, just talk.

"You explain to him, we are just a cooperative relationship, this makes you unhappy, and I am really unhappy." Tian Xiaoxiao didn't expect that Cao Wen would be misunderstood. In fact, he was right, which man He could accept his girlfriend singing and dancing on stage with other men, so Tian Xiaoxiao understood very well.

"It's okay. I broke up with him in a message. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't want a career just to fall in love. I know that idols can't fall in love. In fact, a large part of the breakup is because he didn't listen to my explanation, he refused Believe me when I say that you and I are just a cooperative relationship, then forget it, I don’t need to give up being an idol and an idol for him, I am an artist, my youth is for the stage and fans, not for the object.” Xiao Yang After finishing these words very flatly, it seemed that she didn't really care about that relationship. In fact, she had cried many times behind her back.

"Just think about it. You are still young. When our group becomes popular, when our group hits the entire market, you will play solo. Who can live with money and dreams." Tian Xiaoxiao originally wanted to comfort Xiaoyang again A few words, but found that Xiaoyang was so calm, so there was nothing to say.

In fact, Tian Xiaoxiao thinks that Xiaoyang is very powerful, he can cut through the mess quickly, instead of entanglement, people who don't understand you don't want it.

Most of the time, life is in the process of choosing. If you choose to be an idol and an idol on the stage, then you must lose something. Yes, sometimes you can’t have both with love.

But you have to see which one is your favorite.

Xiaoyang belongs to the one who is not very greedy. She can give up love for her dream, instead of being entangled like some people who want love and career.

And Cao Wen didn't listen to Xiao Yang's explanation at all.

Many times, if you don’t listen to the explanation, it means that there is no trust between the two people. There is no love without trust. If you don’t listen to the explanation, you will have no way to understand each other. .

Instead of saving and entanglement, it is better to let go of everything and live for yourself. After all, love is only an elective course in life for people, not a compulsory course. The compulsory course for people is how to live decently, have confidence, and dream.

The most fearful thing about the relationship between two people is that a wolf is coming, because what a wolf eats is the trust of two people, and the attachment of two people to each other.

When you no longer trust me, then even if everything I say is true, it may be nothing more than a wolf in your eyes, and then those old vows have become jokes after tea and dinner.

Stop losses in time, live hard, everything is bearish.

Tomorrow will be a beautiful day, the sun will caress your face, the moon will climb up to kiss your forehead, the wind will sing to you, and the flowers will bloom for you.

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