"You idiot, I asked you to shoot, but you refused to shoot me. If one day I kill you and suck your blood, you deserve it." Dahl didn't know how he met such an idiot junior, so true The will believe that vampires are good.

"Then when you bite me, I will definitely shoot, because I am a vampire hunter." Tian Xiaoxiao put away the gun with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, we are vampire hunters. Since you have never sucked human blood and hurt others, then we will act as if we have done nothing, but this little girl is guilty." Tian Xiaoxiao first apologized to the adult vampires, He turned his attention to the little girl again.

"I bite people voluntarily. If you want to catch me, catch me, don't catch my parents." The little girl looked like one person was doing things and the other was being responsible. It seemed that she had already thought about the consequences.

"It's good to have the courage to admit your mistakes. Since you bit him, I'll pull out your teeth to prevent you from committing crimes next time."

"This...isn't arresting our children for research." Two adult vampires knelt on the ground, they were always in fear, because even if they didn't suck blood, they might be wiped out by vampire hunters, but Tian Xiaoxiao didn't catch them.

"Then I'm going to pull out my teeth!" Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly wanted to laugh when he saw the little girl going to die righteously, Tian Xiaoxiao gave Dahl the pliers.

"If I see you sucking human blood again, then my gun will definitely be aimed at you." Dahl threw away the pliers, he really didn't care about making trouble with the children.

Tian Xiaoxiao and Dahl left the vampire's house.

"This is for you. You will be the most powerful vampire hunter in the future." Dahl took off the white tuxedo on his body, and now he is no longer worthy of this honor.

"Aren't you going back to the headquarters? Why are you giving me the clothes? You are the most powerful vampire hunter. I'm just an ordinary human being and I don't deserve the clothes. Is this your glory?" Tian Xiaoxiao is not in the mood to be the strongest vampire hunter, she is just an ordinary chairman of a certain group and a debut artist, she has no idea about eliminating vampires at all.

"Then don't you think it's funny? The most powerful vampire hunter turned out to be a vampire, and everyone will laugh at me. I don't deserve this suit at all, and I don't deserve to be a vampire hunter at all." Dahl threw away the gun, He was determined to feel that he was not worthy of being a vampire hunter.

"That's not the case. Even vampires can be vampire hunters, because there are good and bad people, and there are good and bad vampires. As vampire hunters, we are going to hunt those bad vampires." Tian Xiaoxiao Picking up Dahl's gun, Dahl will always be the most powerful vampire hunter in her heart.

"You really know how to joke, even if you look at me like this, how will those people look at me, they will only laugh at me." Dahl put a white tuxedo on Tian Xiaoxiao, Dahl spread his wings and flew to the clouds.

Tian Xiaoxiao took the feather that fell from Dahl's wing, with the address written on it, it was actually at the headquarters, and now she was going to rescue Ye Zhe.

But when Tian Xiaoxiao came to the headquarters, he found that there were no guards outside the door, and there was no sound of anyone talking. Tian Xiaoxiao felt that something was wrong.

Tian Xiaoxiao walked into the gate and found that the vampire hunters were lying on the ground without breathing, and there were two holes in their necks, which were obviously bitten by vampires.

"What's going on here? Everyone is a vampire hunter and can't be defeated so easily. What kind of vampire is so powerful? But everyone's mobile phone has its own siren. Why didn't the siren go off? What's going on? "Tian Xiaoxiao really couldn't figure it out, the more she walked in, the more vampire hunters fell down.

Suddenly someone pulled Tian Xiaoxiao's trousers.

Tian Xiaoxiao looked down and saw that it was the researcher, and hurriedly helped the researcher up.

"Let's go...the leader...is a blood sucker..." After finishing speaking, the researcher closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

Tian Xiaoxiao's gun fell to the ground, what a ridiculous thing, the leader trusted by hundreds of vampire hunters is actually the real vampire.

These self-righteous vampire hunters turned out to be full of demonic food behind them, and their leader took advantage of their justice.

Tian Xiaoxiao wanted to leave, but she couldn't because Ye Zhe was still inside waiting for her to rescue him.

Tian Xiaoxiao remembered the phone...

"If the brat is in trouble, just turn on the phone and click this app, and I will know you are in danger, and I will come." Dahl explained at the beginning.

"Okay!" Tian Xiaoxiao was still thinking at that time, I am physically strong, I can protect myself well, how could I not protect myself well, I need you?

Tian Xiaoxiao stepped over the corpse and saw a pile of crystal coffins, the leader of the vampire hunter standing in the middle.

"Stinky boy, I thought you wouldn't come, but I didn't expect you to come anyway, aren't you afraid that you will die?" At this time, the leader in the black tuxedo no longer wore a black mask, and now he showed his face Two fangs.

"Give me back my friend, set these innocent vampires free, and bring back the life of the vampire hunter!" Tian Xiaoxiao shot the leader, but the bullets had no effect on the leader.

"It's ridiculous. I gave you the guns for each of you. Do you think this bullet will be useful to me?" The leader laughed wantonly. There are thousands of tubes connected to his hands. It is the source of his strength.

"What on earth do you want?" Tian Xiaoxiao dropped the useless gun, picked up the dagger he had always carried with him, and pointed it at the leader.

"What do I want to do, I use the absolute justice of you garbage, some of you are for money, some of you are for justice like the fool Dahl, to help me hunt vampires, let me change from the lowest level of vampires to the highest level Vampires, thanks to you idiots, I want this world to become a vampire empire and I am the emperor!" In the eyes of the leader, everyone and vampires are pawns.

"Go to hell——" Tian Xiaoxiao approached the leader with a dagger and stabbed it into the leader's heart.

"I said that I am the strongest vampire, what do you think your ordinary knife is good for? I am integrating my energy now, wait for you to die quietly." The leader smiled The meaning is getting stronger and stronger.

Tian Xiaoxiao began to look for Ye Zhe in the crystal coffin, and when he finally found it, he picked up a stone and threw it at Ye Zhe's crystal coffin, but when Tian Xiaoxiao smashed Ye Zhe's crystal coffin, Ye Zhe woke up the first time The first thing is to throw her down.

But this time Ye Zhe still didn't say anything.

"Ye Zhe, I will take you away." Tian Xiaoxiao got up, wondering why Dahl hadn't come yet, she couldn't deal with vampires by herself.

"You are such a complete idiot." Ye Zhe smiled when he saw Tian Xiaoxiao, and he knew that this idiot would definitely come to save him.

"Have you had enough reminiscing about the old days? Then it's time for me to start performing." The leader smiled charmingly, flashed to Tian Xiaoxiao's side, and grabbed Tian Xiaoxiao's neck.

"Let go—" Ye Zhe went up to bite the leader, but was kicked away by the leader.

Just at the very moment, Dahl suddenly appeared like a god descending from the earth, holding a cross and inserting it into the leader's body.

Tian Xiaoxiao fell to the ground, frightened with difficulty, and went to check on Ye Zhe.

"Ye Zhe, are you alright?" Tian Xiaoxiao checked Ye Zhe's injuries.

"I'm fine, just hide behind me. Although I'm not a powerful vampire, if they want to hurt you, they should step on my dead body." Ye Zhe stood up, protecting Tian Xiaoxiao behind him, Even if he wasn't a powerful vampire, he wouldn't hurt Tian Xiaoxiao.

"I didn't expect you to come back and become a vampire. My most trusted person, the most powerful vampire hunter turned into a vampire. It's so funny." The leader mocked Dahl.

"The most trashy vampire will form the most powerful vampire hunter. It's true and funny. I can see clearly now that you set up this team just to let us be dazzled by justice and work for you. Let Those vampires have become your nourishment, I didn't expect you to become so greedy that you would even hurt your vampire hunters." Dahl opened the holy water he got from the church in the early years and poured it on the leader, this time even if he died To destroy this real demon.

"Do you think these things can deal with me? It's really funny. When you believe in the justice I give, you are doomed to join Satan. Do you think you are innocent? How much blood of innocent vampires are on your hands? Now being my nourishment is your best destination, and you people will not believe in those hypocritical justice in your next life, this is not the justice that others say, and justice is not the justice you see."

The leader had no time to fight with Dahl anymore, so he swung a few kunai in his hands, stabbing Dahl's heart, hands and legs, making Dahl unable to move.

Tian Xiaoxiao picked up the real gun on Dahl's body and fired directly at the leader, but the effect was minimal.

"You trash weapon, can you hurt me?" The leader grabbed Tian Xiaoxiao's neck with a teleportation, about to bite.

At this moment, Ye Zhe picked up Tian Xiaoxiao's dagger and threw it over, miraculously cutting the leader's mouth and teeth.

Tian Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to escape, and pulled out the Kunai from Dahl's body, but Dahl could no longer walk at this time.

"Q, there is a super serum in the laboratory, you can find it, it can deal with all vampires, even the leader can be eliminated." Dahl said in Tian Xiaoxiao's ear, and Dahl spat out a mouthful of blood after speaking.

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