The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 241 KFC and Roujiamo

It was a familiar home, familiar people.

Even the bed she was lying on now was still the same as before, without a trace of yellowing or oldness, and even the quilt was the familiar broken flowers from before.

This is their old house, a small but cozy place.

"Stupid child, you have a fever and talk nonsense." His father sat next to Lin Muxing and took care of Lin Muxing, with the medicine that had been soaked in his hand.

"I know you are afraid of hard things, so I bought the granule specially for you, get up and drink it." Father blew on the hot potion and fed it to Lin Muxing.

Lin Muxing took the medicine and always felt that everything in front of him was like a dream.

For Lin Muxing, the most regrettable thing in his life is that he participated in a national composition competition in the second semester of his first year of high school, and missed the time to accompany his father. His father was ill and was afraid of affecting Lin Muxing's competition, so the whole family Without telling Lin Muxing, when Lin Muxing came back with the first prize, his father was already gone.

But it's time for a change.

"Lin Muxing, my mother told you that your teacher told me that you can participate in the composition competition, which is really good news!" The mother ran over excitedly and told Lin Muxing and his father the news.

"Wow, our family Lin Muxing is very good. I don't know what prize I can win when I will participate in the competition!" My father was very happy when he heard the news, just as excited as he was back then.

But this time Lin Muxing chose to refuse, which was originally something to be happy about, but now it has become the culprit of that year.

"I'm not going. I don't like writing essays. I'm not interested in essay competitions. I'm not going anywhere. I just want to stay by your side." Lin Muxing didn't want to lose his father because of this essay competition.

"Do you understand or not? The teacher told you to go, so you can go. It's for your own good. It's a matter of honor for our family. Can you stop being so ignorant? I was kind of for you I'm happy, but you're doing this now!" The mother's face turned ugly in an instant, and her mother had strict requirements on Lin Muxing since she was a child.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to go, and I can't go either." Lin Muxing pursed his lips, maybe this is an opportunity to change history?
"You unfilial son, this is all for your own good. I let you go. Am I hurting you? I am doing this for your own good. I want you to get extra points in the exams in the future. For your future Also to win honor for our family, can you not be like this, I want you to be talented so much, but you actually treat my heart like a donkey's liver and lungs!" Mother slapped her, and her temper has become more and more irritable due to financial problems these years.

Lin Muxing was beaten silently, it was still the old home, that dark home, but when his father passed away, Lin Muxing's heart hurt very much.

Lin Muxing hadn't seen Tian Xiaoxiao for half a year at this time, so it could be regarded as parting ways.

In the first semester of the first year of high school, he was actually in the same school as Tian Xiaoxiao, but later, his mother found a better school through his relationship, plus that time.Tian Xiaoxiao had someone else in his heart, so he left without saying goodbye.

"Don't beat the child. He is good enough. If you let him study hard, he will study hard. If you let him transfer to another school, he will transfer. If he doesn't want to go, don't go." The father snatched the whip from the mother. , earnest persuasion.

His father was a ray of sunshine in Lin Muxing's unhappy childhood. Although his father was still on his mother's side most of the time, compared to his mother, his father was considered reasonable.

"Forget it, just follow him, and see if you have harmed him then." Mother also stopped persecuting Lin Muxing.

Lin Muxing remembered where his father's medical records were kept, and hurriedly got up to look for them.

"Where are you going, Lin Muxing? Kneel down for me honestly!" The mother saw Lin Muxing who was about to run away at a glance.

"I'm going to the toilet." Lin Muxing turned his head and said, and then left, he was calmer than before, at least he would talk back before, but now he can't.

I found the medical records in the cabinet in my father's room, and the name on the real estate certificate was actually Lin Muxing. It turned out that my parents had planned to leave the house to him.

Lin Muxing hugged the medical records and walked out, looked at his father and said, "Dad, why didn't you tell me that you were sick? I don't want to participate in any composition competition, I just want to be with you..."

Father knew that sooner or later Lin Muxing would know about his illness, but he didn't expect Lin Muxing to know so soon.

When my father got the medical records, he cried unmanly, "How could I, oh, my children are only in their teens and haven't grown up yet. My wife can't live without me, and my family can't live without me." Ah... can the doctor help me?"

But the doctor said that at present, only conservative medicines can be used for treatment, and surgery may be necessary at that time. The success rate of surgery is only 50.00%, and my father dare not take this risk.

Lin Muxing didn't dare either. Lin Muxing heard from his mother back then that his father didn't survive the operation.

"Lin Muxing, how did you know?" Father's pupils were full of panic, he no longer knew how to face Lin Muxing, could Lin Muxing accept the fact that he might leave this world?

"I found it when I was looking for something one day. Dad, why didn't you tell me that you were sick? Dad, I just want to be with you." Lin Muxing said while wiping away tears. This body seems to be too young to be affected. Can't help crying.

Father was silent.

"Your father just hopes that you don't have too much psychological burden. You are still young and there are many things you don't understand. There is no need to let you know about this." Mother wiped the tears falling from Lin Muxing's face. In fact, mother sometimes It can also be very gentle, but most of the time Lin Muxing can't accept his mother's love.

What Chinese parents like most is: I am doing this for your own good.

Lin Muxing chose to stay with his father and did not participate in any composition competition.

In fact, all everyone wants is:
"The old man is not alone in loving his relatives, not only in his sons. So that the old will be able to die, the strong will be useful, the young will be strong, and the widows, widows, lonely and sick will all be supported."

The day before my father entered the operating room, it was a Saturday.

Lin Muxing is still sitting on the exercise book bought by his mother.

"Lin Muxing, don't make papers. Mom and Dad will accompany you to eat KFC. That's what you wanted to eat most when you were a child. In a blink of an eye, you haven't eaten that food for five years." The mother changed her stern look, a little more The brilliance of motherhood is like water.

"But mom, you bought me the exercise book, and the questions on it haven't been finished yet." Lin Muxing still didn't stop writing in his hand.

"Dad is going to have an operation tomorrow, so let Lin Muxing go out to play with Dad. The three of us haven't gone out for a long time." Father came over and took Lin Muxing's pen and exercise book, and put them aside.

Lin Muxing thought about it and decided to go. The three of them walked together all the way to KFC.

When Lin Muxing was still called Lin Xiahua when he was in elementary school, he saw KFC KFC on TV. His classmates all said that KFC was delicious, but Lin Muxing never went there once.

"Mom, I want to eat KFC. It's the KFC on TV. All my classmates have eaten it, but I haven't eaten it. I want to eat it too." Lin Muxing pulled his mother who was cooking, and pointed to the one on TV. The advertisement broadcast, which is playing KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken.

"What to eat, Lin Xiahua, you don't learn how to compare yourself with others at a young age. Do you have to eat after they have eaten it? These are all junk food, why waste that money and eat them at home? It's cheap. And healthy." Mother shook off Lin Muxing's hand disapprovingly, and put a bowl of mung bean soup on the table.

Dad came back from get off work just in time for dinner.

"What's wrong with Lin Xiahua? He was so angry that he didn't eat." The father noticed that Lin Muxing didn't eat much, and he held the chopsticks and didn't move his hands the whole time.

"Dad, I want to eat KFC, the one on TV, but my mother won't give it to me, but I want to eat it if all my classmates have it." Lin Muxing complained to his father in an aggrieved tone.

"Isn't it KFC? When you get [-] points in the test, mom will take you to eat." Mother promised.

Lin Muxing believed it, because the adults said that you can't lie.

As a result, when Lin Muxing happily returned with [-] points in the test, the adults would actually lie to others.

"Mom, I got [-] points in the test!" Lin Muxing happily took out the test paper from his schoolbag, overjoyed that he would definitely be able to eat the KFC he wanted this time.

The next day Lin Muxing waited for Roujiamo.

"You lied, this is not KFC's hamburger!" Lin Muxing cried, obviously he was deceived.

"Aren't they all the same? The one on TV, that is, the meat inside the two steamed buns is the same. It's not bad to buy it for you, and you care about so much." Mother knocked Lin Muxing's head in disapproval. Mother thought KFC's hamburger It's almost the same as Roujiamo.

Thoughts drifted back to the present.

"Lin Muxing, eat quickly, this is specially ordered for you by your mother." Father patted Lin Muxing who was in a daze.

"Really? Thank you, Mom and Dad." Lin Muxing rarely stretched his smile.

"I'm sorry, when you were a child, you got 100 points in the test, and your mother went to fool you with Roujiamo, because at that time the family conditions were not good, so she was not willing to spend that money. Now that you are older and the family conditions are better, I will bring you here. Eat." My mother drank the milk tea that she had been reluctant to part with for a long time, she used to want Lin Muxing to be a good child, but Lin Muxing was a good child before she knew it.

The mother's apology was like a warm current pouring into her chest. It turned out that the mother would bow her head and admit her mistakes. It turned out that she was only doing it for the good of her own child.

"It's okay, I've forgotten all the unpleasant things before." Lin Muxing is ridiculously sensible, even more sensible than he used to be, because he knows how to cherish after losing.

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