The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 218 Sense of Crisis

Tian Xiaoxiao's company's top-secret information, a total of, has not yet released product design drafts, and plans to cooperate in the next step, and even the company account password, and even the company's account book.

Ye Zhe chose to call the police immediately, but Xia Ren was still not caught.

Soon Tian Xiaoxiao Group's public relations crisis immediately appeared.

Competitors released the same product before Tian Xiaoxiao. If Tian Xiaoxiao chooses to postpone the release at this time, this product will be plagiarized by others, but if this product succeeds, it will face hundreds of millions of dollars. loss.

"Dong Q, what should we do now? A large number of people have paid deposits for our company's products." The manager said with a sad face.

"You advertised that our business secrets have been leaked, and you are offering a reward of 20 yuan. I hope everyone can help you find similar products in the market." Tian Xiaoxiao hopes to use the method of offering rewards to imply that competitors are copying.

"Director Q, something happened! Our company is blocked!" The director ran over in a hurry.

Soon a large number of reporters surrounded the gate of Tian Xiaoxiao's group headquarters, because Xia Tian even published the chat records between Tian Xiaoxiao and Tang Tang on his mobile phone.

"Q, I heard that you were actually with Ms. Tang Tang. Is it true? But why did you deny your relationship with Miss Tang Tang at the beginning?" The reporter asked about the relationship between Daotian Xiaoxiao and Tang Tang.

"I want to know why, you all like to pay attention to other people's emotional life so much, don't you have anything else to write about?" Tian Xiaoxiao changed her previous appearance of always asking questions, she is now in a state of desperation, how can she be in the mood to write? Deal with these gossip reporters.

"So, you are acquiescing to have a relationship with Miss Tang Tang? I heard that you planned to marry Miss Tang Tang before, is it a third party involved?" The reporter seemed to be deaf, ignoring Tian Xiaoxiao's wishes Doubt to interview.

"May I ask if you heard me clearly? I don't want to answer these questions. I don't think it's really interesting. It's been so long, so there's no need to delve into it. I'm really bored." Tian Xiaoxiao Still trying to make her tone sound less angry, she was already trying to speak to this reporter in a friendly tone.

"Actually, if you refuse to answer these questions, it is equivalent to doing ten things. In other words, you are a scumbag, and you once fell in love with Miss Tang Tang, but you refused to admit it, and even a third party stepped in. "Reporters have already started to figure out what the headlines will be tomorrow, entertainment reporters like them are purely No. 1.

Just when Tian Xiaoxiao was in a dilemma, a red-faced Ferrari drove up. It was a familiar car.

A woman in red got off the red Ferrari, she was the most beautiful existence in the entertainment industry, she was the most stunning beauty, but she has always outshone other female stars since her debut.

She is tall, she never takes anyone seriously, but there have always been some people who like her because she is good-looking.Because she is a real rich star.

That person is Tang Tang me.

"I hope that my emotional life and Mr. Q's emotional life will not attract too many people's attention. I am really annoying. You can just pretend that this has never happened. It was my unrequited love for Q at the beginning. Mr. Q has never liked me." Tang Tang said to those entertainment reporters, she looked at the person she hadn't seen for a long time, her Zhao Ritian was still the same Zhao Ritian, but Zhao Ritian was not her Zhao Ritian.

Tian Xiaoxiao never thought that Tang Tang would come back, let alone be rescued by Tang Tang. At this moment, Tian Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say.

Time seemed to have stopped suddenly, Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Tang Tang's pretty face, which made her deeply miss, Tang Tang seemed to be a little taller than before, but she was still the unruly, self-willed, high-ranking young lady.

But I don't know why, such a Tang Tang makes Tian Xiaoxiao feel sorry, maybe that cute Tang Tang who loves to act like a baby, who will be happy for a long time because of a little thing, only appears in Zhao Ritian's eyes.

But Tian Xiaoxiao is not Zhao Ritian forever, Zhao Ritian is just a false bubble after all, Tang Tang was crying and begging her when we met last time, now he seems to take everything lightly.

"I didn't expect Miss Tang Tang to come here this time. Okay, since Miss Tang Tang has also spoken, we have nothing to ask. After all, your father runs the largest newspaper, and we small newspapers dare not write about you. .” When the group of reporters saw what Tang Tang said, they dispersed.

When we met again, Tang Tang became flat and gentle.

"Zhao Ritian, long time no see." Tang Tang took the initiative to say hello.

"Tang Tang, long time no see." Tian Xiaoxiao looked at that pretty face, who she might never see from now on.

"Compared to seem to have not changed at all, and everything seems to have changed." Tang Tang looked at Tian Xiaoxiao, as if he had become just.In the past, it was Zhao Ritian who loved her and treated her well, but now Zhao Ritian seems to be gone.

"Maybe." Tian Xiaoxiao said awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Did something happen to your company? And when was our chat record sent out?" Tang Tang ate the melon of Tian Xiaoxiao himself from Weibo. Hearing that Tian Xiaoxiao was surrounded, he came here specially save.

"My mobile phone fell into someone else's hands, so our chat history was turned over." Tian Xiaoxiao didn't look into Tang Tang's eyes the whole time. Tian Xiaoxiao was afraid of seeing Tang Tang's eyes, afraid that he would Can't help but dodge Tang Tang's eyes, because it seems that in their relationship, Tian Xiaoxiao is actually a liar.

"It's been so long, and I still keep it. Is it because I am reluctant to delete it or what?" Tang Tang's tone was a little humorous.

"It's not that I'm reluctant to delete it, it's just that I don't think it's necessary. I'm lazy." Tian Xiaoxiao is actually reluctant to delete it, but she refuses to admit that he never deletes the WeChat messages of people he cares about.

"Then why is your mobile phone password still in my name?" Tang Tang took out a mobile phone from his bag, and that was the mobile phone that Tian Xiaoxiao had taken away by Xia Tian.

"Why is my mobile phone where you are?" Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Tang Tang and his lost mobile phone in surprise. Could it be related to Tang Tang?
"Xia Tian is my cousin. This is what I held in my hand when I saw him chatting with my dad." Tang Tang answered Tian with a smile in his eyes.

"So what's the situation now?" Tian Xiaoxiao took the mobile phone Tang Tang handed over, which was indeed her mobile phone.

"Tell me, why don't you change the power-on password? You tell me this, and I'll tell you." Tang Tang seemed to know if Tian Xiaoxiao had her in his heart. Tang Tang didn't know that her Zhao Ritian was actually Tian Xiaoxiao. I just want to know if I like it or not.

"Is this very important?" Tian Xiaoxiao was annoyed by Tang Tang, thinking that Tang Tang had changed, but it turned out that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change.

"I think it's very important." Tang Tang thinks this is really important to her, as long as everything related to her Zhao Ritian is very important.

That code looks like this...

One day Tang Tang posted it on Weibo and asked the person he likes to use his name as a password.

"Zhao Ritian, I want you to use my name as the password." Tang Tang took Tian Xiaoxiao's cell phone away.

"Why? No need." Tian Xiaoxiao tried to snatch it, but failed.

"I changed everything, you must use it." Tang Tang returned the phone to Tian Xiaoxiao after finishing the changes.

"You really hate me, messing with my things." Tian Xiaoxiao's tone was weak, and he didn't change the password after getting the phone.

"You are all mine, why can't I move." Tang Tang said confidently.

"Because I'm too lazy to change it because I'm used to it. I'm so busy at work so I don't have time to change it. I hope Miss Tang Tang will not be sentimental." Tian Xiaoxiao said coldly, Tian Xiaoxiao doesn't want to be entangled with Tang Tang, Tian Xiaoxiao Xiao was already tired of all that, Tian Xiaoxiao felt that his relationship with Tang Tang was impossible.

Their relationship is not between a man and a woman, but Tian Xiaoxiao once regarded Tang Tang as a good friend, and sometimes he couldn't bear to see Tang Tang going crazy for a Zhao Ritian who didn't exist at all.

The revenge Tian Xiaoxiao wanted has been achieved, but Tian Xiaoxiao is not happy, maybe Tian Xiaoxiao is not a suitable person for revenge at all.

"Okay, I know, everything is my own passion." Tang Tang was very calm this time, not as easy to go crazy as usual.

"Then what exactly did your cousin do? Can you tell me? Now that you're here, you must at least tell me something." Tian Xiaoxiao didn't have time to talk about her relationship. She just wanted to know what business secrets were stolen gone.

"My cousin copied all the original design manuscripts in your mobile phone in summer and poached your customers. That's all he did." Tang Tang replied with clenched fists. She was actually still very unwilling. Why? Will she never be liked? But Tang Tang is much better than before, now she is filming in addition to filming, and plunges into the crew.

"Okay, I see, thank you." Tian Xiaoxiao was about to start thinking about how to deal with all this.

Tian Xiaoxiao turned around and went to the office. By the way, he called Ye Zhe and informed him of the matter.

"Ye Zhe, my phone is back, it was sent by Tang Tang, and Xia Tian is her cousin." Tian Xiaoxiao said calmly.

"Then do you know what he did now?" Ye Zhe was almost unbelievable. He didn't expect that this matter had something to do with Tang Tang.

"Tang Tang said that summer has already cooperated with my client, and even stole all my original product manuscripts." Tian Xiaoxiao said while looking at the computer screen. Manuscripts published by opponents.

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