The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 209 Can You Do It?

Tian Xiaoxiao, who went downstairs to throw out the garbage one morning, suddenly saw her former good sister Cao Ya come out of the hotel holding a man, talking and laughing. She was thinner and more emaciated than before , that is the unstoppable haggardness of heavy makeup.

This might be the punishment Cao Ya deserved, but Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't be happy seeing Cao Ya watching the scenery like this.

"How are you doing recently?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked Cao Ya, whose smile disappeared immediately, Tian Xiaoxiao was still very concerned about Cao Ya's recent situation.

"Thanks to you, my dream of being a star is gone. I'm living a terrible life. Are you happy?" Cao Ya sneered, thinking that everything was just Tian Xiaoxiao's hypocrisy.

"But you can't do these things, you can't sell your body for dirty money. Have you lost your previous pride? How can you trample on your dignity?" Tian Xiaoxiao persuaded earnestly.

"Why can't I do these things? This society laughs at the poor but not at the prostitutes. Is it wrong for me to rely on my beauty, my figure, and my youth to make money? If you didn't force me, then I would be a peacock now. It's a shining female star on the stage, but because of you and I have fallen to the end now, are you watching my jokes now?" Tang Tang seemed to have heard some big joke, and said with a wanton and sad smile.

"Why don't you think about it for yourself? If you think about it like this, the rest of your life is almost ruined. Why didn't you think about it for your younger brother who is a star? Cao Wen is now on the rise in his career. If you are like this, you Doing this kind of behavior outside is equivalent to ruining his reputation and calling back her acting career, because you, Cao Wen, don't have many black fans?" Tian Xiaoxiao took out Cao Ya's younger brother Cao Wen, whom Cao Ya cared most, and hoped that Cao Ya If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about Cao Wen.

"I have severed ties with my brother. What else do you want from me? I have done what I can do for my brother. I can't live my own life well now. How should I take care of him? I care most Isn’t the most beloved younger brother in your hands now? You’ve already made him popular!” Cao Ya no longer cares about her younger brother, he’s doing well now and doesn’t need her to take care of her. This is what Cao Ya has always wanted, and it was finally realized by her younger brother Cao Wen.

"Are you determined to degenerate like this every day in your life and paralyze yourself? Don't you want anything other than money? Do you say that being a star has no other dreams? I didn't destroy you, it was me. You, destroy yourself." Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Cao Ya who had become so depraved that he could even ignore his younger brother, Tian Xiaoxiao's kind persuasion was just pure kindness.

"I destroyed myself, so what does it have to do with you? I am willing to destroy myself, but you are full of hypocrisy. Isn't it your plan that I have today's end? Even if I deserve it, That's my business too. You don't play those tricks with me. Your conscience is your business. How I choose to live my life is my business. Don't force your ideas on me. I'm not what you want You can just say it." Cao Ya growled at Tian Xiaoxiao, she doesn't care about her future at all now, she feels that she has already lost her future.

"Cao Ya..." Tian Xiaoxiao was speechless. The matter of Cao Ya was really none of her business, but wasn't the real driver of this tragedy Cao Ya's inner greed?
"Why are you speechless? Don't you feel guilty and blame yourself now? Do you think I am very miserable with you? Are you just waiting to see my jokes? All of you are watching my jokes , you think I'm very funny, don't you?" Cao Ya hates other people's sympathy, and always feels that those sympathies are sarcasm and malicious.

"Cao Ya, you don't need to waste your youth and trample on your dignity. You can do this kind of thing now only because you are young and beautiful, and those men will bring you a whole body of diseases unless you bring a whole body of money. You It's wrong not to do this kind of thing." Tian Xiaoxiao was still persuading, she knew that even if she persuaded Cao Ya she wouldn't be able to listen, but she could turn around after listening.

"This is my business. I see it through. You are not a man at all. You are Tian Xiaoxiao." The moment Cao Ya entered the prison, she finally realized that everything was the scheme of the long-lost Tian Xiaoxiao. The simple and innocent Tiantian Xiaoxiao from before was able to make her Cao Ya stunned for a while.

"You've got the wrong person. I'm not the one you know. I'm just discussing the matter now. I don't think you really need to be like this. This is the address of my company. If you need it, I will arrange a job for you Anyway, it must be higher than your current job." Tian Xiaoxiao handed a business card from his pocket.

"I don't need your stinky money, get out, I don't want to see you at all, if you don't leave, will you get out early—" Cao Ya tore up the business card and threw it on the ground, and left angrily.

"Why is she so stubborn? She would rather sell her body than work hard. Isn't it so difficult to bow her head? But Cao Ya is already bowing her head when she does this kind of work?" Tian Xiaoxiao picked up the broken piece A pile of paper was thrown into the trash can beside it.

Humans really have no way to fully understand human beings.

Tian Xiaoxiao told Cao Wen about Cao Ya, and a few days later Cao Wen came to ask Tian Xiaoxiao.

"I know the strength of my sister Q Dong. She has always wanted to make her debut, but she made her debut in the past. But the girl group did not develop well, so there was no big hit, and it was hidden behind. She was an actress later, but the directors I don’t like my sister’s face, I want to ask if my sister can make her debut as a trainee or an actress again? That’s my sister’s dream.” Cao Wenwei made a big push, and he still felt the same pain from before. My sister's little boy.

"Cao Wen, I know you love my sister, but your sister is really self-inflicted. You may feel like your sister that I am responsible for this matter, but I have tried my best to make up for my fault. But how should I put it, I think your sister's re-debut is unfair to other artists. It is also a description of the rules of the entire entertainment industry." Although Tian Xiaoxiao felt sorry for Cao Ya's experience, she would not help Cao Ya Ya gets resources or returns to the screen.

This is unfair to the whole society, Tian Xiaoxiao is not even big enough to arrange resources for Cao Ya to make her debut.

"Okay, I get it, but I still..." Cao Ya lowered her head and her eye circles were red, maybe if Tian Xiao joked more seriously, Cao Wen would cry.

"I know you love my sister, but this industry doesn't need your sister, and I really can't bring your sister back to the big screen. Cao Wen, you may be too good to be protected by our company , you don’t know the dangers of society, your sister cut off ties with you at the beginning, it was actually for your own good, and you don’t need to be bad-mouthed by others.” Tian Xiaoxiao handed Cao Wen a tissue to wipe his tears. There is still a long way to go, is it too early for him to explode?In essence, Cao Wen is still a little boy who wants to protect his sister and his family. It can be said that he came for his sister's dream when he debuted, but everyone hurt his sister.

As a result, Cao Wen didn't want to get in touch with the public and even wanted to return to the amateur stage for a while, but Tian Xiaoxiao disagreed, because being a celebrity will be magnified many times even if he is scolded by others, but the celebrity can be said to be huge profits.

"Director Q, why don't you help me give up, I don't think I'm good enough for you, and maybe I just want to be with my family, instead of standing on the stage and listening to other people's criticism of my family." Cao Wen Hetian Xiaoxiao proposed to terminate the contract. Cao Wen actually liked the job very much at first, but after it became popular, he always felt powerless and not as free as he used to be when he was an amateur.

"I won't agree with Cao Wen's matter, because I don't think you should have such an idea at all. There is no such thing as whether you are worthy or not standing here. As long as you can stand here, it means You just deserve it." Tian Xiaoxiao refused to let him go, she expected that if Cao Wen quit the contract and returned to ordinary people, he would be much more unhappy than he is now.

In the past, Cao Wen was so happy when he was an ordinary person, because Cao Ya took all the burdens and troubles on himself, so Cao Wen was so carefree.

But now Cao Wen has a salary that is many times higher than that of ordinary people. When he returns to the hard days before and starts to take care of everything at home, he will definitely miss the brokerage company and miss the stage he once stood on.

Is Cao Wen going back to the hard days before?No, he was just dazzled for a while now, Tian Xiaoxiao only thought that Cao Wen was ignorant, after all, who would have trouble with money?

If you can't make it through now, you must have never experienced the beatings of the society. If Cao Wen has experienced the beatings of the society, you will know how happy he is now.

"Cao Wen, let me tell you, if you want to go back, it's already too late, but if you really go back, you will be gone, and the entertainment industry will have no such person. Now that the competition pressure is so great, you say it's hard for you because An advertisement catches fire. If you go home immediately, your wealth, your status, and your fans will all leave you." Tian Xiaoxiao clarified everything on the bright side.

"Dong Q, I already know what I should do now. I won't quit, and I won't be sorry for the company and your cultivation." Cao Wen was told by Tian Xiaoxiao's call, and he didn't plan to go back at all. , because it is hard to have everything now. If you go back, you will lose everything immediately.

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