After Tian Xiaoxiao went to the toilet, he went out and passed by Lin Muxing's room and found him on the phone.

"Mom, I'm fine. Really, I found a good job in Beijing." Lin Muxing said, but his eyes were red.

Tian Xiaoxiao felt a little distressed, thinking of scolding Lin Muxing and the sales manager of their shopping mall today, so that the sales manager who looked down on people with dog eyes could not come down.

Although Qitian Xiaoxiao helped Lin Muxing out, Lin Muxing would also be fired by the other party at the same time.

Lin Muxing is so good, why should he be hurt? Obviously he did nothing wrong.

Although Lin Muxing said it was fine, Tian Xiaoxiao knew that Lin Muxing still cared about this job very much, after all, it was his first job.

Tian Xiaoxiao received a call from Senior Sister Xiaosong, and Tian Xiaoxiao talked to Senior Sister Xiaosong about Lin Muxing. Tian Xiaoxiao learned from the phone that the boss of the shopping mall where Lin Muxing worked was a friend of Sister Yu.

"Sister Yu, the thing is that I offended the other party because I was too impulsive, and it has nothing to do with Lin Muxing. I hope you can help explain it." Tian Xiaoxiao admitted his mistake sincerely and hoped that Sister Yu could help.

Sister Yu stood up slowly, and said to Tian Xiaoxiao lightly, "Okay, this matter is over, don't blame Lin Muxing, this matter is your fault, we will go to the shopping mall tomorrow and it will be easy to resolve this matter."

Tian Xiaoxiao silently breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and if Sister Yu was willing to come forward and say that this matter could be resolved easily, then the other party's boss would definitely show off Sister Yu's face.

Sister Yu said that she would take Tian Xiaoxiao to meet the other party's boss, Tian Xiaoxiao already knew what she was going to do.

Tian Xiaoxiao felt very indifferent in his heart, didn't he just want Tian Xiaoxiao to apologize, Tian Xiaoxiao thought it over and silently typed up the belly draft in his heart.

Even if the sales manager wants to scold Tian Xiaoxiao and try to save face, that's OK!

Even the sales manager beat Tian Xiaoxiao a few times to get angry, just begging them not to bully and suppress Lin Muxing.

Lin Muxing is so innocent and young, so he is easy to be bullied by old fritters like them.

Tian Xiaoxiao followed Sister Yu all the way downstairs and got into Sister Yu's car.After getting off the car, Tian Xiaoxiao followed Sister Yu to a luxuriously decorated office in the office building of the shopping mall.

The president's sign is hung on the desk in the office. Presumably this is the boss of the shopping mall that Sister Yu is talking about?
In fact, it is really not easy for a public relations lady to be as good as Sister Yu. Is this kind of network available to those vulgar fans like Tian Xiaoxiao who have been in the industry for many years?
Sister Yu knocked on the door, and a manly voice came from inside, and the person inside said, "Please come in."

Sister Yu pushed the door open and walked in. He was not unfamiliar or reserved at all.This office is not particularly big, not half the size of Sister Yu's office, but all the furnishings inside are expensive and from famous masters.

I saw a western oil painting hanging on the wall, and it looked like it was made by a famous artist, because Tian Xiaoxiao saw this painting on TV before, and it is said that it has been auctioned for 200 million.

And the owner of the painting is no longer willing to sell it. It is estimated that Sister Yu's friend is the antique collector who never changes his money.

On a handmade desk made of mahogany, a man in a suit and leather shoes and gold-rimmed glasses was sitting there meticulously reading documents.

"Yu Nian, long time no see." Sister Yu said, her words were still cold.

When the man named Yu Nian in Sister Yu's mouth raised his head and saw the speaker, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Yu Nian immediately stood up and said, "Xiaoyu, why don't you say anything when you come here? You haven't seen each other for many years. Tell me next time you come so I can go out and pick you up!"

It seems that Yu Nian has known Sister Yu for many years. Although Sister Yu doesn't like him very much, he is still very caring and enthusiastic towards Sister Yu.

Tian Xiaoxiao could clearly see the appearance of this man named Yu Nian. He was not particularly old, probably around 30 years old.

His eyebrows are thick, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. Yu Nian looks mature and stable with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

Yu Nian can give people a hearty and generous feeling, and he has the aura of a successful man in the upper class.

"You know you're busy, so you're only here now. It's been a few years since I've seen you." Sister Yu said flatly, with a smile that wasn't real.

Sister Yu and her friend Yu Nian exchanged a few words of politeness and pleasantries, Tian Xiaoxiao looked at how much Yu Nian cared for Sister Yu and saw that they seemed to be on good terms with each other.

After talking for a long time, Sister Yu brought up Lin Muxing's matter in advance. Sister Yu said, "I have something to do with you, you understand?"

"Oh, Xiaoyu, if you have something to do, you can just make a phone call, why bother you to come by yourself." Yu Nian was a little curious, what would make Sister Yu come to see him who hadn't seen him for many years?
"It's none of her business." Sister Yu pointed at Tian Xiaoxiao with a finger.Immediately, Yu Nian's eyes turned to Tian Xiaoxiao, and Yu Nian said lightly, "Who is this little girl? Your virtual girlfriend? What can it do with her? She came here to change jobs?"

Sister Yu nodded and shook her head and said, "Half right, half wrong, I did come to you today because of this little girl, but not to find you to change jobs." Sister Yu turned to Tian Xiaoxiao and said, "Tian Xiaoxiao Ah, this is your Brother Yu Nian, if you have anything to say, you can tell him directly." Sister Yu said with a smile, her words made Yu Nian even more curious and surprised, and Yu Nian kept looking at Tian Xiao laugh.

"Brother Yu Nianyu, right? Hello, my name is Tian Xiaoxiao, and I'm working under Sister Yu now." Tian Xiaoxiao briefly introduced himself, speaking concisely.

"It turns out that you are Tian Xiaoxiao. I heard Xiaoyu always mentioning you. I saw you in real life today. You don't show your face. It's not bad." He patted Tian Xiaoxiao's shoulder gently, and Yu Nian's eyes were full of appreciation.

This made Tian Xiaoxiao a little flattered. He had heard of Sister Yu for more than a year?
There was no trace of disdain in Yu Nian's eyes, but he looked very sincere, as if he had some interest in Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Come and sit, don't keep standing, what do you want to drink? Is coffee okay?" Yu Nian greeted Tian Xiaoxiao very politely, making Tian Xiaoxiao who met him by chance a little at a loss.

Sister Yu looked at all this calmly, and Sister Yu looked at Tian Xiaoxiao with a smile without saying a word.

"Brother Yu, don't trouble you. Actually, today I came to make an apology." Tian Xiaoxiao said straight to the point.

"Here, speak slowly." Yu Nian handed Tian Xiaoxiao a cup of coffee and said familiarly.Yu Nian's enthusiasm is simply beyond Tian Xiaoxiao's imagination. Isn't this level of hospitality available to ordinary people?
Tian Xiaoxiao took Yu Nian's coffee, and Tian Xiaoxiao thought that if he knew later that she scolded his manager and made the manager lose face, he wondered if he would be so enthusiastic towards Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Well, thank you, I just came to apologize." Tian Xiaoxiao said.

"Are you here to make an apology?" Yu Nian was confused by Tian Xiaoxiao, and the second monk looked at Tian Xiaoxiao suspiciously, his face full of surprise.

"The thing is actually like this. I came to Brother Yu's shopping mall yesterday and scolded someone." Tian Xiaoxiao didn't hide anything, and told Yu Nian what happened in detail, which can be called a replay of the plot.

"Brother Yu, it's because I was too impulsive. Anyway, I scolded people first. It's my fault. I'm here today to apologize. You and your subordinates can do whatever you want, and there is absolutely no objection. I just ask you to give my friend Lin Muxing a chance, he is not to blame for this."

While Tian Xiaoxiao was talking, he didn't forget to look at Yu Nian's expression changes. Yu Nian's dark brows were slightly frowned, and the displeasure on his face was obvious, anyone with a discerning eye could see it. There is raging anger in the eyes, which can be said to be unstoppable.

After Tian Xiaoxiao explained what happened, he stood there waiting for Yu Nian to speak, fearing that the matter would never end.

As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Although this analogy is not pleasant, he might not be so easy to tease Tian Xiaoxiao in Yu Nian, right? But he and Sister Yu have been friends for many years, and now it is Tian Xiaoxiao's fault. My sister can't stop him.

Tian Xiaoxiao scolding Yu Nian's people is equivalent to scolding him, that is, not giving Yu Nian face, Tian Xiaoxiao can only ask Yu Nian not to do too much for Yu Nian's face.

But what Tian Xiaoxiao didn't expect was that when Tian Xiaoxiao had nothing to love in life, he felt that he was dead.

Not only was Yu Nian not angry, he even clapped his hands and applauded, "You did a good job and scolded me well. I've heard rumors that Tian Xiaoxiao's sales manager is obscene and likes to hit newcomers. It's just that he belongs to my father and his friend." Son, I have always suffered from lack of evidence. Now that you scold him, you know how to mess with him. Tian Xiaoxiao, don’t worry, Xiaoyu asked you to help you with this matter, and the elder brother will definitely give you an explanation.”

"Thank you, Brother Yu!" Tian Xiaoxiao said happily, like a happy little sparrow.

But in the end, the sales manager who bullied Lin Muxing left in disgrace. Tian Xiaoxiao hurriedly called Lin Muxing and told him that his job was back.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, what's the matter?" Lin Muxing said lazily, as if he had just been woken up by Tian Xiaoxiao's phone call.

"Lin Muxing," Tian Xiaoxiao hurriedly got to the point to make Lin Muxing happy for a while, but Lin Muxing interrupted what he hadn't finished speaking.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you are not to blame for this matter." Lin Muxing thought Tian Xiaoxiao was blaming himself.

"Lin Muxing, listen to me, okay?!" Tian Xiaoxiao got a little angry because of Lin Muxing's interruption, and his tone was not very good.

"Okay... don't be angry, just tell me, and listen." Lin Muxing immediately turned into a puppy, and obediently listened to Tian Xiaoxiao's words.

Tian Xiaoxiao could already imagine Lin Muxing's innocent expression.

"Your job is still there, and the manager has already left." Tian Xiaoxiao said.

"Really? But the sales manager has a background..." Lin Muxing's tone was mixed with excitement, but more doubts and disbelief.

It is common for Tian Xiaoxiao to be unbelievable like Lin Muxing, who told him to be so simple, there are really too few simple and handsome men like him.

"Sister Yu knows the senior management." Tian Xiaoxiao said calmly.

"Then...does this count as going through the back door? Is this unfair to the sales manager?" Lin Muxing asked several question marks in a row. Through the phone, Tian Xiaoxiao could already imagine Lin Muxing's feeling of guilt and embarrassment. Contradictory little expression.

"It's not your fault, it's obviously the manager who asked for it. Why are you suffering? Shouldn't you be happy?" Tian Xiaoxiao said angrily after being made helpless by Lin Muxing.

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